

I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
Reading through the twitter fe3d of fix the 26 one can see a very simple minded set of bullying and crowd-hype techniques being used. The first is attacking the "leaders" on this site which really aren't leaders, they are moderators and administrators. But since this site is set up as a loose unorganized conglomerate, there really is no way to simply attack a cloud so they have to define a leader and use rhetoric to state that there are leaders. My recommendation is to not respond at all and ensure they understand that there is a set of rules, content moderators and zero leadership and then completely stop responding. Give them no one to call out or act as leaders. Be completely silent and give them no one to threaten and no one to connect as leadership.

The second technique is to label with statements that cause revulsion. This is a technique used by very feeble minded individuals who often border on just barely above learning disability. Actually that's not true but what I just did caused your mind to think about the fix the 26 group in this mindset. What they have done and you can see it is to choose a single set of words such as "death cult" and then use it over and over again claiming that something "fits a definition" and then repeat this phrase designed to label and elicit a revulsion. You can see it in the last four or five twitter posts "Death Cult" then some put of context posting. The way to fight this is to never, ever respond. What this does is to make their echo chamber the only part that talks about something like death cults or pedophiles or incels and without the rest of the world caring or even hearing their psychological trick they become less and less relevant.

Basically, their only goal is to shut this site down. They state this so we can take that as their true cause. There is zero discussion. They will not debate mental health, they will not discuss pro life vs euthanasia hard topics because there is only one single, solitary way to think of this topic to them. If they acknowledge that anyone is going through significant pain and conventional therapy isn't working for that person then their views that "my son-daughter was happy, joyous and filled with nothing but love until they stumbled into a dark website" are not resolute.

My advice is to let their cries be inside of that echo chamber because their tactics are truly at the level of the schoolyard bully that often causes the depression leading people to consider suicide.
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Dec 20, 2020
They are just hurting because of the death of their loved one. It's easier to blame this site than themselves for noticing 'the signs' or whatever other bull shit.

They will run out of steam eventually. The ones they lost valued this place and for some it was their only solace. They need to understand that, which they will when the denile fades.

You are correct. Don't give then any airtime in posts. Pretend they don't exist and let them work through their grief.

It's hard to accept that your not enough for someone to live for, trust me I've been there. Them blaming us is a process that will pass.

Nice to meet you btw, hope your having an easy day x
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Jan 18, 2021
I really feel sorry for their children and, in a way, for them too. I also understand that, realistically speaking, most people would have a negative view of this virtual space. What really bothers me is that condemning the freedom of discussing suicide doesn't come from a place of reflection and grief. It seems to be coming from fear and denial.

"When the sage points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger" applies perfectly to the whole fixthe26 situation. People come here because they want a safe place to talk and/or because they have already have experienced, often at length, a desire to leave. The truth is it's simpler to blame someone else, to find a scapegoat in an external intrusion disturbing the apparent quietness. It's difficult to stare behind that relative quietness.
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Eat my arse, Pain&Sh*tness & Mindf*ckitation Grift
Mar 1, 2020
It's just weird to me that they can't see that so many of us aren't much different than their children were. We're all somebody's children too, and many of us have people in our lives who don't know about or care about the signs that we give off about our desire to die, and so we all have come to a place like this for comfort. It's really not that difficult to understand.
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Mar 22, 2020
I used to be worried about fixthe26 but when I saw that they can't get even 50likes on twitter/facebook I relaxed.

(Still, they got enough ppl to report the .COM domain and it worked. Maybe the used bots?)

Anyway, hope people just leave us alone. We only want to talk about ctb freely and PEACE.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
It's just weird to me that they can't see that so many of us aren't much different than their children were. We're all somebody's children too, and many of us have people in our lives who don't know about or care about the signs that we give off about our desire to die, and so we all have come to a place like this for comfort. It's really not that difficult to understand.
I'd call this shortsighted and closedminded. They only see what's in front of them. All they see is that their child is gone and this site was the last place they were. Until they open their mind and start seeing beyond their nose, they will never understand. Of course that goes for everything but we're specifically talking about this.
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Aug 17, 2020
The thing is.... if their argument was based on facts and logic, they wouldn't need to lie and make up stuff, like how "omg they're telling a 16yr old how to ctb" suddenly becomes "wait maybe she wasn't 16, I guess I made that up, my bad" in the space of 30 minutes (Source)

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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
It's just weird to me that they can't see that so many of us aren't much different than their children were. We're all somebody's children too, and many of us have people in our lives who don't know about or care about the signs that we give off about our desire to die, and so we all have come to a place like this for comfort. It's really not that difficult to understand.
They "realize" it when it suits them.
They go back and forth on whether we are "victims" or the scum of the earth.
They bully those who are more forthright and less tender with their position in the right to die, and they use love bombing on people who try to meet them halfway.
But eventually everyone who participates in this site and agrees with the point of its existence, will get some type of sour or disingenuous treatment.

When they go the way of trying to say they care about us, it reminds me of a particular abortion documentary (if someone knows the name lmk) where the anti-abortionists/pro-life crowd would stand outside the clinic and harass those who entered. Some would use vile insults, shouting, and offensive propaganda on poster boards. Others used a different tactic, far more insidious.
They told a woman that they would help her, directly help her, when she walked toward them with pleading in her voice and eyes. They told her, emphatically, that they would take her to get what she needed right then and there and they would help provide for her and the life that they wanted her to bring forth into the world.
No surprise what happened next.
Beyond the first day of their promises, every claim they made to help this woman fell completely flat. I can't recall exactly, but it may have even gotten to the point where they robbed her of the last time she would be able to make her choice.
In other words, they accomplished their goal in stopping the abortion, but left both mother and child to fend for themselves with a subpar quality of life (or worse) thereafter. And then, they moved onto the next one.
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
My recommendation is to not respond at all and ensure they understand that there is a set of rules, content moderators and zero leadership and then completely stop responding. Give them no one to call out or act as leaders. Be completely silent and give them no one to threaten and no one to connect as leadership.
This! Stop responding to their tweets, it only encourages them to keep going and while I hate to say it, so do these threads and comments referring to them (like mine here)

After reviewing their Twitter for months it's become obvious that they like the attention they get from SS and the people they harass and by replying you only give them what they want.


Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
They are just hurting because of the death of their loved one. It's easier to blame this site than themselves for noticing 'the signs' or whatever other bull shit.
You are right, but it doesn't give them the right to bully other suicidal people, and if I'm not mistaken a member took their life from the harassment.
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Jan 27, 2019
They are just hurting

at least, we know why their loved ones killed themselves. Imagine living with these people.
the narrow mindedness.
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Apr 26, 2020
This! Stop responding to their tweets, it only encourages them to keep going and while I hate to say it, so do these threads and comments referring to them (like mine here)

After reviewing their Twitter for months it's become obvious that they like the attention they get from SS and the people they harass and by replying you only give them what they want.
Yea, that Twitter... and them. They are not going away though.

The same goes for them. They are fuel for 'our' fire. Fuck those assholes.


salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
They can't win, i could make a forum just like this one in a day if SS went down. (now i say this i'm kind of tempted to rent out saltshakers.org or something) Even if the traditional internet made of DNS registers and visible servers isn't available, there's onion sites and a bunch of freaky decentralised web platforms that can host websites as like torrent swarms that you basically can't turn off. ;)

You're better off just ignoring them.
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Apr 26, 2020
I'm still bewildered this is an issue that is still being discussed. Every single f26 Thread is counterproductive. People making them have either never dealt with internet raids or seems to forget the first rule of the internet (don't feed the trolls).

The only solution to the issue is to ignore them. They won't change their mind. Every well intentioned message to them, rational response on twitter, and every thread on how to deal with them simply feeds their cause and furthers their determination.

Ignore them. If no reaction is received, the bulk of them will stop in time. I simply can't believe how a twitter account lives rent free in the minds of so many here. Stop making threads about them.

you realize that if you didn't follow their account, you wouldn't know they existed, right? I'm in the minority here, but if the mods worked to remove obvious shill accounts (and work behind the scenes) and the site rules were followed, f26 would not be an issue for the vast majority of the site.

@RainAndSadness @Marquis - every one of these threads has the effect of giving f26 something to latch on to and say "we are making a difference"
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Apr 30, 2019
I used to be worried about fixthe26 but when I saw that they can't get even 50likes on twitter/facebook I relaxed.

(Still, they got enough ppl to report the .COM domain and it worked. Maybe the used bots?)
the recent outage only happened because a grieving mum made a tweet about this site which exploded on twitter and the registrar for the domain succumbed to public pressure. Kelli and Drew Linsleazeballata had nothing to do with it, and had indeed never thought of that tactic. to date I don't believe FT26 have actually achieved anything except increase our memberbase and redirected those who didn't know about the new domain (myself included).

a bit like Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan: Twitter was the dark horse, Kelli wanted all the glory. Lmao not quite but still
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I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
Thank you for this. You're right that I'm actually following them and looking up what they post. That's giving them credibility as is talking about them on here.
Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
stop making him relevant.... then stop bringing his name into the forum, every day there is a new thread about it, every time you give him air time, then theres more for him to use against us.


Someday, eventually
Mar 29, 2020
The thing is.... if their argument was based on facts and logic, they wouldn't need to lie and make up stuff, like how "omg they're telling a 16yr old how to ctb" suddenly becomes "wait maybe she wasn't 16, I guess I made that up, my bad" in the space of 30 minutes (Source)

View attachment 59824
is that real?! why is there a nun on twitter, that picture creeped me out!!! maybe a costume, wtf!
she lurks here, ahhhhhh.


Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
The thing is.... if their argument was based on facts and logic, they wouldn't need to lie and make up stuff, like how "omg they're telling a 16yr old how to ctb" suddenly becomes "wait maybe she wasn't 16, I guess I made that up, my bad" in the space of 30 minutes (Source)

View attachment 59824
"they can help" personally never called them so cant speak. but what i can say is that ive seen many threads where they said they did everything but help, one where they even typed out the convo word for word, although in that one if i remember correctly i personally felt they were a bit harsh with the person on the phone and didnt even give them a chance but that aside, if they paid attention theyd see we tried that.


Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
I'm pretty sure they wet their pants each time they see us making a thread about them. I trust that mods knows what they are doing. I mean the site is still up to this day. We should focus on how to improve this community rather than putting our focus on FT26's twitter or FB page. They are a bunch of raging bulls with the delusion that SS caused their children to be suicidal. They don't understand us which means they didn't understand their own kids. But I digress.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
As I've said before in another post, Fthe26 is not a threat. The only thing they could win against us is causing more discord and infighting in the group than what they can do. I believe that we are in good hands with the admins because they have reliably kept the site up for as long as it has and will continue to do so. We as a group must not change our ways or our way of communicating because of FT26 pressure. Take the high ground and let FT26 aim low like the pond scum they are.
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I don't like life
Oct 15, 2020
This is a technique used by very feeble minded individuals who often border on just barely above learning disability.

I agree with your post overall, but this part wasn't very nice to people who have learning disabilities. I have a learning disability...:I


I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
Thanks for that. I should have thought about that.
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Oct 21, 2020
(Still, they got enough ppl to report the .COM domain and it worked. Maybe the used bots?)
Is that why the old domain went down? I remember being freaked out for week until I got the email newsletter and found the new address.

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