

Jan 24, 2019
I was having my second job, at a call center, i was mainly having calls from US , we are in Colombia and obviously I had to speak in english with the clients, it was a company that offered connection services,such as internet, tv, cellphone plans, landlines etc.

When I was starting everything was kind of okay but I was on the billing department and i had to receive all kind of problems regarding bills, money, problems with the billing system, channels that had been disconnected.

I know it was frustrating for the costumers but I always tried to get to a solution or land them were they could have their solutions, whatever it was a shitty job even being polite and efficient with clients, they would be mocking your accent or yelling at you all day, telling you your incompetent, and even telling you things like "you know I don't know where are you from but here in america we are really having a bad time, i don't think you understand" , some days it was so bad that i remember this one client , a lady, yelling at me like crazy saying all kind of rude and cussing words , telling me I was useless , stupid , dumb, i had a breakdown in the middle of the call and started shaking and crying so I had to stop the call. It was like that for eleven or twelve hours straight, it made me feel worse about myself and caused panick attacks for months.

Did you had a job that you really hated? How did it affect your mental health?

I read you guys

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Aug 23, 2020
I'm really sorry about your job situation. People can be horrible. Is looking for a different job realistic for you at the moment?

I had a similar job in a call center for our local Internet provider and it probably takes the cake for the worst job I ever had. I once had a guy literally threatening to murder me in a horrible fashion because he was supposed to have an important raid or something in the World of Warcraft (yeah, it was a long time ago, I'm old), but there was a storm that damaged equipment at his house, so he lost his connection and there was no way for us to fix it immediately. People don't seem to understand that the person taking their call isn't personally responsible for whatever issue they're having and probably has no way of fixing it, they're just relying the message. It's like people who yell at cashiers because they don't like the prices or something about the product, some people just look for a defenseless target to take out their anger on without thinking if that person really is to blame for their issue or whether they even have any way of amending that issue. If people scream bloody murder over their Internet connection, I'm terrified of imagining what call center operators in hospitals or banks have to deal with...

Fortunately, I was in a way better place mentally than I am now when I had that job, and I had a support system, or I wouldn't be able to handle it. I still ended up rage-quitting after my boss took a crazy customer's side one too many times. No one deserves a job like that and luckily we're pretty close to developing technology that would make call centers obsolete and will leave all the crazy folks screaming at a chatbot with a voice. I sincerely hope there's a way for you out of that place.
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Jan 24, 2019
I quit the job when I was five months in, last year, i understand you so much, since that even though I was not rude with people while they were doing their work, right now i am more conscious and i try to be as polite as i can, working can be hell itself so we shouldn't make it worse for other people, at the end of it we're all just trying to survive.

I am glad this job didn't cause you too much damage for all the support you had :), please take care ❤️

I'm really sorry about your job situation. People can be horrible. Is looking for a different job realistic for you at the moment?

I had a similar job in a call center for our local Internet provider and it probably takes the cake for the worst job I ever had. I once had a guy literally threatening to murder me in a horrible fashion because he was supposed to have an important raid or something in the World of Warcraft (yeah, it was a long time ago, I'm old), but there was a storm that damaged equipment at his house, so he lost his connection and there was no way for us to fix it immediately. People don't seem to understand that the person taking their call isn't personally responsible for whatever issue they're having and probably has no way of fixing it, they're just relying the message. It's like people who yell at cashiers because they don't like the prices or something about the product, some people just look for a defenseless target to take out their anger on without thinking if that person really is to blame for their issue or whether they even have any way of amending that issue. If people scream bloody murder over their Internet connection, I'm terrified of imagining what call center operators in hospitals or banks have to deal with...

