

Jan 3, 2021
Hi all,

I've been wondering a lot about this topic lately. Because well, I kind of fear that exiting might be breaking my soul contract and that it may bring negative consequences with it (in the afterlife, a possible reincarnation, the spirit realm or whatever).

I read interesting posts regarding this on here, and I particularly enjoyed the contributions made by @muffin222.

I wanted to share the following article, because I really like the perspective if offers (bearing in mind of course, that everything regarding this topic is bound to remain speculation): it suggests, among other things, that suicide is not a sin and that we are never punished for it. Which in my view would make sense as I feel that judging someone in terms of 'you did good' or 'you did bad' doesn't really align with compassion, empathy, pure love and other values that are part of what I would see as a 'higher realm'. I like to think that the very act of judging belongs to this dual human reality only and that it is sort of... primary, low and petty, in a sense. In the grand scheme of things I feel that our souls are wise beyond all this earthly ego-related stuff, and that the higher realm is a reflection of that. But of course I might be wrong.

Here are some notable extracts:
"suicide is never planned prior to birth as a certainty, but it is often planned as a possibility and sometimes as a high probability"

"Importantly, and contrary to what some religions teach, Cameron told us that he was never punished in any way for having taken his life. He did not go to some sort of "Hell," nor did he wander endlessly in a limbo state."

"Every suicide preventable by outside forces was indeed prevented."

Click here to read the content


Wishing everyone of you as much peace as can be, despite your tormented souls and/or aching, uncomfortable bodies. I hope you'll enjoy the reading and that it will provide you a bit of a calming feeling, like it did for me.

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Mar 22, 2020
What a coincidence! I just posted a thread about it wondering if religion makes people less suicidal.

Interesting extracts. Still, I'm not worried about my soul because I don't think I have one.


Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
How about another perspective? What if all this time, the fear mongering from clerics and religious entities brainwashing society to believe that God loves you until the day you hurt his feelings or disobey his plans that he would eradicate your soul to the depths of Hell wasn't true? Maybe God or a higher power wants us to think for ourselves, to ascend to a better level of thinking that we don't need God's permission to do what we want. We don't need God's permission to die. The fact you tried your best, or faced with certain danger and stood up with courage in the face of death would make God be proud of his creation. If I was a God that created humanity, I wouldn't be proud of a bunch of sycophant yes men/women who sowed fear in others just because they feared me.
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Mar 22, 2020
may i ask why you dont think you have one?

Because I don't think there's any afterlife. I think existing is simply an accident. Although I might believe that we're in a simulation but the thing is...what's outside the simulation? Who's the asshole controlling me and making my life hell sometimes? lol

I think when we die, it's just like before the time we were born: we won't remember because there will be nothing.

I hope I'm wrong! I would really like there's some kind of souls which enjoy an after life or reincarnate in other bodies but I just can't believe in that. Sounds too fairy tale for me but I respect and admire believers! Their faith is so big!
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Because I don't think there's any afterlife. I think existing is simply an accident. Although I might believe that we're in a simulation but the thing is...what's outside the simulation? Who's the asshole controlling me and making my life hell sometimes? lol

I think when we die, it's just like before the time we were born: we won't remember because there will be nothing.

I hope I'm wrong! I would really like there's some kind of souls which enjoy an after life or reincarnate in other bodies but I just can't believe in that. Sounds too fairy tale for me but I respect and admire believers! Their faith is so big!
i cant disagree, as i think youve read i dont believe in the afterlife myself. but why cant you have a soul while your alive that kind of switches off when you die? i personally believe in souls because i view the human body as nothing more then a shell. no matter what you change to the outside it doesnt change who you are on the inside.
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Mar 22, 2020
i cant disagree, as i think youve read i dont believe in the afterlife myself. but why cant you have a soul while your alive that kind of switches off when you die? i personally believe in souls because i view the human body as nothing more then a shell. no matter what you change to the outside it doesnt change who you are on the inside.
Well, souls might be real. The 21 grams theory makes me crazy! Have you heard of it?
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Well, souls might be real. The 21 grams theory makes me crazy! Have you heard of it?
i think so but it was like "that one moment in my life" so i cant really remember it
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Jan 3, 2021
What a coincidence! I just posted a thread about it wondering if religion makes people less suicidal.

Interesting extracts. Still, I'm not worried about my soul because I don't think I have one.
Haha, yes I saw it just afterwards and thought the same! :-)
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Apr 5, 2018
The author of the article seems to be convinced about what exactly happened with the Cameron's soul (also implying that souls exist in the first place), though it's not so clear to me how did he come to this conclusion.
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Jul 12, 2020
The mere fact of thinking that we have a soul and that we are above other species is SO self-centered ...

