

Apr 1, 2020
Hi all.
I have the sense that this weekend will be when I ctb. Between my terrible marriage, my family who could give a fuck less about anyone other than themselves, and work related issues, it is clear to me that by continuing to fight and persevere, I'm actually doing more harm than good.

The kicker for me is my husband is so mean and abusive to my sweet little dog that I just can't anymore... I begged my sister to take him, until I can at least find him a new home, but of course, now that it's ME who needs something from her, it's a no go. I'll be taking my sweet little baby to the local animal shelter tomorrow. He's a purebred, actually really pretty, and barely a year old so it won't take long to get him anywhere better than here. That said, we have a bunch of animals- three dogs, two cats, a parrot, some ducks and chickens, and a variety of salt and fresh water aquariums. My husband says they are all "his" animals and never "ours". BUT this little pup is MY animal- the one animal that my husband refers to as "YOUR stupid fucking dog." This pup has been keeping me going for the last several months. But with the most recent episode of abuse by my husband, it's time for my little guy to go elsewhere. And it is tearing my heart in half to have to do this. But it's best for him. This sweet little dog doesn't deserve to be kicked, slapped, punched, or choked. I told my husband "no fucking more" and guess how that went over with the self-described "animal lover." Protecting my dog has kept me going. And now I need to let him go to save him or my husband WILL kill him.

Why not leave my husband? Yeah- the only way that's happening is in a body bag by his hand. He will shoot me if I told him I was leaving. And there is sure as fuck no way I'm checking out by the hand of some piece of shit narcissistic psychopath.

I've always struggled with depression. I have what I call an inherent death wish, meaning that, even from my early childhood, I've always wanted to be dead. Hell, my very first thought about killing myself was at six years old. And I actually tried at eight to suffocate myself under a blanket (didn't work for obvious reasons). Didn't have a bad childhood, had loving parents, and didn't have any major traumas. I've just always wanted to be dead. I always thought there was no way I'd make it to 15, then 18, then 20, then 25, then 30.... and then things got ok. But over the last two years, my "spirit" has been crushed out of me and looks like I won't be making it to 37... Hate to say I'm disappointed but I'm not. This is just the progression and inevitable conclusion of my life.

Honestly, more than anything else, the thing that I'm most dreading is that I'll miss out on Cyberpunk 2077... How fucking pathetic is that?! That was literally the only thing I was looking forward to in the coming months...

Two last things:
First, I'm a reasonably intelligent person. I've been a nurse for over a decade and have extensive ICU experience as well as leadership and admin. I could never wrap my head around my depression. But a couple of weeks ago it finally clicked in my brain- some people are not meant to be loved and not meant to have any value. And I am one of those people. I was lucky to have been loved by my parents. I have no real value as a human- I don't deserve love, I don't deserve to be hugged, I don't deserve to occupy the space that I do. My life and my passing will be of no real consequence to anyone- how exactly do you assign emotions to something of zero value? By CTBing, I'll be blinking myself out of existence. As for afterlife, well, I worked in ICU long enough and been around enough death to have come to the belief that when you die, youre just dead. No spirit, no afterlife, no divine presence- you just cease to Be. And I am 100% good with that. Seems way fucking more desirable than "oh yay, an eternal afterlife.... yippee." Fuck. That. I did my time, performed my duties, and saved some lives. All I want in return is this one thing.

Second, the deed- lots of remote areas around where I live. I ride a dirt bike and have scouted out some primo places in preparation for the bus. Leaving my cellphone/Apple Watch thingy at home. Bringing my shotgun. Going about 20 miles into the single track mountain trails and making my own path for the last mile or so. So as remote as I can be without raising suspicion at home. Hopefully will not be able to be tracked down by cell data, etc. Finding some cover for the bike and myself. Weighed my options- meds, suicide by motorcycle, firearms. Have a 6.5 Creedmoor rifle but the logistics seem burdensome and my arms aren't six feet long. Have some 9mm/10mm pistols but ICU nurse me has seen enough times where that shit doesn't always work as planned. Therefore, 12g shotgun birdshit vs 00 with a transoral anterior/posterior approach seems like a pretty sure bet. (I've always loved Kurt Cobain). Also considering behind the ear, like mastoid-to-mastoid. Either way, I don't think it will matter and results will be had relatively quickly. Been practicing with placement and angles. I know the anatomy so shouldn't be a problem. I don't want to be found, hence leaving the phone/watch at home and being so remote. Going for a whole sky burial approach- I know I'll get eaten by the wildlife and I'm actually pretty ok with that- at least I will be of value to our furry friends. A nice meal makes everyone feel better! Hoping it will be at least a few days before whatever is left of me is recovered.

