
Aug 18, 2020
When I was very young I always wanted to live in the US. I kind of admired their lifestyle. Most music I have listened to came from the US, I ate a lot of unhealthy stuff to that time and the US was kind of the country which was famous for unhealthy food. I always was fascinated by their huge entertainment events with so many celebrities.
This should not sound too critical but my viewpoint fundamentally changed. I began to eat healthy and to question the entertainment industry. The huge inequality that comes along with having so many rich celebrities. DFW described the US as one huge shopping mall. In my opinion this does not apply only to the US. But I think America is for many other nations a role model in these instances (for example for the entertainment and music industry). The first new trends often come from the US. The good and the bad one's.

I would have liked to hear @TheHatedOne aka averagegameenjoyer's opinion on this. He liked many of my threads where I was critical about the US. I miss him.
Though we were not that close.

I just began to dislike this notion of buying happiness. I tried to do that when I was younger. I bought a lot of unnecessary stuff and ate unbelievably unhealthy food. But this isn't some sort of freedom as advertisements portray it. This is slavery to your most primitive instincts. Higher goods can be achieved by devotion and discipline. Though obviously we should not fully suppress our primitive insticts. We should be self-aware about our decisions and be self-conscious when we decide for this or that path. I really try this a lot in order to deal better with my bipolar disorder or OCD. I want to understand how my mind wants to deceive me. I analyze it but my mind is way more fucked than all my analyses or coping skills could ever compensate.

The trial to buy me happiness always left me innerly empty and it just did not feel right. In the future I will have quite the opposite situation. I will have to live in poverty and can barely buy anything. This is how cynical my life is. The joy often was only superficial and shallow. Eating cheap extremely unhealthy food makes you feel good for about 30 seconds. But after it you feel guilt, shame and self-hatred. At least this was my experience. It was way too easy for me to get things. I absolutely had no impulse control. This changed a lot when I grew older. And I switched in the other extreme.

I just hate most advertisements. Beautiful young people eating shit or buying the latest smartphone just to show here I have got it. Now I feel superior to you. This is all perverted. Still we cannot resist and we partake in their game. The whole industry tries to exploit vulnerable people for example with gacha games and lootboxes. This is all so sick. And by the way I am not saying socialism is the better solution. But we have to develop a healthy relation to capitalism and reflect on our behavior. This will never happen I know. Personally I am not important enough to change anything. But if everybody thinks that way there will be never a change. On the other hand people are too distracted by Netflix etc. to think critically in which rat race they are in. It is easier not to question how things work.
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Sep 28, 2020
So true no name, I was Also crazy about America, USA, like you I consumed everything that came from there , I was a sheep. Buying the latest iPhones and being a slave to Apple. But after a lot of true documentaries I began to see the US as not such a free country after all. A boy , afro American, reaching to his wallet to show his ID took 4o rounds of bullets, nothing happened to the cops. Celebrities are the role models, the beautiful people that I tried to be like in the past , showing off on instagram that I now despise. Celebrities always talk about ahhh let's save the world but they waste more water then us in our lifetime with their endless pools in their endless houses. They say take the refugees in to Look nice on TV, but with so many mansions I never saw one offering any of their castles to let the homeless people live. LA is like an illusion, homeless people everywhere, without any chance In life. Teens being consumed by OxyContin and etc.
we live in a world of rat race like you said. I proudly own an iPhone 7 Plus. Now they have the 14th almost coming out, and I don't give a F anymore about the latest trends, before I would waste money and change phones every year. Smart phones built by the hands of little children in África who work for nothing to get the minerals for the bling bling phones. cant stand people showing off, it's disgusting, even man now are worse than women. Just abs no brain. Sorry if I went a bit offtopic. But totally agree with you. I do love a Big Mac though, but not because it's American. Just because I like it.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Good post. Consumerism is just a trap. Many people in the US don't even have any fun. They just slave away to earn money to impress others or send their ungrateful kids to overpriced universities. And overindulging in unhealthy food is a great way to shoot yourself in the foot and develop a bunch of health problems.

Getting ahead is harder than ever what with inflation and dwindling employment opportunities. The US is largely an illusion.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Eh, as an avid and shameless typical American consumer, the Super Bowl is pretty lame to me. The only commercials worth caring about these days are movie trailers which get gutted to save money anyway. American Football itself is also way too complex for my tiny brain to comprehend thus I have no interest in watching it.


Sep 28, 2020
Good post. Consumerism is just a trap. Many people in the US don't even have any fun. They just slave away to earn money to impress others or send their ungrateful kids to overpriced universities. And overindulging in unhealthy food is a great way to shoot yourself in the foot and develop a bunch of health problems.

Getting ahead is harder than ever what with inflation and dwindling employment opportunities. The US is largely an illusion.
Absolutely, and that super bowl with the national anthem and everyone with the hands in their hearts. I mean i love my country but chill out a bit. We are number one, love when they say that. So selfish. Like only they matter.
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Screw your courage to the sticking place.
Jun 29, 2021
As an American, please let me assure you that many of us are ashamed of the arrogance, greed and sadism of our government and society. Most of us are completely enslaved, only some of the slaves are distracted by the shiny pinwheels passed out to mollify.
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Nihilist extraordinaire
Oct 3, 2021
Eating cheap extremely unhealthy food makes you feel good for about 30 seconds. But after it you feel guilt, shame and self-hatred.
Why would someone feel guilt shame and self-hatred because you happen to eat food? Sure it's unhealthy, but who cares? After all, we're literally on a site for offing ourselves LOL Fast food is a comfort food for me because that's where I was taken as a kid. Not just fast food, but any restaurant food.

I also take this stance about food because my grandmother purposely ate salads and cared about her health all her life. She tried to live studiously because she hated fat. (One of the very, VERY few criticisms I could have of my grandma - she made me incredibly insecure about my weight. I'm a big boy.) And yet she died from heart failure. All of that time worrying about her weight, her health, for what? Before she died she had three different open heart surgeries with months- to years-long recoveries. After the last one she was bedridden. She regretted not eating what she wanted at times. Not all the time, but there were times she would throw out boxes of chocolate her then-husband would get her for valentines day (funny that that's today that I think of this). What did that get her? Nothing. It got her a heart that couldn't beat right, had an extra chamber that held blood clots, and failing valves.

At the end of the day, who cares? Seriously. None of any of this means anything. Buy what you want today, because tomorrow may be your last (either by our own hands, or being hit by a bus, a car accident or anything, really).

It's true, you can't actually buy happiness, but you can sure buy distractions, which, if you're someone like me who sees no point in anything, that's the best you're gonna get. And everything in life is a distraction to make us avoid the inevitable - we're all going to die, we're all going back to where we came from and none of this existence has any meaning at all. We're just a happenstance, an anomaly in time.

To illustrate my point here - what IS the purpose of football, or sports at all for that matter, if not a distraction from the inevitable? What is anything we do other, than a distraction to keep us thinking about our mortality?

I just see no purpose to any of it. Food, sports, religion, philosophy (of which I use to waste my own time), video games (the other thing I do to waste time), all of it is distraction. Even working is just a distraction to keep us "living".

Don't beat yourself up over anything, at the end of the day, it all means nothing.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
America has it's problems for sure, like taking care of our citizens, but it's not like most of you guys are from perfect countries with clean histories either.

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