
Jan 20, 2021
This world is rotten to its core. Corruption and injustice are the fundamental mechanisms of this absurd reality. Every day horrible atrocities are committed, but nobody cares. Everyone is a hero and spiderman in their head, but when comes to actually doing something, at least something as little as admitting to oneself how fucked things are, suddenly everyone becomes silent. Most people justify the suffering that takes place on a daily basis. Most people will do anything just so their fragile worldview is kept safe, just so they can continue living in their status quo: denying, ridiculing, humiliating, ganging up on anyone who says anything that even remotely poses a threat to their thought process.

This world is utterly disgusting. The human nature is inherently sociopathic. Evil is within all of us, and as opposed to what the mainstream media says that "It's ok that everyone has a little evil in them" - it's really not ok. It has always been like this and will always be like this; no amount of technological advancement and growth as a society will be able to get rid of it, because it's in our nature, moreover it's in the nature of this world. But you know what's worse? The fact that there isn't a thing I can do to change it. No matter how much I try it will always remain the same, in fact I wouldn't even be thinking about any of this if my life situation wasn't this bad. Why should I continue to exist in this world of sociopaths? I don't deserve to exist. I can't pretend and take this filth anymore.
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Oct 12, 2020
I have come to question what exactly is the point and purpose of the human race.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
From a antinatalist thread on here:

for countless of hundreds of millions of years (maybe even more than that). With humans or without humans. With capitalism or without capitalism. Why? One of the laws of thermodynamics some people don´t know exist but maybe is one (if not **the**) most powerful in our universe is **entropy**. What is it? Well, it basically consists of the fact that it is easier to break something than fix something. It´s easier to create and spread a plague than cure it. It´s easier to write a corrupt law for your own benefits than to create a good one with no loopholes. It´s easier to take a good life than a evil life. You see this in action in our universe constantly because shit breaks contantly, but nothing **ever** miraculously improves. Have you ever noticed that?

This, collaborating with the existence of natural selection and game theory, has given birth to a psychopathic (evil) and psychotic (delusional, strongly prone to optimism bias, wishful thinking, false beliefs, etc) species. We enslave those weaker than thus, both [animals](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?t=3315) and humans, the majority of which are forced to work shitty labor jobs, with a childhood involving neglect, trauma, ostracism, bullying, and a generally poor quality of life. This is the 'pulse' of our species, we abuse our children, teenagers and the weak and traumatize them to have the same evil, systematic nature we have. Note: this is **not** exclusive to humans; you can see this sort of behavior in lions, tigers, and other great predators that exhibit this kind of evil behavior, even if irrationally. And the worse is that I believe if another animal species raised to sentience and became "advanced", they would be the same as us.

Let us say, just imagine if having actual concern for humanity or life is even possible with the idea of extreme success as a CEO or high-ranking corporate figure. It's just complete fantasy. The degree to which this is a fantasy, is like someone saying "An antelope could be just as successful being a carnivore as a Lion can." You simply don't arrive at the positions in those places without being 'carnivorous' towards human beings. Because if you were, you would suffer from the same thing that natural selection punishes a Lion that sucks at killing things would suffer from-- you'd just starve and die, because this is a [**competition**](https://youtu.be/95c5GTp__AU). A kind, benevolent, caring, concerned, charitable CEO would just get eaten alive. The laws of biology(which, **reminder**: Human beings are subject to) and the laws of physics, **prevent** good people from becoming CEO's or high ranking corporate figures. It's simply the way the universe works.

Evil **always** works its way to the top in **any** system given enough time-- there's no other way for it not to, in a competition game which says, "The *sneakiest*, most *dominant*, selfish person climbs, while the most *honest*, most *humble* and *selfless* person gets climbed on."

Entropy constantly empowers that which is empowered by virtue of being the perfect distillation of evil, like the Lion, like the predator, like the apex psychopath who is, has always, and will always sit on the throne of all sentient systems in this block of spacetime moving towards greater entropy. Evil thrives once it achieves power because the powerless must work against entropy, where evil only plows forward exhibiting its nature effortlessly. Good must go *against* nature to be good. Evil does not need to do anything special to go *with* nature.

