
Jul 26, 2019
I've read that it is: stigma & loss of benefits ( along with the effect of losing hundreds of millions to CTB would have on the evil economies . The Black Death removed many survivors from abject Poverty).
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
I've read that it is: stigma & loss of benefits ( along with the effect of losing hundreds of millions to CTB would have on the evil economies . The Black Death removed many survivors from abject Poverty).
Yeah i definitely feel like it's underreported, and it isn't really heard of through the news. usually we find out about local suicides through interactions on social media or through locals and mutuals.

i guess yeah, talking about ones suicide would give into talking about the methods. and with how many people commit suicide annually, i definitely feel like there would be a rise in suicide; with methods being emphasized through the spotlight surrounding suicide deaths and different methods.
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Aug 18, 2019
They don't want to encourage "copycat" suicides. Also, if it became known just how many people are ctb'ing people might start to wonder whether there isn't something dreadfully wrong with modern society.
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Jun 8, 2019
Where I'm from, suicides are buried like they never happened, and the reason is simple, it looks bad on statistics. Homelessness does not officially exist, and everything is perfect on paper. Just under that paper is a bottomless toilet.
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Mar 24, 2019
My local paper always reports them .
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May 23, 2019
I think it is a matter of perception in many ways. When young people commit suicide or there is a "new problem" like cyberbullying, it seems like a major social problem. Some refer to it as deviance amplification. But other groups do it, there is not a lot of media attention paid to it. Two economists Deaton and Case have written about the problem of "deaths of despair: in the United States, but no one seems to care.
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Jul 26, 2019
I wonder if a very large spike in PoC suicides Globally would receive the same amount of attention Poverty ( within the same set of Earthlings) get: Not Enough? --- akpress.org
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
Yes its underreported, im sure the statistic doesnt report all suicides either. Its probably not around 17 to 100,000 like in Switzerland, but more like 30 to 100,000, mabye even more. In South Korea or Japan it is probably even worse. Maybe even 100 to 100,000. or 10 to 10,000 or 1 in 100. Many suicide are "accidents".
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Disgusting trash
Jul 25, 2019
Why should it ever be reported on more?
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Aug 17, 2019
I don't know. When my dad killed himself it was front page news of a local newspaper and his death was mentioned in several mainstream tabloids too. But none of them reported the truth. They lied about the method he used and they lied about the circumstances surrounding his suicide as well. They made it seem like I'd driven a multiply decorated combat veteran with over 18 years of military service to suicide through some kind of bad behaviour. It destroyed my reputation in the local community so I was forced to leave to a different part of the country. When I confronted one of the journalists responsible for printing such lies she told me that she was only reporting what the surviving members of my family had said during the inquest into his death. But our emotions were so heightened at the time her lies prompted us to turn against eachother.

In reality my father lost his mind less than two years into civilian life and attempted to kill us all in a murder/suicide. He blocked the door and told us he was going to kill us one by one and then burn the house down. He went for my sister first, reaching out for her throat and I was then forced to defend everyone from him. It was the most terrifying and emotionally traumatic fight I've ever had with another man.

It wasn't easy but I eventually managed to subdue him. The police arrived and I thought they were going to arrest him. But they didn't arrest him, they instead arrested ME. My mother and my sisters were too shaken up to explain what had happened and what was going on. They were just holding eachother and crying. I was handcuffed and led away by two officers. I begged and I pleaded for them to arrest my dad. I was screaming at them, telling them that he tried to kill us. They just assumed I was high or behaving erratically.

I was neither.

My dad was a respected war hero after all and heroes never do bad things...

Long story short, he killed himself and I was blamed for his suicide. The media put their own spin on it and they covered up the truth.

