Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I will try to be brief. We are sufferers. We are not a bunch of sadistic creeps who enjoy watching people die, helping people die, telling people how to commit suicide, encouraging people to kill themselves. We have been falsely characterized that way in news articles.

This is the most caring, compassionate and understanding place I have ever been.. I have found people who care and express concern about me here when there is no other place in the world I can get any expressions of caring.

I know everyone here has their own story of pain and illness whether mental or physical, and they have not gotten the kind of help they need, or possibly any help at all, even if they have sought out doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. I've been to several doctors seeking help, and was not provided with anything that would help or cure or relieve my suffering.

I think I speak for most people who post on this site when I say this site has been literally a godsend. I can talk about my problems openly and know others not only share similar problems, but give me understanding and compassion I've never gotten before.
People are suffering terribly who come here. They understand others are in the same situation. We haven't found help. We've tried. Some people cannot be helped by doctors and psychiatrists and medications. The suffering is literally unbearable.

Without this site people are left alone in their misery, unable to even talk openly about it. No one is ever encouraged to commit suicide here. Members of the site mourn whenever someone passes away. They are deeply cared for.
This site provides the only companionship people have in their last moments. They don't die alone. Messages of well wishing pour in to reassure them they are cared about.

And some even have a peaceful way to escape from their tortured lives. Their obituaries state "Died peacefully at home." Think about the possible alternatives to that. Until society becomes enlightened and provides real help instead of clamping down on even talking about suicide, this site will provide something no other place does, which is compassion and understanding.
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Nov 20, 2020
I'm lucky too, I found it on the subreddit "suicide watch" it's obviously anti suicide, which is what I didn't want, I'm pro choice, thankfully someone was kind enough to provide me this site, and now I'm able to make the choice, the choice to end it. No matter the choice any of us choose to make, where here together, and there for each other.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
I will try to be brief. We are sufferers. We are not a bunch of sadistic creeps who enjoy watching people die, helping people die, telling people how to commit suicide, encouraging people to kill themselves. We have been falsely characterized that way in news articles.

This is the most caring, compassionate and understanding place I have ever been.. I have found people who care and express concern about me here when there is no other place in the world I can get any expressions of caring.

I know everyone here has their own story of pain and illness whether mental or physical, and they have not gotten the kind of help they need, or possibly any help at all, even if they have sought out doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. I've been to several doctors seeking help, and was not provided with anything that would help or cure or relieve my suffering.

I think I speak for most people who post on this site when I say this site has been literally a godsend. I can talk about my problems openly and know others not only share similar problems, but give me understanding and compassion I've never gotten before.
People are suffering terribly who come here. They understand others are in the same situation. We haven't found help. We've tried. Some people cannot be helped by doctors and psychiatrists and medications. The suffering is literally unbearable.

Without this site people are left alone in their misery, unable to even talk openly about it. No one is ever encouraged to commit suicide here. Members of the site mourn whenever someone passes away. They are deeply cared for.
This site provides the only companionship people have in their last moments. They don't die alone. Messages of well wishing pour in to reassure them they are cared about.

And some even have a peaceful way to escape from their tortured lives. Their obituaries state "Died peacefully at home." Think about the possible alternatives to that. Until society becomes enlightened and provides real help instead of clamping down on even talking about suicide, this site will provide something no other place does, which is compassion and understanding.

Beautifully written. Thank you.
Although I could never express my thoughts on the topic as well as you have, I still would like to give my 2 cents.

It was getting tiring seeing all the d*mning things that are being talked about on certain articles or pro-life websites. Like I'm just a sad person who wanted to reach out to other sad people so I could have REAL shoulders to lean on from time to time. The red tape when it comes to professional help is just too stricting right now, especially for the "help" the truly lost need. It's not good enough what is currently being done. People can point fingers at this website, but at the end of the day, we keep coming back because the levels of kindness and compassion can be intoxicating when compared to what's being given outside. Considering the sh*t circumstances so many of us have to deal with it. It can be a breath of fresh air to most, I'd argue.

