

Brain rotted, often missing word
Apr 8, 2024

Notice how shit like this get 20k likes on x, people love looking down on people who want to die, like they are children that don't know what they are in for. I'm pretty sure she knows how permanent death is, just like everyone else here, and we wouldn't have it any other way. It's so condescending how normal people love to smartass about death like none of us has thought this through. This comment is especially shitty towards someone who went through such a long process of getting legally euthanised, where she had years worth of time to quit the proceedings.


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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Do they think we might regret our decision afterwards? I guess that depends on your beliefs but it's a weird statement. I have heard that young children can't grasp the concept of death. Really though- who actually can?!! We haven't experienced it ourselves after all. Maybe we come somewhere close when we go to sleep or go under anaesthetic. We don't 100% know we'll wake up from either. But- it's just bizarre to think we don't realise it's a permanent decision. You've got to feel sorry for them in a way though. Imagine how terrified they are going to be when it comes their time to die.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
The concept of death is hard to grasp to a lot of people and in a way scary. Many do everything they can to "avoid it" including not thinking or talking about it. So they can't grasp the idea of someone looking forward to death to the extent of willingly choosing to end their life. Could be why they come up with some sort of explanations like 'they must not be mentally sound enough', 'they might not understand it's permanent'...and other theories. But it really is condescending to assume a grown women chose to die because she didn't understand the permanence of it.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I hate at how pro lifers are like this and assume that any reason for wanting death is irrational. This is precisely why I believe that euthanasia will never be available to us throughout our entire lifetime. Society is just full of people like this.

Also, I'm not entirely sure how the permanence of death is meant to dissuade anybody from killing themselves. If anything, the permanence of death just makes me crave death even more. Isn't a permanent solution a good thing? I think that maybe what they are trying to say is that "death is permanent hence you shouldn't kill yourself as you'll regret doing so for all of infinity" but they don't say the last part because they aren't thinking about their words at all. It's impossible to regret succeeding in a suicide attempt because dead people are incapable of regretting anything
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Enemy brain ain't cooperating
Apr 5, 2024
So what if it's permanent?

You know what I think? Suicide is the only decision you can't regret.
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All the effort for nothing...
Apr 5, 2023
Reading through the comments on this post makes me really mad. I don't understand how people can be so cruel and can make fun of her. One person said, that she "thought she was being quirky and cool". Absolutely unbelievable.
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Mar 8, 2024
The concept of death is hard to grasp to a lot of people and in a way scary. Many do everything they can to "avoid it" including not thinking or talking about it. So they can't grasp the idea of someone looking forward to death to the extent of willingly choosing to end their life. Could be why they come up with some sort of explanations like 'they must not be mentally sound enough', 'they might not understand it's permanent'...and other theories. But it really is condescending to assume a grown women chose to die because she didn't understand the permanence of it.
Come up with religious beliefs.....etc
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I don't have twitter.

death is the only relief from all suffering and pain for an individual in this world.

Any pro-lifer should just suffer 24h from the physical and mental pain some of us here are enduring since many years.

I'm sure they'd change their mind and perspective.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I've never understood the, "you'll regret it" argument pushed forward by people like that. After death, things like that don't exist. Without consciousness, there is no capacity for such things like regret, all emotions are a construct created by biochemical processes in the brain. Once all that shuts down, it's turned off for good. It is not physically possible to regret death once it's over and done with. Sure, it's possible to feel those emotions in one's last moments, but after the dying process is over? Pure fiction.

I don't know why they think this way, especially regarding strangers on the internet that they know nothing about. The girl in the article admitted she had to spend her last days being hounded by people who didn't know her, because they didn't respect her decision or understand it. But it's not their choice to critique and pick apart, it is hers and hers alone.

