

Dec 8, 2019
I actually don't really mind having ADHD for me it isn't a huge disability / huge aspect of my disability & I find a lot of aspects of ot enjoyable. Like beimg able to see all the dimensions & think of em for example(I dunno if that makes sense but what my dad calls "galaxy brains"

But somethimg I've noticed is it's harder to shut my brain off to sleep after a period of depression, darker moods, being down & out etc etc like as I am coming out of it I notice my brain is more active. Making it harder to sleep.

I slept through the night. The mudwater helped but I think I needed more THC bc I still dreamt quite vividly but I don't remember much of the dreams... so the cannabis & mudwater really did it's job mostly.

Though its like 6am and I've been awake for like an hour after having to get up for a min....

Took more CBN capsules. Kinda getting sleepy again. Though
I'm not sure I like the oil in these capsules. I've tried the pure oil version and it made my stomach kinda hurt like now, if I don't eat with it and im too tired to eat rn... But maybe should try to eat...

A nutella sandwich sounds appealing but feelin lazy. šŸ˜•

Anyway today I wanna/needa do laundry. Probs clean the bathroom too... clean out fridge & freezer.

Yesterday I bought some cold green tea, some matcha latte sticks and a ginseng supplement drink packet(first time trying it in this form) so I'm excited to have some energy supplement/caffiene again. It's been awhile & green tea & matcha is jus soo good. Good health wise too/ great nutrients. Ginseng too. I've been on the look out for an affordable but effective ginseng drink set. This one is not an affordable cost like 1 packet cost a lot but may have found a bulk version of it. Anyway excited to try those today.

Hoping stomachache passes. Could make tea but very lazy in the mornings....

Watching a kpop variety show and hoping to get to sleep soon.

I do now wonder if my mood changes is just less stress or the hyperthyroidism or smthin like that... technically less stress will make all my health issues better soo I dunnooo

I hope I can get back to bed soon bc I wanna wake up rested and clean. I feel a bit of natural discomfort if I don't wash my sheets & such regularly. Like sensory wise & all.

Realllyyyyy do needa get some more sleep thooo got 6hrs but I want more šŸ˜©

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