I expect there's people out there who've been through something similar themselves.
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May 22, 2019
He went for my sister first, reaching out for her throat and I was then forced to defend everyone from him.
You are a hero! You should feel nothing but pride for defending your sister and mother. I am really really sorry this sickening event happened to you :'(
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Jun 9, 2019
there was 2 suicides at 2 of my jumps stops this last weekend, one was reported as an accidents and then i think that changes and it's vanished and one was not mentioned at all. i only knew of it as drove near it and emergency services where all around the place.
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Aug 17, 2019
You are a hero! You should feel nothing but pride for defending your sister and mother. I am really really sorry this sickening event happened to you :'(

I'm really not, I'm just another lost soul but I appreciate your kind words. You're very kind, thank you *hugs*

I remember waking up soon after his death and everyone looking at me with disgust, I was spat at, sneered at, verbally assaulted by everyone in the neighbourhood. I even had rocks thrown at me lol I didn't understand what was going on. I felt like I'd stepped into the Twilight Zone. Then I opened the door and that's when I saw the newspaper. Someone had posted it through the door of my old home, the place he killed himself in. I read the story and I broke down in tears. My name was all over the front page and none of it was true. Not a word of it. They'd turned me into a pantomime villain with my dad playing the role of a tragic victim.

I confronted the journalist immediately, she said "I was just printing what YOUR family said about YOU during the inquest". I was several days into suicide bereavement and I lacked the emotional resources to cater for such a sense of betrayal. Or what felt like a betrayal at the time (I later found out that she was lying) but it was too late, her lies DESTROYED my family completely. Tore us apart forever.

My reputation was irrevocably destroyed and I was vehemently hated by everybody who knew me. I lost the job I had at the time, the friends I had too. I was exiled, excommunicated, I was driven out. I lost everything, everyone and the truth was covered up completely.

Another newspaper (The Guardian) took the lying even further. My dad hanged himself with steel rope in my old home. But they said he jumped to his death from the top of a parking lot. It's because my dad was airborne forces and they were trying to put a political spin on his training. The entire article was basically, a subtle attack on the airborne forces community. "Oh he was a paratrooper so it would make sense that a paratrooper would jump off a building..", you know? That was the mentality behind it.

Well, he never jumped off a building, he hanged himself in front of my bedroom with steel rope. He killed himself to "punish us" and to punish me for stopping him that day.

They also wrote about him like he was a kind of lonely, sympathetic character like John Rambo. A hard done by guy. That wasn't true either.

They falsified everything. Literally everything.
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  • Aww..
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I Liked Ike
May 11, 2019
Do you mean under reported by Coroners (and their equivalent Investigating lawyers) for the purposes of official statistics, or do you mean under reported in the press and other media ?

If the former, it is instructive to note that in England, suicide must be proven (though Coroners have great discretion in what they can accept as evidence.) For about 15 years now, Coroners have been able to give a so-called "narrative" verdict where there is any lingering doubt. Even where there is no doubt that the deceased died by their own hand, and there is no note, Coroners will often take the view that whatever happened may have been an accident or mistake.

I think that the Office for National Statistics apply a filter to such narrative verdicts so that some do indeed get included in the suicide figures, but it does all go to show that the suicide rate (in England at least) is probably considerably higher than official statistics suggest.
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
Do you mean under reported by Coroners (and their equivalent Investigating lawyers) for the purposes of official statistics, or do you mean under reported in the press and other media ?

If the former, it is instructive to note that in England, suicide must be proven (though Coroners have great discretion in what they can accept as evidence.) For about 15 years now, Coroners have been able to give a so-called "narrative" verdict where there is any lingering doubt. Even where there is no doubt that the deceased died by their own hand, and there is no note, Coroners will often take the view that whatever happened may have been an accident or mistake.

I think that the Office for National Statistics apply a filter to such narrative verdicts so that some do indeed get included in the suicide figures, but it does all go to show that the suicide rate (in England at least) is probably considerably higher than official statistics suggest.

They know exactly why.
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Mar 24, 2019
I'm really not, I'm just another lost soul but I appreciate your kind words. You're very kind, thank you *hugs*

I remember waking up soon after his death and everyone looking at me with disgust, I was spat at, sneered at, verbally assaulted by everyone in the neighbourhood. I even had rocks thrown at me lol I didn't understand what was going on. I felt like I'd stepped into the Twilight Zone. Then I opened the door and that's when I saw the newspaper. Someone had posted it through the door of my old home, the place he killed himself in. I read the story and I broke down in tears. My name was all over the front page and none of it was true. Not a word of it. They'd turned me into a pantomime villain with my dad playing the role of a tragic victim.

