

One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
Thanks to hormone therapy, I'm no longer depressed, in my case Testosterone did the trick. (And dianabol)
My balls seems to shrink a little, I will discuss that with my doctor next visit.

However, even though I'm no longer "depressed"
Observing the 20 years lost to depression do affects, me a little, especially in those moments of reflection or of observing the past and lost opportunities.

In those twenty years I did lose a huge amount of opportunities, opportunities to make money, to enhance my career, to grow resilience, to meet people , friends or connections, girls, and now I feel
Specially learning to make money somewhat complex.

I met old friends yesterday and I was happy yesterday, I woke up to see the huge gap between us and how will I make a living?
My job and salary is not something big.

I have now to take care of myself , of my thoughts and to see forward, not backward, but it is not even a steep hill I got to climb, it's like I cannot even see the hill, or not even what my next step should be.

We all know women like security, and financial security is important to them and to men too. How can I get a girl really interested in me if I can't offer her that... (talking about girls in my social circle, I'm low and poor but my social circle is high class).

I think I posted something similar before, I also need to vent, again, it's so uncomfortable and disturbing. What am I gonna do? I can't ask for an answer!! I gotta take care of myself cause no one else will, I'm alone, maybe some support like the support here but mothers love or friends dont fix the situation. Damm what am I gonna do?
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Reactions: AlexM, Sensei, Moonicide and 2 others


Remember. I am ALWAYS right.... until I’m not
Apr 28, 2019
Thanks to hormone therapy, I'm no longer depressed, in my case Testosterone did the trick. (And dianabol)
My balls seems to shrink a little, I will discuss that with my doctor next visit.

However, even though I'm no longer "depressed"
Observing the 20 years lost to depression do affects, me a little, especially in those moments of reflection or of observing the past and lost opportunities.

In those twenty years I did lose a huge amount of opportunities, opportunities to make money, to enhance my career, to grow resilience, to meet people , friends or connections, girls, and now I feel
Specially learning to make money somewhat complex.

I met old friends yesterday and I was happy yesterday, I woke up to see the huge gap between us and how will I make a living?
My job and salary is not something big.

I have now to take care of myself , of my thoughts and to see forward, not backward, but it is not even a steep hill I got to climb, it's like I cannot even see the hill, or not even what my next step should be.

We all know women like security, and financial security is important to them and to men too. How can I get a girl really interested in me if I can't offer her that... (talking about girls in my social circle, I'm low and poor but my social circle is high class).

I think I posted something similar before, I also need to vent, again, it's so uncomfortable and disturbing. What am I gonna do? I can't ask for an answer!! I gotta take care of myself cause no one else will, I'm alone, maybe some support like the support here but mothers love or friends dont fix the situation. Damm what am I gonna do?
Well, here is a woman's perspective.

It doesn't matter to me the economic situation of a man. Honestly, anyone in my occupation is not at my level. Most people outside my occupation are threatened by me.

My last partner had no money. Finances were one of the reasons he CTB. He listened to me. Validated my feelings, and tried to protect me as best as he could.

Women want to feel safe, secure and understood more than finances or occupation.
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Reactions: Sensei and dandan


Jun 8, 2019
Women want to feel safe, secure and understood more than finances or occupation.

Bingo. I'd live in a box with a man if he met my emotional needs. I've had the opposite and I cried myself to sleep every night because I knew I meant nothing to him.

As for the rest, instead of looking at that giant mountain to climb, focus on foot in front of the other. And do not compare yourself to others, you don't know what's really going on with them beyond outward appearances.
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Reactions: Sensei, BPD Barbie, dandan and 2 others


One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
Thank you guys and girls, for me it's more about being productive, about changing behaviors, about having a clean house and stop being so disorganized , about being productive and having grit to continue attempting things to grow, about being haopyvand creative , about. Being an interesting partner more than just being nice to her. I realized I have being way to nice to this girls I like, I could be nice but not an ass kisser ... I really like her but I won't fool myself nor act as someone I'm not ... sure I can modify some behaviors but in some extent :)
I better focus on work and something productive to keep my job!


May 27, 2019
Thank you guys and girls, for me it's more about being productive, about changing behaviors, about having a clean house and stop being so disorganized , about being productive and having grit to continue attempting things to grow, about being haopyvand creative , about. Being an interesting partner more than just being nice to her. I realized I have being way to nice to this girls I like, I could be nice but not an ass kisser ... I really like her but I won't fool myself nor act as someone I'm not ... sure I can modify some behaviors but in some extent :)
I better focus on work and something productive to keep my job!

You could ask someone in your family to introduce you to not so judgemental people or as you say, work in yourself, your security.. That's also attractive and may help you deal with rejection

Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Yea I know the feeling. I was attractive and had potential when young for a really good life but undiagnosed borderline and never finding the right help basically undid any initial advantages or white privilege I was born with lol! I was also not being educated well or prepared for life, brainwashing on tv and public school. Yea they lie to u about history in public school and that it's not really about educating u but to indoctrinate u to serve the interests of the ruling class not what is in your long term best interest for your own personal happiness or success. Now I'm 42 and women have a harder time mating down which leaves u having a hard time dating, plus men prefer younger women. It's not that they all won't date older women but typically they prefer younger which makes biological sense. Women lose value as we age when it comes to dating and marriage etc so if we don't find someone fairly young and stay with that person, we will have a harder time finding a desireable guy the older u get. It's even worse if u are a poor older woman because u can't afford to maintain your looks and u have little to bring to the table at least in terms of youth, beauty, fertility.
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