

Every cradle is a grave
Jan 5, 2021
I think this place concentrates the most heartbreaking stories I have ever read. We are definitely on the dark side of life, some more than others but we are the people that live in the shadows, no ray of light. Life will never smile again for many of us, we won't have a second chance. This is it, we're in hell and there's no way out.
My heart breaks for all of us.
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We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
The essence of this site would make up for some really great songs lol.

We are the outcasts of society concentrated in this forum. Like inhabitants of a loony bin that live through the same routines day for day.
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Mar 22, 2020
Yes, life has been extremely unfair to us.

My problems are nothing in comparison to other people's but I do my best to support them because as you know, this society doesn't.

You've all helped me lots. You're the best and can count on me!
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I wish it was literally heart-breaking. :sunglasses:
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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
I see it differently - if it wasn't for this forum, we'd all be keeping all of those stories inside. Which is way more heart-breaking, in my opinion.

So this is a happy place. :heart:
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Yeah, I get what you mean. I feel like this life is so cruel and there is so much suffering that people being suicidal is inevitable. At least having this website means people aren't isolated.
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Apr 3, 2019
For sure. It can be so upsetting to know what people have been through/are going through. There are so many interesting individuals here, too, which is sad. I think about the members and how they're doing even when I'm not on SS.

It is nice to have this community, as the majority of members are supportive, kind, and really make me feel like I'm not alone in this.
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Mar 21, 2021
I think it is a liberating site so not necessarily sad all the time. I'm sure there is a website dedicated to missing children out there that is worse.
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Mar 21, 2019
It is good to have a place for dark tales to be told. This is a community that has gone through a lot. Sharing and learning might help everyone by shining a light into the darker corners of life.
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Aug 18, 2020
I think it shows how important this forum is. We can share our pain without being stigmatized. I feel more compassion because there is no panic about my suicidality. I can talk more openly about it.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Given that there are websites that literally showcase real life horror and death for the sick amusement of people who do not seem to be human at all I don't think so. I get your point obviously and in a way it's true: it truly is sad just how much pain and suffering there is in the world.

On the other hand what others wrote is also true: presumably those who come here and keep returning get something out of it that hopefully makes their misery a little less hard to bear.

For me personally it helps to remember there are far worse fates than mine but on the other hand feeling sorry for others doesn't really help them and it makes one (more) despondent. It's a double edged sword really.

It's up to each individual to decide whether or not this site is helpful to them or not. Warts and all. We are all adults and should take responsibility for our lives and death.

What those on the outside don't seem to get is that when somebody truly is convinced death is the best thing for them (who else can be the judge on this but the individual herself?) there's no 'persuading' them and violent suicide prevention would only lengthen their suffering. Imo the humane thing to do would be help them die in a dignified manner, after offering all kinds of help of course since premature suicide is regrettable. Since that isn't in the cards the best thing we can do is to simply listen to others and if need be be there for them in their last moments on this often sad, miserable earth. Hopefully they'll at least have felt a little compassion and care which they clearly lacked IRL or they wouldn't have been here.

Plus how many suicides were actually averted by this place which literally gives people a forum to talk about themselves, their pain, thoughts and feelings without censorhip and unhelpful directions casting people in the role of the mad who ought to be carted off to the looney bin? Silence and loneliness kill and SS clearly isn't the kind of place that pushes people to suicide (pro suicide) or else I would have been long gone. In the sense of leaving the site and never returning to be clear.

The best of luck to you all.
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Every cradle is a grave
Jan 5, 2021
Given that there are websites that literally showcase real life horror and death for the sick amusement of people who do not seem to be human at all I don't think so. I get your point obviously and in a way it's true: it truly is sad just how much pain and suffering there is in the world.
On the other hand what others wrote is also true: presumably those who come here and keep returning get something out of it that hopefully makes their misery a little less hard to bear.

For me personally it helps to remember there are far worse fates than mine but on the other hand feeling sorry for others doesn't really help them and it makes one (more) despondent. It's a double edged sword really.

It's up to each individual to decide whether or not this site is helpful to them or not. Warts and all. We are all adults and should take responsibility for our lives and death.

What those on the outside don't seem to get is that when somebody truly is convinced death is the best thing for them (who else can be the judge on this but the individual herself?) there's no 'persuading' them and violent suicide prevention would only lengthen their suffering. Imo the humane thing to do would be help them die in a dignified manner, after offering all kinds of help of course since premature suicide is regrettable. Since that isn't in the cards the best thing we can do is to simply listen to others and if need be be there for them in their last moments on this often sad, miserable earth. Hopefully they'll at least have felt a little compassion and care which they clearly lacked IRL or they wouldn't have been here.

Plus how many suicides were actually averted by this place which literally gives people a forum to talk about themselves, their pain, thoughts and feelings without censorhip and unhelpful directions casting people in the role of the mad who ought to be carted off to the looney bin? Silence and loneliness kill and SS clearly isn't the kind of place that pushes people to suicide (pro suicide) or else I would have been long gone. In the sense of leaving the site and never returning to be clear.

The best of luck to you all.
Given that there are websites that literally showcase real life horror and death for the sick amusement of people who do not seem to be human at all I don't think so. I get your point obviously and in a way it's true: it truly is sad just how much pain and suffering there is in the world.

On the other hand what others wrote is also true: presumably those who come here and keep returning get something out of it that hopefully makes their misery a little less hard to bear.

