It´s an ethical issue but the human insanity has no limit to profit out of the death of people.
I rather go by my own hands than let some greedy bastards "assist"with a high pricetag for my death.
The whole medical system is more about functional existence prolongation than vital life extension. If I make it to old age, I would have serious qualms about dumping tens of thousands of dollars into the beast system to treat something like cancer just to squeeze out a few more miserable years of life.
I've seen a couple vids of people describing their experience applying for assisted suicide. Doing it themselves didn't even come into the equation and I can only speculate why.
1. Certainty of death/no fear of failure and possible resultant consequences
2. More palatable to their conscience - it's not really "suicide" if an outside authority deems it a medical "treatment".
3. Offloads perceived spiritual consequences of "suicide" for the same reason above.
4. More acceptable to friends and family, again because it's approved by an outside authority and framed as medical treatment. I guess it could be similar to saying your pet was sick and you took it to the vet to get euthanized vs saying your pet was sick so you took it out back and shot it. The latter would cause people to raise an eyebrow.
5. Bypasses SI to some extent, it's a service being done "for" them rather than "by" them.
6. High probability of a peaceful exit. No dangling from a rope gasping for air, no second thoughts when falling from a cliff, no wheezing or throwing up etc.
Personally, I'm against the idea of placing the state or medical system as arbiter or middleman in the process of ctb. For end-of-life, I do think there's acceptable grey area like comfort drugs in hospice and the death with dignity program where the doctor access your quality of life and survivability then prescribes a cocktail which you pick up at the pharmacy and take on your own when ready. I'm not for filing tons of paperwork for months begging for approval and flying across the world though just to get permission.
On the OP's capitalism point, if the world keeps going in this dystopic direction, suicide phone booths may be in our future. Millions of people don't want to be here anymore.