

Apr 8, 2020
The human body is more resilient than people realise thst is why failed suicide attempts happen .The act of sucide in itself is a harmful act because a person is exposing themselves to dangerand the body is built to fight against danger and prevent a person being drawn to dangerous situations. A child can run across the road without looking or touch fire without any thought because their brains are not developed to detect danger whereas adults brains can recognise danger.

There is no such thing as a peaceful way of passing because the body will fight til the end for your survival.

Why do overdoses and poisoning fail?
The human body can detect posions and harmful agents that enter the body, SN is a posion and the body will recognise it as harmful agent so will fight to expel it out of the body.

The reason why most poisoning and overdoses fail is because the body successfully expels the substance out of the body. The overdoses that do succeed is because the body's defence systems wasn't strong enough to expel the poisonous substance that entered. How strong your body is will determine how successful your method will be.

Why does jumping over train methods or bridges fail at times ?
When people try to jump the body does stop you from making the jump using that fear and anxiety to stop you from jumping properly. This is how people mess up thier angle position and end up with broken bones or paralysis.
The list is endless.

Your body will always fight for your survival even when your mind gives up on you it is crazy.
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Jun 16, 2024
I once read scientific research that said: even though your brain feels dead. The brain system still tries to do something like "give electrical discharges" to make you live again, for a few hours or days. Most don't come back to life. But very rarely can you be unlucky enough to be revived. There is even a disease in which a person dies, stops breathing and everything, but can revive hours or days later. It's called something like "Lazarus syndrome". It's really scary for me. I wanted to try the carbon monoxide or the rope hanging method. I'm afraid of suffering, but I'm also afraid of failing and ending up stuck in a bed for the rest of my life, or waking up in a buried coffin.
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Apr 15, 2024
I once read scientific research that said: even though your brain feels dead. The brain system still tries to do something like "give electrical discharges" to make you live again, for a few hours or days. Most don't come back to life. But very rarely can you be unlucky enough to be revived. There is even a disease in which a person dies, stops breathing and everything, but can revive hours or days later. It's called something like "Lazarus syndrome". It's really scary for me. I wanted to try the carbon monoxide or the rope hanging method. I'm afraid of suffering, but I'm also afraid of failing and ending up stuck in a bed for the rest of my life, or waking up in a buried coffin.
Stuff like this worries me. But it could explain near death experiences. I also saw many videos of headshots, and even some with shotguns, some of them look still breathing (the throat jerked) while almost every one of them their arms and legs seem to stiffen for a few seconds after even the brain is blown out. This makes me suspect they might feel something for up to 4 seconds after the shot. I don't believe in souls, but even if consciousness is a product of a functioning brain it could be that consciousness dissipates slowly even after the brain is destroyed, just like heat dissipates slowly after a flame is put out.
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Jun 16, 2024
Coisas assim me preocupam. Mas poderia explicar experiências de quase morte. Eu também vi muitos vídeos de tiros na cabeça, e até mesmo alguns com espingardas, alguns deles parecem ainda respirando (a garganta se contraiu), enquanto quase todos eles seus braços e pernas parecem enrijecer por alguns segundos depois que o cérebro é estourado. Isso me faz suspeitar que eles possam sentir algo por até 4 segundos após o tiro. Não acredito em almas, mas mesmo que a consciência seja produto de um cérebro em funcionamento, pode ser que a consciência se dissipe lentamente mesmo depois de o cérebro ser destruído, tal como o calor se dissipa lentamente depois de uma chama se apagar.
I also really worry about this. I wish I was unconscious. I'm afraid to maintain consciousness for a few seconds... minutes... or hours... It's impossible to predict everything accurately. I want to die, life is very unfair. I don't believe in the soul. But I believe this, that the body tries to survive at any cost, and that terrifies me. It is not enough to suffer in life, you still have to suffer slowly in death.
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Apr 11, 2024
I understand most of this argument, but disagree with the statement "The act of suicide in itself is a harmful act because a person is exposing themselves to danger". There are many instances where someone can expose themselves to danger and I wouldn't call it a harmful act. there may be a release of cortisol, but that isn't inherently harmful. The example that jumps to a mind is firefighters running into a burning building, it's is a dangerous but not necessarily a harmful act.