Sorry for the excessively long post- but thanks to our wonderful society, the only place I feel I can safely talk about this stuff without being losing my career/house/guns is here. I just have to get this stuff out somewhere- anywhere. I just want someone to listen. To fucking care. To have someone, anyone say "I understand and I won't stop you." I have been suffering with these feelings for over 30 years and I just can't do this shit any more.
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Jul 19, 2020
Your husband sounds like an abusive asshole who should be in jail.

You sound like a person who deserves love and a chance to live the life you want.

Obviously, I am new to your story and you have been living it for thirty years. Even so, I don't think you should assume that there are no other paths for you. I can see you having a wonderful life with your sweet puppy, away from your abusive husband.

Are you on medication? Have you been able to share your story with anyone? A friend? A professional? I sense so much love in your heart and a desire to share that love. Before you make the ultimate decision, it would be nice to know you've explored all possible paths.

Thinking of you!
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Based on what you've described, your husband (hopefully soon to be ex-husband) is an abusive, piece of shit. If he is threatening you with harm including the your life, then it is strongly recommended to get the authorities involved (law enforcement). It's not an easy situation and there is likely more details and circumstances that we don't know about just from your post (as we aren't there), but whatever you do, I hope you are able explore all your options safely and make the best decision for you and your puppy. I wish you the best and peace in your decision. :hug:
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Feb 23, 2020
Sometimes a person gets so beaten down thats all they can see. I hear you and can hear that you are in tremendous pain. You have value and save people's lifes for a living . I appreciate and honor your work. I hope you will get some help but i do respect your decision to ctb.
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
Your husband sounds like he should be in jail right now. I'm sorry to hear it's come to this for you and your puppy.

It's not pathetic at all, we all need something to look forward to if we are to carry on. Doesn't help they keep moving the release date back though.

I know I won't be able to change your decision but all I suggest before you go is to make sure he can't abuse another animal or person again.

I wish peace for you and your puppy, I hope he goes to a nice home. We respect whatever decision you come to make. :heart:
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Swiss gay, will definitely ctb on October 10th
Jun 27, 2020
It always makes me sad when I can read such a story. When a good person is so tormented by a cruel person that ctb becomes necessary.

But I am very happy for you that you came to this decision.

I can empathize with you how burdened you are with your life.

Your choice of weapon has style and is guaranteed to guarantee success. I also like the strategy of being eaten by the thieves, I will do it that way. May the wolves digest me well.

I wish you all the best and good luck for your journey and thank you for telling us your story in so much detail.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I heard you. I care. I understand. I won't stop you.
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Nós tudo vive pra morrer, mas luta pela vida
Jul 4, 2020
You deserve so much, woman! Really, you deserve. I hate your husband and I feel so much for you. I hope you can think about the possibility of leaving him and at least triyng to live somehow, the lovely you and your lovely dog, or the lovely you alone.

I hope you don't do it. But if it is your choice, i support you in it. But I think you have so much for this world, you're intelligent, full of love. We care about you. I just get so pissed of with this situation you are in. Maybe without this man you would try harder. Maybe I am wrong, only you know.

I support you with whatever you're doing. Just think enough about it, if you haven't did this before. I feel for you, and I feel that I love you, that you be well and at peace. My sincere hugs :hug: :hug: :heart:
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Apr 1, 2020
Thank you all for your thoughts and responses. To those who have asked- yes I've tried many things over the years to "fix" myself. Meds, therapy, meditation, physical activity, retreats, etc., etc. Never done any inpatient stints or anything like ECT, but i'm not wiling to do that, not at this point. I started with therapy intensely at 15 years old and it did me a lot of good and I will say it saved my life.

Yes, my husband is a piece of shit. Yes, he's an animal abuser and my little pup has a target on his back at all times. Husband has never laid a hand on me fortunately. He has made it clear that if I did try to leave, the first call would be to the nursing board and the second call would be to my employer. He's not stupid and he knows what to say to ensure that I would be immediately suspended pending investigation based on his "allegations." And he would just never stop. I contacted a lawyer for divorce a while back and relayed this to him and he didn't really have an answer that was helpful... I even went so far as to ask about some kind of witness protection-esque deal where I can just start over with a new name and new identity. Apparently that is NOT a thing that us common folk can legitimately do.

