I'm not sure there are many satanists here. (Which I'm sure will be disappointing to those who want to see this place as a cult.)
I expect many members will relate however to the appeal of going out on your own terms. Quitting when you feel like you've had enough. So, maybe the sense of autonomy can make us feel strong.
I'm not convinced going out when you are at your peak or when you have utterly failed makes a difference though. Those are presumably values based on earthly achievement. Depends how much you value earthly achievement really. I would argue- by the time someone is suicidal, it probably means a whole lot less to a person. Successful millionaires kill themselves just the same as those who are destitute on the streets.
Who do you suppose is deciding which suicides are strong or weak anyway? Satan? Does Satan reward some and not others? Or is this talk of strength and success refering to something else? Surely, if a person is that successful, they wouldn't want to kill themselves!
Whether we'll be happy while killing ourselves though? Probably not, unless you're a masochist and enjoy the thought of hurting yourself. I'd hazzard a guess that the majority of members here want to achieve death but, they don't want to experience dieing to get there!
It's definitely not something I feel happy about. It's something I deeply resent being forced into the position of having to do- if I want out. But yes, I firmly believe that we should be able to leave when we want to and I think there is a certain strength in doing so. I don't like being a puppet to this life. To God (if there is one,) to my biology, to my government. I can't wait to cut the strings.
What makes suicide less strong is the knowledge it will likely hurt those left behind. It isn't strong to deliberately inflict pain on people but sadly, it's an inevitable consequence.