

Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
Following is the list I made a few months ago to ease the process of dying for myself and to prepare myself. Take from it what you will and share what your prep is like :) Please no weird remarks or judgment. This is very personal and am hoping for compassionate responses only.

I'd like to start planning the exit in detail. There's a lot to be done so I need detailed lists.

Things to try first—
- [ ] Medication
- [ ] Go to x place
- [ ] Visit the ocean
- [ ] Publish articles
- [ ] Set up beneficiary with banks
- [ ] Spend time with everyone
- [ ] — video call with non locals
- [ ] — hangouts with locals
- [x] Stargaze
- [x] Make art and share
- [x] Enjoy nature
- [x] Eat as well as I can
- [x] Go on walks
- [x] Take vitamins
- [x] Continue therapy
- [x] Continue daily yoga and meditation
- [x] Work anyway
- [x] Finish applying to phds just because

Ride a bike maybe?
Write a book?
Publish my work?
Write research paper on suicide esp due to systemic oppression? (working on this one)

Pick a date on December 11 and make timeline for the following
Set up legacy holders for social media
Sort out health insurance with what happens after death
Life insurance? (Too late)
Doctor's appointment for prescriptions
Work on a will
Organ donation?
Figure out digital data
Buy equipment and confirm it works-- plan for if it doesn't
Record a general video— share the process of what I went through, share love and well wishes
Write personal history?

Figure out how to set up scheduled emails and money transfers and gifts
Write letters, videos, leave gifts, plans, and recurring emails for everyone

Depending on my relationship to people following are things I am leaving for folks-
Goodbye letter + video, recurring pre timed letters, journals, plants, plans for people with a schedule to help them (daily and long term), therapist lists, grief processing resources, art, scheduled money transfers, gifts

For example, some people who I know will struggle a LOT, I am pre writing letters for them they will receive monthly/yearly as they navigate this. It is a lot but I want to mitigate the harm as much as I can.
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Jun 25, 2020
I think if advanced preparation makes it easy for you to ctb then great. I also like preparing but not very detailed like yours.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
I think if advanced preparation makes it easy for you to ctb then great. I also like preparing but not very detailed like yours.

I still feel like I "owe" people something.. just trying to make that go away
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Nov 30, 2020
I haven't made any preparations.
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Falling Apart
Nov 7, 2020
I have no preperations. I have nothing i want to achieve or do, nothing to make sure is sorted before i go.
My only preperations would be writing notes which i did before xmas but now i have a couple to re write due to a change of circumstances.
Other than notes and method theres nothing to prepare for me.
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Jul 27, 2019
I have never heard of the ifidie.org website, that is a good option to consider thanks
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Last chance

Feb 6, 2021
That's a a great list,I've been doing the same kind of things for years now but without writing them down.
That letter writing website looks really useful,thanks for sharing it.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
That's a a great list,I've been doing the same kind of things for years now but without writing them down.
That letter writing website looks really useful,thanks for sharing it.
I'm so glad it felt helpful for you! :)


Like tears in rain
Feb 10, 2021
Yes absolutely stargazing; something I yearn to do again in the mountains, so dark and high in altitude, thousands upon millions gazing, glistening back...

I feel you on the life insurance; there's no way I can possibly wait that long for it to kick in and sorting out health insurance is always such a pain. Thank you for sharing this with us!


Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
Yes absolutely stargazing; something I yearn to do again in the mountains, so dark and high in altitude, thousands upon millions gazing, glistening back...
Yes please!!!! This sounds so so so beautiful.

