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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
These past few days have hammered the final nails into my coffin. My partner's complete disregard for my lived experiences, obscufafed by his normie, npc tier vision of what is " the truth" has completely dissolved any bit of resolve I had left.

My bf doesn't like to hear that I'm suicidal. He wants me to hide it, Bury it, and keep it under lock and key, because I talk about it too much. I try to avoid him for several hours and lock myself up alone in the other room to cry, so he can have his leisure and decompression time. I try not to have super serious talks with my partner during the day, unless it's an administrative thing that needs sorted like a phone call he was going to make on my behalf or a time sensitive concern.

Because I could not hide my pain and my tears, even when he demanded I stop, he is convinced I am a cruel, evil, and selfish person with no regard for the welfare of others. Whenever I am at the peak of despair I physically can't hide it and stop talking about it. Unfortunately this is very frequent, and the thing about wider society is that they loathe suicidal people whose issues are not temporary.

I was accused of having borderline personality disorder and told smugly that I refuse all help by not engaging with and believing in psychiatry, because I am mentally ill and unhinged. Why? I share my pain too much with no regard as to how stressful it is for someone to listen to, and I need to stop, "just be happy instead of banging on about it."

I was told that if I spoke to any therapist right this moment, they'd confirm that I have BPD, because I can't keep denying "the truth" and disavowing psychiatry when the rest of the sane, rational world has faith in it.

This level of gaslighting makes me fucking furious. I have been nudged into the psychiatric system since I was a young child. In total, I have attended over a decade of therapy. I have taken pretty much every approved psychiatric drug on the market except antipsychotics and MAOIs.

I asked him what mental illness makes someone want to die as a result of their physical pain? He had no answers for me, except that once again, I am not properly "engaging with health care." Humans love to parrot these canned lines over and over again, then cannot explain to you what the mystical treatment is that you're supposed to be engaging with. They can't accept you suffer from things outside the scope of modern technology.

Another accusation was that I use my ptsd as an excuse to avoid proper treatment. You know, I wouldn't avoid doctors if they genuinely had my best interest in mind, but they don't. They care about their paycheck and following NICE guidelines. There is no individualised treatment, you are nothing but another number on a conveyor belt. Trauma is treated as a joke by those who are supposed to care and have "expert insight".

Where is this help? It doesn't fucking exist. Once you've ran through the gammut of CBT, mindfulness meditation, every SSRI, SNRI, oddballs like wellbutrin, mirtazapine, buspar, tricyclics, etc, you are treated as if it's your fault for psychiatry having no solutions for you.

Here's the thing. I do not have a fucking chemical imbalance of a specific neurotransmitter. Those medications hurt me worse. I do not have some warped view of how people perceive me, nor do I possess an irrational anxiety about the world around me. Everything I suffer with stems from lived trauma, abuse, and physical diseases, evidence that cannot be refuted.

People would rather someone like I not exist, as my experiences shatter what the perceive to be the realm of plausibility. My partner's new favorite technique is asserting that I don't really know what's wrong with me, how I latch into CFS rather than seeking out more harmful medical tests that would have minimal benefit to someone with my specific symptoms.

Everyone expects you to keep pushing against obstacles higher than your pay grade. You could take a crack at every possible solution to your problem, and it still wouldn't be enough for these bloomers. They'd insist you haven't tried absolutely everything. There's never a point where you are allowed to say fuck it, this is hurting me rather than helping.

I avoid psychiatrists and therapists because it is tried and true that they will not know how to help someone in my specific circumstances. First off, how can they heal a disease that's ravaging my entire body? How can you tell someone to cope when what they need is pain medication rather than mindfulness mantras? How can they advise in good faith CBT for a severely disabled young person who needs community support, not invalidating talk therapy?

Anywhere I go though, I will receive this treatment. People have blind faith in institutions, especially the mental health industry and all the mysticism surrounding it- in the UK it is laughably easy to receive mental health practicioner accreditation, and you can purport any shaman like brand of spiritualist nonsense you fancy! Yet everyone still believes therapy is a hard science backed heavily by the scientific method and empirical studies.

My partner loves to say that I haven't tried the right kinds of therapies, and that I'm the only obstacle towards overcoming my ptsd. When I asked what flavour of therapy I hadn't tried yet, he responded with dialogue akin to an robot script, "Trauma counselling has high rates of success, multiple studies and experts in their field agree that trauma therapy is helpful in the vast majority of cases. You're just anti-science."