Fortunately, I was in a way better place mentally than I am now when I had that job, and I had a support system, or I wouldn't be able to handle it. I still ended up rage-quitting after my boss took a crazy customer's side one too many times. No one deserves a job like that and luckily we're pretty close to developing technology that would make call centers obsolete and will leave all the crazy folks screaming at a chatbot with a voice. I sincerely hope there's a way for you out of that place.
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
The worst job that I ever had was.. well... Being an Uber Driver..
I quit a job and I couldn't get the money that you get in Germany, when you don't have any job..
I decided to become a Uber driver because back then you didn't need any licenses, I had an leasing car and it might sound like this isn't the worst job but it was. Basically you had to stay "online" all the time to get some bonuses for activity and I did this for like 2 months till I found a new job and just quit Uber.
The second worst was something in a type of being a Callboy but instead of having you know what, I got paid for acting like I'm that individual's son.
Mostly got hired by some rich people who cared more for money and were single.
There was even a certain situation where I had to risk my freedom for driving those people around in their overpriced cars while having my license suspended but in the end this helped me out with moving out of my parents house and also buying myself an Opel Astra G 1.7TDI which I still own but I only drive it when I travel somewhere :P
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Apr 4, 2021
My worst job was at McDonalds. The job itself was fine, the staff and managers were cool too, it's like one big family in a way. The customers though, while we did have the occasional nice customer, the majority of them are rude as fuck, look down on you, and some even physically aggressive towards you.

I've had customers throw stuff at me, call me worse than shit, argue with me about the dumbest thing, and even just be stubborn and refuse to do things like pull forward into a bay while we're waiting for their food. I don't know, I just come to work to make money not to be yelled at all day by customers. 9 times out of 10, they're yelling at the wrong person. I didn't take your order, I didn't make your food, my job is to simply work the window and hand it out to you.

After about a year of working there, I found that I could no longer handle the shit that customers would say to me, my mental health seriously declined. It was no longer funny, it just hurt. It made me realise how shitty people are and that I'm bottom of the ladder in everyone else's eyes. I'm a waste of space and unsuccessful in life because I work in fast food, because the job itself is not a 'good job'. Why is that society's main definition of being successful? I'm unsuccessful because of where I work? People act like it, the way people talk to you in this job is actually so shit. I don't hate my job at all, I hate the way people see the job. It's like I'm at the lowest point you can be and everyone else is above me, better than me, more successful than me by society's definition. But maybe I don't want some job sitting behind a desk just because it's higher paying and deemed more successful than working in fast food. Maybe I don't see having a good job as being successful, but instead just being able to live comfortably, look after my family, and just generally enjoy my life.

But hey, I don't enjoy my life anyways so maybe I am still an unsuccessful waste of space.

Edit: Damn writing that really triggered strong suicidal thoughts. I can't wait for my SN to come, I'm done with this shit.
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Apr 5, 2020
Did stocktaking for 1 day, it was truly awful. Supervisor was a bitch, and the work was degrading and gruelling. I think I'd rather sit on the street than do that shit again.
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Feb 3, 2021
I was having my second job, at a call center, i was mainly having calls from US , we are in Colombia and obviously I had to speak in english with the clients, it was a company that offered connection services,such as internet, tv, cellphone plans, landlines etc.

When I was starting everything was kind of okay but I was on the billing department and i had to receive all kind of problems regarding bills, money, problems with the billing system, channels that had been disconnected.

I know it was frustrating for the costumers but I always tried to get to a solution or land them were they could have their solutions, whatever it was a shitty job even being polite and efficient with clients, they would be mocking your accent or yelling at you all day, telling you your incompetent, and even telling you things like "you know I don't know where are you from but here in america we are really having a bad time, i don't think you understand" , some days it was so bad that i remember this one client , a lady, yelling at me like crazy saying all kind of rude and cussing words , telling me I was useless , stupid , dumb, i had a breakdown in the middle of the call and started shaking and crying so I had to stop the call. It was like that for eleven or twelve hours straight, it made me feel worse about myself and caused panick attacks for months.

Did you had a job that you really hated? How did it affect your mental health?

I read you guys

Working in a call center for a tech company made me want to drive my car off the highway bridge. I remember one day a customer called in, told me his name was Tsao and at that time it was an uncommon name and being a bit oblivious, I asked how he spells it, he called me a stupid cunt and said "don't you know how to spell at all why do you even work there?" Eventually I started crying, I just wanted it to end and I told him to fuck off. Hung up and talked with my manager who said I needed to stay on the call until the end, whether I was cursed at or not, it was not right of me to hang up, I was docked over it and told to grow thicker skin.