With that being said, I've mentioned it before, but if I had not found SS so many months ago (when I was a lurker), I'd probably chosen one of the more painful ways out and already be long gone. SS has kept me from making irrational and impulsive decisions so far. I love the people here, it's like having the family I never had in real life. Sure you may still have disagreeing and bickering now and then, but nothing will ever be 100% perfect. We are all individuals even if we share a lot in common.

People can argue that coming here, just to talk, can be damaging. But I disagree. It's probably saved a lot more lives over the alternative. I hope one day we can help others see the positives over the stigma since 'suicide is bad, SS is bad'.

Even though I do hate life, I am grateful every day SS makes slightly more bearable, until the day I can safely say when I'm going to CTB or recover.

Thank you all. :heart:
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Hanging on is hard
Dec 2, 2019
Well said my friend. And while most of those who really need to read your poignant message will never see it (sadly), it's those of us here who truly need to the reassurance of it.
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dressed for the grave.
Aug 24, 2020
@Meditation guide, thank you for this post. so well written. I completely agree - without this place I would be completely fucking alone, lost, and afraid. I have met some of the most incredible people I've ever met in my life here. I have helped people to not die alone, I have reached out my hand to help talk with others, and received the same back to me. I really, really do not know what I would do without this place, and I can't thank the members of this community, mods and creators enough. this website has provided to me what healthcare in this country can't, and I feel so lucky that I've had the pleasure of being here.
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Apr 9, 2018
It was originally cathartic and intoxicating to talk about suicide so in depth although, like with most things the original intrigue has worn off for me. Just like the thoughts of suicide become more routine and less chilling, talking about it also becomes less interesting and more mundane, at least it has for me. What's left the most is apathy, I don't feel these posts here the way I use to, that's why I rarely visit anymore.
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Jan 6, 2020
I am truly thankful for this site.
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Always give 100% - unless you’re donating blood.
Sep 10, 2020
It was originally cathartic and intoxicating to talk about suicide so in depth although, like with most things the original intrigue has worn off for me. Just like the thoughts of suicide become more routine and less chilling, talking about it also becomes less interesting and more mundane, at least it has for me. What's left the most is apathy, I don't feel these posts here the way I use to, that's why I rarely visit anymore.

Why visit at all? Why not self ban?
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Oct 5, 2020
Awesome post...
I am also thankful for this site.
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Apr 11, 2018
It's nice to have friends here who actually understand me, and I can actually talk with. If not for finding out about the Night-Night method, I would probably have failed some painful method and been left wanting to die even more. The sense of having some amount of control over your own life, just by having a method, is empowering enough to make me keep going day to day, because no harm that can be done to me matters now.
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Mar 31, 2020
I agree! I am incredibly grateful for this site for offering me and so many other hurting souls refuge
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Apr 9, 2018
Why visit at all? Why not self ban?
I visit for like 5 mins here and there out of curiosity. Actually, it's the post notifications that'll draw me back, like most social media/forums. Why self ban? It doesn't hurt me to visit, not saying I dislike this place. I'm just saying the intrigue wears off, that's why you'll rarely see anyone who posts regularly who's been here for over a year.

This board will always be dominated by new users. Once you have gathered the info on how to die and already discussed it at length, there's not much else to talk about. You either do it, overcome whatever ails, learn to accept your loss or tormented life or you or descend into apathy and/or self destruction.
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Oct 31, 2020
Very nice post and I fully agree. Before finding this site I felt like I was was walking through a dark and cold hallway. All the doors left and right were closed and I could feel the eyes stalking me. I did not dare knock anywhere.

Then I found this site and it was like I suddenly found an open door with a warm light radiating from inside.
Thank you to everyone who keeps this door open for people. Sad to think that so many will never find it.

I wish I could stay longer :(
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Apr 19, 2020
I agree. This is the only place I can come to to share these feelings and urges. In the UK an MP's wife killed herself and visited places like this and he's campaigning to get them closed down.

If we had proper support, including from family members, we wouldn't need places like this. Instead, they're too busy thinking of themselves and their needs and how it would affect them to worry about the suicidal person. Our needs come last.