For me personally it helps to remember there are far worse fates than mine but on the other hand feeling sorry for others doesn't really help them and it makes one (more) despondent. It's a double edged sword really.

It's up to each individual to decide whether or not this site is helpful to them or not. Warts and all. We are all adults and should take responsibility for our lives and death.

What those on the outside don't seem to get is that when somebody truly is convinced death is the best thing for them (who else can be the judge on this but the individual herself?) there's no 'persuading' them and violent suicide prevention would only lengthen their suffering. Imo the humane thing to do would be help them die in a dignified manner, after offering all kinds of help of course since premature suicide is regrettable. Since that isn't in the cards the best thing we can do is to simply listen to others and if need be be there for them in their last moments on this often sad, miserable earth. Hopefully they'll at least have felt a little compassion and care which they clearly lacked IRL or they wouldn't have been here.

Plus how many suicides were actually averted by this place which literally gives people a forum to talk about themselves, their pain, thoughts and feelings without censorhip and unhelpful directions casting people in the role of the mad who ought to be carted off to the looney bin? Silence and loneliness kill and SS clearly isn't the kind of place that pushes people to suicide (pro suicide) or else I would have been long gone. In the sense of leaving the site and never returning to be clear.

The best of luck to you all.
Sure the act itself is the worst but the stories here are the saddest part. The non stop suffering and being stuck without being able to ctb. The nightmarish days we go through, all this while other people are perfectly happy and healthy. It's unfair but the universe doesn't give a f about fairness.
I think it is a liberating site so not necessarily sad all the time. I'm sure there is a website dedicated to missing children out there that is worse.
Yes another theme we see very often here is how sick humans are, how disgusting lowly creatures we are. Many ended up here because of other ppls actions against us, many have endured physical and mental abuse since birth. Many of those missing children are being used for the sexual gratification of sick men and women (mostly men), then killed. There should be 2 planets, one for those of us who want to make things better and another for the sickos that make other people's lives hell. The horrors of human nature, worst species ever.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Sure the act itself is the worst but the stories here are the saddest part. The non stop suffering and being stuck without being able to ctb. The nightmarish days we go through, all this while other people are perfectly happy and healthy. It's unfair but the universe doesn't give a f about fairness.

Yes another theme we see very often here is how sick humans are, how disgusting lowly creatures we are. Many ended up here because of other ppls actions against us, many have endured physical and mental abuse since birth. Many of those missing children are being used for the sexual gratification of sick men and women (mostly men), then killed. There should be 2 planets, one for those of us who want to make things better and another for the sickos that make other people's lives hell. The horrors of human nature, worst species ever.
You fucked up the quotes.


Nov 4, 2019
This can indeed be a heart-breaking site. However, let's not forget that the overwhelming majority most probably don't commit suicide and some actually manage to recover thanks to this community. This site is just as much about life as it is about death.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
The beautiful people who have been on this site and were posting even as they drank SN have made me cry, because I had the sense that each of them were amazing people in terms of kindness and sensitivity.
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Every cradle is a grave
Jan 5, 2021
The beautiful people who have been on this site and were posting even as they drank SN have made me cry, because I had the sense that each of them were amazing people in terms of kindness and sensitivity.
Yes apparently sensitivity and empathy is more useless than useful In the survival of the fittest sense of things, the world is just ugly and assholes will just squash sensitive, sensible, nice people out of envy or pure fun. I don't understand how we haven't been weeded out by natural selection.
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les malheurs de lizzie
Mar 27, 2020
I deserve all of my pain. Justice, Karma, whatever you call it.
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May 27, 2020
Yes apparently sensitivity and empathy is more useless than useful In the survival of the fittest sense of things, the world is just ugly and assholes will just squash sensitive, sensible, nice people out of envy or pure fun. I don't understand how we haven't been weeded out by natural selection.
It might be because those nasty individuals that you speak of are not acting out of the will of nature. The natural world is cruel, but it is cruel out of necessity. A predatory and carnivorous animal kills its prey not out of a sense of pleasure, but because it is hungry and must eat otherwise it will die - this is survival. In contrast: you have human-made violence and abuse which, for the most part, is pointless. It is born out of false ideologies that twist our already-limited perception of reality, it is fueled by negative emotions such as unfounded hatred. It is all very irrational, and unnecessary.

On the subject of natural selection: it is a common misconception that it is all about the strong culling the weak, because this is not true. I think that even Charles Darwin, who coined the term, said that the mechanism that we know as natural selection is unintentional; meaning that there is no real point behind it. That is why it is called natural selection - the word "natural" in the term simply points to the fact that it is completely random, as opposed artificial selection which is controlled by something i.e.: cattle breeding humans. This is why you have not been "weeded out", because you are not as undesirable as you think - of yourself and of others. Likewise: people such as bullies are not necessarily genetically desirable; from my own personal experience most violent thugs are degenerates.

Also: considering that human beings have evolved with the ability to feel compassion, it would not be too far-fetched to say that perhaps our true nature is of cooperation, and not one of mindless conflict. Evolution is about improving things over time, and that means moving away from the barbarism of our ancestors. The point of survival of the fittest, is to move away from survival of the fittest - in my opinion.
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Nov 9, 2019
I deserve all of my pain. Justice, Karma, whatever you call it.
Me, too. I'm a stupid piece of shit in need of flushing. Was given a great deal, pissed it all away. Too late for redemption.


I choose love
Jan 25, 2021
Well, yeah, but it's a ray of sunshine for me. But I hate sunshine now. Well, it's a ray of sunshine that I like

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