I feel you on the life insurance; there's no way I can possibly wait that long for it to kick in and sorting out health insurance is always such a pain. Thank you for sharing this with us!
UNLESSSSSSSSS we wait 2 years for it to kick in and take SN shots to celebrate haha :p jk I wish I knew sooner how long it takes. 2 years for like $200,000 maybe- sounds fun but like... how am I supposed to cope during that time when I already cannot?
Health insurance- I cant even.
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Like tears in rain
Feb 10, 2021
YOOOOO in the US they can contest it 1-4 years after getting it; and EVEN then if it happens after that timeframe and they figure out it was premeditated they can deny the payment to family it it's harsh asf; just looked into it this week I was so bummed. Yes to all of the above.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
YOOOOO in the US they can contest it 1-4 years after getting it; and EVEN then if it happens after that timeframe and they figure out it was premeditated they can deny the payment to family it it's harsh asf; just looked into it this week I was so bummed. Yes to all of the above.
fuck this shit. what a scam, jesus. Can we can health insurance in another country??? Is that a thing?

Also, I like your vibe! You have nice energy :) Feel free to pm me about anything if you like :) Am here for you!
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Like tears in rain
Feb 10, 2021
Who knows maybe i'll look into that next; The easier I can get all my bases covered the better so everything's taken care of on my end.
You're the sweetest! I feel like my energy fluctuates but i'm glad you have enjoyed conversating none the less! Likewise it has been nice to see you around!
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
Who knows maybe i'll look into that next; The easier I can get all my bases covered the better so everything's taken care of on my end.
You're the sweetest! I feel like my energy fluctuates but i'm glad you have enjoyed conversating none the less! Likewise it has been nice to see you around!
My energy fluctuates so much too. I think we all feel this way.. but yeah, happy to see you around :) And I agree, getting the bases covered will add to peace of mind. It will help me feel more ready tbh.
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Georgiana Darcy

Georgiana Darcy

Feb 11, 2021
Following is the list I made a few months ago to ease the process of dying for myself and to prepare myself. Take from it what you will and share what your prep is like :) Please no weird remarks or judgment. This is very personal and am hoping for compassionate responses only.

I'd like to start planning the exit in detail. There's a lot to be done so I need detailed lists.

Things to try first—
- [ ] Medication
- [ ] Go to x place
- [ ] Visit the ocean
- [ ] Publish articles
- [ ] Set up beneficiary with banks
- [ ] Spend time with everyone
- [ ] — video call with non locals
- [ ] — hangouts with locals
- [x] Stargaze
- [x] Make art and share
- [x] Enjoy nature
- [x] Eat as well as I can
- [x] Go on walks
- [x] Take vitamins
- [x] Continue therapy
- [x] Continue daily yoga and meditation
- [x] Work anyway
- [x] Finish applying to phds just because

Ride a bike maybe?
Write a book?
Publish my work?
Write research paper on suicide esp due to systemic oppression? (working on this one)

Pick a date on December 11 and make timeline for the following
Set up legacy holders for social media
Sort out health insurance with what happens after death
Life insurance? (Too late)
Doctor's appointment for prescriptions
Work on a will
Organ donation?
Figure out digital data
Buy equipment and confirm it works-- plan for if it doesn't
Record a general video— share the process of what I went through, share love and well wishes
Write personal history?

Figure out how to set up scheduled emails and money transfers and gifts
Write letters, videos, leave gifts, plans, and recurring emails for everyone

Depending on my relationship to people following are things I am leaving for folks-
Goodbye letter + video, recurring pre timed letters, journals, plants, plans for people with a schedule to help them (daily and long term), therapist lists, grief processing resources, art, scheduled money transfers, gifts

For example, some people who I know will struggle a LOT, I am pre writing letters for them they will receive monthly/yearly as they navigate this. It is a lot but I want to mitigate the harm as much as I can.
Wow, that is certainly an impressive list. You sound like an amazing person - feel free to dm me whenever you feel like, or would like somebody to talk to.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
Wow, that is certainly an impressive list. You sound like an amazing person - feel free to dm me whenever you feel like, or would like somebody to talk to.
You are too kind!! <3 Thank you :) I've felt very quiet lately - tuning inwards - but am here for you and the same goes to you- please reach out whenever you feel like :)
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sorella santini

sorella santini

Jan 19, 2021
I love how organized and introspective your list is. Making lists is great to keep you on track and in the right mind set.