How the hell am I anti science if I tell the honest truth that bombarding myself with exposure to triggering content and trying to " process" it does nothing but inflict further harm on me? In regards to my original trauma, I don't even have any coherent memories that can be recalled about the original event, as I was far too young. I only remember the aftermath. So talking to someone isn't going to help me. I need a real, physical treatment that will alter the synapses in my brain, not brutal exposure that breaks me so much that I eventually snap and become desensitised to how much agony I'm in.

Not to mention, what he is suggesting makes my physical diseases worse. Being triggered sends my nervous system into a frenzy. Adrenaline coursing through your veins is a horrific sensation when your body's default state is being trapped in an infinite cycle of not producing enough energy for you to carry out basic tasks. The stress wipes you out, it takes and takes from you endlessly.

When I was going to therapy I didn't have the energy to take care of myself because the interaction with the therapist and getting to the appointments in the first place was so draining and leeched the meager stores of strength I possessed. Yet I'm expected to hurt myself to soothe the consciousness of people who can't admit we live in a barbaric, senseless world, where some people simply can't be cured by pseudo spiritual nonsense like mindfulness meditation?

It feels like everyone around me is trying to squeeze blood from a turnip. Yes, I simply don't want to get better, huh? If I didn't want my health to improve, I wouldn't have taken over 20 different medications, I wouldn't have spent egregious amounts of money on supplements and healthier foods, I wouldn't have turned myself into a pincushion getting a barrage of blood tests and IVs, no effort would have been made whatsoever if I didn't have a single fuck left to give.

Sure, I love sleeping 10-12 hours a day and feeling as if I haven't rested a single minute. I love waking up in the middle of the night several times to piss as a result of my overactive bladder. I love having to nap every day because my body is too weak to stay awake a moment longer. I love being in constant pain. I love being unable to digest food and consistently having horrible pain as a result. I love being unable to control my body temperature and my hands and feet turning ghastly purple as a consequence of this. I love getting shakes and twitches. I love losing my cognitive abilities. Of course, someone would willingly choose such an outcome!

My boyfriend and those around me are manipulating the situation to make me seem like a lazy, paranoia driven malingerer who has an irrational fear of doctors. One day I am treated with respect and consideration, the next day I'm an insolent whiner, because the stiff upper lip mentality is alive and well in this dumpster fire of a culture.

My boyfriend has threatened to tell his family about my suicidality and the fact that I've begged him to settle down with me, to paint me as crazy and irrational. His favorite descriptor for me seems to be "mentally ill". I feel like a broken record here, but this continues with each passing day, it never eases up.

I am tired of the gaslighting. I am tired of the intrinsic optimism bias programming that seems to be encoded in the words and actions of everyone outside of this site. This drives me closer and closer towards suicide. I am already so isolated and alone, crippled by illness and societal expectations. The cyclic nature of my ailments essentially guarentees that no one will understand, and I am always doubted in the back of other's minds when I have a mild enough day to be able to go outside for a couple of hours.

Psychiatrists cannot try to trick me into thinking this is a pleasurable state of being. No one would be content if they had to walk in my shoes. I have had enough of the mass delusion when it comes to my situation. A few days ago, I decided impulsively to take meto, painkillers, and propranolol, to see if I could be brave enough to sedate myself and overcome SI.

I doubled the dosage I took last time I tried propranolol, still barely a fraction of what the PPH suggests, yet I still found myself immediately dizzy and faint. I told my best friend I would be taking SN soon, and he begged me not to. He respects my choice but is insistent that I do not go through with it because my ctb would likely lewd to his own suffering and demise.

He told me that it was selfish, but he needs me to hold on. Kept coaxing me into talking and staying awake. He told me it was horrible that I had to suffer with sickness, and that it's truly awful we can't do anything about it, but to please hold on and not ctb. All of these comforts were temporary.

I passed out shortly afterwards and awoke the next morning to the same problems that greet me everyday. I cannot hold out much longer. I need to attempt again soon. The more I try and prepare, the closer I feel I get to being in the right head space to leave this rotten world once and for all. Please, let it all be over.

I cannot take this gaslighting and invalidation from the entire world any longer. I am begging to be free and they would all keep me shackled to this failing body. If you can never access the "simple pleasures" that make life worth living, then it is not life. It is biding time until an inevitable non-existence.
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Jun 28, 2021
Wow! I really relate to what you're saying. I know nothing will make you feel better (it doesn't for me) but perhaps it could give you comfort that this is happening to me and I'm pissed too. First, it's really terrible you are having health problems and that there's a shift or focus on your mental health. I can't imagine suffering from health problems you are experiencing. The only thing I envy from this is you saying you are tired/can fall asleep. I never feel tired.

