Hanging isn't perfect but it's more accessible, effective, and peaceful than most other methods. Of course the failure rate is high, I would say that's mainly due to improper set up (not using a constricting knot or using hangmans noose, tying bowline wrong, too close to the ground so your feet touch, not having practiced through partial or choking yourself so you can know how to best restrict carotids, easing into it instead of keeping the noose a bit loose and jumping/kicking abruptly) or having an option to stop halfway through (partial). I had a failed hanging attempt but I know what I did wrong and I plan to eventually go out by hanging. And obviously it's logistically a bit hard to set up, most methods require you to jump through some hoops, acquiring a gun, SN, getting a hotel room, doing it at night when there's no one around, pushing through survival instinct, etc. There's also survivorship bias; ofc we're hearing from people who survived and not people who died. I would imagine there's probably many people who went out by hanging and just didn't post a goodbye thread because they thought it would be embarrassing if they failed the attempt. In any case, as another poster said regarding a 50% failure rate: 50% success rate is still way better than methods like overdoses, slitting wrist with a ~2-6% success rate, it's more accessible than SN or N, which also have failures on this site, it's more accessible and cheaper than a firearm if you don't live in the US or are legally barred from buying a gun due to being put in a mental institution before (which is probably common here), less fearsome than jumping, self-immolation, drowning. Obviously as another poster said, there is no perfect suicide.