Did Armin Meiwes Commit:

  • Assisted Suicide

  • Murder

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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
This was a very gruesome and unique case in Germany. Just be warned- it's a disturbing and graphic case including mutilation, cannibalism and murder- so- if you're upset by such things- probably stop reading now!

I find it interesting though because it raises many issues around the idea of autonomy vs. our rights to survive and be protected- even if we don't want that for ourselves. It very much touches on the idea of assisted suicide with (unofficial and arguably mentally deficiant) consent.

Here is an article about it:

To summarize- In March 2001, Armin Meiwes advertised on the internet for a "young well-built man, who wanted to be eaten". His invitation was accepted by Bernd Brandes. Brandes came to Meiwes' farmhouse. He supposedly participated in a video which showed him clearly consenting to all that was done to him. Trying not to be too graphic- this included swallowing 20 sleeping tablets with half a bottle of Schapps before Meiwes cut off a part of him (you can guess which part) and then fried it for them both to eat. He finally killed him in the early hours of the morning, stabbing him in the neck. Meiwes then continued to dismember and eat parts of him until he was caught.

Bearing in mind, ALL of this was known and consented to by Brandes. So- was this assisted suicide or murder?

Meiwes was actually convicted of manslaughter in 2004 and then convicted of murder in a retrial in 2006.

Still- I want to pose the question: What's the difference: a mentally ill person- or a sane person agreeing to be killed by N. Or, a mentally ill person agreeing to be mutilated, cannibalised and brutally killed? Is it the nature of the killing part that makes the second person 'more' mentally ill? So- vulnerable?

I imagine the sentence would actually be the same though- even if he had used N and buried the body- we're not allowed to go around killing one another- even if they are 'mercy' killings that are authorised by the victim.

I suppose this mainly goes out to people here that seem to believe ALL requests to die should be granted- and with maybe next to no 'gatekeeping' or perhaps even structure. (ie. Assessment on whether the person is mentally capable.) When SHOULD people be protected? Do you really think a bunch of uncredited clinics popping up here and there would be a good thing? Do you really think their families wouldn't prosecute if they didn't know about their intentions?

Regarding this case, I have to agree with the second judgement. This seems more like murder to me. The desire to murder is certainly there anyway- even if the act technically was consented to. I don't think Meiwes' motivation was to assist in a suicide. I think he wanted to kill and eat someone. I think Meiwes seems like a dangerous person that ought to be kept away from the public.

The life sentence conviction in order to protect the public seems wise. Still- is it right to convict someone to avenge the life of someone who wanted to die? Perhaps still yes- if that person is considered vulnerable. Still- this HAS to be ascertained surely- which means some sort of formal structure. Not an assisted suicide free for all.

What are your thoughts?
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Jun 12, 2018
If you kill someone for selfish reasons, even if it's just for sexual pleasure, I would say it's murder. This had nothing to do with assisted suicide.
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Hello Darkness my old friend
Jul 13, 2020
If you kill someone for selfish reasons, even if it's just for sexual pleasure, I would say it's murder. This had nothing to do with assisted suicide.
Yeah I think I would agree with this viewpoint.
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Sep 5, 2022
I'd definitely lean more on the side of murder. I'd question whether someone who would agree to be EATEN and then killed by another person is of a sound mind in the first place, which would make any consent entirely invalid. Also the fact that it was the perpetrator who sought out the victim rather than the other way around, I'd say murder.
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Jul 15, 2022
mmm both!
PS: does anyone have pictures or videos of this case? I know, I know, I know, they say that if you have this material the FBI will look for you but come on! curiosity is greater!
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
mmm both!
PS: does anyone have pictures or videos of this case? I know, I know, I know, they say that if you have this material the FBI will look for you but come on! curiosity is greater!

You know- I was going to put an option for both. In some ways it was practically an assisted suicide yet I'd argue the motivation and intent was murder. So- I'd say the conviction was correct.