I know this is gonna be a long read, but it is needed to explain the hellish conditions we are in this universe. The problem is **not** capitalism, the problem is **not** humanity itself, the problem will **never** be what the majority of people tell you the true cause of all problems and all the suffering in this world the is nature and the laws of the universe we exist in. It uproots evil and gives it a way to conquer good and use it for its advantage. **This** is the reality that Disney and most media tries to obfuscate to you with systematically spread happy ending stories, even politics and other distractions are there to obfuscate the hellworld that we live in. People have always been trying to find a problem, when the problem is simple: we are in *Hell.*

Almost no one holds this reality up for examination daily. We are allergic. Most of us have near-zero understanding of the gravity, and those who have glimmers, ignore this fact about the quality of our reality because it's not conducive to living another day. Why must we live another day? Because genes which give rise to culture, all of which is determined by game theory which more or less says, "Psychopathy wins and holds dominion over this game". Natural selection is a game where evil wins, not good. Good is kept around for the purpose of evil wearing it's skin like a mask. Good is not adaptive, in the precise way that the cow in cow hell has no adaptive trait. It's alive. It will bear children. Those children will bear children. But nothing "adaptive" is going on. How? The fact of the matter is, a psychopathic species has kept the herbivore alive for its own gain. This is the precise relationship that evil has to goodness. Goodness is kept alive. Buddhism is kept alive. Any genuine benevolent religious idea, is kept alive. All because evil, which is powerfully [camouflaged](https://i.imgur.com/ri1sTPL.gifv),dominates reality and presses onto it in a way which goodness can never overcome.

There´s *even more* material that I could just keep elaborating on, but the true information is that this life is some kind of evil dystopian hell with no winning moves, because almost all of them empower evil. The worse is that we are delusional evil apes that evolved with brains to blind us to the true, *crushing* gravity of the situation we found ourselves into in this spherical concentration camp. If we were to take our delusional apes glasses off and truly take enough time to analyze our circumstances here on Earth, we would just yell **HOLY FUCKING SHIT** and jump off a window. If everyone was truly aware of *how* bad things are, suicide rates would skyrocket worldwide. Everyone would be killing each other, and everyone would be killing themselves. It would be a suicide epidemic of *biblical* proportions. And everyone would be doing it, not just the poor people, but the CEO´S and other powerful "kings" of Earth, because even **they** would be horrified with the revelation.

TL;DR: Life´s even worse than you think and we are in Hell.
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Jul 3, 2019
We have about 50 years until the breakdown of civilisation due to climate change (this is according to a charity sector magazine for leaders in the charity sector...which asks whether all charities should join Extinction Rebellion, as what use will there be for charity if civilisation has broken down). Weirdly, this is currently cheering me up....as there is nothing I can do about it, because it means who cares, we may as well do what we want with our lives if the end of civilisation is coming. I may as well fly to Jamaica (if and when I can) with no eco-guilt because I don't have the power to stop the devastation of the world.

However, I am also horrified. I am an idealist and I do struggle with the terrible leadership and evil in this world. But I also feel powerless. I have particularly given up recently when I heard that the UK government are now going to permit a pesticide banned by the EU that kills bees. When I heard that, I gave up. There is no limit to the corruption, stupidity and evil in those who rise to the top and 'lead' us. Just vile.

Also, I have been bullied for six months in a religious organisation where I work. They talk about 'justice' every week but really they are like a bunch of chimpanzees and it is all about power and hierarchy. Just vile.

Every leader or teacher or spiritual Guru I used to trust has been exposed - lots of them in sex scandals, abuse, bullying. Even the Buddhist ones - there are sex abuse scandals coming out of respected Western Buddhist traditions.

So. Human nature. Vile.

