Rounded Apathy

Rounded Apathy

Longing to return to stardust
Aug 8, 2022
So I'm in the "stress-not-eater" camp, which is tricky given I am pretty underweight for my height (5'11 & now 119lbs). Due to some ano-rectal issues I've explained in other posts (my profile should be open should you be curious) I'm also pretty fucking anxious about what exactly it is I eat, given at this point all my experimentation and observation has led me to believe my diet has no greater an impact on that aspect of life than other life events over which I have no control, save possibly for food volume/mass, which is also tricky and an ongoing point of observation. Anyway.

I recently used one of those dumb calorie count thing as I suspected I wasn't eating enough to keep me from actually losing weight, and in general, I'm not, but not far off. But that's on a good day. Others I am absolutely wasting away. I eat a vegetarian diet mostly devoid of animal products altogether (unless they're salvaged or from a direct small producer), so some of the most calorie/macronutrient dense food is already out for me. I find I often feel overly full from what I eat, especially if it has a high water and/or fibre content (both of which I need physically but too much is also a problem...)

This has become something of a ramble but I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to get things going in the other direction. Not so much what to eat in general; I have a solid understanding of nutrition and generally eat things like oats, decent breads, nut/butters, beans, fruit and veggies, healthy oil, etc...more for particular habit changes, meal frequency and/or timing, just ways to make sufficient eating a reality. I'll update or provide more info for context if needed. Thank you in advance 🙇‍♂️
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
I too have issues in digestion. I've found some foods much harder to digest. A lot of vegetables are surprisingly hard to digest. Things like broccoli take a good while. With things like that it's better to cook them until very soft/mushy which is something many wouldn't want. For me, mashed potato (sweet potato too) is good and meals that have mashed potato such as shepherd's pie, fish pie or the like are much friendlier on my stomach than a lot of foods and can contain decent calorific content. There's some decent vegetarian alternatives for filling those sort of tray pies these days. Various pulses are useful. Particularly butter beans, kidney beans and lentils. But they do need cooking well I feel. If you ever had Caribbean rice and peas and liked it I have a great easy recipe I based on that but I use cous cous instead of rice. It's quite calorific but in a good way and it's easy on the stomach.
Ingredients - all selected for ease, speed and convenience.
Cous cous
Fresh coriander/cilantro
Onion (red and/or white)
Coconut oil
Pepper (white is my preference)
Stock cube or concentrated liquid stock. (I like chicken but veg stock works too)
Red kidney beans (they can be bought precooked and ready to go in cartons. These are ideal because they contain juice that had lots of flavour)
1 scotch bonet chilli (optional) (these can be bought and frozen and used straight from the fridge. I find the yellow ones work best anf aren't too spicy, just flavoursome)
Garlic or garlic paste or if you prefer garlic powder is fine too.
Mushrrooms (optional)

Boil kettle and pour boiled water over cous cous to just above fill line. The idea is to avoid fully soaking it because we're going to add some more moisture shortly. It's just to get it started. If using the scotch bonnet pepper then this can go i. Now too and so can a sprig of thyme.
Finely chop an onion, some garlic (if using fresh) and coarsely chop some mushrooms (if using them)
Put a generous spoon of coconut oil in a frying pan with reasonably high walls. High enough to contain the whole of your end meal/cous cous. The coconut oil will add significantly to the flavour of this recipe and replaces coconut milk from the traditional way of making rice and peas.
Warm the oil ready to fry the onions and mushrooms.
Get the onions frying (and mushroom if using them. It's a nice addition but totally optional)
Gently fry the onion (and mushrooms if using them) until they start to get some browing started.
Drop a sprig of thyme in but try not to let it get frazzled. It shouldn't be a problem because we're about to start filling the pan which will cool the oil.
Throw in your chopped garlic or squeeze in your garlic paste. If using garlic powder then that can go in at a later point.
Pour in your cous cous. You will probably need to fluff it up with a fork to get it out the bowl.
Now pour in kidney beans so that you'll have a generous amount (kind of like the ratio of rasins in a fruit cake) and pour in a generous amount of the liquid they're in but bare in mind we're going to add a little stock and we don't want to drown the cous cous, over saturating it. The good thing is that if you go a little too heavy on the liquids you can simmer it off but it's better not to have too. Though I will say that doing that will create more concentration in the flavours.
Now you can throw in your powder garlic if you're using that. Be careful not to over so it.
Now give eveey thing a good stir. We want to fry the cous cous and other ingredients an bit like frid rice however this will have more of a paella consistency due to the liquids and small grained cous cous. It won't be runny but it will be quite moist, thick and rich.
Now it's pretty much done. At this stage it's a case of fine tuning to get it to the consistency you like and to add some stock cube to help round out the flavours. If using liquid stock it might be a good idea to mix it with your red kidney beans and juice and put those in together at the same time.
Now keep frying and let it sit frying just long enough to kind of catchcand brown before stiring and repeating. Do that a handful of times until you feel satisfied with what you're looking at. The smell will have you licking your lips at this point.
You can grab a bowl as it's time to munch.
Dish up and add salt and pepper to taste. If you prefer you can salt it in the pan but save the pepper until you plate up.
Now tear up some fresh coriander/cilantro and throw it on top. You can mix it in a little if you like.
Tuck in and enjoy. This stuff can almost be swallowed with chewing lok. You'll always wish you made more! :))

