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Jul 26, 2018
This is a pro-choice website. Please stop being a pro-lifer to younger users. If you're uncomfortable helping out a young user, just don't reply to them.

I'm 21. My only regret is not ctb when I was young.

Fortunately, I haven't been given crap for my age. But other users have. If someone's old enough to be on here, they're old enough to decide for themselves.

I can understand wanting to encourage a young use to explore other options. But then again, *all* users should be encouraged to look at all options.

This is a pro-choice forum. No pro-life. No pro-suicide. Pro-choice. Please respect that.

It's frustrating when a young user is making a thread and instead of getting their question answered, everyone says, "but you're young! Don't ctb! *insert pro-life/anti-choice meaningless platitudes*"
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Need cats to comfort me
Jul 28, 2018
Hi I am the same age as you.
I really don't see how trying other methods will help me to be honest.
I don't believe life itself is worth struggling for.
Having others to tell me to try other methods to get better doesn't makes sense to me. It may work for others but just not me I guess.
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Aug 27, 2018
I'm 21. My only regret is not ctb when I was young
Same I wish I had done it at age 18-19 while I still had my depression and racing teenage hormons as a drive now I don't feel anything.
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John Stewart
Nov 18, 2018
I have respect for younger people on here and that can face the truth about how life really is. Because you have the courage and the maturity to do something I didn't when I was younger. Before I didn't have the heart to face the cold hearted truth about life and be brave enough to ctb. I was optimistic, naive, and wanted to believe the platitudes that normies tell you.
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Apr 30, 2018
I'm genuinely curious why some people cannot condone ctb for younger people. Isn't their presence on this site evidence that it doesn't get better? Is it some socially ingrained guilt and the belief that they're "protecting" younger people? Jealousy for avoiding years of suffering?
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Still here...
Nov 10, 2018
I have been suicidal since age 14, but I am glad that I lived through my early 20s because I had a lot of fun
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Jul 26, 2018
I'm genuinely curious why some people cannot condone ctb for younger people. Isn't their presence on this site evidence that it doesn't get better? Is it some socially ingrained guilt and the belief that they're "protecting" younger people? Jealousy for avoiding years of suffering?

Jealousy and protectiveness sound like good reasons. I'm also jealous of people who die young, but remind myself it won't matter when I'm dead.
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Nov 25, 2018
I'm also glad I didn't succeed with my first attempt at 15... I would have died without ever having fun. When you're a teenager, problems seem harder than they are, but the fun is much more intense. High school was the best time of my life, but some others, that best time of their lives can be later. So I believe that changing the environment one lives in should always be considered before ctb. Ctb should only be considered if nothing helps, or help is not available. Basically, below 20, life can still turn around and be much better than one imagines.
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Nov 15, 2018
I feel like its a good thing because for the longest time Society always dismisses young peoples reasons to CTB.
We are all put in box and told that we arent thinking clearly or mature enough. I think that is absolutly false. Our desire to CTB shouldnt weighed upon our age but pain that we are feeling and how much we can individually handle. Everyone has limit to what they can take. My reasoning for CTB maybe be a joke to others because they have pushed through the same situation and they are still alive. To others it maybe something they could never picture themselves going through even at an older age. But ,this forum just allows us to focus on how the individuals are feeling rather than making a fixed judgememt based on their age or serverity of the situation.
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Dec 7, 2018
I feel like its a good thing because for the longest time Society always dismisses young peoples reasons to CTB.
We are all put in box and told that we arent thinking clearly or mature enough. I think that is absolutly false. Our desire to CTB shouldnt weighed upon our age but pain that we are feeling and how much we can individually handle. Everyone has limit to what they can take. My reasoning for CTB maybe be a joke to others because they have pushed through the same situation and they are still alive. To others it maybe something they could never picture themselves going through even at an older age. But ,this forum just allows us to focus on how the individuals are feeling rather than making a fixed judgememt based on their age or serverity of the situation.

I agree completely. We each have our own individual limits. The same situation might be easy to handle for one person and impossible for another. That is because we react based on our whole life experience which is completely different and has shaped us differently. Some people are genuinely happy for most of their lives and die content while others can be severely depressed for the majority of their lives. Genetics also play a role in this.

