
Apr 8, 2020
Hey guys.
I was wondering if you go to Mexico or Peru to buy N, what would be the best option to get it to your home? Would you take it with you on your flight back? Perhaps peeling off the labels? What would happen if you get caught at the airport?
Or would it better to send a package to your home address?
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
I wouldn't feel comfortable smuggling massive doses of barbiturates through airport security.... I thought most people take them either over the border to the US via the highway or they take the N in South America, where they bought it.

Sending it in a package seems safer to me, but your disguise won't be as good as As I suppose.
IIRC the PPeH has a section on it.
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Mar 4, 2020
Hypothetically speaking, I would mail a package. Better chance of slipping through.

Also you're not risking as much legally. You still have plausible deniability by just receiving a package. If they find it on your person when border crossing then they have you dead to rights.
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Darker dearie, much darker
Feb 5, 2020
I honestly thought to travel to try find nembutal in Mexico or Bolivia, but after some Calculations, the trip will cost me a lot more than buying nembutal online.
So I abandoned the idea

If you decide to try go there, read the peaceful pill book
Check this videos-

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Apr 8, 2020
I honestly thought to travel to try find nembutal in Mexico or Bolivia, but after some Calculations, the trip will cost me a lot more than buying nembutal online.
So I abandoned the idea

Thanks that's great info
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
There is a member here who lives in Mexico who says she can't get N there. ?? Seems easier to risk the N from A method


A dumb ass medic
Mar 8, 2020
Honestly, if its powder or liquid (taken orally) and not injectable, just change the packaging and have it sent back with your things in your non carry on luggage. Pack it tightly with cheese or something smelly to throw off things. I figure dealing with the solid verison would be much easier.
There is a member here who lives in Mexico who says she can't get N there. ?? Seems easier to risk the N from A method
Yeah but I heard people are getting busted here and there buying from A and C so if you get it and its useable, use it asap
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Jan 5, 2020
You could use different cologne bottles. But the possibility of getting it in the first place is slim to none. Most likely would be a wasted trip.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
There is a member here who lives in Mexico who says she can't get N there. ?? Seems easier to risk the N from A method

I'm the member, I cannot get N here, but I live in an area with high tourism. I did post about my recommendations about how to seek it if one wants to make the trip, but in general it's not safe to do. I would order from A but he doesn't deliver within Mexico.

Yeah but I heard people are getting busted here and there buying from A and C so if you get it and its useable, use it asap

From what I've read on this site, no one was ever arrested for buying N from A. What I recall from each anecdote was that the cops showed up without a warrant and the member caved and handed it over. Don't take my word for it though, search the site for yourselves, I could be wrong. Please let me know if I am, send me a link to the thread, I don't like giving out bad information.

The other issue with getting busted is that one's country's customs may flag them, and then they are more likely to get their luggage searched when they travel.
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New Member
Apr 15, 2020
Anyone who tried to buy in Lima, Peru? Any VET shop would do?
Thanks a lot
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