Hmm, no- can't say I looked for the gory details... I imagine they don't publish material like that- although they do sometimes I guess. šŸ˜¬
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Jul 15, 2022
You know- I was going to put an option for both. In some ways it was practically an assisted suicide yet I'd argue the motivation and intent was murder. So- I'd say the conviction was correct.

Hmm, no- can't say I looked for the gory details... I imagine they don't publish material like that- although they do sometimes I guess. šŸ˜¬
I need learning judicial things to determinate this case

maybe in the dark web thear are the images
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Read Thomas Szasz!
Feb 20, 2022
I watched his interview a bunch of times and he never defended his case as an "assisted suicide". Meiwes is aware he did this out of sexual pleasure, not to help someone in need. Also, I've met so many people here in Germany who are into this sort of kink, not sure what's up with us folks, but I also don't want to judge lol
You know- I was going to put an option for both. In some ways it was practically an assisted suicide yet I'd argue the motivation and intent was murder. So- I'd say the conviction was correct.

Hmm, no- can't say I looked for the gory details... I imagine they don't publish material like that- although they do sometimes I guess. šŸ˜¬
There is a walkthrough of his house and you can see the bath tub and the red room where it all happened. I remember seeing pictures of the video tape he made, but the full thing will never be released to the public.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I watched his interview a bunch of times and he never defended his case as an "assisted suicide". Meiwes is aware he did this out of sexual pleasure, not to help someone in need. Also, I've met so many people here in Germany who are into this sort of kink, not sure what's up with us folks, but I also don't want to judge lol

It's kind of morbidly interesting in a way. I'm sure you're right. It's still kind of curious though. I doubt many killers ask permission from their victims. In fact- I imagine consent isn't something they want- it takes some of their power away.

To be honest- it wasn't quite so much the view of him using this as a defence. (Which you've explained- he didn't.) It's more the fact that he COULD and it's a difficult one to work around in a way. Rough sex and bondage isn't rape if it was consented to. Where does kink become mental deficiancy? I know it's still a hell of a leap to wanting to be mutilated, cannibalised and murdered. I guess I'm just curious as to what makes someone mentally ill and what doesn't. At what point do you become incapable of making rational decisions? If it's a case of unwise or unhealthy decisions- likelihood is- most people do that everyday. I suppose it's the extreme behaviour we deem as mentally ill.
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Rogue Proxy

Rogue Proxy

Sep 12, 2021
mmm both!
PS: does anyone have pictures or videos of this case? I know, I know, I know, they say that if you have this material the FBI will look for you but come on! curiosity is greater!
I found a small gallery that includes three screenshots of the Armin Meiwes videotape: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/n03279. It seems like the German police have the videotape locked away.
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Dec 10, 2021
Some of them want to be abused...

great mashup, that! But, for those who prefer the "old school" :

Sorry folks... I couldn't help myself.
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Jan 17, 2021
I wouldn't call it assisted suicide because afaik the "victim" wasn't suicidal. The "victim" was the masochist in the interaction. It was his kink to be cannibalized just as much as the "murderer's" kink to eat him.

If you want assisted suicide to be legal but you think this isn't okay, you're a bit of a hypocrite tbh.
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Read Thomas Szasz!
Feb 20, 2022
It's kind of morbidly interesting in a way. I'm sure you're right. It's still kind of curious though. I doubt many killers ask permission from their victims. In fact- I imagine consent isn't something they want- it takes some of their power away.

