

Jul 29, 2021
The world doesn't owe me anything, You are born into this world to make your own way, you have no guarantee of health, safety, food, shelter, happiness, love, or anything else.

life isn't equally hard for everyone. There is an enormous range of difficulty vs resources any person has to draw on.

The phrase "the world doesn't owe you anything" conveys the idea that one is not entitled to have things handed to them in life. It suggests that success, happiness, and opportunities do not automatically come to a person, but must be earned through one's own efforts and initiative.

The underlying message is that individuals are responsible for their own outcomes in life. The world, or society, does not have an obligation to provide for your needs, grant your wishes, or solve your problems. You must take ownership and work to create the life you want.

This perspective encourages self-reliance, resilience, and personal accountability. It cautions against developing a sense of entitlement or assuming that the world will cater to your desires without you putting in the necessary time and effort. The phrase emphasizes that you must proactively pursue your goals and make your own way, rather than passively expecting things to be handed to you.
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Aug 5, 2024
No one ows anyone anything if you really think about it.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
No one ows anyone anything if you really think about it.
I'd agree as a general idea, but I think we enter into agreements - like contracts, although not in writing. There are some general ideas, like I scratch your back you scratch mine. Now, it's complicated, I can't just go around and do things for people and make them have obligations, but it's more like an acknowledged "you ought to" rather than you have to. (If I take a lot, I ought to give back. cough, billionaires, cough.)
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Aug 5, 2024
I'd agree as a general idea, but I think we enter into agreements - like contracts, although not in writing. There are some general ideas, like I scratch your back you scratch mine. Now, it's complicated, I can't just go around and do things for people and make them have obligations, but it's more like an acknowledged "you ought to" rather than you have to. (If I take a lot, I ought to give back. cough, billionaires, cough.)
That concept works well as long as you're not surrounded by psychos. Thats why I try to not enter such agreements anymore. Got betrayed too many times.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
That concept works well as long as you're not surrounded by psychos. Thats why I try to not enter such agreements anymore. Got betrayed too many times.
Absolutely. People who have been burned a lot are obviously going to be more hesitant to give without a guarantee, or otherwise put any trust in words. Those of us who have been more lucky - imo - should try to give more than we get to compensate and maybe even things out, while being patient with those who have had it worse.
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Just Existing
Sep 27, 2023
Absolutely. People who have been burned a lot are obviously going to be more hesitant to give without a guarantee, or otherwise put any trust in words. Those of us who have been more lucky - imo - should try to give more than we get to compensate and maybe even things out, while being patient with those who have had it worse.
I agree, I think we all owe it to other people to improve their lives, especially those of us who are in more need than ourselves. Regrettably there is always someone who needs you.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
No one ows anyone anything if you really think about it.

It doesn't really work out like this though- does it? Parents have a legal obligation to not neglect their children. They can get into trouble if they don't do certain things. In turn, there are huge expectations placed on all of us to comply basically. Get a job, pay taxes, abide by the law, not kill ourselves, try to keep everyone else alive for as long as possible too. Respect our parents, respect our elders. I think that's one of the main reasons I want out of this. I'm sick of having to comply to all this stuff.

Plus- why aren't we owed sometimes? If you pay tens of thousands to study a course and work really hard, isn't it reasonable to expect to be able to find a job at the end of it?!! But, how many people do end up working in a job they specifically studied for? Universities are businesses at the end of the day. They probably like to boast that their students all become successful but, they probably don't and I doubt they even care all that much, so long as the money keeps coming in.

Really though, by living in a society and complying to its rules- obeying the law, paying taxes, contributing- it is a kind of mutual contract that we do expect stuff in return eg. That we get taken care of if we fall ill or, are unable to work. That we are protected from crime or recompensed if we fall prey to it.

But yeah, I understand why people say this phrase. It's a kind of- 'Don't expect anything and you won't be disappointed.' Plus, in many regards I think it's true. Most things in life require huge amounts of effort. Even trying to die ironically!
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
If the world doesn't owe you anything, then why does society believe that you owe it something? It's not an equivalent exchange in that case. It should be a give and take, where you get a benefit and something in return from giving to society, but society just wants to take, take, take from you without giving anything back. Society believes that we're all indebted to it and have a debt to pay back, but what has it ever done for us?
No one ows anyone anything if you really think about it.
Society believes that you have a debt to pay to it though, even though in its mind, it doesn't owe you anything
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Fuck that, I was born against my will so I should at least be owed euthanasia. I believe that the world owes me euthanasia. Why should I be forced to survive in a world I never even consented for in the first place. It's downright unfair
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I like trinkets:)
May 10, 2023
Fuck that, I was born against my will so I should at least be owed euthanasia. I believe that the world owes me euthanasia. Why should I be forced to survive in a world I never even consented for in the first place. It's downright unfair
It's hard to argue. It does make sense. If people can't have a say in being born then we should have a right of peaceful and painless death….
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Enemy brain ain't cooperating
Apr 5, 2024
Actually the world owes us everything, we are born into it without our consent so we don't have to take responsibility for anything.

We are not obligated to work to fulfill our needs.
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