

Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
So, I don't know if someone remembers, but I finished my internship and was offered a partial time job in a startup. However, the final call didn't come, and when I pressed the CEO he had a call with me and told me that even though I have solid technical skills (I'm a programmer), my social side was lackluster, and he even felt that he 'couldn't trust me'.

To be honest, this is bittersweet, not just bitter. I didn't actually want this job, but I enjoyed the pretense of having a future, the work itself removed from the people and the hopeful spark in the eyes of my relatives. I disliked the CEO and half of the employees in the company, and was stressed out during my time there. I had very little in common with these normies, their interests, their ideals. There was some tension because I didn't fit in, I'm sure. I think the CEO took the right decision. A guy that did the internship alongside me was offered a job finally, after both of us competing fiercely. He was a noticeably worse programmer but enjoyed talking about soccer and going out with the coworkers.

Basically this is something I saw coming and wasn't shocked. I don't care about the money, I became a programmer to try to find my place in the world, there's not much I could do with money with my physical and mental issues. The real failure here is social, as usual. This simply confirmed to me that it's an uphill battle to be tolerated by people I barely can tolerate myself. I need to feel better, be less bitter, but also find some place where I feel more comfortable with people. It's hard but not impossible.

At least I keep having my mobile game app going on, which will be published next year. That's nice, and so is having a supportive family, but I don't feel that the net is sturdy enough to hold me. I need something else.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Don't give up, you know that they often look for a very specific profile where they try to accommodate all the parts reflected in it.
When I was young the social part was practically irrelevant, but when I stopped working social media was already in full swing and then I realized that in this new world that created us all together I and other people would have the hardest things.

I encourage you to continue working on your game and maybe when you have it ready you can present it to a large company to make yourself known and that they know how to really appreciate what you can contribute to their projects ... otherwise you decide to go alone and try your luck yourself, at least you will be able to measure your passes more carefully and have more control over your work.

I hope you are lucky with it all.

No desfallezcas, ya sabes que a menudo buscan un perfil muy determinado donde intentan dar cabida a todas las partes reflejadas en éste.
Cuando yo era joven la parte social era prácticamente irrelevante, pero cuando dejé de trabajar las redes sociales ya estaban en plena efervescencia y entonces comprendí que en este nuevo mundo que nos hemos creado entre todos yo y otras personas tendríamos las cosas más difíciles.

Te animo a seguir trabajando en tu juego y quizás cuando lo tengas listo lo podrás presentar a una compañía grande para darte a conocer y que sepan valorar de verdad lo que puedes aportar a sus proyectos... sino es que decides ir en solitario y probar fortuna tú mismo, al menos podrás medir tus pasos con mayor cuidado y tener un mayor control sobre tu trabajo.

Espero que tengas suerte con todo ello.

No defalleixis, ja saps que sovint cerquen un perfil molt determinat on intenten donar cabuda a totes les parts reflexades en aquest.
Quan jo era jove la part social era pràcticament irrellevant, però quan vaig deixar de treballar les xarxes socials ja estaven en plena efervescència i llavors vaig comprendre que en aquest nou món que ens creat tots plegats jo i altres persones tindríem les coses més difícils.

T'animo a seguir treballant en el teu joc i potser quan el tinguis llest el podràs presentar a una compañía gran per donar-te a conéixer i que sàpiguen valorar de debó el que pots aportar als seus projectes... sinó es que decideixes anar en solitari i probar fortuna tu mateix, al menys podrás mesurar les teves passes amb mes cura i tenir un major control sobre la teva feina.

Espero que tinguis sort amb tot plegat.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
It seems kind of idiotic for them to hire a worse programmer because they like talking about sports, but at least its their loss right? I guess the CEO isn't a fan of people who think more deeply about things and discuss things that are more meaningful than, "Did you see that goal they scored last night? It was great bruh!"

I wouldn't want to work in that kind of an environment either. Making mobile games is probably a lot more enjoyable anyway, and I hope the app is a success after it gets published. If you can get all the normies addicted to it on their phones, that should give them less time to judge us for being different. :pfff:
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
It seems kind of idiotic for them to hire a worse programmer because they like talking about sports, but at least its their loss right? I guess the CEO isn't a fan of people who think more deeply about things and discuss things that are more meaningful than, "Did you see that goal they scored last night? It was great bruh!"

I wouldn't want to work in that kind of an environment either. Making mobile games is probably a lot more enjoyable anyway, and I hope the app is a success after it gets published. If you can get all the normies addicted to it on their phones, that should give them less time to judge us for being different. :pfff:
It's certainly not a good workplace for me but it's not stupid to consider whether an aspirant fits in with the team or not. It's a small start-up and I saw firsthand how intimate and chaotic the work is. I think he took the right decision overall, I'm a hard worker but they need someone that feels like "part of the family" for it to really work.

Of course, most of these people are shallower and dumber than me but that's irrelevant since I'm the one with 2000 posts in a suicide forum. I'm just trying to be fair with these money-making normies.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
It's certainly not a good workplace for me but it's not stupid to consider whether an aspirant fits in with the team or not. It's a small start-up and I saw firsthand how intimate and chaotic the work is. I think he took the right decision overall, I'm a hard worker but they need someone that feels like "part of the family" for it to really work.

