
Jul 31, 2019
The guy who threw me out like the trash did promise me to have one last Snapchat video call with me in 3 weeks. I told him that I would give him bank info during the call. My plan is that phone call would be my last phone call period.

That was a week ago. Now the guy has not answered any of my text, any of my calls. I am worried that he may not even keep his promise for that final video chat.

If he doesn't, I am actually gonna be angry and pissed. It would mean that he is really a scammer.

Just today, I read that Saudi is finally maybe getting ready to issue visitor visas in October. Either that or I think they would hold the same festival as they did last year in his home town and I should be able to get a special visa if I purchase a travel package from that festival. The festival will probably start in December just like last year.

If he doesn't keep his promise and call me one last time, he is really a scammer. Should I live in misery for 3 more months so I can get a chance to go there and confront him and tell his family and the town he lives in what he did ?

He is always worried about his family or other people finding out about us.. when I called him couple times in a row, he would freak out if he is with his mother or some relatives... Someone here PMed me also that Saudi are all about "reputation"..

If he doesn't keep his promise, then he is really a scammer...
I feel like I am going crazy and have million thoughts going through my.mind every day. Is he a scammer? Or maybe he is just too damaged himself to love someone. Is he gonna care if I tell him on our last call that I am going to kill myself afterwards? Should I even tell him?

If he doesn't keep his promise, I am going to be devastated.. should I fight? Do I even have the energy to fight? How can I fight?
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Mar 15, 2019
The guy who threw me out like the trash did promise me to have one last Snapchat video call with me in 3 weeks. I told him that I would give him bank info during the call. My plan is that phone call would be my last phone call period.

That was a week ago. Now the guy has not answered any of my text, any of my calls. I am worried that he may not even keep his promise for that final video chat.

If he doesn't, I am actually gonna be angry and pissed. It would mean that he is really a scammer.

Just today, I read that Saudi is finally maybe getting ready to issue visitor visas in October. Either that or I think they would hold the same festival as they did last year in his home town and I should be able to get a special visa if I purchase a travel package from that festival. The festival will probably start in December just like last year.

If he doesn't keep his promise and call me one last time, he is really a scammer. Should I live in misery for 3 more months so I can get a chance to go there and confront him and tell his family and the town he lives in what he did ?

He is always worried about his family or other people finding out about us.. when I called him couple times in a row, he would freak out if he is with his mother or some relatives... Someone here PMed me also that Saudi are all about "reputation"..

If he doesn't keep his promise, then he is really a scammer...
I feel like I am going crazy and have million thoughts going through my.mind every day. Is he a scammer? Or maybe he is just too damaged himself to love someone. Is he gonna care if I tell him on our last call that I am going to kill myself afterwards? Should I even tell him?

If he doesn't keep his promise, I am going to be devastated.. should I fight? Do I even have the energy to fight? How can I fight?

I feel you are very lost at the moment, which is understandable. Even if he does do the snapchat video, it doesn't make a huge difference, since it is motivated by you promising to give him your bank account, correct? And you better not even try to give him it at all, no matter what, even if he tells you he is at the hospital about to die and needs to pay for his medical bills, and is even somehow able to show you some sort of fake proof via a snapchat picture or video....... You will simply just be playing with yourself at that point, and being your own worst enemy. Either way, he is not a good man, doesn't worth your time and love. You will only hurt yourself more by keep trying to give hope of a positive future with him. There is a reason why you fell for his bait, and it is clearly showing right now from how you are still reacting, despite what he has done. You need to wake up, for your own good. Just do whatever is best for you at this point, including your own personal family/ friends, and people that actually matter. Don't invest anymore effort, energy or a single penny towards him anymore
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Jul 31, 2019
He needs my bank info to wire me the money to pay me back.

That's what he said when I gave him the last 50k.

If he doesn't keep his promise, then I know he is a scammer
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Mar 15, 2019
He needs my bank info to wire me the money to pay me back.

That's what he said when I gave him the last 50k.

If he doesn't keep his promise, then I know he is a scammer

Oh, I see. Hope everything works out then. But to be truthful, the chances sound slim. And I hope you don't mind me being so blunt and straight up with my words. I am just hoping to give you positive advice and input, during a tough time like this, versus sugar coat things and not get straight to the point. Anyways, do you have any pictures or videos of him? Maybe you can make a fake account, and share this negative story of him all over the internet? But also first make sure he doesn't do the same back to you (via making up fake stories), unless you are not concerned about it. Because I'm worried it may be dangerous if you went all the way to his country alone, and you cause him all this trouble. What if he then goes crazy and tries to cause danger for your life before you are able to flee the country? What if it ends up super ugly to the point where he tries to harm you back while you are there? Since if he caused you all this trouble in the first place, it shows he is the type that is selfish and plays dirty for personal benefit. If you wanted to revenge, which is totally understandable, is there a way you can at least cause reasonable impact but with minimal investment (in-terms of effort, risk, personal well-being, etc.) ?? But I understand even sometimes just thinking of revenge, is also a draining and torture process, as you are always having to keep thinking of negative situations over and over again. Of course if you can somehow let go of everything and let it fade, that may be the easiest. But I know its easier said than done. Hopefully you can find a balance somewhere in-between
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Jul 31, 2019
I have pictures. I even have a picture of his passport page as I bought his round trip ticket to Paris. I paid pretty much everything for that trip, a litt over 20k... Only to have myself constantly begging, literally begging him not to leave and not to be mad at me...

