

Trying to be better. 🫶🏻
Nov 3, 2018
Does anyone feel like therapy is useless when you already have plans to CTB?
My parents and friends are pushing me to go back to a therapist (i havent had one since 2016 and i only saw them once) because they're worried about me and think it will help me. Every therapist I've gone to has either dropped me because my problems were too much (14 being suicidal and self harming and the therapist was one for ages 8-17) or because I haven't been able to show up to appointments because I don't have the motivation. I know they want to help, and I know that they think it's what's best but it won't work. I've already made up my mind and no amount of coping mechanisms or printed worksheets will change it. I'm only 18, and I know child therapists might be different but even when I had an adult therapist it felt like they just didn't understand. I don't know if someone who's trained to care actually will.
(sorry if this is messy i'm just frustrated and sad about the whole situation)
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Oct 26, 2018
Therapy helped when my depression/anxiety was relatively mild. Now its very serious and I'm obsessed with suicide and self hate so it really doesn't help.
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Trying to be better. 🫶🏻
Nov 3, 2018
Therapy helped when my depression/anxiety was relatively mild. Now its very serious and I'm obsessed with suicide and self hate so it really doesn't help.
i wish i could say the same
the only time therapy ever helped was when i was hospitalized
but that could also be because i wanted to get out of there as fast as possible and tried to fake it
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Sep 19, 2018
Therapy never helped me. Personally i find it to be a waste of time. I am well aware of my problems and the only correct solution is shunned upon by the psychiatric community.

I only go to get meds and keep on my SSI.
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Trying to be better. 🫶🏻
Nov 3, 2018
Therapy never helped me. Personally i find it to be a waste of time. I am well aware of my problems and the only correct solution is shunned upon by the psychiatric community.

I only go to get meds and keep on my SSI.
i'm very lucky to have a general practitioner that refills my meds and helped me get a new one! i agree with the waste of time thing. i just don't have the heart to tell the people pushing me to go that it is. i don't want to see the looks on their faces when i explain why it is either.
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Nov 1, 2018
I'm being pushed toward therapy, too. After three years and seven therapists didn't change anything other than my bank account balance --except I now trust therapists even less than I did before (which is saying something!)-- I think that ship has sailed.
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Sep 19, 2018
i'm very lucky to have a general practitioner that refills my meds and helped me get a new one! i agree with the waste of time thing. i just don't have the heart to tell the people pushing me to go that it is. i don't want to see the looks on their faces when i explain why it is either.
I hate it when people assert that paying a some dude to talk to ya is going to solve anything. Makes matters worse when people blame YOU for not getting "better". Took my folks years to finally warm up to the idea that my life is probably always gonna suck and there is nothing that anyone can do about it.

Life sucks. Psychiatrists are like car salesman trying to scam people into believing life is a positive Imposition and that death is "never" the answer. Christ! If I wanted to be surrounded by a bunch of pro-lifers I'd go to church. I been in therapy from ages 5 to 35 (current age). So 30 years. Not once have I had any life changing experiences from it. I am certain my life would be pretty much the same as it is now without talk therapy.
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Sep 17, 2018
Just from a general point of view: you are still quite young and a lot of things can change at this age for you. It was that way for me. If there is some solution to your problems without dying, I would urge you to try and solve these if possible. Death is always an option, but life is not. But it is up to you, of course! You have to make the decision in the end.
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Jul 20, 2018
therapy is a waste of time for me because I'm smarter than my therapist about my own world and I have decided my life is not worth living.
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Trying to be better. 🫶🏻
Nov 3, 2018
Just from a general point of view: you are still quite young and a lot of things can change at this age for you. It was that way for me. If there is some solution to your problems without dying, I would urge you to try and solve these if possible. Death is always an option, but life is not. But it is up to you, of course! You have to make the decision in the end.
I appreciate the kind words. Right now, I take it all day by day. I am going to live in to 2019 (my date isnt until this time next year) so I have plenty of time if I decide to back out, or if I decide to speed things up. At this point in time, and for the last year and a half, I have been in a constant state of physical and mental pain and turmoil. Like you said, I'm still young! if all my problems are magically solved then obviously i'll try to keep living but I just don't see that being possible. I don't see my life going anywhere.
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Fallen bad23

Fallen bad23

Oct 19, 2018
Never tried it really. Maybe it works for some people and doesn't work for others. But I would just give it a try if I were you. I mean what could you possibly lose?
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Does anyone feel like therapy is useless when you already have plans to CTB?
My parents and friends are pushing me to go back to a therapist (i havent had one since 2016 and i only saw them once) because they're worried about me and think it will help me. Every therapist I've gone to has either dropped me because my problems were too much (14 being suicidal and self harming and the therapist was one for ages 8-17) or because I haven't been able to show up to appointments because I don't have the motivation. I know they want to help, and I know that they think it's what's best but it won't work. I've already made up my mind and no amount of coping mechanisms or printed worksheets will change it. I'm only 18, and I know child therapists might be different but even when I had an adult therapist it felt like they just didn't understand. I don't know if someone who's trained to care actually will.
(sorry if this is messy i'm just frustrated and sad about the whole situation)

Yeah I had people IRL push that on me and even when I was in college (a decade ago) many professors (including a philosophy professor - ugh) pushed for it as well as my RA and some peers. It was quite degrading and insulting that they are insinuating that talking to someone who is just there to go through the motions and treat each person as a number would somehow "help." During those times, I never once succumbed to going and just stewed in my own agony and depression as well as hiding in my dorm room except to go to classes, eat, or shopping. I'm actually quite proud of the fact that I didn't waste time then.

