

As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
Any real TI's here? If you are not a TI you do not have to comment.
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Dec 14, 2021
I'm not a TI but I'm curious who's targeting you?


As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
Only Ti's who have researched understand.
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Dec 15, 2021
I feel like I am, but I don't know for sure.
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
You'll know if you are.
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I smile by your disgrace
Jan 21, 2022
Crackpot theories
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
Like some other so-called "conspiracy theories" (I dislike that term) this one has a basis in reality.

But the problem is, that a very large amount of absolutely insane nonsense is thrown into the mix so that the subject in it's entirety is easily written off, dismissed and placed in the tin-foil-hat category.

I have no doubt that this convolution of facts and fiction, truth and lies, is deliberate, and designed to discredit and eliminate any serious consideration or interest in valid elements of the subject.

In my country they're called marked men. The old timers knew more about it, and say it's been going on for a very long time, and it used to be more openly acknowledged.

A marked mans life is so different from a normal persons experience, it's tragic. These days, regular people who live in a slice-of-life style world (like the TV show Neighbours) often can't accept that such a thing really happens. Even talking about it is taboo and one has to be careful.

Marked men often don't even know that they're marked! They get no help or harsh treatment from police and the legal systems, very poor or nonexistent healthcare, experience great misfortunes and 'bad luck', they become the target of harassment in many ways, their spouses are frequently tempted, relationships often fail, their lives slowly fall apart in many ways and they usually end up either alcoholics, drug addicts, homeless, crazy, in jail, on the run, very sick or dead.

I'm not sure if a marked man can ever be 'un-marked'... But the old timers advice is: get a job and work, brother! Don't stick your nose into things you have no business knowing! And don't ever cause trouble for important people or those who run the show! :pfff:
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
Onw hea
Like some other so-called "conspiracy theories" (I dislike that term) this one has a basis in reality.

But the problem is, that a very large amount of absolutely insane nonsense is thrown into the mix so that the subject in it's entirety is easily written off, dismissed and placed in the tin-foil-hat category.

I have no doubt that this convolution of facts and fiction, truth and lies, is deliberate, and designed to discredit and eliminate any serious consideration or interest in valid elements of the subject.

In my country they're called marked men. The old timers knew more about it, and say it's been going on for a very long time, and it used to be more openly acknowledged.

A marked mans life is so different from a normal persons experience, it's tragic. These days, regular people who live in a slice-of-life style world (like the TV show Neighbours) often can't accept that such a thing really happens. Even talking about it is taboo and one has to be careful.

Marked men often don't even know that they're marked! They get no help or harsh treatment from police and the legal systems, very poor or nonexistent healthcare, experience great misfortunes and 'bad luck', they become the target of harassment in many ways, their spouses are frequently tempted, relationships often fail, their lives slowly fall apart in many ways and they usually end up either alcoholics, drug addicts, homeless, crazy, in jail, on the run, very sick or dead.

I'm not sure if a marked man can ever be 'un-marked'... But the old timers advice is: get a job and work, brother! Don't stick your nose into things you have no business knowing! And don't ever cause trouble for important people or those who ru
Ahhh. You see.
Ethereal Knight

Ethereal Knight

Seja um bom soldado, morra onde você caiu.
Jan 10, 2022

"Individuals who claim to experience this call themselves 'targeted individuals' (TIs).

Multiple medical professionals have evaluated that these experiences are hallucinations, the result of delusional disorders, or psychosis.

Mental health professionals say that T.I.s can experience hallucinations and their explanations of being targeted or harassed arise from delusional disorders or psychosis.

Yale psychiatry professor Ralph Hoffman states that people often ascribe voices in their heads to external sources such as government harassment, God, or dead relatives, and it can be difficult to persuade these individuals that their belief in an external influence is delusional.

(...) As part of a 2006 British study by Vaughan Bell, independent psychiatrists determined 'signs of psychosis are strongly present' based on evaluation of a sample of online mind-control accounts whose posters were 'very likely to be schizophrenic.'"

in other words, if you start taking your anti-psychotic medication consistently, you will start to think more clearly and won't feel like you're a "TI" anymore, won't hear voices, won't have "weird" experiences or anything like that.

just talk to your doctor, he is qualified to help you if that's the case. he doesn't wanna hurt you, quite the opposite, he wants to help you, you just have to back down a little bit, trust the doctor and be patient.
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Sad Sack
Jul 29, 2021
I never heard of what a "Targeted Individual" was until recently, but during my most recent psychosis, I felt and was fully convinced I was being stalked by people from the lowest levels of street people all the way up to the US President himself. There is nothing you could have told me at that time to convince me that I was not being stalked or followed, I believed they were into my bank account, ran the local cops, that gangs were following me with coordinated colors, etc. etc. This is all stuff my mind fabricated without being influenced by TI or gangstalking or whatever types of communities on the internet.

Now that I am out of the episode, to find out that this stuff exists in somewhat of an organized fashion, is a bit alarming. Just a couple reactions I had right off the bat:

1. There are *absolutely* people manipulating you in these online communities who do NOT believe this stuff, they just want to cause paranoia, pain or chaos. Even on the street I had people feeding my delusions; I can't imagine how much further I'd be locked into them and what I would have acted on had I been a part of these communities on Reddit or otherwise.

2. These types of situations defy any logic or common sense when you boil everything away. Someone who truly believes these types of delusions would have a hard time being convinced otherwise. For communities to spring up to more or less add validity or even encourage these types of delusions is unfortunate, because it gives you more stuff to consume when you ignore all the other info out there that is more solidly based in reality.

I would implore anyone on this site or anyone else in general to consider that there are definitely people online who want to encourage delusional and harmful thinking, simply for the sake of it. If you write out your evidence for why you believe you're a "Targeted Individual" and start comparing it to common delusional thinking that people exhibit, you'll most assuredly find you are saying the same things delusional people tend to always say.

Consider just how many resources, how much time would have to be devoted to truly targeting and stalking one person-sending people to follow them, send them messages online or in other media, etc. The level of coordination it'd take would be mind-boggling...much less the amount of money it'd cost, where we're easily looking at the tens or hundreds of thousands to really pull this off well, just for one person! Now, extrapolate that over all the people active in these communities on Reddit, etc., and the beliefs further fall apart. Well, they would-if delusions worked this way-but the brain doesn't allow for reason when in a delusional state, from what I've seen and read, anyway.

Anyway, I am happy to talk about my extended psychotic episodes at length where I had a lot of these types of delusions, but I won't for a second pretend that there was any validity to them or for anyone else. All I can do is let you know that I know how scary it is to feel this way and I would encourage you to continue to talk to others about the topic and consider other viewpoints rather than just in those small, niche communities. There are definitely people inside those communities who are acting like they are "targeted" or being stalked or whatever just enjoying watching people freak out and destroy their lives.
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Jan 7, 2022
Any real TI's here? If you are not a TI you do not have to comment.

I'm a TI. I have posted about my experiences in other threads and nobody believes me which is fine. I might have mental health issues but I'm still being targeted. Also, a lot of the stuff out there about gangstalking is misinformation.

Anyway, PM me if you want some of my stories and examples. Perhaps you can share some of yours as well.
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
I'm a TI. I have posted about my experiences in other threads and nobody believes me which is fine. I might have mental health issues but I'm still being targeted. Also, a lot of the stuff out there about gangstalking is misinformation.

Anyway, PM me if you want some of my stories and examples. Perhaps you can share some of yours as well.
I know it's misinformation.
PM'd you.

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