My decision to CTB is my final form of protest in regards to how fucked this world is, how fucked my family is, and how much I hate my husband. Just checked my life insurance today. He wont get any of the $600k accidental death/dismemberment benefit since self-inflicted stuff isn't covered. But he will get all of the general life insurance, well in excess of $400k. I called to see if I could change my beneficiary but since he is listed as primary, they would only let me change it with is consent/signature. I know he'll be happy with that money and he can continue his path of severe alcoholism and continue to slowly snuff himself out.

I either stay and suffer, leave and lose my 16 year career as a nurse, or I stand up for myself and end this fucking nonsense once and for all. There is no other way out. He wont stop, he cant stop. It's his nature, it's who he is. As I said earlier, he is the very definition of a narcissistic psychopath. Not sociopath, but a legit psychopath.

I really do appreciate the responses. You don't know me well enough to see that I am nothing. My very existence is like a black hole. I'm just taking up space at this point. I worried people would miss me and my actions will hurt others. But no, how do you mourn something that doesn't deserve even a second glance? My mother, god rest her, is gone. I don't even exist to my father. My sister only calls when she needs something and NEVER has time for me otherwise. My brother, well... I think he will be effected but I also know he understands these feelings. There is no one else. I'm a prisoner to my own emptiness, to my own suffering. The world deserves someone who will do good and someone who is worthy of love. I am nothing. Ironically, it was the meditation that made me realize all this and led me to be at peace with my decision. Realizing I am nothing has been a gift in a way.

Sunday is the day. Will update if I fail to follow through. But my mind is made up and my pup has a new home to go to later this afternoon. I have nothing left. I am nothing.
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Apr 1, 2020
Based on what you've described, your husband (hopefully soon to be ex-husband) is an abusive, piece of shit. If he is threatening you with harm including the your life, then it is strongly recommended to get the authorities involved (law enforcement). It's not an easy situation and there is likely more details and circumstances that we don't know about just from your post (as we aren't there), but whatever you do, I hope you are able explore all your options safely and make the best decision for you and your puppy. I wish you the best and peace in your decision. :hug:

No, he knows if he lays a hand on me, he WILL meet HIS demise at the end of an assault rifle. He might be a psychopath, but he's also smart enough to know better.
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Seawater and stardust
Dec 30, 2019
Neither your dog nor you deserve to live with abuse. I bet the dog loves you, so you are worthy of love. Only you can tell when you're ready to leave this world, of course. But if it helps, you can think of it as a triumphal, "my work here on this lower plane is finished" sort of exit.


Apr 1, 2020
Neither your dog nor you deserve to live with abuse. I bet the dog loves you, so you are worthy of love. Only you can tell when you're ready to leave this world, of course. But if it helps, you can think of it as a triumphal, "my work here on this lower plane is finished" sort of exit.

I like that. I've been viewing at as a "I've saved enough lives over the years to justify the space I've been taking up all these years." I've done my time and actually have done some good in this shit hole world and I've earned my right to make my exit.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
Your husband it a truly awful person. It hurts to see people pushed towards suicide by another person. I really wish something would change to allow you to escape, but whatever decision you make we respect and support you. Feel free to contact anyone here for support, you're not alone here.


Jul 23, 2020
Hi all.
I have the sense that this weekend will be when I ctb. Between my terrible marriage, my family who could give a fuck less about anyone other than themselves, and work related issues, it is clear to me that by continuing to fight and persevere, I'm actually doing more harm than good.

The kicker for me is my husband is so mean and abusive to my sweet little dog that I just can't anymore... I begged my sister to take him, until I can at least find him a new home, but of course, now that it's ME who needs something from her, it's a no go. I'll be taking my sweet little baby to the local animal shelter tomorrow. He's a purebred, actually really pretty, and barely a year old so it won't take long to get him anywhere better than here. That said, we have a bunch of animals- three dogs, two cats, a parrot, some ducks and chickens, and a variety of salt and fresh water aquariums. My husband says they are all "his" animals and never "ours". BUT this little pup is MY animal- the one animal that my husband refers to as "YOUR stupid fucking dog." This pup has been keeping me going for the last several months. But with the most recent episode of abuse by my husband, it's time for my little guy to go elsewhere. And it is tearing my heart in half to have to do this. But it's best for him. This sweet little dog doesn't deserve to be kicked, slapped, punched, or choked. I told my husband "no fucking more" and guess how that went over with the self-described "animal lover." Protecting my dog has kept me going. And now I need to let him go to save him or my husband WILL kill him.