While I was in graduate school (just a few years ago), I actually went to a therapist, mostly just so I'd have an legit excuse for almost failing a course in my program, otherwise I would have been kicked out of my program and grad school due to poor performance. At first, the therapist seemed genuine and promising, but later, what followed was just disappointment, time waste, and getting nothing done. I didn't get any closer to getting any answers or solutions to my problems, wasted time and energy going to appointments for jack shit, and overall just made life more complicated for myself. I stopped going after knowing how much BS talk therapy, CBT, and such are (no offense to the people that found it helpful or had different experiences - it's just not for me).

Therapy never helped me. Personally i find it to be a waste of time. I am well aware of my problems and the only correct solution is shunned upon by the psychiatric community.

I only go to get meds and keep on my SSI.

100% agree and I would do the same too, just to keep my benefits and what not.

I hate it when people assert that paying a some dude to talk to ya is going to solve anything. Makes matters worse when people blame YOU for not getting "better". Took my folks years to finally warm up to the idea that my life is probably always gonna suck and there is nothing that anyone can do about it.

Life sucks. Psychiatrists are like car salesman trying to scam people into believing life is a positive Imposition and that death is "never" the answer. Christ! If I wanted to be surrounded by a bunch of pro-lifers I'd go to church. I been in therapy from ages 5 to 35 (current age). So 30 years. Not once have I had any life changing experiences from it. I am certain my life would be pretty much the same as it is now without talk therapy.

This is exactly what is wrong with the field, and no one will even as much acknowledge it, which is sad.
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Oct 3, 2018
I never tried therapy, and I never will. I don't think it's worth my time and money. These quacks are always pro-life. At best they'll try to put me into medication. And if I don't get better, it's my fault. But they will not let me exit, under any circumstances. So fuck therapists and the medical-industrial complex.

Let me manage my own life.
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Aug 27, 2018
Well I am on a wait list to see a psychiatrist but it won´t do anything since because of law I can´t be 100% open because if I do I will get punished. I legally own 2 firearms but as soon as I mention I am suicidal or depressed the police will take away my guns, patient confidentiality my ass. Also at age 18 I was denied entrance to the army because they could see in my records from previous sessions with shrinks that I had depression so the law really screw over potential progress to people.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I never tried therapy, and I never will. I don't think it's worth my time and money. These quacks are always pro-life. At best they'll try to put me into medication. And if I don't get better, it's my fault. But they will not let me exit, under any circumstances. So fuck therapists and the medical-industrial complex.

Let me manage my own life.
I will say that I regret wasting my time with additional sessions, and even though it didn't cost money, it's still time that could be spent doing other stuff (including planning an exit and obtaining methods).
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Nov 1, 2018
Well I am on a wait list to see a psychiatrist but it won´t do anything since because of law I can´t be 100% open because if I do I will get punished. I legally own 2 firearms but as soon as I mention I am suicidal or depressed the police will take away my guns, patient confidentiality my ass. Also at age 18 I was denied entrance to the army because they could see in my records from previous sessions with shrinks that I had depression so the law really screw over potential progress to people.

Exactly this. Therapists are required by law to have me committed if I speak openly and honestly. There go personal liberty and my firearms and any chance at any future endeavor that requires a clean record. So tell me again, what's my incentive to going to therapy? So I can practice guarding my tongue and being evasive? Bottling up what I actually feel? And paying someone lots of money for the opportunity?

Um... No.
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Aug 27, 2018
Exactly this. Therapists are required by law to have me committed if I speak openly and honestly. There go personal liberty and my firearms and any chance at any future endeavor that requires a clean record. So tell me again, what's my incentive to going to therapy? So I can practice guarding my tongue and being evasive? Bottling up what I actually feel? And paying someone lots of money for the opportunity?

Um... No.
So true how can we open up when we know we have certain restrictions these so called experts are so stupid to think that we aren´t aware of the consequences we are suicidal not idiots and we understand how the law works and it´s not in our favor.
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Aug 4, 2018
The only therapy available to me is a council-run one that I've tried twice and gotten nothing from. I'm like you, I don't see the point when I know I actively want to die, and they'd just get in the way of my plans.
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Oct 5, 2018
Depression is a life style disease.. taking drugs for depression will never cure it, it is like brushing the dirt under the carpet.
Stephen illardi is a leading researcher in depression. According to studies depression is non existent in tribal cultures, few hunter gatherer societies which are still left in forests..
We as humans are evolved over million years to live a different lifestyle but due to the advancement in technology , increase in stress, lack of physical activity, bad diet, less exposure to sun , less socializing tend to create this mental situation.
I religiously followed his advice it helped a lot.
I request you to give a whole hearted try..
I have his book if you want I can upload it.
All the meds just make you numb, addicted ,
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Feb 25, 2019
I appreciate the kind words. Right now, I take it all day by day. I am going to live in to 2019 (my date isnt until this time next year) so I have plenty of time if I decide to back out, or if I decide to speed things up. At this point in time, and for the last year and a half, I have been in a constant state of physical and mental pain and turmoil. Like you said, I'm still young! if all my problems are magically solved then obviously i'll try to keep living but I just don't see that being possible. I don't see my life going anywhere.
How do you feel now about it?
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Jun 5, 2019
I think therapy is more helpful when you are relatively stable. That way the therapist can encourage you to pursue goals and make lifestyle changes and you can actually do it. If you are not stable there's often not the energy or will to make changes and they don't help anyway.
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