It's odd. Before this happened I ate so well. Admantly stuck to a balanced diet. However attacking this with the most logically healthy diet judt made things worse so I had to reevaluate. Spinach is pretty good because you can wilt it and mash it into other stuff like potato so you get your protein and macro nutrients. Ironically all those things that are great for you such as nuts and grains can actually be problematic if your digestions in a bad way. I think you have to step back and nurse yourself back to health to be able to then continue eating those things without issue. It was really counter intuitive for me. Especially after years of staunchly turning to those types of things.

Manuka honey! Decent manuka honey can work magic. I've used it to heal rashes on my hands before now. I was a kid and thought it was really odd when my mom made a shealth and wrapped a bandahe around my honey soaked finger. I had this weird condition with all these water welts. My skin was red raw and I could not find a way to fix it even after all the creams at whatever the doc gave me. I think it was from washing up liquid reacting with my skin. Either way, a day with the honey on it and it was well on the way to healing. I was amazed. Since then I've used it for various things but having seen what it did there I figured it must have potential for doing the same for my poor digestion. Turns out theres some scientific explainations for it now but at the time my kids mind thought it was magic lol.

There's also some drinks named fortisip that are given to cancer patients or people with significant digestive problems. They're only small bottles and taste pretty decent. If you ever had nutrament or nurishment drinks it's pretty much like that but with more medically sound vitamins and nutrients in. Kind of like a healthy milkshake lol. You can buy them without prescription. I lost 5 stone in 4 months due to digestive and nervous system issues and those things kept me alive. If you were to drink a coupke of bottles per day on top of basic meals you'd put weight on quite quickly. You can actually live solely on the drinks themselves.

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Avoiding flashing images, epilepsy.
Apr 26, 2020
Hello thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Regards digestive issues, I find as my sleep cycle is way off due to sleep deprivation over several years that I have changed my breakfast habits to a mixture of organic (tasteless) cereal with equal mix of muesli to help me get out of bed sooner.

My average day; with variables

5,15 pm Wake up / (latest now has been 9,20 pm today)
Wash hands (somehow have a greasy film on my hands much of the time, sweat linked maybe)

Gradual wake up while i take my pills and vitamins — beaker ganded to me by house mate

—Cup tea (with house mate) (auto correct nearly made that horse mate :)

5,45 pm breakfast (all the above have been helped my my buddy as kitchen usually too bright for sleepy eyes

7,30 pm / 7,45 come out to the lounge, and have some more vitamins (this is a variable time depending on if im feeling depressed, and since the police stormed my bedroom while I was asleep AND SAID I SHOULD BE GRATEFUL ! this is most likely the mood.
Hyper alert now, and nightmares of being ambushed..

21.00 / 9,00 pm lunch , portion fruit, toasted bagel, cup tea

00,35, light meal

03,40 / variable 04,05 bedtime

—- I am hoping to wind sleep times back, and I know that my circadian rhythm is off.

At the time of writing, my last wash was 4 August, a bath, amd if I'm to wimd these sleep times back before it's cark at 4 pm, I'll not be having another bath until my goal is achieved.
I can't tell you now bad that feels, and my longest time without a wash (only baths, no wash at basin, too exhausted), has been 2 and half months.

Likewise anyone else with these issues please post how you are making your efforts?