Why not leave my husband? Yeah- the only way that's happening is in a body bag by his hand. He will shoot me if I told him I was leaving. And there is sure as fuck no way I'm checking out by the hand of some piece of shit narcissistic psychopath.

I've always struggled with depression. I have what I call an inherent death wish, meaning that, even from my early childhood, I've always wanted to be dead. Hell, my very first thought about killing myself was at six years old. And I actually tried at eight to suffocate myself under a blanket (didn't work for obvious reasons). Didn't have a bad childhood, had loving parents, and didn't have any major traumas. I've just always wanted to be dead. I always thought there was no way I'd make it to 15, then 18, then 20, then 25, then 30.... and then things got ok. But over the last two years, my "spirit" has been crushed out of me and looks like I won't be making it to 37... Hate to say I'm disappointed but I'm not. This is just the progression and inevitable conclusion of my life.

Honestly, more than anything else, the thing that I'm most dreading is that I'll miss out on Cyberpunk 2077... How fucking pathetic is that?! That was literally the only thing I was looking forward to in the coming months...

Two last things:
First, I'm a reasonably intelligent person. I've been a nurse for over a decade and have extensive ICU experience as well as leadership and admin. I could never wrap my head around my depression. But a couple of weeks ago it finally clicked in my brain- some people are not meant to be loved and not meant to have any value. And I am one of those people. I was lucky to have been loved by my parents. I have no real value as a human- I don't deserve love, I don't deserve to be hugged, I don't deserve to occupy the space that I do. My life and my passing will be of no real consequence to anyone- how exactly do you assign emotions to something of zero value? By CTBing, I'll be blinking myself out of existence. As for afterlife, well, I worked in ICU long enough and been around enough death to have come to the belief that when you die, youre just dead. No spirit, no afterlife, no divine presence- you just cease to Be. And I am 100% good with that. Seems way fucking more desirable than "oh yay, an eternal afterlife.... yippee." Fuck. That. I did my time, performed my duties, and saved some lives. All I want in return is this one thing.

Second, the deed- lots of remote areas around where I live. I ride a dirt bike and have scouted out some primo places in preparation for the bus. Leaving my cellphone/Apple Watch thingy at home. Bringing my shotgun. Going about 20 miles into the single track mountain trails and making my own path for the last mile or so. So as remote as I can be without raising suspicion at home. Hopefully will not be able to be tracked down by cell data, etc. Finding some cover for the bike and myself. Weighed my options- meds, suicide by motorcycle, firearms. Have a 6.5 Creedmoor rifle but the logistics seem burdensome and my arms aren't six feet long. Have some 9mm/10mm pistols but ICU nurse me has seen enough times where that shit doesn't always work as planned. Therefore, 12g shotgun birdshit vs 00 with a transoral anterior/posterior approach seems like a pretty sure bet. (I've always loved Kurt Cobain). Also considering behind the ear, like mastoid-to-mastoid. Either way, I don't think it will matter and results will be had relatively quickly. Been practicing with placement and angles. I know the anatomy so shouldn't be a problem. I don't want to be found, hence leaving the phone/watch at home and being so remote. Going for a whole sky burial approach- I know I'll get eaten by the wildlife and I'm actually pretty ok with that- at least I will be of value to our furry friends. A nice meal makes everyone feel better! Hoping it will be at least a few days before whatever is left of me is recovered.

Sorry for the excessively long post- but thanks to our wonderful society, the only place I feel I can safely talk about this stuff without being losing my career/house/guns is here. I just have to get this stuff out somewhere- anywhere. I just want someone to listen. To fucking care. To have someone, anyone say "I understand and I won't stop you." I have been suffering with these feelings for over 30 years and I just can't do this shit any more.
Hi all.
I have the sense that this weekend will be when I ctb. Between my terrible marriage, my family who could give a fuck less about anyone other than themselves, and work related issues, it is clear to me that by continuing to fight and persevere, I'm actually doing more harm than good.

