
Aug 20, 2021
Betrayal from a friend, loved one, or authority figure in your life is something many of us on this form may have personally experienced. It leaves a permanent wound that never heals, leaving an empty feeling of sinking within you that festers for what seems to be eternity

Perhaps there is light in the long dark tunnel that spans in front of some, and with such new pastures in front of them they are able to eventually reach recovery that felt so far away before. I am happy for those can do so. But for I personally, I do not see that same light. More accurately I do not see comfort within it.

A comparison can be someone being victim to an accident. The result is them losing their vision. Yes, they have survived. Yes they can experience most things they had before. But they still can not see. They are out of danger, resting in the comforting arms of safety. However the aftermath renders them unable to experience the world as the had before the incident.

This idea can be compared to relationships after betrayal. Even as you may be lucky to fill your life with those who appreciate you, you can never experience them the same again even after the past has become the past. The new expectation that everyone is out to betray or harm you in some way. Some nefarious plan you are not aware of. I mean, how could you not? We base our thoughts, emotions, and opinions on our knowledge and experience right? This does not mean someone doesn't appreciate those around them in return. It means you can never feel safe with them, even if their intentions are not malicious in nature.

With the kind of experience betrayal is, it prevents you from ever trusting another again. And not unjustly either. How many will pretend to be your friend, smile in your face, and pretend to be close to you only for the reality of the situation to be revealed? You can not overcome betrayal, because the feelings you gain from the experience is not trauma but instead insight. If they are not heeded, you will only find yourself in the position to be wounded again. I was told it was trauma by "friends", who not only got access to my private accounts but never told me they were hacked into. Then screenshotted and shared my messages in mass. Saw I was groomed by a predator when I was younger within the messages, and proclaimed I was a thot for being victimized. I was told by my second "friend group" its trauma that I have these feelings, only to find out they talked about me behind my back and were actual friends with my bullies. This experience takes many different forms within my life. It is a cycle, a recurring one; You will always be hurt in this way if you do not carry caution. If you allow yourself to trust, and believe those around yourself have good intentions you will be proven otherwise.
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Nov 12, 2022
However the aftermath renders them unable to experience the world as the had before the incident.

I relate to this statement so much. I'm so sorry you were betrayed your past friends, when what you really deserved was to be heard and comforted if you ever did choose to share your experiences when you were ready. It hurts, and I know that what I say won't change that. Your feelings are valid, and your reaction to this betrayal is completely understandable. I know my words won't take that pain away, but I want you to know that you deserve better.

From me, when I didn't have anyone I could trust, I felt incredibly alone. I felt like I belonged to no one, just appeared out of thin air. You might not relate to this but for anyone that does, know that you can still have moments of joy by yourself. You can go to the beach and be soothed by the waves, you can pet cuddly stray cats, take yourself to the library and discover something new, you can go to concerts and plays. There is so much to enjoy by yourself, even just for a little bit. My darkness and trauma is always waiting around the corner, but I appreciate the moments of joy I am able to capture.
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