Hugs xx 🌷🌷☕☕🌙
So I'm in the "stress-not-eater" camp, which is tricky given I am pretty underweight for my height (5'11 & now 119lbs). Due to some colo-rectal issues I've explained in other posts I'm also pretty fucking anxious about what exactly it is I eat, given at this point all my experimentation and observation has led me to believe my diet has no greater an impact on that aspect of life than other life events over which I have no control, save possibly for food volume/mass, which is also tricky and an ongoing point of observation. Anyway.

I recently used one of those dumb calorie count thing as I suspected I wasn't eating enough to keep me from actually losing weight, and in general, I'm not, but not far off. But that's on a good day. Others I am absolutely wasting away. I eat a vegetarian diet mostly devoid of animal products altogether (unless they're salvaged or from a direct small producer), so some of the most calorie/macronutrient dense food is already out for me. I find I often feel overly full from what I eat, especially if it has a high water and/or fibre content (both of which I need physically but too much is also a problem...)

This has become something of a ramble but I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to get things going in the other direction. Not so much what to eat in general; I have a good amount of nutritional learning and try to eat things like oats, decent bread, nut/butters, beans, fruit and veggies, healthy oil, etc...more for particular foods or combination, meal frequency and/or timing, just ways to make sufficient eating a reality. I'll update or provide more info for context if needed. Thank you in advance 🙇‍♂️

Hi there, have you tried consulting a nutritionist? You don't say where you are but if you can get to one, that could be your best starting point.

Best wishes
SA 🌷
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Rounded Apathy

Rounded Apathy

Longing to return to stardust
Aug 8, 2022
I too have issues in digestion. I've found some foods much harder to digest. A lot of vegetables are surprisingly hard to digest. Things like broccoli take a good while. With things like that it's better to cook them until very soft/mushy which is something many wouldn't want. For me, mashed potato (sweet potato too) is good and meals that have mashed potato such as shepherd's pie, fish pie or the like are much friendlier on my stomach than a lot of foods and can contain decent calorific content. There's some decent vegetarian alternatives for filling those sort of tray pies these days. Various pulses are useful. Particularly butter beans, kidney beans and lentils. But they do need cooking well I feel. If you ever had Caribbean rice and peas and liked it I have a great easy recipe I based on that but I use cous cous instead of rice. It's quite calorific but in a good way and it's easy on the stomach.
Ingredients - all selected for ease, speed and convenience.
Cous cous
Fresh coriander/cilantro
Onion (red and/or white)
Coconut oil
Pepper (white is my preference)
Stock cube or concentrated liquid stock. (I like chicken but veg stock works too)
Red kidney beans (they can be bought precooked and ready to go in cartons. These are ideal because they contain juice that had lots of flavour)
1 scotch bonet chilli (optional) (these can be bought and frozen and used straight from the fridge. I find the yellow ones work best anf aren't too spicy, just flavoursome)
Garlic or garlic paste or if you prefer garlic powder is fine too.
Mushrrooms (optional)

Boil kettle and pour boiled water over cous cous to just above fill line. The idea is to avoid fully soaking it because we're going to add some more moisture shortly. It's just to get it started. If using the scotch bonnet pepper then this can go i. Now too and so can a sprig of thyme.
Finely chop an onion, some garlic (if using fresh) and coarsely chop some mushrooms (if using them)
Put a generous spoon of coconut oil in a frying pan with reasonably high walls. High enough to contain the whole of your end meal/cous cous. The coconut oil will add significantly to the flavour of this recipe and replaces coconut milk from the traditional way of making rice and peas.
Warm the oil ready to fry the onions and mushrooms.
Get the onions frying (and mushroom if using them. It's a nice addition but totally optional)
Gently fry the onion (and mushrooms if using them) until they start to get some browing started.
Drop a sprig of thyme in but try not to let it get frazzled. It shouldn't be a problem because we're about to start filling the pan which will cool the oil.
Throw in your chopped garlic or squeeze in your garlic paste. If using garlic powder then that can go in at a later point.
Pour in your cous cous. You will probably need to fluff it up with a fork to get it out the bowl.
Now pour in kidney beans so that you'll have a generous amount (kind of like the ratio of rasins in a fruit cake) and pour in a generous amount of the liquid they're in but bare in mind we're going to add a little stock and we don't want to drown the cous cous, over saturating it. The good thing is that if you go a little too heavy on the liquids you can simmer it off but it's better not to have too. Though I will say that doing that will create more concentration in the flavours.
Now you can throw in your powder garlic if you're using that. Be careful not to over so it.
Now give eveey thing a good stir. We want to fry the cous cous and other ingredients an bit like frid rice however this will have more of a paella consistency due to the liquids and small grained cous cous. It won't be runny but it will be quite moist, thick and rich.
Now it's pretty much done. At this stage it's a case of fine tuning to get it to the consistency you like and to add some stock cube to help round out the flavours. If using liquid stock it might be a good idea to mix it with your red kidney beans and juice and put those in together at the same time.
Now keep frying and let it sit frying just long enough to kind of catchcand brown before stiring and repeating. Do that a handful of times until you feel satisfied with what you're looking at. The smell will have you licking your lips at this point.
You can grab a bowl as it's time to munch.
Dish up and add salt and pepper to taste. If you prefer you can salt it in the pan but save the pepper until you plate up.
Now tear up some fresh coriander/cilantro and throw it on top. You can mix it in a little if you like.
Tuck in and enjoy. This stuff can almost be swallowed with chewing lok. You'll always wish you made more! :))