I used to be a list maker. Don't have the energy or will anymore. I'd love to do some of the things on your list- and might say I will, but I know I won't. I hope you are able to do them all.

I did make a ctb short list of needs and a time line should the opportunity to do so arise. But I'm coming to realize that my method of choice has a very short window and I need just the right circumstances to execute it, so I may be rethinking my method.
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Jul 3, 2019
I love this. I just started an online notebook today to prepare for dying. I am also definitely making a video, and my favourite bit about my will is I'm going to leave my boyfriend a fund to only be used for cocaine and (consenting) hookers...I've discussed it with him. I want him to be happy and he is a hermit, but I hope he will take it as a gift for some kind of happiness. I also like thinking about what I'll leave for people I love as well as ways to say goodbye before I go. OP, thank you for this amazing list.
I love this. I just started an online notebook today to prepare for dying. I am also definitely making a video, and my favourite bit about my will is I'm going to leave my boyfriend a fund to only be used for cocaine and (consenting) hookers...I've discussed it with him. I want him to be happy and he is a hermit, but I hope he will take it as a gift for some kind of happiness. I also like thinking about what I'll leave for people I love as well as ways to say goodbye before I go. OP, thank you for this amazing list.
I love this. I just started an online notebook today to prepare for dying. I am also definitely making a video, and my favourite bit about my will is I'm going to leave my boyfriend a fund to only be used for cocaine and (consenting) hookers...I've discussed it with him. I want him to be happy and he is a hermit, but I hope he will take it as a gift for some kind of happiness. I also like thinking about what I'll leave for people I love as well as ways to say goodbye before I go. OP, thank you for this amazing list.
I love this. I just started an online notebook today to prepare for dying. I am also definitely making a video, and my favourite bit about my will is I'm going to leave my boyfriend a fund to only be used for cocaine and (consenting) hookers...I've discussed it with him. I want him to be happy and he is a hermit, but I hope he will take it as a gift for some kind of happiness. I also like thinking about what I'll leave for people I love as well as ways to say goodbye before I go. OP, thank you for this amazing list.
I love this. I just started an online notebook today to prepare for dying. I am also definitely making a video, and my favourite bit about my will is I'm going to leave my boyfriend a fund to only be used for cocaine and (consenting) hookers...I've discussed it with him. I want him to be happy and he is a hermit, but I hope he will take it as a gift for some kind of happiness. I also like thinking about what I'll leave for people I love as well as ways to say goodbye before I go. OP, thank you for this amazing list.
I love this. I just started an online notebook today to prepare for dying. I am also definitely making a video, and my favourite bit about my will is I'm going to leave my boyfriend a fund to only be used for cocaine and (consenting) hookers...I've discussed it with him. I want him to be happy and he is a hermit, but I hope he will take it as a gift for some kind of happiness. I also like thinking about what I'll leave for people I love as well as ways to say goodbye before I go. OP, thank you for this amazing list.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
I love how organized and introspective your list is. Making lists is great to keep you on track and in the right mind set.

I used to be a list maker. Don't have the energy or will anymore. I'd love to do some of the things on your list- and might say I will, but I know I won't. I hope you are able to do them all.

I did make a ctb short list of needs and a time line should the opportunity to do so arise. But I'm coming to realize that my method of choice has a very short window and I need just the right circumstances to execute it, so I may be rethinking my method.
Thank you for looking at my list <3 tbh it is quite a lot. I've cut a lot. I was planning to do a few yearly letters for some younger ones in my life to guide them because they look up to me. Breaks my heart to not be here to guide them as they navigate a world cruel, at times, as our own. Just cant do it tbh. I've done a lot off my list- I do not think I will complete it in a way I envisioned but honestly, that is part of dying. I doubt the feeling of incompleteness ever fully goes away. We are hardwired to dream bigger than what we have.