Last couple weeks before he cut off contact, when he gets mad, he did threaten me couple times, saying something like "if I cause problems for him and his family, there would be big problems for me"...

But I don't know how he can cause any problems as I did nothing wrong
  • Aww..
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Aug 31, 2019
Wendy, this guy sounds like a master manipulator - using you for money, and playing on your feelings for him. I think I saw you mention elsewhere that the $50k was just the latest lot of cash he got out of you, that he has tapped you for money before - was it $100k or $150k?

I got to say, on the surface he sounds like a scammer to me. Have you been intimate with him? Is the relationship sexual? Don't answer if that's too personal, I'm just trying to figure out whether he's actually invested in the relationship or just using you.

I really hope it works out, but I would be very cautious with this man. Don't go to Saudi by yourself to see him. I don't know for sure, but it all sounds incredibly sketchy to me.
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Jul 31, 2019
Wendy, this guy sounds like a master manipulator - using you for money, and playing on your feelings for him. I think I saw you mention elsewhere that the $50k was just the latest lot of cash he got out of you, that he has tapped you for money before - was it $100k or $150k?

I got to say, on the surface he sounds like a scammer to me. Have you been intimate with him? Is the relationship sexual? Don't answer if that's too personal, I'm just trying to figure out whether he's actually invested in the relationship or just using you.

I really hope it works out, but I would be very cautious with this man. Don't go to Saudi by yourself to see him. I don't know for sure, but it all sounds incredibly sketchy to me.
Yes, we have been intimate...

I am a bit afraid to go to Saudi even if I am able to go. I don't speak Arabic, and a female...

And yes, I have given him 200k in total. Almost all of my savings, where I have worked hard for the last 20 years...

And before his last phone call, he yelled at me, saying our relationship is nothing but money...
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Aug 31, 2019
Please don't go to Saudi. I worry that you won't be safe and that you will be taken advantage of even more than you already have. Look after yourself, be smart!
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Jul 31, 2019
Please don't go to Saudi. I worry that you won't be safe and that you will be taken advantage of even more than you already have. Look after yourself, be smart!
Anyways, this is moot right now because there's no way I can go to Saudi... My.only.hope is that they open up the travel visa soon or have the same festival in about 3 months.... Do I want to live another 3 months?
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Mar 15, 2019
Just curious, lets say if you did go to Saudi. Are you confident you can for sure get a hold of his family? Because if not, then you may be at risk of wasting the effort. In-terms of the confronting him in-person part, it probably won't do much with turning the situation around. He'll most likely react in an asshole and cruel way, and end up hurting you more. If you shared his pictures/ story all over the internet, especially targeting Saudi region, or even see if local media outlets over there are willing to cover your story, will that be potentially easier? Just make sure he didn't save any intimate pictures of you, as things tend to get ugly at stages like this
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Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
Hey @wendydong1

I hear you. I understand your pain. And I love you regardless. Be whoever you want to be, and do it for yourself. You're awesome!
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Sep 4, 2019
I understand. In my previous relation she took money from me, and I was pissed, plotted revenge... Then a girl came and healed me... and i forgot all about that, I though the money will always make her want more and she will misses more than me... And know I've got a wounded heart that will break if she leaves me... How can people be so mean... greed and evil... seem kindness it's a weakness in this world.
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We are already in hell
Jul 11, 2019
@wendydong1 Sorry, I don't remember the exact time line of events but I have been following your story.

Did he know you had money before he started whining about how hard his life is? If so I would say he is definitely a scammer...hoping you would take pity on him and offer him money. Ted Bundy (notorious serial killer) acted like he was wounded to lure women in. He knew they would take pity on him. Politicians do this (give us some sob story) all the time to manipulate us. It's an age old tactic.

And I'm so sorry for you pain. I hope your heart heals.
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
What festival is that... Janadriyah?

I knew you'd met here but didn't realize that this guy is a Saudi citizen.

Oh jeeesh.

What's your nationality?
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Aug 19, 2019
I'm sorry, but women are trying run away from saudi, not go there. This is the only case here where I feel it is completely futile to extend support. Even killing yourself is less painful than being lost in saudi.
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