
May 27, 2020
So tired of therapists they don't listen they just tell me what I already know such a waste of a trip going down there I'm so so sick of it
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Have you tried deep breathing? Meditation? Maybe if you're more mindful of your feelings people will stop abusing you? I wasn't serious by the way, just poking fun of how dumb therapists are.

I'm sorry to say but most of them don't have any special insight into life and most of them don't offer any form of practical help either. The only thing these people have done for me is pushed me closer to suicide. I've gotten more help from Donald Trump and he's a sociopathic orangutan in a suit.
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Your Orange Crush
Mar 7, 2020
I'm afraid that this is a problem with many therapists practising, but not all. I saw a client recently who had previously seen another therapist and had failed to complete a piece of homework as that therapist had instructed. Rather than explore the reasons she had failed to complete the work, this therapist just gave her a lecture which amounted to something like - "you have to want to get better. If you don't complete the work, you won't make any progress".

I think back to when I was a young teenager being seen by a newly qualified community psychiatric nurse who essentially picked and chose what symptoms and issues of mine to listen to and focus on in order that it suited her agenda that I was 'just stressed'. Her infamous words to me "Slow is suffering from stress but finds it hard to admit that these are his issues", I remind myself of that whenever I see a new client - I'm here to listen, guide and help to solve problems, not to impose my own diagnosis or agenda on somebody.

Treat your clients with respect, value their thoughts and opinions, and most importantly - listen.

It may be worth finding a new therapist Elizabeth, one who you feel will listen and take you seriously as opposed to being patronising and dismissive. If that's not possible, send an email to your MP (who has a legal duty to help you), they can take your concerns higher up the food chain.

You can look up who your MP is here: https://members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP
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Jun 25, 2020
Talking to anyone that goes deep into my conflicts and very personal feelings/thoughts is something I hate. It's uncomfortable and it makes me regret everything that comes out of my mouth afterwards, I've never felt comfortable sitting with a therapist at all.
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Jul 4, 2020
I can count 8 therapists, since my teenage years. One used the verbalize by famouse quotes only, never heard him processing an authentic thought. One was more f***ed up than me, plenty of maniacal behaviours. On the very first meeting, she said "Both your mother and dad never wanted you". Just like that, providing no tools or safety nets.
The last one (a year ago), on the first and only meeting, stressed on how much I eager to please others (not accurate, I grew up as a (pin)cushion and used to do everything to avoid conflicts around me)...and a second later, she was correcting me on what to properly say and feel. She was deliberately creating cognitive dissonances!
I wish I could tell you more on the "best one", she was dangerous, toxic and I allowed her to break me...I'm too angry to say more.

Sorry for this long part... I felt guilty everytime, guilty for wasting time and money, guilty for not feeling better and "healing", guilty for quitting therapy as each time I was one step closer to ctb, guilty cause my therapy was not mentionable to my relatives (mother's family) and this made me feel wrong and full of shame, guilty because all the guilty reasons were daily told (yelled at me) by my parents, just as a quick reminder of my failure.

I firmly believe no therapist wants a patient to heal, they need to enforce an addiction bond to exist. I wish I have quit therapy at least 10 years ago...I believe I would feel less damaged now.

Sorry for the wordy post...
I want you to know I can sense your feelings and they are all valid! It is luggage over luggage...
I just hope my experience could be useful for you.
If you can, please take sometime to feel if this therapy clicks or doesn't click...trust your gut!

Sending you a strong hug!!!
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Your Orange Crush
Mar 7, 2020
That is really horrible what you went through @HeavyOne some truly toxic people who shouldn't ever have called themselves 'therapists'. I wish I could say that your experiences were rare, but I've heard similar stories before :(

I firmly believe no therapist wants a patient to heal, they need to enforce an addiction bond to exist. I wish I have quit therapy at least 10 years ago...I believe I would feel less damaged now.