Of course, most of these people are shallower and dumber than me but that's irrelevant since I'm the one with 2000 posts in a suicide forum. I'm just trying to be fair with these money-making normies.

It's good that you're trying to be fair about this. If I had been the CEO, I probably would have hired you instead of the other guy. It might have been a mistake, I don't know, but if I was going to sink my own ship in the business world, I'd rather have interesting conversations with the people I'm working with on the way down.

Having to listen to people go on and on about their favorite sports team would make me want to run the business into the ground on purpose anyway, but that's probably because I'm posting on a suicide forum too.
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Dec 15, 2021
So, I don't know if someone remembers, but I finished my internship and was offered a partial time job in a startup. However, the final call didn't come, and when I pressed the CEO he had a call with me and told me that even though I have solid technical skills (I'm a programmer), my social side was lackluster, and he even felt that he 'couldn't trust me'.

To be honest, this is bittersweet, not just bitter. I didn't actually want this job, but I enjoyed the pretense of having a future, the work itself removed from the people and the hopeful spark in the eyes of my relatives. I disliked the CEO and half of the employees in the company, and was stressed out during my time there. I had very little in common with these normies, their interests, their ideals. There was some tension because I didn't fit in, I'm sure. I think the CEO took the right decision. A guy that did the internship alongside me was offered a job finally, after both of us competing fiercely. He was a noticeably worse programmer but enjoyed talking about soccer and going out with the coworkers.

Basically this is something I saw coming and wasn't shocked. I don't care about the money, I became a programmer to try to find my place in the world, there's not much I could do with money with my physical and mental issues. The real failure here is social, as usual. This simply confirmed to me that it's an uphill battle to be tolerated by people I barely can tolerate myself. I need to feel better, be less bitter, but also find some place where I feel more comfortable with people. It's hard but not impossible.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that your potential work turned out this way. Sometimes, life is not about being "correct" or diligent, but to just fit in with the colleagues and being social.

One would think that there wouldn't be such high demands on programmers, given their role, but you should always try to "learn what you did wrong" - meaning that you will need to try to mold your personality according to the needs and preferences of other people. This means that you should be prepared to join you colleagues for an after-work once in a while, in order to be seen as "normal".

You know, I'm from Sweden, and you may or may not have heard about our "fika". We will basically burn you at the stake if you don't join :smiling:

Anyhow, I wish you well in the future. This is just one setback in your career, which means absolutely nothing in the long run.

At least I keep having my mobile game app going on, which will be published next year. That's nice, and so is having a supportive family, but I don't feel that the net is sturdy enough to hold me. I need something else.

This is fantastic! From what I know, it's always a good idea to have your own portfolio of things that you have created, when looking for work in a digital field, such as programming. Keep working at it!
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
It's obvious from your posts that you have a unique and quirky intelligence. People are often unsettled by this. Particularly bosses. It's not very comfortable for a boss to suspect that you're cleverer than he or she is. Or to feel that you won't blindly toe the party line. Work-places are geared up to people fitting in so they can operate like well-oiled machinery. Who wants a cog to talk back to them?

It would seem that personal projects are the way forward so maybe try to expand this?

Maybe you need to think in terms of being the CEO of your own startup one day.

Bearing in mind that I'm a totally washed-up never-even-been!

Pues no me hagas caso.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
It's obvious from your posts that you have a unique and quirky intelligence. People are often unsettled by this. Particularly bosses. It's not very comfortable for a boss to suspect that you're cleverer than he or she is. Or to feel that you won't blindly toe the party line. Work-places are geared up to people fitting in so they can operate like well-oiled machinery. Who wants a cog to talk back to them?

It would seem that personal projects are the way forward so maybe try to expand this?

Maybe you need to think in terms of being the CEO of your own startup one day.

Bearing in mind that I'm a totally washed-up never-even-been!

Pues no me hagas caso.
I like your advice, I really do. Why look for work when you can be a CEO yourself? All these people working for someone else are wasting their time! Suckers!

I'm on my way to the top. 🚀💰💎💯
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Sibyl Vane

Sibyl Vane

May 28, 2022
You shouldn't force yourself to be in this type of working environment if it is a stressful situation for you, especially if money is not an issue. Perhaps it would be more fulfilling to focus on jobs where you could work from home and be your own boss. There's a lot you could do as a freelancer developer. Regarding the social aspect, I believe there are better ways to find and interact with people who share similar interests. Joining clubs or groups of subjects you enjoy or hobbies you have being one of them.

It's really cool that you're working on a game! Maybe you could do a thread about it when it's finished. I'm not sure if this would present an issue related to privacy to you, but I would love to hear more about it.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
but that's irrelevant since I'm the one with 2000 posts in a suicide forum.
Wow, that's a lot. Couldn't even imagine posting that much.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Sounds like the startup is more of a college frat rather than a productive work environment. Startups with that Mark Zuckerberg beginning don't fare very well and end up folding after a few years. There are better places and companies to apply your skill and still get the respect.
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