It's odd. Before this happened I ate so well. Admantly stuck to a balanced diet. However attacking this with the most logically healthy diet judt made things worse so I had to reevaluate. Spinach is pretty good because you can wilt it and mash it into other stuff like potato so you get your protein and macro nutrients. Ironically all those things that are great for you such as nuts and grains can actually be problematic if your digestions in a bad way. I think you have to step back and nurse yourself back to health to be able to then continue eating those things without issue. It was really counter intuitive for me. Especially after years of staunchly turning to those types of things.

Manuka honey! Decent manuka honey can work magic. I've used it to heal rashes on my hands before now. I was a kid and thought it was really odd when my mom made a shealth and wrapped a bandahe around my honey soaked finger. I had this weird condition with all these water welts. My skin was red raw and I could not find a way to fix it even after all the creams at whatever the doc gave me. I think it was from washing up liquid reacting with my skin. Either way, a day with the honey on it and it was well on the way to healing. I was amazed. Since then I've used it for various things but having seen what it did there I figured it must have potential for doing the same for my poor digestion. Turns out theres some scientific explainations for it now but at the time my kids mind thought it was magic lol.

There's also some drinks named fortisip that are given to cancer patients or people with significant digestive problems. They're only small bottles and taste pretty decent. If you ever had nutrament or nurishment drinks it's pretty much like that but with more medically sound vitamins and nutrients in. Kind of like a healthy milkshake lol. You can buy them without prescription. I lost 5 stone in 4 months due to digestive and nervous system issues and those things kept me alive. If you were to drink a coupke of bottles per day on top of basic meals you'd put weight on quite quickly. You can actually live solely on the drinks themselves.


That's quite the recipe, lol. I think it's actually simpler than the very detailed instructions make it seem to I'll have to give it a go when my brain is more functional. Have pretty weak motivation to cook these days but always good to get a new meal in rotation.

Thanks for the input in any case. I've edited my initial post to indicate that my issues aren't exactly digestive (it's more about the, er...exit door), so sadly a lot of this stuff isn't really pertinent. Abdominal distention to the point of discomfort seems to follow from mainly the amount that I eat too, as opposed to what...Gentle foods are still good so I have already incorporated some of your recommendations. It's mainly the psychological piece I'm working on.

Hello thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Regards digestive issues, I find as my sleep cycle is way off due to sleep deprivation over several years that I have changed my breakfast habits to a mixture of organic (tasteless) cereal with equal mix of muesli to help me get out of bed sooner.

My average day; with variables

5,15 pm Wake up / (latest now has been 9,20 pm today)
Wash hands (somehow have a greasy film on my hands much of the time, sweat linked maybe)

Gradual wake up while i take my pills and vitamins — beaker ganded to me by house mate

—Cup tea (with house mate) (auto correct nearly made that horse mate :)

5,45 pm breakfast (all the above have been helped my my buddy as kitchen usually too bright for sleepy eyes

7,30 pm / 7,45 come out to the lounge, and have some more vitamins (this is a variable time depending on if im feeling depressed, and since the police stormed my bedroom while I was asleep AND SAID I SHOULD BE GRATEFUL ! this is most likely the mood.
Hyper alert now, and nightmares of being ambushed..

