

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Such a thing is just prolonging suffering, the whole idea of suicide prevention is very delusional, it's harmful to be so anti-suicide as death is a relief.
It's insane how many people see suicide as something to prevented despite the fact that existence is the true problem, to me it only feels rational wishing for eternal non-existence. I don't see any value in suffering so unnecessarily all while there is unlimited potential for existing to get more unbearable, existence is the true hell and we are all just waiting to die anyway.

Anything related to suicide prevention just causes harm, as the right to die is a human right, if one wishes to find peace from the hell that is existence then that should be respected. Suicide prevention is such a repulsive idea as one shouldn't have to suffer when they want to die, suicide is a valid choice not something to prevent.
We should all just be able to die in peace when we want to as after all existence is just a harmful curse that just causes suffering so the right to peacefully escape from it is very important.
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Oct 28, 2023
I think suicide prevention makes sense in some cases bc some people maybe do it impulsiv. Maybe something happens and the person is completely in rage so they let their emotions win and do it but if they calmed down then maybe they wouldn't had done it. Suicide shouldn't get demonised and definitely not be a "sin" for some people but I think it's the last option someone should consider
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Oct 11, 2023
I think suicide prevention makes sense in some cases bc some people maybe do it impulsiv.
I don't agree. My thinking is if you can't ban a fundamental human right just because some people are more impulsive than others. Suicide prevention is the real slippery slope.

I learned when you allow people to prevent something for people, those in control will always ban your fundamental rights. (At least, that's what I experienced.)

I am okay with your freedom of speech though.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I think that suicide should be a right and shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. After all, we're all going to die anyways, so what's so bad about taking your own life/dying by your own hand? Two things are certain in this world: birth and death. Everyone is born, and everyone dies. Death is the destination/end result for everyone.

I think that people shouldn't have to live out stages of their life that they don't want to, like me with adulthood and beyond for example. I honestly never even wanted to grow up in the first place. I never wanted to be an adult and I think it's sad that I was forced to become one due to the passage of time. I think that once people are done with a certain stage of their life (the part that they want to live), they should be allowed to exit and leave.
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they/them, menhera
Oct 27, 2023
I agree with this sentiment.
I have noticed that most people discussing suicide are just being shallow in the way they discuss it to follow the boundaries and just robotically repeat the words we have heard a billion times "if you have suicidal thoughts call this number, suicide is never an answer and your life is so much more precious than you can imagine" type of mindset, like they don't care at all just to get the social points. Its very cynical and just careless way suicide is discussed in most media and general life. I think that a lot of people actually see through that bs and realise that death is an actual escape from life but chose to not to do it for social pressure or another reason especially once they get a job and get a family and have kids, then their reason for suffering through stress becomes "oh but I will leave my family and they will suffer because of that" and just continue suffering. It is something so cruel to do to yourself and I can't bear even watching it, and it sickens me that this is being praised by so many people as an ideal. It makes me think that if people could have the courage to actually take their own life and had to not worry about families they would leave behind there would be many more people escaping their suffering. And I wouldn't see that being selfish, because if there is something selfish is relying on this person to not take their own life and have them suffer even though they simply don't want to anymore deep down.

What is infuriating is that this type of carelesness and shallowness when discussing suicide is what leads to much worse outcomes such as medicalisation and hospitalisations of suicidal people which is something that made me afraid of even discussing it with everyone because I did once get into a problem for simply mentioning that I would do it. Ever since then I felt closed off because it would result in being hurt even more to open up. Thats what this society does to suicidal people and its honestly cruel, it is never right to take away somebodies freedom especially if they exercise their own bodily autonomy. If I had to talk about what is ethical then it is stigmatising suicidality and taking away somebodies freedom to chose what to do with their body. I take it that patient is the first person you should ask what is right for them, instead of resorting to oppressive means of medical paternalism which plauges the medical field since the middle ages.
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Sep 9, 2023
Considering there's already 8 billions of us on this Earth - suicide probably should be not only allowed, but also encouraged along with voluntary sterilisation until we die out to 500-600 millions.
february in alaska

