What's sad is that his advice doesn't sound all that different from my therapists. They kept telling me to exercise more, pick up new hobbies, or anything else they could think up to keep me busy. What they neglected to consider was that I might have bipolar disorder, so none of that shit helped at all.
I can see a grain of truth to what he's saying. For some people in certain circumstances, work can help aleviate depression. I haven't been able to work for a year now and it makes me extremely depressed. It's helpful when you have a good job at least. I miss the social connections, having a good income, solving interesting and meaningful problems, the social status of being employed, and all kinds of other benefits that came with jobs.
What Trump seems to be ignoring is that he has an insanely stimulating and highly paid job. It's not for everybody, but clearly he's doing something he loves. Flying around the world on private jets in order to meet people at expensive restaurants to talk and make deals is thrilling for someone like him. I've done business meetings at high end locations around the US and it's so fun it can be addictive. It doesn't feel like work. I bet the amount of endorphins in Donald Trump's brain is probably equivalent to doing low doses of meth and fentanyl on a daily basis.
The fact that other people don't have such rewarding jobs, and don't have access to them isn't something Donald Trump would care about. All he cares about is getting his dopamine hits from narcissism and greed.