I do know a few good humans, but there are so many vile ones and I agree with you OP.
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Jan 20, 2021
From a antinatalist thread on here:
It's horrifying. The realization how bad things are and will always be and the fact that there's nothing you can do about is absolutely crushing. How can this reality be anything but hell? No matter how I try to look at it, even when I force the optimistic bias on myself and try to think positively this realization is always in the back of my head, waiting for its moment to come out; and it always does. No matter what I do, eventually I come back to this idea, the realization how doomed we are.
We have about 50 years until the breakdown of civilisation due to climate change (this is according to a charity sector magazine for leaders in the charity sector...which asks whether all charities should join Extinction Rebellion, as what use will there be for charity if civilisation has broken down). Weirdly, this is currently cheering me up....as there is nothing I can do about it, because it means who cares, we may as well do what we want with our lives if the end of civilisation is coming. I may as well fly to Jamaica (if and when I can) with no eco-guilt because I don't have the power to stop the devastation of the world.

However, I am also horrified. I am an idealist and I do struggle with the terrible leadership and evil in this world. But I also feel powerless. I have particularly given up recently when I heard that the UK government are now going to permit a pesticide banned by the EU that kills bees. When I heard that, I gave up. There is no limit to the corruption, stupidity and evil in those who rise to the top and 'lead' us. Just vile.

Also, I have been bullied for six months in a religious organisation where I work. They talk about 'justice' every week but really they are like a bunch of chimpanzees and it is all about power and hierarchy. Just vile.

Every leader or teacher or spiritual Guru I used to trust has been exposed - lots of them in sex scandals, abuse, bullying. Even the Buddhist ones - there are sex abuse scandals coming out of respected Western Buddhist traditions.

So. Human nature. Vile.

I do know a few good humans, but there are so many vile ones and I agree with you OP.
I hope this civilization breaks down, I hope it collapses, I wouldn't even mind reverting back to the time of farmers/gatherers and living in a small community, working on a farm, even if that means no technology.
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Every cradle is a grave
Jan 5, 2021
From a antinatalist thread on here:
How can I see the original thread?
This world is rotten to its core. Corruption and injustice are the fundamental mechanisms of this absurd reality. Every day horrible atrocities are committed, but nobody cares. Everyone is a hero and spiderman in their head, but when comes to actually doing something, at least something as little as admitting to oneself how fucked things are, suddenly everyone becomes silent. Most people justify the suffering that takes place on a daily basis. Most people will do anything just so their fragile worldview is kept safe, just so they can continue living in their status quo: denying, ridiculing, humiliating, ganging up on anyone who says anything that even remotely poses a threat to their thought process.

This world is utterly disgusting. The human nature is inherently sociopathic. Evil is within all of us, and as opposed to what the mainstream media says that "It's ok that everyone has a little evil in them" - it's really not ok. It has always been like this and will always be like this; no amount of technological advancement and growth as a society will be able to get rid of it, because it's in our nature, moreover it's in the nature of this world. But you know what's worse? The fact that there isn't a thing I can do to change it. No matter how much I try it will always remain the same, in fact I wouldn't even be thinking about any of this if my life situation wasn't this bad. Why should I continue to exist in this world of sociopaths? I don't deserve to exist. I can't pretend and take this filth anymore.
So true, which is why I prefer cats instead of fucking ppl, specially evil ppl. Cats are sweet and don't have an agenda of domination (maybe they do) but the worst treatment I got by a cat was a scratched cornea that almost left me blind but still I prefer that to having to deal with fucking humans every day!! Plus the human body is just so disgusting all naked and weird.
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Dec 20, 2020
God hates the world
And all her people
You everyone face a fiery day for your proud sinning
It's too late to change his mind
You lived out your vain lives
Storing up gods wrath for all eternity !
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Jan 17, 2021
This world is rotten to its core. Corruption and injustice are the fundamental mechanisms of this absurd reality. Every day horrible atrocities are committed, but nobody cares. Everyone is a hero and spiderman in their head, but when comes to actually doing something, at least something as little as admitting to oneself how fucked things are, suddenly everyone becomes silent. Most people justify the suffering that takes place on a daily basis. Most people will do anything just so their fragile worldview is kept safe, just so they can continue living in their status quo: denying, ridiculing, humiliating, ganging up on anyone who says anything that even remotely poses a threat to their thought process.