My friend knew a guy in his 30's who ctb because a girl he asked out rejected him. Age really does not matter. But we also often overlook that a situation is often just a trigger to ctb, we must take into account the person's entire life experience and how their mind functions, which is completely unique. We will never know the suffering another person has gone through. No reason to ctb is stupid or trite.
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Sep 23, 2018
I agree. I dont understand why some people would rather see a younger person go through 10-30 plus years of suffering just as some of those themselves have done rather than see a younger person CTB. The goal is to end suffering and that can come at any age. Its awful but its a choice we should all be allowed to make as long as we have the full facts
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Voluntary deletion
Nov 28, 2018
I wish I could give you more likes. I've also seen the trend of dismissing the young people here and spouting meaningless platitudes. I'd be a hypocrite to do that since I wish I had CTB when I was a child or teen. I hope this trend doesn't put the youngsters off from posting here.
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Chicken of ss
Aug 9, 2018
I fully agree.
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spread love
Dec 10, 2018
This is a pro-choice website. Please stop being a pro-lifer to younger users. If you're uncomfortable helping out a young user, just don't reply to them.

I'm 21. My only regret is not ctb when I was young.

Fortunately, I haven't been given crap for my age. But other users have. If someone's old enough to be on here, they're old enough to decide for themselves.

I can understand wanting to encourage a young use to explore other options. But then again, *all* users should be encouraged to look at all options.

This is a pro-choice forum. No pro-life. No pro-suicide. Pro-choice. Please respect that.

It's frustrating when a young user is making a thread and instead of getting their question answered, everyone says, "but you're young! Don't ctb! *insert pro-life/anti-choice meaningless platitudes*"
I relate. I'm 15.
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spread love
Dec 10, 2018
Huh... Mee too :)
So we are propably the yougest ones here *smiles
It's nice, yet sad, there's someone my age on here. Makes me feel a little bit less alone at least :)
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Mar 28, 2018
I first felt a strong desire to die at 15, i wish I'd killed myself before 17. At 18 i fully understood the nature of life and the trajectory of my own , it was my first time looking up suicide methods and I found hydrogen sulfide, threw out all my belongings, taped up my room, mixed toilet bowl cleaner with garden fungicide and it did nothing. At 19 , i was going to mix bleach and ammonia (stupid and desperate) but lazed out. At 20, i was going to hang myself from a neighborhood tree but lazed out. Later that year formed first suicide pact and was flown to England to drink yew tea but had an ignorant onset of hope. Spent 21 thru 23 deteriorating while working at Taco Bell. Always putting off hanging myself with the noose set up in my closet. At 24 , finally bought a shotgun. No one ever cared whether or not I came out of my room or what was in it until my shotgun "just happened" to be seen atop my hutch. First time being hospitalized, second time because manic episode-crisis team told me I'm only 24 , I need to wait till my brain is fully developed at 25 or 26(??????? So one year and my life is undone right????ok)........lol....I'm 26 and hate myself to the core.
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Aug 31, 2018
Honestly I can see why both sides have their feelings about the young ones. It's a really grey area.
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ember in the dark
Dec 7, 2018
Huh, I wasn't expecting so many other people my age here lmao. I'm 16, 17 in January
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Apr 8, 2018
This is a pro-choice website. Please stop being a pro-lifer to younger users. If you're uncomfortable helping out a young user, just don't reply to them.

I'm 21. My only regret is not ctb when I was young.

Fortunately, I haven't been given crap for my age. But other users have. If someone's old enough to be on here, they're old enough to decide for themselves.

I can understand wanting to encourage a young use to explore other options. But then again, *all* users should be encouraged to look at all options.

This is a pro-choice forum. No pro-life. No pro-suicide. Pro-choice. Please respect that.

It's frustrating when a young user is making a thread and instead of getting their question answered, everyone says, "but you're young! Don't ctb! *insert pro-life/anti-choice meaningless platitudes*"

I wish I had killed myself when I was 12 If I know how my life would of turned out no one could of stopped me from succeeding when I was 12.
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Wants to disappear
Sep 25, 2018
I first tried to kill myself at 8, started cutting at 13 and still want to die at 18. I don't think I'll be sucessful even with everyone around me telling me i will be, hearing how "lucky" i am when i sure as hell dont feel that way. I dont want to hear people saying things like "it'll get better as you get older", "you'll grow out of it" "you're so lucky or smart you can do what you want you'll make it". How will time fix my broken mind? How is it going to undo all the years of crap i went through.
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