february in alaska

wandering aimlessly
Sep 13, 2023
I totally agree with the right to die, but I am genuinely curious if y'all really think suicide prevention should be done with as a whole. Mostly because I know a lot of suicide prevention is targeted towards children and teenagers
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I am Clive
Oct 23, 2023
I totally agree with the right to die, but I am genuinely curious if y'all really think suicide prevention should be done with as a whole. Mostly because I know a lot of suicide prevention is targeted towards children and teenagers
Right? A lot of people have benefited from the destigmatization of mental illness and seeking help that suicide prevention has done. Kids specifically. I may think ppl have a right to die, but I also recognize that a lot of people don't actually want to die. Time can fix a lot, especially if the suicidal individual in question is a young teen. And asking for help and seeking mental help can also do a lot. Suicide prevention helped normalize both these things a lot, and suicide prevention in general saves teens lives and allows them time to seek help or grow out of their situations.
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Disheartened Ghost
Oct 27, 2023
Such a thing is just prolonging suffering, the whole idea of suicide prevention is very delusional, it's harmful to be so anti-suicide as death is a relief.
It's insane how many people see suicide as something to prevented despite the fact that existence is the true problem, to me it only feels rational wishing for eternal non-existence. I don't see any value in suffering so unnecessarily all while there is unlimited potential for existing to get more unbearable, existence is the true hell and we are all just waiting to die anyway.

Anything related to suicide prevention just causes harm, as the right to die is a human right, if one wishes to find peace from the hell that is existence then that should be respected. Suicide prevention is such a repulsive idea as one shouldn't have to suffer when they want to die, suicide is a valid choice not something to prevent.
We should all just be able to die in peace when we want to as after all existence is just a harmful curse that just causes suffering so the right to peacefully escape from it is very important.
I agree on some level, but I think it depends on context. I think there are people who don't REALLY want to die, they just need more support, possibly meds and therapy. Not everyone obviously, but I think there are situations where suicide interventions are warranted.

Of course I believe in everyone's right to autonomy, but there are people who have been suicidal in the past and move past it to live fulfilling lives. So I don't think interventions are completely worthless.

I think there's a line between having services in place for people who want to continue living but need help, and respecting people's right to die if that's really what they want.
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idk anymore
Oct 25, 2023
I feel like that's harsh and biased thinking, sorry.
The way I see it, unless they abuse you even further, there genuinely are cases where people went on to live good lives after being prevented from ctb. If you mean the lack of available methods for people to end it painlessly... this is kind of a paradox too because if you were to make it easier, yes the people who were already gonna do it anyway will do it in a less painful way, but there definitely are ALOT who didn't do it for fear of extreme pain/failure since they didn't have those methods, and then something happened which turned their life around in a positive way so they don't want to ctb anymore, but if they had that easy method available they wouldn't be alive anymore in the first place.
Personally, I know I will most likely ctb in about 10 months, but I still feel like life has priority, so I'm not mad or anything about how hard it is to find painless methods. It's just impossible to satisfy both parties, and naturally life will have the right of way. That's why ctb is never the first option for anyone.
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Death is the solution to unsolvable problems.
Sep 13, 2023
The society wants humans to live, not die. That is the reality in most countries.
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Oct 15, 2023
To me the way I view aggressive pro life Is similar to someone that struggles with letting go and attachments. It's fundamentally and philosophically no different than someone breaking up with you And you're demanding to still be in their life. There always will be people that just don't want to be here. Offering to help solve these people's problems and see if there's any potential way to get them to stick around is one thing it's an entirely another thing too aggressively insist that they must always choose life.

I was recently watching a small Youtuber talk about suicidality And outside of a couple of points that he makes particularly near the end I think he makes some decent points. Would be curious to see your thoughts FuneralCry if you haven't seen it yet.

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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
The society wants humans to live, not die. That is the reality in most countries.
Yeah, unfortunately they make dying so difficult. Why does society want us to live though? Is there any objective benefit to living over dying? I think that dying is preferable to adulthood (having to work for a living and pay to exist on the planet) and old age.
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Mar 21, 2019
Some have other options that have not been properly explored. In those cases, this system has value.
In the other cases, it can be a total annoyance.


I dont know
Nov 2, 2023
I agree to some extent. I feel like people should be more open towards the act of suicide. If a person is suffering really badly, then why stop them trying to find peace? Sure, some people want to live their life to the fullest. But it is a fact that some don't.

However I do still think suicide prevention is neccessary. Maybe for some people, they simply needed to calm down. They might change their mind after that.
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Oct 17, 2023
Suicide Prevention is not only sadistic and cruel, but also pointless. Everyone dies one day anyway. If someone wants to exit life, then they should have every right to do so. Because they never asked to be born in the first place. And no normal person would willingly want to live in today's shallow and corrupt society.
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Jun 19, 2022
It's not that black and white though. I don't understand all these blanket statements as if they're the undeniable truth. I mean, yeh if I go on one of these "suicide prevention" websites I usually don't agree that what they're saying is gonna help me but maybe it helps someone else?

If you are including things like listening to someone and urging they wait a while before they make any decisions (e.g if they're being impulsive or their depression is due to stressful life events) then no that's not something that is "repulsive" to me. I'd rather everyone got help and support to be happy first and suicide was a last resort. Not everyone has a promortalist philosophy.