I know I'm not what you would traditionally call a 'therapist' but speaking for myself, I do genuinely care about the people who come to see me. In some ways, hypnotherapy is a different kind of relationship than a traditional psychotherapist-client relationship, but nevertheless I care about my clients getting better. I do my best to arm them with the tools they need to cope with situations themselves, I recall being told by another hypnotherapist that it was a 'stupid way to conduct business" because if you give someone the tools they need to cope with life on their own, they don't come back to you and pay for more sessions...

Some people just shouldn't be in the business of helping others.
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Jul 4, 2020
I apologise...due to my poor English combined with painful memories, I wrote something useless. Most therapists don't want patient to heal...not all. I just gave up looking for the good onces.

I'm glad to read you work moved by genuine ethics! Easing someone's backpack is a two way beautuful opportunity!
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Mar 1, 2020
Therapists are shit to me
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Your Orange Crush
Mar 7, 2020
I apologise...due to my poor English combined with painful memories, I wrote something useless. Most therapists don't want patient to heal...not all. I just gave up looking for the good onces.

I'm glad to read you work moved by genuine ethics! Easing someone's backpack is a two way beautuful opportunity!

No need to apologise, I took no offence, and what you said definitely wasn't useless. I've also experienced the horror of bad therapists who don't want their patients to heal, and on multiple occasions throughout my life, unfortunately.

I just wanted to try and point out that there are some good therapists out there who do genuinely care about the people they see, and I hope that the OP is lucky enough to find one - it can make a huge difference.
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Mar 1, 2020
The ones I've had the misfortune of seeing are the scum of the earth. One was talking about me to someone on the phone with me in the room saying things like "he is obviously a drug addict but we need to get him to admit it" when I never have used drugs and have no idea why he would say that. She spent ten minutes obsessing on the phone in front of me to someone that I had to be a drug addict who was lying about it.

I had similar experiences. They tried to get me into admitting something that I didn't do and I felt like I was being interrogated. Not a pleasant experience.
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Zappfe lover

Zappfe lover

Jun 24, 2020
Have you tried deep breathing? Meditation? Maybe if you're more mindful of your feelings people will stop abusing you? I wasn't serious by the way, just poking fun of how dumb therapists are.

I'm sorry to say but most of them don't have any special insight into life and most of them don't offer any form of practical help either. The only thing these people have done for me is pushed me closer to suicide. I've gotten more help from Donald Trump and he's a sociopathic orangutan in a suit.
Psychology is the flat-earthism of society. It provides comfort to those who have no interest in looking for information. People think that "therapy" is the magic potion that will solve all of the "sick" people problems.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Psychology is the flat-earthism of society. It provides comfort to those who have no interest in looking for information. People think that "therapy" is the magic potion that will solve all of the "sick" people problems.

This post from reddit said it best:

Yes, most therapists must receive post-graduate education and certification. The education they receive is functionally like that of a priest; e.g. they are taught to view things through a very particular scope - whereas the priest is taught the lens of their particular religion, the therapist-to-be is taught the lens of contemporary psychology and its endless pathologies. Therapy in-and-of itself, is like a confessional in a church, the therapist is the priest and the patient the confessor. The patient confesses their worries and problems much like a would-be blasphemer would confess their "sins".

The sad thing is, "just put your head in the sand" is probably a pretty common response to the OPs concerns not only at mental health resources across the world, but from peers and colleagues; the patient lives in a world where being open about such things in the dehumanized, hyperindividualized public sphere typically only invites scrutiny and further alienation (likely from individuals who are just as alienated and scared as them), which increases their reliance on the therapist as much as it increases their sense of cognitive dissonance, as though they are caught between two realities in a depersonalized limbo. Of course, there's only the one reality as far as we know, but to this patient their inner world has become an enigma and its workings thoroughly mystified by an industry that portends one must go through many years of schooling and certification before they can make sense of the human mind; which is as absurd and circular claim to make as "God works in mysterious ways." - as if that explains why your toaster catching on fire this morning and the delay that caused made you miss your train commute derailing, killing everyone on board. Likewise, it is just as circular to tell someone they have a disease called "depression", which can only be treated by "trained professionals" - trained, of course, in "psychology", an invention of the human mind as much as the phrase "mental illness" with all it's implicit meanings. But the backbone of the entire practice is to be a truthclaim, much like any religion - they suppose "mental illness" to be as sacrosanct as religions hold their Gods; that is, as self-evident and infallible as a physicist would consider thermodynamics.

