

Mar 4, 2024
I went to the sanctuary again today. You know what's really ironic? Nearly all the animals there are just as damaged as we are due to shitty human behaviour.

I was with one of the two horses they have and I'll just lean on the gate/fence and sometimes look into the clouds and there are some green parrots or crows that are about. Time just flies by. He'll come over sometimes. He doesn't really like being touched or stroked but I've been going to more than half a year so he's ok with me (as are the other animals).

So so ironic that they are there because of suffering from people. I tend to question this stuff and my brain goes into overdrive when I leave. What a world…..
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Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
That's not a sanctuary, that's a prison. You and them are sharing it and are aware of it, of course you're going to be friends. Alright, that was partly a joke. No, the thing is (as far as I know you) I don't think you are capable of doing (as much) evil as other humans do, in other words on the human spectrum you are good. Animals are basic, pure, honest, so, also good, maybe this is why you connect. : )
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Dec 13, 2023
I went to the sanctuary again today. You know what's really ironic? Nearly all the animals there are just as damaged as we are due to shitty human behaviour.

I was with one of the two horses they have and I'll just lean on the gate/fence and sometimes look into the clouds and there are some green parrots or crows that are about. Time just flies by. He'll come over sometimes. He doesn't really like being touched or stroked but I've been going to more than half a year so he's ok with me (as are the other animals).

So so ironic that they are there because of suffering from people. I tend to question this stuff and my brain goes into overdrive when I leave. What a world…..
I love animal sanctuaries, being around animals and nature is soothing in and of itself. And your right most of the animals there, are there because humans have been very cruel, just like they have been very cruel to us. But I think its worth pointing out that the reason why the sanctuary exists is because of some peoples kindness as well, just as some people will be kind to us. Stay safe.
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Mar 4, 2024
That's not a sanctuary, that's a prison. You and them are sharing it and are aware of it, of course you're going to be friends. Alright, that was partly a joke. No, the thing is (as far as I know you) I don't think you are capable of doing (as much) evil as other humans do, in other words on the human spectrum you are good. Animals are basic, pure, honest, so, also good, maybe this is why you connect. : )
I'm too autistic and tend to research before I do anything. Even buying food products or games I'll look at as much information as I can before I make a decision. Same with sanctuaries and zoos. If I see a lot of nonsense going on I'm not giving them any money. Most sanctuaries you are ok (this one is owned by a couple) and it's quite small but they do their best. Even the horse I described they had to buy cause the dip shit owner didn't want to sell it (the conditions were fuxking aweful and I don't want to retell it). He's very healthy now and has dusty (a small horse) as his neighbour.

Any human charity = do not give them a fuckijg cent. I've already explained in detail about cancer research Uk (I had cancer) - it's a scam - the amount that goes to research or the cause is fuckijg laughable. This thread is to warn others NOT to give to ANY human charities whatever it is. With the sanctuaries there isn't much fuckery as they are taken in from abusive situations and usually the owners are not some money hungry cunts.

Yeah I connected with a rabbit and guinea pig at nursery at a young age. Never liked people even then. People always comment if I'm some sort of animal psychologist or if I work at the places I go to due to the interactions that are had.
I love animal sanctuaries, being around animals and nature is soothing in and of itself. And you're right most of the animals there, are there because humans have been very cruel, just like they have been very cruel to us. But I think it's worth pointing out that the reason why the sanctuary exists is because of some peoples kindness as well, just as some people will be kind to us. Stay safe.
Yeah but it's such a small percentage it's just not even worth it. You know what the owners told me? They said I can't volunteer there full time because and this is their words "we don't trust people". One guy I speak to their (also autistic) says it took him 1 and half years of giving his CV for them to even consider but he has a background in marine ecosystems whereas my background is in stupid property. So yeah there are but odds are less than 1% easily - that's not the type to make a bet on.
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I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
I like animals, and it hurts me to see them in shelters like that, I hope they find good homes.
Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
I'm too autistic and tend to research before I do anything. Even buying food products or games I'll look at as much information as I can before I make a decision. Same with sanctuaries and zoos. If I see a lot of nonsense going on I'm not giving them any money. Most sanctuaries you are ok (this one is owned by a couple) and it's quite small but they do their best. Even the horse I described they had to buy cause the dip shit owner didn't want to sell it (the conditions were fuxking aweful and I don't want to retell it). He's very healthy now and has dusty (a small horse) as his neighbour.

Any human charity = do not give them a fuckijg cent. I've already explained in detail about cancer research Uk (I had cancer) - it's a scam - the amount that goes to research or the cause is fuckijg laughable. This thread is to warn others NOT to give to ANY human charities whatever it is. With the sanctuaries there isn't much fuckery as they are taken in from abusive situations and usually the owners are not some money hungry cunts.

Yeah I connected with a rabbit and guinea pig at nursery at a young age. Never liked people even then. People always comment if I'm some sort of animal psychologist or if I work at the places I go to due to the interactions that are had.

Yeah but it's such a small percentage it's just not even worth it. You know what the owners told me? They said I can't volunteer there full time because and this is their words "we don't trust people". One guy I speak to their (also autistic) says it took him 1 and half years of giving his CV for them to even consider but he has a background in marine ecosystems whereas my background is in stupid property. So yeah there are but odds are less than 1% easily - that's not the type to make a bet on.
I'm sorry, I thought it was a zoo. In a sanctuary the animals are still not free but it is better then the alternative, it's the lesser evil. Actually, for some of them it might be really good.

Hmm.. do you realize what you are doing? You are subconsciously looking to connect with nature and the animals are one way of doing it, this is why you go there. Of course it happens to an autistic person, you are what normies call hypersensitive and what I call just.. sensible.


Mar 4, 2024
I'm sorry, I thought it was a zoo. In a sanctuary the animals are still not free but it is better then the alternative, it's the lesser evil. Actually, for some of them it might be really good.

Hmm.. do you realize what you are doing? You are subconsciously looking to connect with nature and the animals are one way of doing it, this is why you go there. Of course it happens to an autistic person, you are what normies call hypersensitive and what I call just.. sensible.
The one in Spain was good. The 5 lemurs get to lounge all day, eat a great diet, they get human interaction to sit on, lounge about and they have a tortoise and some coacktiels in there with them. Same situation for the exotic birds in an aviary - beats and 1ft cage and plucking their feathered to baldness cause of dumbass fucking people thinking it's a hand bag. The worst shit I see is people buying "pets" impulsively - they are going to live MINIMUM 3 years - if you don't have the money or time don't fuckign do it you complete low IQ imbecile.

Yeah even when I played golf I liked that I saw deer, foxes. Squirrels, storks, badgers, etc. what did the golf lot think? I was weird. And golf is so outfield as a "sport". I liked it because you can do it alone, walk 5/6 miles and see wildlife while doing some exercise. What a backwards world.

Zoos you have be really careful of. Just research a lot before even buying an entry ticket. Some of them do have the space and are doing the right thing I believe. The ones that have no space, do it all for the money can fuck off and go "out of business" even though they are charities.
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