The kicker for me is my husband is so mean and abusive to my sweet little dog that I just can't anymore... I begged my sister to take him, until I can at least find him a new home, but of course, now that it's ME who needs something from her, it's a no go. I'll be taking my sweet little baby to the local animal shelter tomorrow. He's a purebred, actually really pretty, and barely a year old so it won't take long to get him anywhere better than here. That said, we have a bunch of animals- three dogs, two cats, a parrot, some ducks and chickens, and a variety of salt and fresh water aquariums. My husband says they are all "his" animals and never "ours". BUT this little pup is MY animal- the one animal that my husband refers to as "YOUR stupid fucking dog." This pup has been keeping me going for the last several months. But with the most recent episode of abuse by my husband, it's time for my little guy to go elsewhere. And it is tearing my heart in half to have to do this. But it's best for him. This sweet little dog doesn't deserve to be kicked, slapped, punched, or choked. I told my husband "no fucking more" and guess how that went over with the self-described "animal lover." Protecting my dog has kept me going. And now I need to let him go to save him or my husband WILL kill him.

Why not leave my husband? Yeah- the only way that's happening is in a body bag by his hand. He will shoot me if I told him I was leaving. And there is sure as fuck no way I'm checking out by the hand of some piece of shit narcissistic psychopath.

I've always struggled with depression. I have what I call an inherent death wish, meaning that, even from my early childhood, I've always wanted to be dead. Hell, my very first thought about killing myself was at six years old. And I actually tried at eight to suffocate myself under a blanket (didn't work for obvious reasons). Didn't have a bad childhood, had loving parents, and didn't have any major traumas. I've just always wanted to be dead. I always thought there was no way I'd make it to 15, then 18, then 20, then 25, then 30.... and then things got ok. But over the last two years, my "spirit" has been crushed out of me and looks like I won't be making it to 37... Hate to say I'm disappointed but I'm not. This is just the progression and inevitable conclusion of my life.

Honestly, more than anything else, the thing that I'm most dreading is that I'll miss out on Cyberpunk 2077... How fucking pathetic is that?! That was literally the only thing I was looking forward to in the coming months...

Two last things:
First, I'm a reasonably intelligent person. I've been a nurse for over a decade and have extensive ICU experience as well as leadership and admin. I could never wrap my head around my depression. But a couple of weeks ago it finally clicked in my brain- some people are not meant to be loved and not meant to have any value. And I am one of those people. I was lucky to have been loved by my parents. I have no real value as a human- I don't deserve love, I don't deserve to be hugged, I don't deserve to occupy the space that I do. My life and my passing will be of no real consequence to anyone- how exactly do you assign emotions to something of zero value? By CTBing, I'll be blinking myself out of existence. As for afterlife, well, I worked in ICU long enough and been around enough death to have come to the belief that when you die, youre just dead. No spirit, no afterlife, no divine presence- you just cease to Be. And I am 100% good with that. Seems way fucking more desirable than "oh yay, an eternal afterlife.... yippee." Fuck. That. I did my time, performed my duties, and saved some lives. All I want in return is this one thing.

Second, the deed- lots of remote areas around where I live. I ride a dirt bike and have scouted out some primo places in preparation for the bus. Leaving my cellphone/Apple Watch thingy at home. Bringing my shotgun. Going about 20 miles into the single track mountain trails and making my own path for the last mile or so. So as remote as I can be without raising suspicion at home. Hopefully will not be able to be tracked down by cell data, etc. Finding some cover for the bike and myself. Weighed my options- meds, suicide by motorcycle, firearms. Have a 6.5 Creedmoor rifle but the logistics seem burdensome and my arms aren't six feet long. Have some 9mm/10mm pistols but ICU nurse me has seen enough times where that shit doesn't always work as planned. Therefore, 12g shotgun birdshit vs 00 with a transoral anterior/posterior approach seems like a pretty sure bet. (I've always loved Kurt Cobain). Also considering behind the ear, like mastoid-to-mastoid. Either way, I don't think it will matter and results will be had relatively quickly. Been practicing with placement and angles. I know the anatomy so shouldn't be a problem. I don't want to be found, hence leaving the phone/watch at home and being so remote. Going for a whole sky burial approach- I know I'll get eaten by the wildlife and I'm actually pretty ok with that- at least I will be of value to our furry friends. A nice meal makes everyone feel better! Hoping it will be at least a few days before whatever is left of me is recovered.

