

Mar 24, 2021
Covid-19 is killing people all over the world, but the vaccin can also kill you. The society only wants people to live, no one should die. This is the denial of death - the fear of death haunts the human animal like nothing else. But that is against nature - we have overpopulation on this planet! We are born, lives and dies. And the Politicians have forgotten the words "death" and "dies". The rules of society in many countries are now, 2021, bad and stupid. I believe that in the future, euthanasia will be legally all over the world and then people do not have to kill themselves anymore. Why should our pets be treated better than humans? Our aging population leads to many disabilies. The human body starts aging after we are 25 - 30 years old. In the Stone Age, people used to live not more than 30 years, they died naturally in nature and now people are supposed to live until they die of old age when they are 100 or 120 years old, slowly suffering to death by age-related aliments. That is not what I want with my life - I want to die with dignity. I do not want to die of old age - and why should I? Only the modern man has high expectancy. I have done enough in my life, I have loved and lost and I have travelled to many countries. Now I suffer of chronic physical pain - and why should I extend the pain? I suppose I could live 50 or 60 more years, but that will be many years of meaningless physical suffering. My death will be suicide, death by lack of oxygen with R2D Rebreather II. I have bought the device, but has not received it. It is my life and my choice. It is a human right to choose the time of our own death. And then I will end my suffering, avoiding 50 years of more suffering. But my relatives do not understand this, they want to slowly die of age-related ailments. The bravest people on Earth are those who kill themselves, someone wrote to me on this website, and that is true. Suicide is the most difficult decision. The day we die is the most important day of our lives - and that is why we are here - we need to discuss the most important day of our lives.
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Mar 24, 2021
I agree with you. In the end we all living beings share the same destiny, death.

Thanks for the reflection about death. I wish someday the topic of death will stop being taboo.


Mar 21, 2021
I think it is false to think people were dying at 30 in the past. It looks like such a young age of dying because the average is taken when so many died as young children. If you reached adulthood you could easily expect to live past your 50s even that long ago.
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Aug 18, 2020
The baddest day for me was the day of my procreation. Lol.
To your first sentence. Today i get my vaccine. I fear the long covid syndrome you can get from covid. It can be a horrible disease. The death from covid or the death by the vaccine (which is quite unlikely) would be a death i could live with. (pun intended)


Jan 27, 2021
Of course we all die, even though everyone knows this will be their fate one day, they're very scared about the idea of death.
What happens after we die? What's nothing?
It's hard to imagine that 100 billions of people in this world have already died. What happens with them?
I personally don't think the day we die is important. People won't care - your family will forget about it sooner or later.

I want my own death to be in my hands. I want to choose when I will die and how, I want to control it and be prepared for it. I also don't want to become old, I don't have anything against old people, but I myself don't want to be and will kill myself before that happens.

The only problem is that everyone thinks badly of suicide. They don't care about what happened in your life and what pain you're going through.
"Just live!", that's easy to say. "Live for me!" why would I keep suffering and going through pain for you? Doesn't that make you as selfish as my wish for death does? Why is it so important that another human dies as long as its not you, dear pro lifer? I will never understand. Dying is my happiness, even though no one knows what happens once we stop breathing. But surely will be better than living in this careless world, where the only thing cared about is money and not the wellbeing of others

And I am honestly ashamed of being part of this world
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Feb 27, 2021
Yeah,I'm always horrified when ever I hear someone say 'I wanna live to be a 100 at least :love:'. Like no bitch you don't. Living that long is terrible. As someone who has seen someone age that far it is no cake walk. In fact no walking at all since you will spend the majority of your day in bed unless being helped to go to the bathroom by an aid. My grandma on my dad's side was fortunate enough to have kids that paid for a nice small apartment (along with an aid) by a hospital so she could have some privacy/comfort. Many don't get that luxury and are just put in an old folks home with no one to visit them.
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Apr 5, 2020
If we define nature as something like "the state that non-human animals live in", then I have no issue going against nature - it's horrifically cruel and merciless. I don't look to nature for any kind of wisdom; it is a cause of massive amounts of suffering. I'm 100% pro-euthanasia, but not because I want to prevent overpopulation. Yes, overpopulation might be a problem, and that absolutely needs to be addressed. But personally, that won't be the reason I'm killing myself. I would like to be biologically immortal and never age or become diseased, dying when I choose, not when some sad little virus, bacterium, genetic error, or other brainless entity decides for me. In my opinion, people simply deserve a peaceful death if that's what they want. And I think most people want that.
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I want to end it

Apr 29, 2018
People want to save life or preserve life at all costs. This means things like:

- keeping people alive when they have incurable physical or mental illnesses which cause immense pain to the individual and stop them from living a normal life
- keeping a 100 year old person alive as long as possible, even when they literally can't do something as simple as chew their food properly or walk to the bathroom
- saving a person from suicide, even though that person will now have to live with permanent disfigurement for their whole life

This is all against the individual's choice. People have this weird belief that an individual should not have the right to get to decide when they die. They should live at all costs, whatever the circumstances. It's so sad.
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Mar 4, 2021

The day we die is the most important day of our lives - NO!​


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