I confronted the journalist immediately, she said "I was just printing what YOUR family said about YOU during the inquest". I was several days into suicide bereavement and I lacked the emotional resources to cater for such a sense of betrayal. Or what felt like a betrayal at the time (I later found out that she was lying) but it was too late, her lies DESTROYED my family completely. Tore us apart forever.

My reputation was irrevocably destroyed and I was vehemently hated by everybody who knew me. I lost the job I had at the time, the friends I had too. I was exiled, excommunicated, I was driven out. I lost everything, everyone and the truth was covered up completely.

Another newspaper (The Guardian) took the lying even further. My dad hanged himself with steel rope in my old home. But they said he jumped to his death from the top of a parking lot. It's because my dad was airborne forces and they were trying to put a political spin on his training. The entire article was basically, a subtle attack on the airborne forces community. "Oh he was a paratrooper so it would make sense that a paratrooper would jump off a building..", you know? That was the mentality behind it.

Well, he never jumped off a building, he hanged himself in front of my bedroom with steel rope. He killed himself to "punish us" and to punish me for stopping him that day.

They also wrote about him like he was a kind of lonely, sympathetic character like John Rambo. A hard done by guy. That wasn't true either.

They falsified everything. Literally everything.
This is why i stopped buying newspapers and watching the News ,
infact i dont watch tv hardly and if i do it`s Talking Pictures channel with all the old stuff on it ,
every thing is fooked , from the "impartial" BBC, the press , the Police , job opportunities ,ect ect ect
you get burgled nowaday the police dont even turn up and if you are lucky they might get a grainy cctv image ,yet stray one wheel into a bus lane and a HD photo and fine .
No wonder people want to leave early
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Local newspapers tend to report things like this. My jump off a bridge was reported by my cities newspaper. But I can imagine they tend to sweep details under the rug so as not to lead to a rise in suicides by particular method. Whatever their reasons for not covering these deaths is, they still exist, people suffer in this dystopian society and they will keep on killing themselves until something changes. And probably nothing will change, until the way our leaders think changes.
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Aug 17, 2019
This is why i stopped buying newspapers and watching the News ,
infact i dont watch tv hardly and if i do it`s Talking Pictures channel with all the old stuff on it ,
every thing is fooked , from the "impartial" BBC, the press , the Police , job opportunities ,ect ect ect
you get burgled nowaday the police dont even turn up and if you are lucky they might get a grainy cctv image ,yet stray one wheel into a bus lane and a HD photo and fine .
No wonder people want to leave early

I feel the same. The only thing The Guardian journalist got right was my father's name and his regiment. Everything else was a complete lie. The article itself was highly politicised and designed to manipulate people to embrace leftwing beliefs or regard them in favourable terms.

But with that said, the armed forces itself is also guilty of manipulating and controlling the media. I can't and I won't go into many details out of respect for veterans of the airborne and the special forces community. But I know that my father was personally involved in something that they'd never want to be made public and that it factored into his suicide.

Four men he served with committed suicide in the same year as him. One of them took his wife and his daughter with him, murdered them and then killed himself. I can remember my dad joking about it, he looked at me, he smiled and then he said "I'm next".

Someone was threatening to go public and it created a lot of drama in the community. Eventually he was stopped before he got that chance and he apparently fled the country. I know what this secret is. I can remember them sat around the table discussing it, I can remember seeing the photos of what they'd done because they were sharing them with each other that day. In fact, I'll never forget what I saw in those photographs. My dad caught me and threatened me into silence.

I think that's why he attempted to kill us. I think the entire thing was about maintaining secrecy. I think that's why they fabricated the events surrounding his suicide too.
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Jul 26, 2019
Why should it ever be reported on more?
Journalists are supposed to be objective.
Any publisher like AK Press is more likely to be impartial/ scientific about suicide and assisted death.
Lady black

Lady black

35 male, central Europe, German speaking
Oct 22, 2018
In my country (austria) it´s really underreported, cause they say too much articles and details of suicides would cause a werther effect
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Jun 13, 2019
No, I do not think that suicides are underreported.
Everyboy knows how Michael Jackson did it, Robin Williams, lthis ast one....Epstein?....I think his name is that.

There are thousand of movies and documentary about assisted suicide.
I have saw hundred of cases on TV. Accurate explained.
I think there is a lot of information about.

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