This world is utterly disgusting. The human nature is inherently sociopathic. Evil is within all of us, and as opposed to what the mainstream media says that "It's ok that everyone has a little evil in them" - it's really not ok. It has always been like this and will always be like this; no amount of technological advancement and growth as a society will be able to get rid of it, because it's in our nature, moreover it's in the nature of this world. But you know what's worse? The fact that there isn't a thing I can do to change it. No matter how much I try it will always remain the same, in fact I wouldn't even be thinking about any of this if my life situation wasn't this bad. Why should I continue to exist in this world of sociopaths? I don't deserve to exist. I can't pretend and take this filth anymore.
It's true what you say. There are a lot of odious people in the world. There are a lot of good people too. Maybe you haven't met that many of them but they are out there, I promise you. If you're physically healthy, hang around for a while and you will run into decent people, sometimes when you're least expecting it.


Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
This world is rotten to its core. Corruption and injustice are the fundamental mechanisms of this absurd reality. Every day horrible atrocities are committed, but nobody cares. Everyone is a hero and spiderman in their head, but when comes to actually doing something, at least something as little as admitting to oneself how fucked things are, suddenly everyone becomes silent. Most people justify the suffering that takes place on a daily basis. Most people will do anything just so their fragile worldview is kept safe, just so they can continue living in their status quo: denying, ridiculing, humiliating, ganging up on anyone who says anything that even remotely poses a threat to their thought process.

This world is utterly disgusting. The human nature is inherently sociopathic. Evil is within all of us, and as opposed to what the mainstream media says that "It's ok that everyone has a little evil in them" - it's really not ok. It has always been like this and will always be like this; no amount of technological advancement and growth as a society will be able to get rid of it, because it's in our nature, moreover it's in the nature of this world. But you know what's worse? The fact that there isn't a thing I can do to change it. No matter how much I try it will always remain the same, in fact I wouldn't even be thinking about any of this if my life situation wasn't this bad. Why should I continue to exist in this world of sociopaths? I don't deserve to exist. I can't pretend and take this filth anymore.
100% correct. I really can't deal with it anymore. It's one of my main reasons for CTB.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
So long as the 1% elites are allowed to crush everybody to stay at the top, the people, animals and the planet are always an after thought.
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Jul 14, 2018
This world is rotten to its core. Corruption and injustice are the fundamental mechanisms of this absurd reality. Every day horrible atrocities are committed, but nobody cares. Everyone is a hero and spiderman in their head, but when comes to actually doing something, at least something as little as admitting to oneself how fucked things are, suddenly everyone becomes silent. Most people justify the suffering that takes place on a daily basis. Most people will do anything just so their fragile worldview is kept safe, just so they can continue living in their status quo: denying, ridiculing, humiliating, ganging up on anyone who says anything that even remotely poses a threat to their thought process.

This world is utterly disgusting. The human nature is inherently sociopathic. Evil is within all of us, and as opposed to what the mainstream media says that "It's ok that everyone has a little evil in them" - it's really not ok. It has always been like this and will always be like this; no amount of technological advancement and growth as a society will be able to get rid of it, because it's in our nature, moreover it's in the nature of this world. But you know what's worse? The fact that there isn't a thing I can do to change it. No matter how much I try it will always remain the same, in fact I wouldn't even be thinking about any of this if my life situation wasn't this bad. Why should I continue to exist in this world of sociopaths? I don't deserve to exist. I can't pretend and take this filth anymore.
There's a reason a lot of religions end with the extermination of mankind, wisdom of the ancients.
Not that I'm particularly religious
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Feb 26, 2021
Yup. Most people suck. I probably suck more than the average person, though, so maybe I'm just projecting. :happy:
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
The world sure is rotten. All we do is expand, consume, destroy, breed and start over. Though Mother Nature will probably have the last laugh when Climate Change slowly strangles the life out of us in the next handful of decades.
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Oct 12, 2020
I also gave him a lot of thought about how the world works, very different from what they teach. I do not deny that my situation has made me bitter over time and I ended up having total disinterest in it, I do not wish evil on anyone but there comes a point that things no longer matter to you. Although each one is different we have many things in common, somehow I believe that power ends up corrupting humans or making them more selfish.
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