When my grandpa was dying after fighting with severe illness for months and months, he had a lot of regret and fear surrounding dying. It was so painful to watch. Yet after that battle ended, others told me his expression was so peaceful, there was no longer pain and worry etched into his face. These emotions are only for the living room experience, not the dead.
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Mi Mi

No One Special
Mar 18, 2024
I don't mind
Especially when I've seen people who didn't understand being suicidal or mental illness.
Then their lives changed.
My ex husband...we're still cool and he's a good guy but he has pstd...he's been in a ward and he has SI. I think he's waiting for his kids to get older.
My sister has been diagnosed with psychosis. She had 2 ward stays in one month.
Could be a little Karma but many times I don't expect sheep to understand or empathize.
I surely don't care if they think I'm dumb.
Even if they don't attempt my social media shows they romanticize it, their lonley and Hyper focused on relationships, they are struggling.
So I don't care..I'll be dumb😂😂
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incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
I don't know what makes me more angry, infantalizing all suicidal people, or disrespecting the dead by calling her stupid. THAT many people feel good about insulting a deceased woman who must have been suffering? Jesus. They really think we deserve no respect at all.
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Jun 1, 2024
these are the npc with a programmed fact "dying = bad / living = good", they have no awareness just like an npc, or that's what i love to call them.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
these are the npc with a programmed fact "dying = bad / living = good", they have no awareness just like an npc, or that's what i love to call them.
l agree . They are NPCs
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Jul 29, 2021
i am sure she was fully aware of the fact that death is permanent and wanted nothing more than to never exist at all
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Mar 29, 2024

Notice how shit like this get 20k likes on x, people love looking down on people who want to die, like they are children that don't know what they are in for. I'm pretty sure she knows how permanent death is, just like everyone else here, and we wouldn't have it any other way. It's so condescending how normal people love to smartass about death like none of us has thought this through. This comment is especially shitty towards someone who went through such a long process of getting legally euthanised, where she had years worth of time to quit the proceedings.

Hmmmm ... yeah, well ... the permanence was the reason she did it ... ? ... 🤦‍♀️ when I kill myself, I want to make sure to never be tormented like this again, price be damned, because the pain is too much. Probably can only be understood if you understand pain 😆 but what do I know.
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May 11, 2024

Notice how shit like this get 20k likes on x, people love looking down on people who want to die, like they are children that don't know what they are in for. I'm pretty sure she knows how permanent death is, just like everyone else here, and we wouldn't have it any other way. It's so condescending how normal people love to smartass about death like none of us has thought this through. This comment is especially shitty towards someone who went through such a long process of getting legally euthanised, where she had years worth of time to quit the proceedings.

People without empathy like this are one of the reasons to want to ctb.
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Apr 25, 2023

Notice how shit like this get 20k likes on x, people love looking down on people who want to die, like they are children that don't know what they are in for. I'm pretty sure she knows how permanent death is, just like everyone else here, and we wouldn't have it any other way. It's so condescending how normal people love to smartass about death like none of us has thought this through. This comment is especially shitty towards someone who went through such a long process of getting legally euthanised, where she had years worth of time to quit the proceedings.

I was one of them when I was a child. I used to see whoever takes his life as a fool and does not believe in God. I was delusional.


maybe someday
Oct 2, 2023
Yeah, I saw that tweet too. People regurgitating the same tired, pro-life "suicide is never the answer" takes. Calling her stupid, selfish, irrational, insane, even "manipulated by doctors" when she actually underwent years of therapy and medication, she really tried everything there was. And yet they're still calling her stupid and manipulated, that's how low they think of us.

Everyone deserves autonomy over their body and life. I don't get why that's so hard for some people to understand.

I'd like to live in a world that instead of helping people kill themselves, would instead fix the system and society that makes us suicidal in the first place, but we don't live in that world. So until then, the least we deserve is the right to choose for ourselves.

In the sea of people crucifying her for her decision, I also saw a significant number of people defending her, so who knows, maybe things are changing. Maybe people are slowly becoming more understanding. Maybe.
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