I am greatful that I no longer work in customer service/help desk, it truly is soul sucking, I guess I am very sensitive your story reminded of it, just know its not forever, thankfully.... Nothing is and ignore those people who talk down to you about your accent, knowing two languages is a skill and even then, having an accent is something most people like.
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Apr 4, 2021
Working in a call center for a tech company made me want to drive my car off the highway bridge. I remember one day a customer called in, told me his name was Tsao and at that time it was an uncommon name and being a bit oblivious, I asked how he spells it, he called me a stupid cunt and said "don't you know how to spell at all why do you even work there?" Eventually I started crying, I just wanted it to end and I told him to fuck off. Hung up and talked with my manager who said I needed to stay on the call until the end, whether I was cursed at or not, it was not right of me to hang up, I was docked over it and told to grow thicker skin.

I am greatful that I no longer work in customer service/help desk, it truly is soul sucking, I guess I am very sensitive your story reminded of it, just know its not forever, thankfully.... Nothing is and ignore those people who talk down to you about your accent, knowing two languages is a skill and even then, having an accent is something most people like.
Fuck. Told to 'grow thicker skin.' I'm so sorry. Same situation, after a while of dealing with customers like that, that shit can get to you. Working with customers like that 100% contributed to the decline in my mental health and it's definitely a reason as to why I want to ctb. Destroyed my self-confidence, and made me change the way I see everything around me. Just seeing how people can be so fucking shitty to others for literally no reason. I don't wanna be in a world like that.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Working in a call center is rubbish. I had to work for a while of that and it was one of the worst jobs I had. It was a time of constant panic attacks. Customers had no patience
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Jan 17, 2021
Working as an attorney without having any friends or family to keep me grounded has crushed the last remaining traces of humanity out of me. Now I'm a completely emotionally disassociated meat-grinding machine.

And apparently I'm now also a contruction worker on the side, but that's not as bad.
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Mar 17, 2020
My worst job was at McDonalds. The job itself was fine, the staff and managers were cool too, it's like one big family in a way. The customers though, while we did have the occasional nice customer, the majority of them are rude as fuck, look down on you, and some even physically aggressive towards you.

I've had customers throw stuff at me, call me worse than shit, argue with me about the dumbest thing, and even just be stubborn and refuse to do things like pull forward into a bay while we're waiting for their food. I don't know, I just come to work to make money not to be yelled at all day by customers. 9 times out of 10, they're yelling at the wrong person. I didn't take your order, I didn't make your food, my job is to simply work the window and hand it out to you.

Después de aproximadamente un año de trabajar allí, descubrí que ya no podía manejar la mierda que me decían los clientes, mi salud mental se deterioró seriamente. Ya no era gracioso, solo dolía. Me hizo darme cuenta de lo mala que es la gente y de que yo soy el último peldaño ante los ojos de los demás. Soy un desperdicio de espacio y no tengo éxito en la vida porque trabajo en comida rápida, porque el trabajo en sí no es un "buen trabajo". ¿Por qué es la principal definición de éxito de esa sociedad? ¿No tengo éxito debido al lugar donde trabajo? La gente actúa así, la forma en que la gente te habla en este trabajo es realmente una mierda. No odio mi trabajo en absoluto, odio la forma en que la gente ve el trabajo. Es como si estuviera en el punto más bajo en el que puedes estar y todos los demás están por encima de mí, mejor que yo, más exitosos que yo según la definición de la sociedad. Pero tal vez no quiero un trabajo sentado detrás de un escritorio solo porque es mejor pagado y se considera más exitoso que trabajar en comida rápida. Tal vez no veo que tener un buen trabajo sea un éxito, sino simplemente poder vivir cómodamente, cuidar de mi familia y, en general, disfrutar de mi vida.

