

Mar 30, 2020
and that's why I feel so welcome here
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Mar 22, 2020
I couldn't have put it in better words!

Love you all! THANKS!!

Ohh and also, CHEERS!! It's drinking time for me!
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Apr 24, 2021
Yes. All that social media is full of fake and staged happiness, and toxic positivity, and inspirational quotes that don't inspire at all... I prefer when people express their real emotions.
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Mar 22, 2020
Yes. All that social media is full of fake and staged happiness, and toxic positivity, and inspirational quotes that don't inspire at all... I prefer when people express their real emotions.

Hell yeah!
For instance, facebook banned me a few weeks ago for typing "assisted suicide should be legal everywhere" on a video about a guy who was suffering from a terminal disease and begging the doctors and government to let him die. Nonsense!!!
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Life is just waiting for death
Mar 26, 2021
Exactly! That's why I don't use Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (and also other social media full of bullshit). Everyone is just fake there.
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Feb 8, 2020
I agree, people who are members here have become good friends whom I speak with regularly often daily.

Not once have I had methods pushed on me, I've been discouraged from methods that would cause alot of distress to others, or risk me surviving but been left in a worse state.

I've had members spend more time talking to me whilst I'm having a rough time so that I don't have to suffer alone, especially whilst covid has caused lockdowns, isolation and loneliness which isn't great when you already feel isolated from the rest of society. They've been there when no one else was, or when so called professionals have been useless and despite me asking for help and support they've not given me it.

This is why I don't understand why people would want to remove a forum like this that supports you with no judgements, just kindness, empathy, genuinely care, and you can have an open and honest discussion without fear of being locked up in a mental health hospital, or having the police come to your house and put fear into you when your already anxious, depressed just because you phone a suicide helpline.
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Apr 24, 2021
Hell yeah!
For instance, facebook banned me a few weeks ago for typing "assisted suicide should be legal everywhere" on a video about a guy who was suffering from a terminal disease and begging the doctors and government to let him die. Nonsense!!!

This is crazy! Freedom of speech doesn't exist. If you have a different opinion you'll be banned, attacked and canceled. Facebook is probably the worst, I deactivated my account and feel better. That poor guy though, why are humans so selfish and cruel.
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Apr 19, 2021
People here are honest and genuine.
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
This community is the most valuable thing I have discovered. I wish I didn't have to use google translate. I would like to write a lot more and spend more time here, but it is very difficult for me. Google translate is not always good. Often there are grammatical errors. I try to correct them with my poor English. Sometimes it takes me 20-30 minutes to write a post. This makes me feel so sad -_-
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May 27, 2020
Yes. All that social media is full of fake and staged happiness, and toxic positivity, and inspirational quotes that don't inspire at all... I prefer when people express their real emotions.
You are correct. True positivity should be about being empathetic toward others, because surely that is a "positive" trait - trying to be kind. What many users talk about on social media - ignoring the plight of others - is not positivity at all, it is cold-heartedness masked as spiritualism and possibly narcissism.

Hell yeah!
For instance, facebook banned me a few weeks ago for typing "assisted suicide should be legal everywhere" on a video about a guy who was suffering from a terminal disease and begging the doctors and government to let him die. Nonsense!!!
That is puzzling. It is not as if your comment was rude or insulting in any way, it comes across as neutral and inoffensive. There are users on social media who make much nastier comments that actually mock other people, but they do not get banned? Not to my knowledge anyway.
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Jun 26, 2020
I totally agree with all the posts here. We are a global family that really does care and love each other. Nothing fake or anything of said nature here just loving and caring folks that all have life issues. I have never seen nor spoken to anyone here and still I feel like I truly do have, for the 1st time in my life, a family that I can count on. THANK YOU everyone for the privilege of having a family now. Walter
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Mar 5, 2021
Literally so true, also like I don't feel I'm dragging people down by talking about suicide or depression like with my friends irl. Because there it's like "Oh look, he's talking about being sad again, why can't he just lighten up", whereas here, everyone feels the same and they get you.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Yeah, this really is the best website. I think there is just too much censorship on other websites and forced positivity. I think if people say how they feel elsewhere, there is risks of psych wards/constantly being watched or being told just to stay positive often by people who don't understand. It's just important having an safe space to vent as it might actually want to make people ctb less, as they aren't as isolated.
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