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Alan James

Apr 11, 2019
The reasons why governments don't allow euthanasia for everyone for money? Money? People who really want to die will still do it sometime and somehow (after many unsuccessful attempts if necessary): they could get money from them all, and so for example they just jump from a height and they won't get anything. Is it only money or something else? I want to try to list the main reasons:

  1. Money
  2. Religion
  3. Stupid and brainwashed society
  4. We are all slaves. We have no real rights and no real freedom at all, we are cruelly deceived and used. And CTB is the highest manifestation of freedom, escape from this hell, the owners of this world system cann't allow such freedom to their slaves - then the slaves will want more and more.
  5. Some sincerely believe that by not giving people the right to die voluntarily they are doing something good, seems they are even proud of it.
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Mar 28, 2019
I think one big point is that there is no activism. Drug consumption for example is not tolerated in most societies. But because of years of activism, in my city, drug addicts get clean and new syringes, test kits to test purity and special rooms with mirrors to help inject. They are saying "better they do this under controlled enviromnent than under the bridge with infected syringes". One can establish the same services for suicidals, even though society would not be in favour of it much, it's still possible, if one has good arguments. A bad, traumatizing form of suicide is always hurting other people (family), a good peaceful suicide under controlled enviromnent harms other people less. It's also easy to make it cost-free. N is cheap to produce. Everybody can afford it.

In the netherlands, the group "cooperatie laatste wil" is fighting for the right to die for everybody. They have sodium azide and sell it. Even in television somebody asked a politician live "I don't want to live. I want to die now. When will you allow this? It's my life its my right". Society know that there is this position. At least there is little discussion. This isn't being done in other countries.
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Alan James

Apr 11, 2019
I noticed that society seems to be not against people dying - they are against them doing so voluntarily and peacefully. They seem to kind of envy those who died with euthanasia.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Money, power, delusion... you name it. The state needs its wage slaves. Psychiatry needs its patients: unlike any other medical speciality that is actually based on science they understand pitifully little of the subject they're supposed to be masters at and can't cure shit so they need to force people to undergo their Frankstein like pseudo-treatments.

Most of all I think the suicidal need to be prosecuted and brainwashed because they show plain as day life has no real, objective meaning at all and is filled to the brim with unrelenting, incurable suffering. One of the main functions of society is to produce idols people can worship and invent rituals and meaningless stories (pseudo-explanations like mental illnes induces suicide) to make it seem as if life has a purpose and all the suffering, stupidity and injustice actually has a point which makes it all worthwhile.

"Suicide is illegal because it's a punishable offence to destroy government property."'
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Jan 19, 2019
Another thing too add is that US culture is obsessed with making you benefit family instead of yourself.
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I did it for the lulzs
Apr 22, 2019
Not really, suicide is rising like a rocket in the united states. Looks like the us government flat out don't care about poor people offing themselves.

Also allowing cheap and fast suicide will likely destroy economic productivity. We're aren't in the age of robots doing the work yet.
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Alan James

Apr 11, 2019
We're aren't in the age of robots doing the work yet.

I always thought that when robots and mechanisms replace wage slaves, then euthanasia will not only be allowed everywhere - it will be advertised and imposed.
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
Ive always though our governments make us poorer so that we do off ourselves.
Keep the rich and get rid of the poor kinda thing. The bottom of the barrel, well, in their eyes.
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I did it for the lulzs
Apr 22, 2019
I always thought that when robots and mechanisms replace wage slaves, then euthanasia will not only be allowed everywhere - it will be advertised and imposed.
Maybe.. the elites will likely dole out welfare to keep their body's on their heads however. The us has a welfare state due to the fact that starving people have nothing to lose compared to people with welfare mollah and food stamps. Its a shit system but its better then nothing for the underclass.
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Apr 5, 2019
Can you imagine it though? "the choice"
Like if it were a thing, ( a legitmate natural go to ) may be a much bigger deal then you'd think
People will exit for mcuh less heavy situations
It may even become a trend a subject for causual conversation
And be emberassing to still be alive in some conditions and state (like i already feel)
It will help a bit with overpopulation though
And also probably a nice intstant death method
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Mar 28, 2019
I always thought that society might crumble if one allows people to exit peacefully... but then I thought about the 1970ies where it was just possible to go to the pharmacy and buy dozends packages of sleeping pills. And society didn't crumble.
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Jan 19, 2019
I always thought that when robots and mechanisms replace wage slaves, then euthanasia will not only be allowed everywhere - it will be advertised and imposed.
Now this has me thinking of Wall-E where all of us are forced to stay in flying scooters or some kind of machinery 24/7 causing us to get out of shape and most likely die a slow unhealthy death.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
The reasons why governments don't allow euthanasia for everyone for money? Money? People who really want to die will still do it sometime and somehow (after many unsuccessful attempts if necessary): they could get money from them all, and so for example they just jump from a height and they won't get anything. Is it only money or something else? I want to try to list the main reasons:

  1. Money
  2. Religion
  3. Stupid and brainwashed society
  4. We are all slaves. We have no real rights and no real freedom at all, we are cruelly deceived and used. And CTB is the highest manifestation of freedom, escape from this hell, the owners of this world system cann't allow such freedom to their slaves - then the slaves will want more and more.
  5. Some sincerely believe that by not giving people the right to die voluntarily they are doing something good, seems they are even proud of it.
I think #1 and #4 is the main reasons u cannot easily access a humane planned death. Especially for the people who truly have incurable conditions and terminal illness, old age. But in free market most people would not feel like they are stuck in hopeless situations that are not related to incurable illness. There would be affordable alternatives and well established therapies that work for people who have emotional, psych issues.
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Jun 1, 2019
The government makes more money from a lifetime of taxes than they would from selling us the right to die.
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Alan James

Apr 11, 2019
The government makes more money from a lifetime of taxes than they would from selling us the right to die.