Pero bueno, no disfruto mi vida de todos modos, así que tal vez sigo siendo una pérdida de espacio sin éxito.

Editar: Maldita escritura que realmente desencadenó fuertes pensamientos suicidas. No puedo esperar a que venga mi SN, he terminado con esta mierda.
My experience is similar
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Mar 22, 2020
I had a very similar experience to yours. I hated working and being bossed around but I ended up working at a call center once.

I had never felt like such a slave before. I only had to work 6 hours a day but that time felt like 12 hours.

Customers called me really angry, insulted me lots and I couldn't tell them to go fuck themselves because I was monitored 24/7.

My levels of stress were in the clouds and I had started to hear a constant buzzing sound.

Thus, I wondered, "what the hell am I doing with my life? Sure, I need the money but I won't end up homeless if I take some time to look for and do another stuff."

That was when I decided that I didn't want to have a boss never again so, I gave my English some better use and started teaching in spite of not having a degree and then I realized that that was my ideal job so, I was so motivated that I started attending a teachers' training college and got my degree in a few years.

I'm still suicidal and having problems with life but work is not one of them.

I wish everybody could understand than being a slave and getting stressed every day is not a life.

There are many possibilities out there. One of my ex friends even makes a living by typing online captcha and completing surveys.

Call centers and big companies can go to hell.

Anyway, that was my experience.

Hope you can all get better jobs someday.

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Mar 17, 2020
I have worked for 10 years in frontera of the public, as a fashion saleswoman, mobilephone, supermarket cashier.. The worst things of these junk Jobs, the humiliating treatment by bosses and clients, they made me feel like a trash.
I was fired for a physical illness of chronic pain that is still in medical study but my Mind was broken for a long Time.
I developed social anxiety and agoraphobia for working in big shopping centerscenters, public transportation, i cried every day before going to work and when returning home on the bus.
Colleagues and bosses were abusive too, especially When my body broke.
So, I an at home for 3 years, I have panic of the masses of people, to take the train or bus, and a serious social anxiety.
These experiences have turned me into a misfit person.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I have worked for 10 years in frontera of the public, as a fashion saleswoman, mobilephone, supermarket cashier.. The worst things of these junk Jobs, the humiliating treatment by bosses and clients, they made me feel like a trash.
I was fired for a physical illness of chronic pain that is still in medical study but my Mind was broken for a long Time.
I developed social anxiety and agoraphobia for working in big shopping centerscenters, public transportation, i cried every day before going to work and when returning home on the bus.
Colleagues and bosses were abusive too, especially When my body broke.
So, I an at home for 3 years, I have panic of the masses of people, to take the train or bus, and a serious social anxiety.
These experiences have turned me into a misfit person.
I can understand you perfectly. Today I have learned to evaluate the people of my work to know how to treat them. I once worked in a supermarket. A lot of food was thrown away and the manager said that you had to put bleach in the garbage cans so that the poor didn't take the food. When it was my turn to do that, I would not add bleach, I would open the can and dump it down the sewer. It seemed to me an even more humiliation for people who rummaged in the garbage. Poor people.
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Mar 17, 2020
I'm really sorry about your job situation. People can be horrible. Is looking for a different job realistic for you at the moment?

Tuve un trabajo similar en un centro de llamadas para nuestro proveedor de Internet local y probablemente se lleva la palma del peor trabajo que he tenido. Una vez tuve a un tipo que literalmente me amenazó con asesinarme de una manera horrible porque se suponía que iba a tener una redada importante o algo así en World of Warcraft (sí, fue hace mucho tiempo, soy viejo), pero hubo un tormenta que dañó el equipo en su casa, por lo que perdió la conexión y no había forma de que lo arreglamos de inmediato. La gente no parece entender que la persona que atiende su llamada no es personalmente responsable de cualquier problema que tenga y probablemente no tenga forma de solucionarlo, solo confía en el mensaje. Es como la gente que les grita a los cajeros porque no les gustan los precios o algo sobre el producto, algunas personas simplemente buscan un objetivo indefenso para descargar su ira sin pensar si esa persona realmente tiene la culpa de su problema o si incluso tienen alguna forma de enmendar ese problema. Si la gente grita asesinato sangriento a través de su conexión a Internet, me aterroriza imaginar con qué tienen que lidiar los operadores de centros de llamadas en hospitales o bancos ...