My bf is very similar. My problems are situational though my anxiety has been exacerbated at certain points and this gives him alarm that it's something mental. I was given a false diagnosis from a horrible psych hospital psychiatrist and that label sticks with me...even though I have NEVER exhibited any symptoms. My family is convinced. My bf and mother have pushed the whole therapy thing and it's just been a huge pile of shit.

If ever I get pissed...really pissed at my bf for things like spending money he doesn't have/earn or say that I want to off myself he gets so pissed he calls the cops, calls my mom etc etc...threatens to kick me out, calls his mom (who funds our playing house) etc etc.

I have only sought mental medical attention for meds to help calm me down from the fucked up reality and future I see with no escape.

I relate: it's really hard living with someone you hate, who sees you as mentally deficient and sees themselves as super.

It's very horrible. I've had to inform his mother of my plans for therapy...with the implication that there must be something wrong with me because I can't get a job and I am fucking anxious and want to off myself. I don't trust him. He is always a trigger and very shitty. And no, I have no refuge or escape.

My bf and mom gaslights me. They refuse to accept what I tell them about why I am so hopeless and hate everything. I must pretend around bf, leave every weekday and pretend to volunteer (places fell through due to shittiness).

Anyone can get a diagnosis of something. Your psychiatrists sound hateful like you are just an appointment to them and they can't understand your frustration. ANYONE experiencing what you are going through would be pissed.

I relate and I feel sorry knowing the shit sucks so bad for you. It's very hard to fool one's self and luv the person they are with when they think you are nuts and unstable. I just watched 'The Hours'...a pal's fave movie so I decided to watch it. It's good about a lot of things related to suicide and feeling unheard.
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Apr 5, 2020
The people in your life dismissing your suffering really need to read that. It's so easy to shrug off problems as solvable or trivial when they're not the ones facing them.
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Jul 25, 2021
I've experienced the same, healthcare in this country is useless unless your problem is common and easily treated. If they don't know what it is then they just assume it's in your head. I've gotten no help at all either for mental or physical problems. Really neither our environments nor healthcare systems are set up for health and wellbeing, it's more like slapping a plaster on top of a festering wound. And not being supported by the people you're close to is really hard and bound to make things worse...

Unfortunately the doctors leave us on our own and can only try and figure it out ourselves. I have no idea if anything can work for you, but my experience is the establishment is way less useful than self experimentation and community knowledge. I was finally able to cure my CFS and trauma issues by myself though I thought it would never happen. Either way, it's def understandable to want to die. Hope you get peace or improvement
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In limbo
Jul 23, 2020
Some suffering is just too much to bear. Mental health care isn't equipped to deal with this. I'm sad to hear your physical issues are not being adressed properly either. I also refuse to keep gaslighting myself and to deny my own experiences. Therapy has never really helped me either. They try to make you accept the unacceptable.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
This world is cruel and they don't understand that not all problems are solvable and sometimes the pain and suffering are unbearable. Humans are a bad species and although they claim to be advanced they still can't understand that the inside of someone else could be a world of pain and suffering. We need peace and and the right to end our lives peacefully and they should understand it should be an option because suffering is unbearable. I'm sorry you are experiencing this, sometimes I wish the members of this forum can teleport to each other. I want to teleport to you and give you a big hug.

All love and hugs to you. :heart: :heart: :heart: :hug: :hug: :hug: :heart::heart::heart:
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Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
That's really awful. Do what you feel is best for yourself. You've gone through enough and no-one should be making decisions for you or invalidating your experience. They can all fuck right off.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I'm sorry you are suffering so much, the human body can become a prison when dealing with chronic health problems. This life really can be unfair. People who haven't suffered in a similar way are simply unable to comprehend what it is like. It invalidates your suffering being treated like that. I wish you well.
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Good Bye
Aug 2, 2021
I'm sorry you are going through this. It sounds like you have enough to deal with without the added dismissal from your BF.

I cant say whether he's a good or bad person, however its clear that your interactions with him are not helping and are currently unhealthy for you. I'm not sure what your financial situation is and whether you can leave him now but it seems like this relationship is heading toward the inevitable split. Its quite possible he wants to help however is too overwhelmed and thus way out of his league. I don't think he could say the right thing to you at this moment even if he tried.

I suffer from CPTSD and there is not a lot of quality help for this area. The affects of PTSD / CPTSD are very hard to manage / cure and most never wind up leading a full quality life. Friends and normal people will never understand the frustration. I completely understand how you feel.

I hope you are able to find some support or some kind of peace.
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