Perhaps it would be too radical to admit "depression" is an entirely normal reaction to a world in which one exists as a dehumanized, chronically hollowed-out wage slave whose life has been reduced to a series of empty, mindless labor and emptier consumption rituals, comforted only by addictive drugs pushed on them at every turn, and vacuous social ties of similarly hollowed out wageslaves who only know how to monologue and compete; who breathes, eats and shits microplastic, pollution and pesticides, and can't remember the last time they felt somebody actually cared if they lived or died. It'd be far too radical to admit we're living through the slow-motion collapse of the living super organism we call 'civilization' and every case of "depression" is like one little support column showing signs of giving out under the weight of a monstrosity that has become too bloated and labyrinthine for its own good. Then we'd be engaging in reality, giving the "illness" the scope it deserves, and psychology cares not for this.

The reality is, contemporary psychology functions much like a religion or a cult does, in that what one receives from it depends very much on what one puts into it - the power wielded by such organizations are directly correlate to belief of their followers. This is the power of placebo, confirmation bias, and magical thinking. If one considers their reaction to, say, climate change to be "abnormal", they merely have to walk into a therapist's office and their belief will be confirmed - their conscious experience will become a list of "symptoms" of "illness", for which they'll receive "medication". The words, the labels, the pills, they're all momentarily comforting, but none actually deal with the original problem any more than popping an Aspirin cures a raging influenza infection. That's because the entire "mental health industry" is palliative at best - worse yet, it serves at the behest of the state, which benefits massively from an industry that teaches individuals to view their life's problems through a scope that is not only decidedly apolitical but atomized as well.

Take an issue like climate change and this scope fails almost entirely - its sufficiently large-scale enough that the therapist's individualizing lens has no real answer to it. One who is trained in end-of-life therapy may have some more substantial answers that verge into decidedly philosophical territory, but most "by the book" therapists will preach willful ignorance; their role is not to create independent-thinking individuals, community leaders, politically-minded citizens or would-be revolutionaries, because they don't operate in this paradigm; an office vending machine is more communalistic than a therapist's office could ever claim to be. No, their role is to keep people complicit and complacent in the consume/work false dichotomy lifestyle for they are part of the very same paradigm, this being their work as much as preaching is a priests'. The "mental health" industry is obliged to meet the absurdity of the world it exists in and profits off of, and so existential terror becomes "eco-anxiety", another cutesy label which can be "treated" with the right combination of benzodiazepines and willful ignorance, just as a village witch doctor may have once treated "spiritual possession" with a concoction of ayahuasca and a ceremony. Now this ceremony only takes 45 minutes and $200 a week and a monthly trip to the pharmacy. Who ever said capitalism wasn't efficient?!
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
I had the misfortune od being forced into outpatient therapy after I jumped. It was basically all my fault and I didnt want to get better. I was attention seeking and selfish because I was honest about my suicidal thoughts. I was accused of making up my childhood trauma so I could get attention. After a while of being punished for not making progress it started getting old, and I pretended to get better so they would leave me alone. The thing that hurt me the most od that three was a woman there who claimed to be a witness to her mom and sister double suicide by jumping off a building, and nobody every said they didnt believe her. But my sexual abuse as a kid that led to me being depressed was seen as sketchy somehow?

And when I repeatedly applied into treatment centers (the kind with months of therapy that are intended to help you cope better) I was told I cant be accepted because I have more than one diagnosis. So basically they told me Im too sick to be treated.

Honestly fuck them.
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