They also fail to understand that many of us just want the choice and for the trapped feelings to be relieved. We might then be able to actually stay around for a bit longer if these feelings were addressed. Sadly only progressive thinkers can understand this. Normies are never progressive.


Awkward & weird
Jul 5, 2020
Very well said! Without this site I felt much more miserable and, paradoxically, much more suicidal. Knowing that there is a place on the web where I can vent as much as I can without being ostracized and/or censored brings me a sense of relief. To be honest I've never encoutered a site gathering so many kind and open-minded people. If you are a pro-lifer reading this then know, that but for the help of people here I could be dead now.
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Nov 11, 2020
I will try to be brief. We are sufferers. We are not a bunch of sadistic creeps who enjoy watching people die, helping people die, telling people how to commit suicide, encouraging people to kill themselves. We have been falsely characterized that way in news articles.

This is the most caring, compassionate and understanding place I have ever been.. I have found people who care and express concern about me here when there is no other place in the world I can get any expressions of caring.

I know everyone here has their own story of pain and illness whether mental or physical, and they have not gotten the kind of help they need, or possibly any help at all, even if they have sought out doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. I've been to several doctors seeking help, and was not provided with anything that would help or cure or relieve my suffering.

I think I speak for most people who post on this site when I say this site has been literally a godsend. I can talk about my problems openly and know others not only share similar problems, but give me understanding and compassion I've never gotten before.
People are suffering terribly who come here. They understand others are in the same situation. We haven't found help. We've tried. Some people cannot be helped by doctors and psychiatrists and medications. The suffering is literally unbearable.

Without this site people are left alone in their misery, unable to even talk openly about it. No one is ever encouraged to commit suicide here. Members of the site mourn whenever someone passes away. They are deeply cared for.
This site provides the only companionship people have in their last moments. They don't die alone. Messages of well wishing pour in to reassure them they are cared about.

And some even have a peaceful way to escape from their tortured lives. Their obituaries state "Died peacefully at home." Think about the possible alternatives to that. Until society becomes enlightened and provides real help instead of clamping down on even talking about suicide, this site will provide something no other place does, which is compassion and understanding.
I agree completely with all you have so thoughtfully said. This site brings me comfort and a sense of being understood. I'm so grateful to have found it!
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
I will try to be brief. We are sufferers. We are not a bunch of sadistic creeps who enjoy watching people die, helping people die, telling people how to commit suicide, encouraging people to kill themselves. We have been falsely characterized that way in news articles.

This is the most caring, compassionate and understanding place I have ever been.. I have found people who care and express concern about me here when there is no other place in the world I can get any expressions of caring.

I know everyone here has their own story of pain and illness whether mental or physical, and they have not gotten the kind of help they need, or possibly any help at all, even if they have sought out doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. I've been to several doctors seeking help, and was not provided with anything that would help or cure or relieve my suffering.

I think I speak for most people who post on this site when I say this site has been literally a godsend. I can talk about my problems openly and know others not only share similar problems, but give me understanding and compassion I've never gotten before.
People are suffering terribly who come here. They understand others are in the same situation. We haven't found help. We've tried. Some people cannot be helped by doctors and psychiatrists and medications. The suffering is literally unbearable.

Without this site people are left alone in their misery, unable to even talk openly about it. No one is ever encouraged to commit suicide here. Members of the site mourn whenever someone passes away. They are deeply cared for.
This site provides the only companionship people have in their last moments. They don't die alone. Messages of well wishing pour in to reassure them they are cared about.

And some even have a peaceful way to escape from their tortured lives. Their obituaries state "Died peacefully at home." Think about the possible alternatives to that. Until society becomes enlightened and provides real help instead of clamping down on even talking about suicide, this site will provide something no other place does, which is compassion and understanding.

Beautifully said.