Sorry for the excessively long post- but thanks to our wonderful society, the only place I feel I can safely talk about this stuff without being losing my career/house/guns is here. I just have to get this stuff out somewhere- anywhere. I just want someone to listen. To fucking care. To have someone, anyone say "I understand and I won't stop you." I have been suffering with these feelings for over 30 years and I just can't do this shit any more.
Just when I think that I shouldn't be surprised at the shittiness of some human beings, a post like yours comes along.

You do have real value as a human.

You do deserve love.

You do deserve to be hugged.

You do deserve to occupy the space that you do.

The final decision is all yours, but if you ctb because of a toxic man, isn't he the winner then? I hope you stick around, you have friends here. Hugs to you.
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
Dear @AgentAlaniKelso,

I am so very sorry for all that you have had to go through! I so very much wish you hadn't have had to suffer in the ways you have*.

Even though our circumstances are very different, a lot of what you said resonated with me very deeply. You are a very intelligent person. And even though the causes & conditions may be different... I think I very much understand your feelings (through my direct experience).

May I please offer you a Buddhist prayer of lovingkindness both for right now -- for this very moment and what you're having to go through (with your pup, your husband, the preparations, etc.) -- and, if you must, for whatever may come... including your going (Sunday, or whenever that may be) and beyond (if anything)**?

Also, since you've mentioned meditation, retreats, etc. (btw, I very much envy your "sky burial approach")... if you decide to ctb, please try to use your skills to leave with as clear and "empty" a mind as you can: The animals, feelings of "deserving" or "not deserving", your family, the life insurance, any and all aspects of your malevolent husband, etc., etc. ---- will all work-out in the end. If you decide to go... go without regret... go with clarity... go "completely".

So now, if you kindly permit it, I wholeheartedly offer you this and will be repeating it in your name many times in the next several days...

May you be free of suffering, @AgentAlaniKelso & your "sweet little doggie".
May you have mental happiness, @AgentAlaniKelso & your "sweet little doggie".
May you have physical happiness, @AgentAlaniKelso & your "sweet little doggie".
May you have ease of well being, @AgentAlaniKelso & your "sweet little doggie".

Please know that we here all care about you deeply, and we all wish you well @AgentAlaniKelso.

Love, @profoundexperience

* Nor the great suffering of all sentient beings (including myself).
** Although I agree with your direct experience about that... there's no good evidence of an afterlife (other than human, "wishful thinking"). And, I, myself, am "100% good with that" finding/conclusion too.
He has made it clear that if I did try to leave, the first call would be to the nursing board and the second call would be to my employer.
P.S. Since there is little time -- please forgive me -- I don't want to distract you, so no need whatsoever to explain/respond to what I'm about to say... I too am almost ready/"there" and hope to ctb within the next week. I 100% support you in whatever you decide. Yet, I wonder if you could somehow escape the abusive relationship, if you weren't "trapped", would that be enough to change things? I'm just wondering if you went to the president of the Nursing Board & your employer & other community resources that may be easier to find through hospital personnel -- FIRST (strategically preempting anything your husband might later claim) -- and told them straight up about the situation & what your husband was capable of -- if there weren't a way out...? Seems like both the Board and your employer might/could/should understand/help...? They might even have experiences of these types of situations & know better lawyers who could make a real plan & could help...? idk.
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Jul 19, 2020
I really do appreciate the responses. You don't know me well enough to see that I am nothing. My very existence is like a black hole. I'm just taking up space at this point...

I have nothing left. I am nothing.
V.S. Naipaul said "We become what we see of ourselves in the eyes of others." I really sense that your vision of yourself is shaped by the perceptions (or perhaps even perceived perceptions) of those around you. I know you only through your posts here, and already I can see that you are a person of great value. You are well-spoken. You serve your community. You save lives. You care for animals.

