

waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
I was born as a result of a sad attempt to fix a failing marriage. Which is a terrible idea because it just anchors people who hate each other together for life.

Both my parents saw their own worst qualities in me and it reminded them how much they hated themselves. As result I was beaten and humiliated on a frequent basis. I didn't even know that this wasn't normal until high school because I was home schooled and kept isolated until then.

The fact that I didn't have to be born and experience any of this misery makes me resent my parents, the universe, etc that much more. I am here because of some random cosmic fluke and have to suffer everyday because of it.
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Little Homeless Girl
Feb 5, 2020
Worse thing is being born into a world where it was never about you or your wellbeing. I'm a product of a teen guilted by a catholic mother to keep then then forced to suffer poverty and brainwashing.
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Mar 22, 2020
We never asked to be born and still here we are!
In my case, my brother wasn't enough for my parents. They decided that having one more "beautiful soul" into this world was a great idea. Ridiculous! I was more than happy in the eternal nothingness!
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
Worse thing is being born into a world where it was never about you or your wellbeing. I'm a product of a teen guilted by a catholic mother to keep then then forced to suffer poverty and brainwashing.

Yeah we are here because of the choices someone else made. Then we have to take responsibility for a life we didn't even ask for. I don't know how anyone sane could bring more lives into this miserable meatgrinding experience called life.

We never asked to be born and still here are!
In my case, my brother wasn't enough for my parents. They decided that having one more "beautiful soul" into this world was a great idea. Ridiculous! I was more than happy in the eternal nothingness!

Over a million people kill themselves every year. Since it is a proven fact that the vast majority of suicide attempts end in failure, this means that there are an unknowable amount of actively suicidal people.

The fact that a community like this even exists should give people pause about having kids.
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I'm sorry
Apr 6, 2021
Everytime my parents said "we brought you into this world and we can take you out just as easy!"

Man all I thought was "please god let me be serious this time"

Still here sadly.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's so surreal to think like that. Like if something happened, even the smallest event to stop my parents from meeting, I wouldn't be alive and I wouldn't have to suffer.
Parents have children for their own sake and don't even think about the fact that the child might not want to be alive in the first place. This is why we need a right to die as we never even asked to be born.
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Apr 24, 2021
It's so heartbreaking. People shouldn't procreate if they can't give a nourishing life to their children.
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Apr 5, 2020
I was born as a result of a sad attempt to fix a failing marriage. Which is a terrible idea because it just anchors people who hate each other together for life.

Both my parents saw their own worst qualities in me and it reminded them how much they hated themselves. As result I was beaten and humiliated on a frequent basis. I didn't even know that this wasn't normal until high school because I was home schooled and kept isolated until then.

The fact that I didn't have to be born and experience any of this misery makes me resent my parents, the universe, etc that much more. I am here because of some random cosmic fluke and have to suffer everyday because of it.
I'm sorry to hear about you abuse and torture, nobody deserves that, not even a little bit. I do challenge the idea that you could have never been born, though. Nobody knows for sure if events in the universe are necessary, or if different events could in fact have occurred. I personally believe that all events are necessary and in some way determined, however I can't support or prove this, it's only my bias. You could say it's how I cope with my own train wreck of a life.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
It's so surreal to think like that. Like if something happened, even the smallest event to stop my parents from meeting, I wouldn't be alive and I wouldn't have to suffer.
Parents have children for their own sake and don't even think about the fact that the child might not want to be alive in the first place. This is why we need a right to die as we never even asked to be born.

If my parents didn't have sex that night I wouldn't be alive and some other poor soul would have taken my place. It is such a mindfuck to know that trillions of little factors over the course of billions of years led me to be born.

Life is such one sick joke.
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Sep 21, 2020
The reason for my birth is not exactly the same as yours, but maybe a bit similar. When in my teens and really struggling one day I asked my mother why she had me. And the response was "that is just what women do". No mention of love of my or my father. She spent my childhood trying to destroy me emotionally and psychologically. She should have used her birth control. It was only because I had a decent paternal grandmother that I managed to survive. Many times while I was growing up, even when I was small, I wished I could have just stayed in the great pre-birth void. This life was overwhelming from the beginning. Hugs to you.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
When in my teens and really struggling one day I asked my mother why she had me. And the response was "that is just what women do". No mention of love of my or my father. She spent my childhood trying to destroy me emotionally and psychologically.

I remember when I asked my mom why she had me. She told me to stop asking her stupid questions. Kids are just afterthoughts to most parents.

Thinking back I was just a punching bag for both my parents to vent their stress. Then they have the nerve to ask me when I will give them grandkids.
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