21.00 / 9,00 pm lunch , portion fruit, toasted bagel, cup tea

00,35, light meal

03,40 / variable 04,05 bedtime

—- I am hoping to wind sleep times back, and I know that my circadian rhythm is off.

At the time of writing, my last wash was 4 August, a bath, amd if I'm to wimd these sleep times back before it's cark at 4 pm, I'll not be having another bath until my goal is achieved.
I can't tell you now bad that feels, and my longest time without a wash (only baths, no wash at basin, too exhausted), has been 2 and half months.

Likewise anyone else with these issues please post how you are making your efforts?

Hugs xx 🌷🌷☕☕🌙

Hi there, have you tried consulting a nutritionist? You don't say where you are but if you can get to one, that could be your best starting point.

Best wishes
SA 🌷

When I speak to my doctor next (if it ever manages to happen) I may bring up connecting with a dietician, but these things are incredibly slow where I am. Case in point my doc already knows I seriously need some professional mental support and it's been months of waiting in the void with nothing.

Ps - I hope this doesn't seem harsh or inappropriate, but I felt like your post was entirely about a different issue; I want everyone to have space here but would like the thread to be able to stay on topic 🌻
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Whilst I take on board thst your issues aren't so much about your upper GI I will just add a quick suggestion I found helps. Because fwiw I had GI issues upper and 'lower' lol. It wasn't pretty at all. I'm sure you understand. I started drinking kefir often. It's a good inbetween meals helper. Probiotic benefits are translated through the vagas nerve which has a significant impact on our mood and happines. It feeds back feom oir digestive system and that feedback can cause quite a lot of despair when we're in bad shape.

It seems that mayne you're looking for behavioural ideas, is that what you mean by the psychological stuff?

My experience with a dietician was not very good. Having mentioned it to a friend that works in medicine they said this was the standard experience with dieticians. They really just tell yoy what yoy already know. Eat little and often. Eat some things with probiotics. Eat a varied but balanced diet and exercise. There's little eoom foe mitigating circumstances ir issuesm it's quite generic advice. I'd take their job in a flash given the chance.

Probiotics in cultured foods and pickles do have an impact on mood though. Eating little and often and listening to thw feedback from your body is probably the best way to tailor things to your best interests.

Small and often (even if it's just a mouthful now and then) has potential for working your way into a better routine and can be improved on bit by bit because your body will start to expwct food at those times pretty quickly and then you'll feel hunger and be able to eat two mouthfuls. So on and so forth.

Getting on top or anxiety induced fasting is probably a matter of forcing it at first. It's uncomfortable but a means to and end.
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Apr 18, 2022
Maybe try having as much easy/pre-prepared food around as you can manage? I know personally if it's hard to eat then I'm even less inclined to make food so having food be more accessible has the potential to reduce barriers. That also makes it easier to snack throughout the day or eat closer to when you notice you're hungry (again, personally I know that if I put off eating the hunger will fade pretty quickly). If you can, having consistent meal times helps some people? That's not always manageable though.

I'm coming at this more from the perspective of "being too depressed or not caring enough to eat", but hopefully some of it is applicable.
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Rounded Apathy

Rounded Apathy

Longing to return to stardust
Aug 8, 2022
Maybe try having as much easy/pre-prepared food around as you can manage? I know personally if it's hard to eat then I'm even less inclined to make food so having food be more accessible has the potential to reduce barriers. That also makes it easier to snack throughout the day or eat closer to when you notice you're hungry (again, personally I know that if I put off eating the hunger will fade pretty quickly). If you can, having consistent meal times helps some people? That's not always manageable though.

I'm coming at this more from the perspective of "being too depressed or not caring enough to eat", but hopefully some of it is applicable.

Today I got a "weight gainer" powder which, unlike protein, has a bunch of carbs for actual calories - more of a meal in a glass. It's chocolate like my protein, so will try to add a banana and peanut butter to it and see how it goes. Not as easy as just shaking which I'll likely try too, in case it's not terrible!
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Making food you like is important if you're going to get yourself to eat. There's one particular dish that gets me eating like no other, without it I eat like once a week
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Jun 17, 2022
I second manuka honey, extra virgin organic coconut oil, and probiotics. I also drink a ton of kombucha.
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