Anyway I like the conclusion because it's literally what any psychologist ends up telling you but with some book propaganda before.
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Apr 5, 2018
The mere fact of thinking that we have a soul and that we are above other species is SO self-centered ...
What about the thinking that other species also have a soul?
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
The mere fact of thinking that we have a soul and that we are above other species is SO self-centered ...
im not disagreeing, people seem to forget that we ourselves are animals. Kingdom: Animalia. but why cant animals have souls as well?
no matter what you change to the outside it doesnt change who you are on the inside.
just like us every animal is different, and i feel sorry for those that refuse to see it but that part aside, i see no reason that they cant have a soul. just like us they can love, they can lose trust. they all have their own personality. is it self centered to believe we are above them? yes. but instead of dropping us to their level why cant they come to our level?


Nov 11, 2020
how would anyone know if you end up in limbo or hell or heaven? no one has been! so literally 100% of humans like the pope, mohammed, jesus, buddha, moses or whatever are literally just talking nonsense! They don't know what happens. They are regular people that eat, fuck, shit, whatever. They are all clueless. I prefer i guess people that claim to be "Satanists" which just act on worldly urges (as long as they are not hurting anybody) and have found peace on this earth with their actions without trying to convince people of some afterlife or like they know what life is all about. Because they don't! No one knows.

In conclusion, i really hope there is no reincarnation, at least not in human form. I fucking hate being here and i do not want to ever return.
And Hail Satan!
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Jul 12, 2020
What about the thinking that other species also have a soul?
im not disagreeing, people seem to forget that we ourselves are animals. Kingdom: Animalia. but why cant animals have souls as well?
What is the meaning of soul for you? What's the criteria for having a soul? Plants die too, there are animals without brain, even the fire can be feed to stay alive or letting it die. Where's the limit then?


Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
What is the meaning of soul for you? What's the criteria for having a soul? Plants die too, there are animals without brain, even the fire can be feed to stay alive or letting it die. Where's the limit then?
i get it. ok


Apr 5, 2018
What is the meaning of soul for you? What's the criteria for having a soul? Plants die too, there are animals without brain, even the fire can be feed to stay alive or letting it die. Where's the limit then?
I don't think I have any defined views about what the soul is.

My question was more about what do you think is the difference in degrees of self-centricity (if there is) between thinking that we have a soul while other species don't (here I'm assuming that you were implying that other species don't have a soul and as a result are inferior to us in some meaningful way) and thinking that both we and other species have a soul, thus not basing the thoughts of superiority over other species on whether or not they have a soul.
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Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
I think the choice to end ones life is just something that comes naturally when certain criteria are met in that individuals life. No judgment/ punishment to follow imho. As for the soul, I believe that it is something received from God once an individual has shown potential for overcoming/ leaving the human condition. That being said, I think most people are just 'plants' or vessels filled with programming by their environment, experiences, genetics, beliefs, culture, traditions etc. Essentially biological robots. God, from what I understand views this life as worthless unless you are seeking to evolve beyond it to a higher dimension/ world; and that requires a hard seperation from everything human. For those of us here, in our lamentable circumstances, it is understood that the dice weren't rolled in our favour, so suicide will lead to re-incarnation and (hopefully) an understanding that this world is just a stepping stone. I hope these views don't upset anyone.


Jan 17, 2021
Maybe we and all the world are the dream of Azathoth and will simply vanish when he wakes up. The most interesting of us might just live on in his many-minded ponderings.


Jul 12, 2020
I don't think I have any defined views about what the soul is.

My question was more about what do you think is the difference in degrees of self-centricity (if there is) between thinking that we have a soul while other species don't (here I'm assuming that you were implying that other species don't have a soul and as a result are inferior to us in some meaningful way) and thinking that both we and other species have a soul, thus not basing the thoughts of superiority over other species on whether or not they have a soul.
I think both are an attempt to justify our feelings going anywhere but at least taking care of other species means something less superficial and that you can think outside the can in some way. Reincarnation can be an interesting thing tho like energy flowing or something like that. I don't believe in these things but I enjoy reading what people believes when it makes any sense or it's well structurated, that's why I was asking (din't tried to be mean)
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
I enjoy reading what people believes when it makes any sense or it's well structurated, that's why I was asking (din't tried to be mean)
ok then, i can answer. ill be honest i didnt answer because i figured you were going to be one of those "everyone else is wrong" people and i didnt want to deal with it :hug:
What is the meaning of soul for you? What's the criteria for having a soul? Plants die too, there are animals without brain, even the fire can be feed to stay alive or letting it die. Where's the limit then?
1) im not sure how i would define its meaning. i guess i kind of see it like the movies though. that little spark of light. at least its the easiest way to explain it.
2/3) i guess the criteria would be to have a brain i guess. i looked into what types of animals dont have brains in case there was something outside of the obvious and i didnt see anything so. for me a soul would be who you are your personality and everything. if you dont have a brain then you probably arent going to have any of that (im going to feel so stupid if we find out they do lol although i guess that it would then include them as well anyway.) the way i look at a soul is we could switch bodies and i would still be me i would just be physically different on the outside. whats in bold i feel describes it best.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
"Every suicide preventable by outside forces was indeed prevented."
Yes yes!