To be honest- it wasn't quite so much the view of him using this as a defence. (Which you've explained- he didn't.) It's more the fact that he COULD and it's a difficult one to work around in a way. Rough sex and bondage isn't rape if it was consented to. Where does kink become mental deficiancy? I know it's still a hell of a leap to wanting to be mutilated, cannibalised and murdered. I guess I'm just curious as to what makes someone mentally ill and what doesn't. At what point do you become incapable of making rational decisions? If it's a case of unwise or unhealthy decisions- likelihood is- most people do that everyday. I suppose it's the extreme behaviour we deem as mentally ill.
This question is gonna keep me up tonight. It's such an interesting thought. I've talked to a lot of people before who have paraphilias like Autassassinophilia, Anthropophagy and Autoerotic asphyxiation. I think once it crosses society's norms and morals, it's seen as some kind of disorder. Basically anything that doesn't fit into the box. But I call bullshit on that because that really doesn't make someone mentally ill. These fetishes are a way of dealing with trauma, even therapists encourage you to explore most (not all) of these in a healthy way with a consenting partner. It's just Meiwes is that 0.1% who has troubles with empathy and has his head up his ass.
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Dec 21, 2022
Ugh did not want to remember this case. Would go with murder for the reason RainAndSadness said.
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Nov 27, 2022
As a masochist who fantasizes about being killed for mutual sexual gratification in negotiated ways (not as extreme as cutting off body parts), I would consider it suicide to agree to such an act. However, going into it I would have a completely different mindset from if I was committing suicide on my own, as I will be in the mindset of having an extreme and hot final experience.

I would view it as murder, because that's the legal framework we have today. I would distinguish it as consensual murder, though.

I would not like to view it as assisted suicide, as it has the connotation that the my partner is only putting me down as a favor to me. I'd like for them to get some sexual fulfillment out of it too.
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Nov 16, 2022
I'm going with murder. Meiwes seemed focused only on torture and murder. His intended role was never assisted- suicide.
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A Future Corpse
Feb 22, 2023
The victim was someone who wanted to be killed and eaten. I'm not a professional but he seems pretty mentally unstable so he's consent doesn't mean anything. In my opinion it's murder.
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Constantly Sleepy Catgirl
Dec 28, 2022
I've thought about this case a lot because of my interest in true crime. I don't think that murder would be an applicable descriptor. Meiwes didn't want to kill anyone who didn't want to die, and Brandes wanted to be killed and eaten. I don't think that cannibalism makes the killing itself unethical.

I believe that if someone consents to dying, then it's assisted suicide and not murder. Wishing to die and be eaten doesn't automatically make someone incapable of giving consent. I feel that the argument of mental instability making someone incapable of having a rational desire to die would unfairly disqualify a lot of people from being allowed the right to die.

A person can want to die without being mentally ill, and a person who is mentally ill can have a rational desire to die.
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Jul 12, 2020
In meiwes case it is murder, because he killed his victim in direct way. It Begins with the message in the forum cannibal CafƩ and ends when he cut his throat. Very gruesome. But must a cannibal be a murderer? I dont think so. I must commit, that I suffer from this curse of cannibalism. If a person is clear in his mind, he would neuer do such things like meiwes and other true crmes did.
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Natural pessimist, born quitter.
Sep 9, 2023
Until I'm actually shown provable evidence that something along the way got botched in ways that would mean this went against what was consented to in the video, I am going to say that this was assisted suicide mixed in with a kink. Makes sense he was considered a criminal too, since paraphernalia/kinks/fetishes are often viewed much like suicidal ideation and that sort of stuff. "If I don't share your mentality, that means you are mentally ill, your judgment can't be trusted, and therefore you're not allowed to have this and this is not a choice you get to make."

I think it'd be hypocritical for a form of folk who want to die to call someone else who wanted to die - no matter the manner - mentally ill and thus unable to consent. Hence, I won't say that.

On the other hand, I can't 100% guarantee there was never any coercion or manipulation on the cannibal's end, or that it never turned into murder by way of going against the wishes of the person. Similarly, so far it can't be guaranteed that this actually was murder -- countries will do anything to keep anything they deem too icky out of the public, even if it means making it out to be immoral, shameful, or monstrous, so their "conclusions" aren't inherently and absolutely trustworthy.

... The world will never really be equal ...
... Still, we can try getting closer to equality ...
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Waiting to step off in front of an audience
Sep 9, 2023
By law you can't agree to be killed.
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Harmony in Duality
May 27, 2023
To me, this guy was taking advantage of someone who was in a vulnerable state of mind, and would have continued to seek more victims if he weren't caught. This is murder in my eyes. This is a totally different situation and motivation than a doctor or loved one assisting you with death.

What if the victim woke up and changed his mind? I doubt that this guy would have agreed to stop. Just all around deranged that man.
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