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Apr 5, 2018
This board will always be dominated by new users. Once you have gathered the info on how to die and already discussed it at length, there's not much else to talk about. You either do it, overcome whatever ails, learn to accept your loss or tormented life or you or descend into apathy and/or self destruction.
I have no negative stimuli which would be intense enough to motivate me to do it, and no positive stimuli intense enough to motivate me to improve my life to the point when visiting this site would be way out of my priority list. So I'm still hanging around here and there. It's kinda addictive to me. It's the only place I know of where I can speak of life, death, dying, suicide and euthanasia, without pushing people way too far, and not being dismissed as a downer, sick fuck, ingrate, without getting beaten, caged, drugged, gaslighted... OK, I guess I could get gaslighted and called a sick fuck here, but generally speaking, the negative consequences here are not as serious as in other social settings.


Nov 21, 2020
I'm lucky too, I found it on the subreddit "suicide watch" it's obviously anti suicide, which is what I didn't want, I'm pro choice, thankfully someone was kind enough to provide me this site, and now I'm able to make the choice, the choice to end it. No matter the choice any of us choose to make, where here together, and there for each other.
I agree with you. I've just joined the site and I hope I can get comfort from like-minded people.
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Stuff n Things
Oct 25, 2020
I will try to be brief. We are sufferers. We are not a bunch of sadistic creeps who enjoy watching people die, helping people die, telling people how to commit suicide, encouraging people to kill themselves. We have been falsely characterized that way in news articles.

This is the most caring, compassionate and understanding place I have ever been.. I have found people who care and express concern about me here when there is no other place in the world I can get any expressions of caring.

I know everyone here has their own story of pain and illness whether mental or physical, and they have not gotten the kind of help they need, or possibly any help at all, even if they have sought out doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. I've been to several doctors seeking help, and was not provided with anything that would help or cure or relieve my suffering.

I think I speak for most people who post on this site when I say this site has been literally a godsend. I can talk about my problems openly and know others not only share similar problems, but give me understanding and compassion I've never gotten before.
People are suffering terribly who come here. They understand others are in the same situation. We haven't found help. We've tried. Some people cannot be helped by doctors and psychiatrists and medications. The suffering is literally unbearable.

Without this site people are left alone in their misery, unable to even talk openly about it. No one is ever encouraged to commit suicide here. Members of the site mourn whenever someone passes away. They are deeply cared for.
This site provides the only companionship people have in their last moments. They don't die alone. Messages of well wishing pour in to reassure them they are cared about.

And some even have a peaceful way to escape from their tortured lives. Their obituaries state "Died peacefully at home." Think about the possible alternatives to that. Until society becomes enlightened and provides real help instead of clamping down on even talking about suicide, this site will provide something no other place does, which is compassion and understanding.
Very nicely put. Thank you for posting this
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I will try to be brief. We are sufferers. We are not a bunch of sadistic creeps who enjoy watching people die, helping people die, telling people how to commit suicide, encouraging people to kill themselves. We have been falsely characterized that way in news articles.

This is the most caring, compassionate and understanding place I have ever been.. I have found people who care and express concern about me here when there is no other place in the world I can get any expressions of caring.

I know everyone here has their own story of pain and illness whether mental or physical, and they have not gotten the kind of help they need, or possibly any help at all, even if they have sought out doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. I've been to several doctors seeking help, and was not provided with anything that would help or cure or relieve my suffering.

I think I speak for most people who post on this site when I say this site has been literally a godsend. I can talk about my problems openly and know others not only share similar problems, but give me understanding and compassion I've never gotten before.
People are suffering terribly who come here. They understand others are in the same situation. We haven't found help. We've tried. Some people cannot be helped by doctors and psychiatrists and medications. The suffering is literally unbearable.

Without this site people are left alone in their misery, unable to even talk openly about it. No one is ever encouraged to commit suicide here. Members of the site mourn whenever someone passes away. They are deeply cared for.
This site provides the only companionship people have in their last moments. They don't die alone. Messages of well wishing pour in to reassure them they are cared about.

And some even have a peaceful way to escape from their tortured lives. Their obituaries state "Died peacefully at home." Think about the possible alternatives to that. Until society becomes enlightened and provides real help instead of clamping down on even talking about suicide, this site will provide something no other place does, which is compassion and understanding.