Afortunadamente, estaba en un lugar mucho mejor mentalmente de lo que estoy ahora cuando tenía ese trabajo, y tenía un sistema de apoyo, o no podría manejarlo. Todavía terminé dejando de fumar después de que mi jefe se pusiera del lado de un cliente loco demasiadas veces. Nadie se merece un trabajo como ese y, afortunadamente, estamos muy cerca de desarrollar tecnología que haría obsoletos los centros de llamadas y dejaría a todos los locos gritándole a un chatbot con voz. Sinceramente espero que haya una manera de salir de ese lug
I have felt like a recipient of costumer frustrations.
Simply, when they have a bad day, or low self-esteem, they go to the shopping center to make the workers feel like trash, and that makes Them feel better and superior
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Dec 20, 2020
coat hanger factory in my late teens, drugs got me thru as per
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
My last boss treated me like crap, jokes on her i did my best to shut that place down and in the end she lost her business/lifes dream. Proud of that one honestly, if i ran into her in the streets i'd laugh about it. Haven't worked since, and that was like a decade ago.
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Mar 10, 2021
My worst job was an internship that I had in college. My coworkers were very rude to me, I used to get mockingly called "pretty boy" by my female supervisor and the men I worked with teased me all the time for really stupid stuff like what I ate for lunch. This was at a white collar job too, where I figured stuff like that wouldn't happen! Towards the end of the internship they started giving me stupid menial tasks to do. The worst part about it was that I realized within a month of starting there that I was going to hate working life for what I was majoring in in college and i needed to change, but i stupidly didn't change majors and stuck with it and unsurprisingly hated my first job out of school just as much.

it's strange because even though I always see people hating this kind of job, my favorite job was when I worked at the grocery store. Even though the managers and customers there made fun of me in a similar way to how the people at my internship did, at least most of my coworkers there were nice and friendly.
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Feb 27, 2021
My first job as a cashier in this run down dollar esque store. Now the customers were ass but still I could handle them since I have a decent amount of patience. But the fact that I had to clean both the men's and women's bathroom with no proper training or cleaning the span of an hour. Piss on the floor, shit on the walls, and blood sometimes.... Not to mention the place was infested with cockroaches. Only lasted there for 2 months.

The manager was also a bitch as well and tried to get me in trouble when it came to counting my till after work.

I don't think it affected my mental health that much I was just glad to be out of that hell.
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Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
The worst job I had was in a factory from P&G during summer.
I was standing in the line and packed Pampas into cardboard. A very mental challenge task the kicker was it was extrem loud there even with ear protection it was unbearable. Worst was the people that worked there on tried to convert me to the Islam. His strategy was to tell me a story from the Quran.

I didn't wanted to break out another holy war so I just said I am thinking about it.

Well, in Stil dark morning about 4 am my alarm was ringing took my phone deactivated it and then I was thinking about the loud atmosphere and all the people I didn't even want to be on the same planet.
So I lay back in my bed and slept further. I never went back. They paid me still 2 months later.
My mum was furious, but I didn't care. It was just too loud for me.
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Aug 12, 2018
My worst job so far was in Aviation Ground Handling.
Everyone around think working at the Airport is a luxury, it's only because they don't see the reality.

At first the job was tolerable. It was a shift job. I had decent time to rest in the afternoon or sleep at night (depends on the shift). But as time flows, the airlines expand their business, we had to serve more and more flights each day, the job became depressing and hellish stressful. I lost 8 kilograms from working only 7 months there. We got less and less sleep each night, while having to serve more flights than usual. Imagine a job schedule being so tight that you often have to either skip lunch or eat lunch at 3 - 4 PM, you have to work even on national holidays. This job drained me physically and mentally. I believe I would had cancer if I had kept working there.
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Jan 24, 2019
My worst job so far was in Aviation Ground Handling.
Everyone around think working at the Airport is a luxury, it's only because they don't see the reality.