Your decision to end your life is one thing. It is completely your choice, of course. But please do not depart this world thinking that you are nothing. If people treat you that way, then they are undeserving of you. You deserved better in this life. You are not a waste of space. Far from it. I think it's important you know that.
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
You do have real value as a human. You do deserve love. You do deserve to be hugged. You do deserve to occupy the space that you do.
I very much appreciate and agree with @Avvie saying this.
But please do not depart this world thinking that you are nothing. If people treat you that way, then they are undeserving of you. You deserved better in this life. You are not a waste of space. Far from it. I think it's important you know that.
And exactly the same gratefulness and respect I hold for @Wisdom3_1-9 for saying it another way.
And, at the same time, I appreciate the Buddhist concept of the "emptiness" of all phenomenon (including the ideas of self, value, deserve, and nothing).
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Dec 7, 2019
I can relate to wanting to be dead at a young age. I am so sorry for all your pain and suffering. :hug:
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I really do appreciate the responses

please try to use your skills to leave with as clear and "empty" a mind as you can: The animals, feelings of "deserving" or "not deserving", your family, the life insurance, any and all aspects of your malevolent husband, etc., etc. ---- will all work-out in the end. If you decide to go... go without regret... go with clarity... go "completely".
This is very important, to not take all that baggage with you. Find some peace, let it all go along with every other thing in the world.
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Jul 13, 2019
Your husband does sound like a piece of shit, Sorry you're in the situation you are, you aren't nothing he may think of you that way but don't think of yourself the way he does. You do deserve love and happiness even if its only for a day everyone does, sadly even if we lose it and some of us never get that. Just be comfortable and happy with the choice you make and for who and why you're making it.


Apr 1, 2020
Here I am, three and a half years later and I'm still around. I don't remember the exact date, but this is what happened when I decided to CTB. I remember every detail, every minute of that day like it just happened. Maybe because it was supposed to be the end. Maybe it was so I would never forget how close I came.

It was later in July of 2020 when I left my phone and smart watch at home. I put on my dirt bike gear, grabbed my 9mm and a moleskin notebook, and climbed on my motorcycle. I remember leaving the house and looking back at "home" and was overwhelmed with both sorrow and happiness. Sorrow because I can't believe it came to this. Happiness and... peace... because it was finally going to be over. The trek up the mountain was about 20 minutes (our town is right at the foot of the mountain) until the pavement ends. Another 45 minutes and I was deep into the back roads into single track territory. I remember the sun being so hot with my motorcycle gear. It was a hard ride - riding in back country single track is tough work. I cried the entire time, started as soon as I looked back at home for presumably the last time, and that made the ride more difficult.

I was far off any main or even secondary road. I remember stopping my bike at some random spot on the trail. I killed the engine and took off my goggles and helmet. I walked my dirt bike off the trail to the left about 100 yards into some kind of thicket (juniper? sage?). I set my bike on the kickstand and sat down in the center area of this small group of shrubs. I took my moleskin and my pistol out of my riding back. I had one round in the magaize- it was a 125gr jacketed hollow point 9mm. I pushed the clip in, chambered the round, and set the pistol down next to me.

It was a beautiful day. Hot, but beautiful. A nice breeze. No clouds. At that altitude (8000 ft), everything is always a little cooler, even when the blazing summer sun is directly overhead. I open my moleskin and started writing names. My sister. My grandmother. My brother. My boss. The two coworkers I was close with. A couple of other names I don't recall now. Maybe my husband's name? I sat and stared at the page, still crying, still tired, still done. I wanted to write a note for each person but realized it wouldn't matter in the end. I leaned back and laid down, staring up at the pine trees and the sky, tears still streaming out of my eyes. I blankly stared for what seemed like an hour. It was nice - I found myself meditative state where I had no thoughts popping up anymore, just calmly staring into nothing with no thoughts, no hurt, no sorrow, no happiness. I rarely can get to that point when I meditate, so it was an unexpected gift.

I must have dozed off and I startled awake. I don't know what it was - maybe a hypnagogic twitch, maybe a noise, I had no idea. But I was very awake. I remembered - I came here to close out the story of my life on my terms. My bike was cooled down by then and I laid it on its left side and moved it under the cover of the shrubs. My pistol was loaded, and I was ready to roll. I picked up the gun, checked the chamber - ready. I moved next to my bike under the overhang of some branches. With my right hand, I placed the muzzle behind my right ear, maybe an inch behind my ear canal. Midbrain and brain stem. Instant. No sense of pain. No real chance at screwing it up, especially with hollow points. No chance at being found in time for a rescue. It would be over faster than my brain would register. And with the placement, that pretty much ensured my brain would not have the functional capacity to register. Instant knockout, instantly end the respiratory drive. Heart would beat for a bit. My brain would die obviously from the bullet and my heart would die from blood loss and eventually a massive heart attack. I knew what I was doing and I was ready. My final gift to myself and to no one but me.