I wish you the very best with however you choose to proceed :) Sending you so much love! <3
I love this. I just started an online notebook today to prepare for dying. I am also definitely making a video, and my favourite bit about my will is I'm going to leave my boyfriend a fund to only be used for cocaine and (consenting) hookers...I've discussed it with him. I want him to be happy and he is a hermit, but I hope he will take it as a gift for some kind of happiness. I also like thinking about what I'll leave for people I love as well as ways to say goodbye before I go. OP, thank you for this amazing list.
haha omg. I fucking love your fund idea whoa!!! :p I'm leaving some money for some of my friendos too and giving them suggestions can be fun! You are giving me ideas haha <3 Leaving gifts is my favorite part too- I always have gift wrap, party plates, tons of thank you cards, and a box of backup gifts. I love love love surprising people. Thank you for your comment :)
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Eternal sleep
Feb 17, 2020
I don't really have a prep/exit list for while I'm alive but there are certain instructions I want for my human shell afterwards that I hope actually get followed.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
I don't really have a prep/exit list for while I'm alive but there are certain instructions I want for my human shell afterwards that I hope actually get followed.
Those are important too :) thank you for sharing!
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I'm sensitive
May 2, 2020
The only sort of preparation I have left is to do my taxes for 2020 so no one else has to, clear out things I dont want my parents to see, delete as many accounts as I can without being sus, and write a note. I plan on sending my boyfriend an audio message right before I ctb, so he will at least have that to listen to.


Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
The only sort of preparation I have left is to do my taxes for 2020 so no one else has to, clear out things I dont want my parents to see, delete as many accounts as I can without being sus, and write a note. I plan on sending my boyfriend an audio message right before I ctb, so he will at least have that to listen to.
jesus fuck. TAXES. omg i forgot. ty for the reminder. Your list sounds lovely! Audio/video messages can help people who stay.


Feb 5, 2021
Following is the list I made a few months ago to ease the process of dying for myself and to prepare myself. Take from it what you will and share what your prep is like :) Please no weird remarks or judgment. This is very personal and am hoping for compassionate responses only.

I'd like to start planning the exit in detail. There's a lot to be done so I need detailed lists.

Things to try first—
- [ ] Medication
- [ ] Go to x place
- [ ] Visit the ocean
- [ ] Publish articles
- [ ] Set up beneficiary with banks
- [ ] Spend time with everyone
- [ ] — video call with non locals
- [ ] — hangouts with locals
- [x] Stargaze
- [x] Make art and share
- [x] Enjoy nature
- [x] Eat as well as I can
- [x] Go on walks
- [x] Take vitamins
- [x] Continue therapy
- [x] Continue daily yoga and meditation
- [x] Work anyway
- [x] Finish applying to phds just because

Ride a bike maybe?
Write a book?
Publish my work?
Write research paper on suicide esp due to systemic oppression? (working on this one)

Pick a date on December 11 and make timeline for the following
Set up legacy holders for social media
Sort out health insurance with what happens after death
Life insurance? (Too late)
Doctor's appointment for prescriptions
Work on a will
Organ donation?
Figure out digital data
Buy equipment and confirm it works-- plan for if it doesn't
Record a general video— share the process of what I went through, share love and well wishes
Write personal history?

Figure out how to set up scheduled emails and money transfers and gifts
Write letters, videos, leave gifts, plans, and recurring emails for everyone

Depending on my relationship to people following are things I am leaving for folks-
Goodbye letter + video, recurring pre timed letters, journals, plants, plans for people with a schedule to help them (daily and long term), therapist lists, grief processing resources, art, scheduled money transfers, gifts

For example, some people who I know will struggle a LOT, I am pre writing letters for them they will receive monthly/yearly as they navigate this. It is a lot but I want to mitigate the harm as much as I can.
Ok so this is normal? Good. Sometimes I find those lists or notes from months or years before. They are always very similar. I don't save them on purpose but I've got quite a nice collection by now.


Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
Ok so this is normal? Good. Sometimes I find those lists or notes from months or years before. They are always very similar. I don't save them on purpose but I've got quite a nice collection by now.
What is normal? The lists? Yeah mine has been pretty consistent as well.

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