I like this article a lot. I found it in my own research and it gives me comfort to consider this perspective.
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Jan 3, 2021
"Every suicide preventable by outside forces was indeed prevented."
Yes yes!

I like this article a lot. I found it in my own research and it gives me comfort to consider this perspective.
It gives me comfort too :-)
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Feb 5, 2021
Well, souls might be real. The 21 grams theory makes me crazy! Have you heard of it?
Yes. It is very interesting. May I counter with a question? What do you make of 'dead weight'? I experienced this for the first time a couple years ago. I had to put my cat down.
After they gave him the shot and it took effect he passed quickly. He sank into my arms but heavily is not the right word. I knew he was gone.
That his soul was gone, I felt his life and soul leave and I immediately wanted to let him go, his body go. It was a different kind of heavy, I can't explain.
So I found out what dead weight was. But I also believe the 21 grams theory. How to reconcile this?
And has anyone information on a 22 grams theory for animals? Horses, whales, dolphins, etc. Or any creatures? This would be very good information to have.
Has anyone had this type of experience?
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Sep 27, 2020
This seems to be completely ignoring the material and other aspects of life and its costs. I find it hard to believe that the most basic and also impactful things in life wouldn't matter, with neither joy or pain derived. Seems like an idealistic wishful thinking not based in reality or balance without which life wouldn't have meaning.
Into The Void

Into The Void

Mar 10, 2021
Hi all,

I've been wondering a lot about this topic lately. Because well, I kind of fear that exiting might be breaking my soul contract and that it may bring negative consequences with it (in the afterlife, a possible reincarnation, the spirit realm or whatever).

I read interesting posts regarding this on here, and I particularly enjoyed the contributions made by @muffin222.

I wanted to share the following article, because I really like the perspective if offers (bearing in mind of course, that everything regarding this topic is bound to remain speculation): it suggests, among other things, that suicide is not a sin and that we are never punished for it. Which in my view would make sense as I feel that judging someone in terms of 'you did good' or 'you did bad' doesn't really align with compassion, empathy, pure love and other values that are part of what I would see as a 'higher realm'. I like to think that the very act of judging belongs to this dual human reality only and that it is sort of... primary, low and petty, in a sense. In the grand scheme of things I feel that our souls are wise beyond all this earthly ego-related stuff, and that the higher realm is a reflection of that. But of course I might be wrong.

Here are some notable extracts:
"suicide is never planned prior to birth as a certainty, but it is often planned as a possibility and sometimes as a high probability"

"Importantly, and contrary to what some religions teach, Cameron told us that he was never punished in any way for having taken his life. He did not go to some sort of "Hell," nor did he wander endlessly in a limbo state."

"Every suicide preventable by outside forces was indeed prevented."

Click here to read the content


Wishing everyone of you as much peace as can be, despite your tormented souls and/or aching, uncomfortable bodies. I hope you'll enjoy the reading and that it will provide you a bit of a calming feeling, like it did for me.

I believe in a afterlife and a soul, as well as soul contracts, reincarnation, and soul families, It can be risky taking your life in a untimely manner from the spiritual perspective. IMO it really just depends on how much help you have honestly and sincerely tried before ending it, and how bad it truly was. E.g. there is a world of difference between ending it on a whim because your lover broke up with you and ending it when your 80 years old and dying of cancer.
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Mar 22, 2020
Yes. It is very interesting. May I counter with a question? What do you make of 'dead weight'? I experienced this for the first time a couple years ago. I had to put my cat down.
After they gave him the shot and it took effect he passed quickly. He sank into my arms but heavily is not the right word. I knew he was gone.
That his soul was gone, I felt his life and soul leave and I immediately wanted to let him go, his body go. It was a different kind of heavy, I can't explain.
So I found out what dead weight was. But I also believe the 21 grams theory. How to reconcile this?
And has anyone information on a 22 grams theory for animals? Horses, whales, dolphins, etc. Or any creatures? This would be very good information to have.
Has anyone had this type of experience?

I get what you mean. Same thing happened to me with my dog. It was so weird!
I don't know if souls exist for real but there's certainly something different about dead bodies apart from not being alive lol.
Everything is so weird! Just what there hell are the universe and us?
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