Regarding how this looks during suicide, someone's body may potentially release cortisol when they get ready to shoot themselves, but if SI isn't an issue or overwhelming. Their body doesn't actually fight them otherwise there would be no way to do it.
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welcome home old friend, how was your life?
Mar 24, 2024
not sure about that

what about people who died peacefully from N/inert gas/SN etc?

i guess problems happen when there is not enough preparation, consideration, or some SI may kick in, or other circumstances, but human body itself can be turned off peacefully quite easily, but i understand that there may not be many easy and available options for it nowadays
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Apr 15, 2024
I also really worry about this. I wish I was unconscious. I'm afraid to maintain consciousness for a few seconds... minutes... or hours... It's impossible to predict everything accurately. I want to die, life is very unfair. I don't believe in the soul. But I believe this, that the body tries to survive at any cost, and that terrifies me. It is not enough to suffer in life, you still have to suffer slowly in death.
The only thing is that everyone has to go through this. Even the staunchest pro-life person has to face death and the body still tries to fight even at the age of a hundred. In fact, dying in old age might be even more painful than most CTB methods. It is often a long slow process. Sherwin Nuland, an American surgeon who studied death in old age, "...observed that fewer than one in five people can have a peaceful end". This is why the movement of euthanasia is starting to be accepted in some places, but only for very old people or terminally ill people over 50 years old (these movements don't really like young suicidal people using their literature as inspiration).
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Dec 14, 2023
The human body is more resilient than people realise thst is why failed suicide attempts happen .The act of sucide in itself is a harmful act because a person is exposing themselves to dangerand the body is built to fight against danger and prevent a person being drawn to dangerous situations. A child can run across the road without looking or touch fire without any thought because their brains are not developed to detect danger whereas adults brains can recognise danger.

There is no such thing as a peaceful way of passing because the body will fight til the end for your survival.

Why do overdoses and poisoning fail?
The human body can detect posions and harmful agents that enter the body, SN is a posion and the body will recognise it as harmful agent so will fight to expel it out of the body.

The reason why most poisoning and overdoses fail is because the body successfully expels the substance out of the body. The overdoses that do succeed is because the body's defence systems wasn't strong enough to expel the poisonous substance that entered. How strong your body is will determine how successful your method will be.

Why does jumping over train methods or bridges fail at times ?
When people try to jump the body does stop you from making the jump using that fear and anxiety to stop you from jumping properly. This is how people mess up thier angle position and end up with broken bones or paralysis.
The list is endless.

Your body will always fight for your survival even when your mind gives up on you it is crazy.
If you are able to successfully inject enough narcotics to ctb, the body is unable to expel anything injected and death will not be a bit painful. You will just lose consciousness and never regain it.
I should add im or iv injection. The body actually can expel a subq injection


Life and Death
Feb 14, 2024
Some methods such as that of inert gases are actually painless but they are not for everyone.
Wolf Girl

Wolf Girl

Not looking for advice or a pep talk
Jun 12, 2024
I won't post about where to look for the answers because there are too many kids on here, but know that there are strong theories in the academic literature for how some people overcome survival instinct.
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Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
Life is always painful because there's too many opportunities for bad things to happen.


Feb 11, 2024
Stuff like this worries me. But it could explain near death experiences. I also saw many videos of headshots, and even some with shotguns, some of them look still breathing (the throat jerked) while almost every one of them their arms and legs seem to stiffen for a few seconds after even the brain is blown out. This makes me suspect they might feel something for up to 4 seconds after the shot. I don't believe in souls, but even if consciousness is a product of a functioning brain it could be that consciousness dissipates slowly even after the brain is destroyed, just like heat dissipates slowly after a flame is put out.
Well said. ❤️

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