My finger in the trigger guard. Then my finger on the trigger. Slight pressure. And I sat. And sat. And sat... And I couldn't do it... I don't know why. No divine intervention. No "I felt a presence." Survival "instinct" maybe? Hoping that maybe, by finally walking right up the the line and taking such an extreme measure and backing down, things would finally change? Embarassment? Honestly, in retrospect, I was taken aback that it had all come to THIS. That I was there, planning on doing THAT. I was so ashamed. Scared and ashamed. I wanted anyone in that moment. Anyone to find me - to see what I was doing and to just hold my hand and tell me, "No. Not today. Not like this. I am here and I'm going to help you." Of course, by my own design, no one came and no one was there.

I set my bike back upright. I unchambered the round and put the pistol back in my pack. I ripped the page of names out of my moleskin. I folded it twice and set the page on the ground by the shrubs. I found a rock large enough to cover the entire folded page. Maybe some kind of grim "message in a bottle." I gathered the rest of my things and put my helmet on. I started my bike and set off.

I made it home about an hour later and husband met me out on the driveway. I had been gone for almost four hours. I knew I was in trouble and I was expecting his normal reaction - anger and hostility. I turned off the engine, lowered the kickstand, and swung myself off the bike. With this odd look of concern (I remember it so vididly - concern is not on the approved emotion list for him), husband said, "Where were you." I lied, "I got turned around on the mountain and had to double back a few times." He followed, "You left your phone and watch. I was worried. I'm glad you made it back ok." I paused and said, "Me too." I still don't know if I meant it or not when I realized what came out of my mouth. And that was it.

Fast foward to now. I wish things were different. I wish I was different. It was helpful to share what happened that day. Something I can never tell anyone in my "real life." Thank you, American health care system, for making people who own firearms and work in the same health care system afraid to tell their story and be heard due to the fear of losing your freedom and livelihood. Since that day, a lot has changed and more has stayed the same. I continue to look for any excuse, any reason to keep on trying, to keep on going, to not give up. But three and a half years on, I find myself in the same position again and I'm quickly running out of excuses. Maybe I'll share more. I don't want to die, but I can't live like this anymore. I don't want to die, and it helps to share.
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Little bundles of futile hope we are
Apr 18, 2020
When I started reading this thread from the top again I thought someone new had revived it - especially when I saw the post from LetzeAusfahrt. He's been gone from us for several years now unfortunately. But I was pleasantly surprised to see it is you. I rarely post but I want to apologize for not responding to you before. I must've been watching this thread because I was impressed with your writing and your grasp and depth of understanding of your own situation. You're obviously very intelligent and sensitive as well but very capable too. Well, I for one am glad you're still on this shitty , surreal planet. You certainly do more good than I ever could from the sound of it. With so many awful people in the world we need honest and caring people to try and keep a balance of some sort even though bad is probably going to win at some point. So don't feel badly about changing your mind to ctb if you do. Think of it as a trial run to get better oriented with the whole dynamics of the process. Feelings will always arise that you didn't expect when making a big change. Feel free to DM me if you ever need or want to. I hope your situation has improved and you're having a good day
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Apr 1, 2020
When I started reading this thread from the top again I thought someone new had revived it - especially when I saw the post from LetzeAusfahrt. He's been gone from us for several years now unfortunately. But I was pleasantly surprised to see it is you. I rarely post but I want to apologize for not responding to you before. I must've been watching this thread because I was impressed with your writing and your grasp and depth of understanding of your own situation. You're obviously very intelligent and sensitive as well but very capable too. Well, I for one am glad you're still on this shitty , surreal planet. You certainly do more good than I ever could from the sound of it. With so many awful people in the world we need honest and caring people to try and keep a balance of some sort even though bad is probably going to win at some point. So don't feel badly about changing your mind to ctb if you do. Think of it as a trial run to get better oriented with the whole dynamics of the process. Feelings will always arise that you didn't expect when making a big change. Feel free to DM me if you ever need or want to. I hope your situation has improved and you're having a good day
Thank you. Truly. Thank you.

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