Well said : I agree. I think we have to thank @Marquis for creating, and working full time to maintain this website . It requires at least a full time job to keep a website like this running. I know because i'm in IT and i'm a programmer.
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Apr 9, 2018
I have no negative stimuli which would be intense enough to motivate me to do it, and no positive stimuli intense enough to motivate me to improve my life to the point when visiting this site would be way out of my priority list. So I'm still hanging around here and there. It's kinda addictive to me. It's the only place I know of where I can speak of life, death, dying, suicide and euthanasia, without pushing people way too far, and not being dismissed as a downer, sick fuck, ingrate, without getting beaten, caged, drugged, gaslighted... OK, I guess I could get gaslighted and called a sick fuck here, but generally speaking, the negative consequences here are not as serious as in other social settings.
Indeed, those are the reasons I still pop back in every once in a while and why I was hooked initially. The addicting nature of the discussions has worn off for me though. I suppose nowadays, i'd just rather stare at the wall or get lost in my own head. In a way, to me this place is somewhat gentle and kind, whereas my mind is dark and cold. It is hard to do pleasantries or give well wishes to people who say there are going to ctb, i'd rather say 'do a barrel roll' or something stupid like that. I've lost some of my sensitivity or seriousness on the subject of suicide. My language/mind is too harsh, I feel like I need to censor myself to appease the tone of the board nowadays, my words do not flow freely here anymore like they used to.


Oct 28, 2020
Very well said.
I am so alone,
This site is my respite.
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Sep 1, 2020
I will try to be brief. We are sufferers. We are not a bunch of sadistic creeps who enjoy watching people die, helping people die, telling people how to commit suicide, encouraging people to kill themselves. We have been falsely characterized that way in news articles.

This is the most caring, compassionate and understanding place I have ever been.. I have found people who care and express concern about me here when there is no other place in the world I can get any expressions of caring.

I know everyone here has their own story of pain and illness whether mental or physical, and they have not gotten the kind of help they need, or possibly any help at all, even if they have sought out doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. I've been to several doctors seeking help, and was not provided with anything that would help or cure or relieve my suffering.

I think I speak for most people who post on this site when I say this site has been literally a godsend. I can talk about my problems openly and know others not only share similar problems, but give me understanding and compassion I've never gotten before.
People are suffering terribly who come here. They understand others are in the same situation. We haven't found help. We've tried. Some people cannot be helped by doctors and psychiatrists and medications. The suffering is literally unbearable.

Without this site people are left alone in their misery, unable to even talk openly about it. No one is ever encouraged to commit suicide here. Members of the site mourn whenever someone passes away. They are deeply cared for.
This site provides the only companionship people have in their last moments. They don't die alone. Messages of well wishing pour in to reassure them they are cared about.

And some even have a peaceful way to escape from their tortured lives. Their obituaries state "Died peacefully at home." Think about the possible alternatives to that. Until society becomes enlightened and provides real help instead of clamping down on even talking about suicide, this site will provide something no other place does, which is compassion and understanding.
You have said it so perfectly. I'm so unbelievably thankful to of found a place where my soul can release it's trueness. There isn't anyone in the real world (that I have found) that thinks like me. They have suppose groups and places for people to openly speak about everything under the sun...EVERYTHING, but why do we get left high and dry with nowhere to turn, nobody to talk to, nowhere to run, always just inside ourselves, alone and suffering. All I ever get anywhere else is I don't want to hear that, don't talk like that, oh better get some help then, or get mad because I even bring up anything of the sort. Ffs if I could be helped don't you think I would run to that opportunity. Don't you think if I had a chance at happiness, I wouldn't grab that shit in a heartbeat! There is no hope for some people and then where do we turn, we turn inside ourselves because people make it abundantly clear that we aren't able to speak what is truly in our hearts. They would rather us keep it all in and never reach out to at least talk about what is going on inside. To be around other people who actually know how I feel in one way or another is so priceless. To speak what truths are hidden away and not be made to feel worse about it matters so much. There are people who want to take the only place we have away and I cannot believe they would try and do this to people who have nowhere else to turn and do it in such a hateful, hurtful way. People are monsters for their own personal gain and what they gain isn't worth two cents.
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