At first the job was tolerable. It was a shift job. I had decent time to rest in the afternoon or sleep at night (depends on the shift). But as time flows, the airlines expand their business, we had to serve more and more flights each day, the job became depressing and hellish stressful. I lost 8 kilograms from working only 7 months there. We got less and less sleep each night, while having to serve more flights than usual. Imagine a job schedule being so tight that you often have to either skip lunch or eat lunch at 3 - 4 PM, you have to work even on national holidays. This job drained me physically and mentally. I believe I would had cancer if I had kept working there.
Sounds like a job of those that would leave you ready for death and cause a lot of laboral illnesses, i am glad you're not longer working on that, losing that much weight because of a job is a red flag
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Sales (cold calling): Learned quickly, sold some stuff, broke down emotionally and left.

Warehouse: Held back emotions at the expense of work performance, got fired.

Warehouse again: Worked pretty well, sat alone at lunch, had problems with blisters, saw people start dating, broke down emotionally.

I'll just throw in college stuff as well:

College 1: Moved out for this one, material required effort to learn, broke down emotionally (again, people dating and other social stuff I don't get), became acutely suicidal, got "hElP", quit and moved back 2 the basement.

College 2: Material extremely easy, boring and meaningless, everyone was a normie, broke down emotionally, quit.

College 3: Applied, got in, quit before starting (can't remember why).

I am now 23 with a blank resume. Will be tough to get a job even if I'm fresh out of vocational, tbh.

Next attempt will either be vocational training, another college or some minimum wage stuff (if I get "lucky"). The most likely thing to happen is me remaining a NEET and leeching off of my parents until I'm 30 or something and can kill myself in relatively good conscience.
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Oct 13, 2020
I guess working as a barmaid in this particular pub. Just how women were treated.. like a male member of staff flashed his cock at me behind the bar and managers did nothing, constant sexual comments from customers and getting you to bend over to get stuff out the fridges so they could look at your bum, being made to wear tight t shirts with beer festival dates across the boob area so then customers would say they needed you to stand there and let them read them for a LONG time! Male members of the staff locking me in the cellar with the lights off for a laugh.. I know banter goes with the job and I literally did just laugh along with it but it definitely makes you feel shit when you're alone at home.
Then to top it all not being able to afford a taxi home so having to walk back the dark streets of the shitty town I lived in at 2am and having to deal with stuff like creepy men following me trying to get me to go down an ally with them.
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Nov 27, 2019
I worked at a lunchroom, the managers treated staff shitty but it was fine for a while. Until I called in sick one day, and everyone went crazy mad on me. How i was so selfish etc. for canceling on them. So my avoidant ass never returned, lol. I really do not handle conflict, at all.
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Mar 17, 2020
Trabajé en un comedor, los gerentes trataron al personal como una mierda, pero estuvo bien por un tiempo. Hasta que un día llamé para reportarme enfermo y todos se volvieron locos conmigo. Cómo fui tan egoísta, etc. por cancelarlos. Entonces mi trasero evitativo nunca regresó, jajaja. Realmente no manejo los conflictos, en absoluto.
You are not alone, I Am like that too
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Mar 4, 2021
I guess working as a barmaid in this particular pub. Just how women were treated.. like a male member of staff flashed his cock at me behind the bar and managers did nothing, constant sexual comments from customers and getting you to bend over to get stuff out the fridges so they could look at your bum, being made to wear tight t shirts with beer festival dates across the boob area so then customers would say they needed you to stand there and let them read them for a LONG time! Male members of the staff locking me in the cellar with the lights off for a laugh.. I know banter goes with the job and I literally did just laugh along with it but it definitely makes you feel shit when you're alone at home.
Then to top it all not being able to afford a taxi home so having to walk back the dark streets of the shitty town I lived in at 2am and having to deal with stuff like creepy men following me trying to get me to go down an ally with them.
This is creepy. I really sympathize with you.
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