Anyone who really wants to die will jump from a height or jump under a train for example: no taxes, no money for medical corporations and doctors, no money for euthanasia. Nothing.
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Aug 9, 2018
The reasons why governments don't allow euthanasia for everyone for money? Money? People who really want to die will still do it sometime and somehow (after many unsuccessful attempts if necessary): they could get money from them all, and so for example they just jump from a height and they won't get anything. Is it only money or something else? I want to try to list the main reasons:

  1. Money
  2. Religion
  3. Stupid and brainwashed society
  4. We are all slaves. We have no real rights and no real freedom at all, we are cruelly deceived and used. And CTB is the highest manifestation of freedom, escape from this hell, the owners of this world system cann't allow such freedom to their slaves - then the slaves will want more and more.
  5. Some sincerely believe that by not giving people the right to die voluntarily they are doing something good, seems they are even proud of it.
My reasons are no one cares about me,
I cannot get any help no one will help me without money,
I have tried everything,
I do not know what else I can do,
I do not want to feel this way anymore,
and I cant even leave bed. :(
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
The reasons why governments don't allow euthanasia for everyone for money? Money? People who really want to die will still do it sometime and somehow (after many unsuccessful attempts if necessary): they could get money from them all, and so for example they just jump from a height and they won't get anything. Is it only money or something else? I want to try to list the main reasons:

  1. Money
  2. Religion
  3. Stupid and brainwashed society
  4. We are all slaves. We have no real rights and no real freedom at all, we are cruelly deceived and used. And CTB is the highest manifestation of freedom, escape from this hell, the owners of this world system cann't allow such freedom to their slaves - then the slaves will want more and more.
  5. Some sincerely believe that by not giving people the right to die voluntarily they are doing something good, seems they are even proud of it.
You left out one.
6. If it ever became socially acceptable to commit suicide, so many people would do it that society would collapse. No more taxpaying consumers would be left to keep the overlords rich. That's why government pokes it's nose into our right to die.
They are protecting their revenue stream.
Not really, suicide is rising like a rocket in the united states. Looks like the us government flat out don't care about poor people offing themselves.

Also allowing cheap and fast suicide will likely destroy economic productivity. We're aren't in the age of robots doing the work yet.
Yes! <3
My reasons are no one cares about me,
I cannot get any help no one will help me without money,
I have tried everything,
I do not know what else I can do,
I do not want to feel this way anymore,
and I cant even leave bed. :(
Could you or could you not survive on 1100$ a month if your meds were covered? yes or no, Pat?
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Jan 28, 2019
You left out one.
6. If it ever became socially acceptable to commit suicide, so many people would do it that society would collapse. No more taxpaying consumers would be left to keep the overlords rich. That's why government pokes it's nose into our right to die.
They are protecting their revenue stream.

Yes! <3

Could you or could you not survive on 1100$ a month if your meds were covered? yes or no, Pat?
Thats the same argument like saying if crack was legal then so many people would be doing it and society would collapse cause nobody would care about doing anything else other than getting high all day everyday which in actuality wouldnt be the case. If crack was legal most people still wouldnt touch it.

If suicide is easy and legal then number of people doing it will rise for sure, but not to the point of society collapsing. BecUse most peopletstill fear the unkniwanand wouldnt kill themsel es over simple problems. Im done with correcting my shit this phones keyboard sucks and it just adds a bunch of crap to it that i didnt eve write.
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Jun 1, 2019
The reasons why governments don't allow euthanasia for everyone for money? Money? People who really want to die will still do it sometime and somehow (after many unsuccessful attempts if necessary): they could get money from them all, and so for example they just jump from a height and they won't get anything. Is it only money or something else? I want to try to list the main reasons:

  1. Money
  2. Religion
  3. Stupid and brainwashed society
  4. We are all slaves. We have no real rights and no real freedom at all, we are cruelly deceived and used. And CTB is the highest manifestation of freedom, escape from this hell, the owners of this world system cann't allow such freedom to their slaves - then the slaves will want more and more.
  5. Some sincerely believe that by not giving people the right to die voluntarily they are doing something good, seems they are even proud of it.
Well said. Its how I feel about the whole situation as well. But majority of the 'sheep' don't see it this way. They are brainwashed beyond belief thinking we all have 'freedom'.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
All those five reasons, makes perfect sense. Also, while it is understandable that society as a whole may well collapse if too many people commit suicide, well, that would be consequence of a failed society and in fact, if it does collapse, then perhaps humans can start over and rebuild a better, more compassionate society. Or maybe even go back to the early tribes, depending on what the definition of societal collapse is.
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Mar 28, 2019
All those five reasons, makes perfect sense. Also, while it is understandable that society as a whole may well collapse if too many people commit suicide, well, that would be consequence of a failed society and in fact, if it does collapse, then perhaps humans can start over and rebuild a better, more compassionate society. Or maybe even go back to the early tribes, depending on what the definition of societal collapse is.

I also thought that society might crumble if they allow "N" to be legal.

But then... it was legal! and people actually could buy sleeping pills once in the pharmacies to die. And society did not crumble.
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Mar 7, 2019
The main reason why is that we are genetically predisposed to survive at all costs.

Secondly unless they suffer the same psychological extent we do they will never truly understand.
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We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
That's the problem with society, we all think we know what's best for each other... specially when it comes to religion, everybody has the idea that we will go to hell if we off ourselves wrapped around their finger
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