By marginalized communities, I'm referring to communities that face systematic oppression, such as the LGBTA+ community and the BIPOC community.
So you have people that spend there time looking for reasons not to help you. Those are reason *to* help you. In fact they are politically sexy reasons to in 2025. Helping a white guy boring. Not sexy at all. When's the last time you saw someone string up a mission accomplished banner because they helped a white guy. Happens all the time for those communities. Those are the victims people actually want to help. Could make your career. Catapult you to a cushy cable news job.
I'm sorry, but no. I've met people from marginalized communities who've been victims and many of them get little to no help whatsoever and have a much harder time accessing resources to get help or justice. That's not even getting into the many cases where people from these communities literally die because impart due to their being a part of these demographics. I'm sorry about what happened to you but that in no way disproves what I've said in my other post. It's also weird to try and claim that "if I was in a marginalized group you wouldn't even need the paper like oh you are marginalized that's a reason to help you" when you are on a site filled with people from marginalized communities who have trouble with accessing help partly because of the fact that they are from these communities.
Except most of the resources *for* help are only available for them. I lived in the middle of the ghetto in one of the most dangerous areas of my state. Do you know how many legal advice clinics specified they wouldn't help white men. A lot. It's intersectionality literally. There's a spectrum of your value. Jews lare second from the bottom and a non insignificant amount of people want to see them put in the gas chambers again. Then you have straight white men below them. You literally have people saying you are white man because of that alone I won't help you. Everyone's cool with it. If I opened up a business tomorrow I don't know maybe a wedding cake shop and didn't want LGBTQIA to shop there I'd be crucified. If I opened a business and said no black people I can't even come up with an outcome hellish enough for what I'd have to endure.
So no Those are big sexy political string up the mission accomplished banner I'm coming to save you reasons to help someone. Marc Fogel white man arrested before Griner for the exact same crime in Russia. Griner got the merchant of death, and big ole welcome home party, interviews, probably a book deal, and numerous political photo ops and was released before Fogel. She's a black Lesbian. Fogel white man only just recently got released barely made the news. He wasn't even listed as wrongfully detained only August of 2024 3 years after his arrest. Griner had that declaration pretty much immediately.
Simply put those topics are cool en vogue and big sexy I'll get off the couch make your political career reasons to help someone not the opposite. So no you are wrong.
There are plenty of cases of "almost victims" also not gaining any sympathy and being told that they are making a big deal out of nothing and have their experiences invalidated. Also, sympathy isn't in itself meaningless. It can play a role in motivating people to help others, which is kind of something that you want if you were a victim of something. It's not an excuse, it's a type of emotion that we feel and it's one that plays a role in motivating us to be altruistic.
Sure but they aren't victims so why does it matter they absolutely shouldn't be. Because they aren't victims.
Sympathy is meaningless if you can do something. Those marginalized groups above. You think they want sympathy or someone to do something?
it absolutely does not motivate others. Humans dont work that way it's the bystander effect. Look up the case of Kitty Genovese. 38 witnesses whole lot of sympathy man what a poor girl. Yet no one did anything.
Sympathy? If you are a victim and struggling you probably want a hand out of hell not symapthy for what you are going through.
i think it is the opposite. It's an excuse to not be altruistic. Man I felt bad for that person I'm such a good person. End of thought moving on to the next unrelated thought.
Perpetrators end up being defended by others and are protected all the time. This does happen routinely. Funnily enough, this statement kind of highlights the fact that you are from a privileged background, lol. Just look at how many cases there are of police officers getting off light after harming others, especially Indigenous and black folk, for example. This is far from a rare occurrence and is a common topic among victims of abuse, discrimination, rape, etc. Saying that it's just that "people don't give a shit" is insulting to people who have experienced shit like this before.
Does it happen rarely. All the time don't be ridiculous. The amount of time who have the resources and capital to be protected is very small.
I have looked at the statistics in my state the outlying number is... Chemicals used. Slightly more likely to use tear gas, pepper spray, etc... Thats it.
This is dramatically overblown for political purposes. Tyre Nichols may be one of the most brutal murders I've ever watched. It barely made the news. Why because it was a bunch of black police officers on a black guy. In what was a personal killing something to do with a girlfriend I think? Wasn't sexy wasn't white on black so it was politically advantageous to talk about.
Hell you had a situation identical to floyd before Floyd with a white guy who was schizophrenic and called 911 for help. The court ruled for the officers. White man same situation except he *called* for help. Not politically advantageous so you didnt hear about it.
Also for the record I've actually experienced racism/nationalism? Literally i won't talk with you because you are American while in medical school. I will only talk to Poles.
Youve proved my point you basically went sucks went happened to you but... theres lgbtia/bipoc who really need help. It's preposterous this is even a conversation. It should be on merits alone. You have people picking and choosing who to help on immutable characteristics.
I'm using the term "rewarded" because that's the term that you used in your original post
I also said victims aren't rewarded in fact it was implied they are punished. I said playing the victim particularly as an almost victim gets you rewarded with the reward being sympathy which is the lifeblood they live on.