

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I found this thread on reddit which was linked from this thread in TTG's subreddit, which discusses about how suicide hotlines are just money traps and how they make people's lives more miserable. There are many quality posts in regards people's experiences with the hotline and how the hotlines don't care about the person, they just don't want liability or blood on their hands.Oh and to make matters even more fun (for those sick fucks), they want to play hot potato by kicking around responsibility, interchange words and verbiage, then assume we don't get it. We know your antics, we know your bullshit, you aren't fooling us you fucktards.

Of course, there are also some pro-lifers and other bullshit posts out there, condoning and defending the suicide prevention hotline, which is quite disgusting. These shitty hotlines not only take advantage of the suicidal's vulnerability, but to add insult to injury, they lie about confidentiality (which is a joke really), use threats of force or even force (siccing the police/cops on the suicidal after tracing calls and location), and then the hospital (which is the result of the involuntarily commitment or locked up against one's own will) has the audacity to bill the suicidal for shit that the suicidal never even asked for! Fuck these shitbags for exploiting the vulnerable like that (the hospitals, mental healthcare industry, and healthcare system at all).

If there is anything to take from those threads is that pro-lifers can't be reasoned with, they defy logic and reasoning, aren't rational, and they just resort to guilt and shame, threats of involuntarily commitment, coercion, and other emotionally manipulative tactics to stop others. In addition to that, they even go as far to play 'hero' or get the cops to save someone who doesn't want to be saved. Absolute filth, garbage, the lot of fuckers they are (pro-lifers). I have nothing but disdain, scorn, and contempt for these fuckers. I assume that most of you all on here share my sentiments and already know how evil suicide prevention hotlines are, but what are your guys thoughts on this?
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Oct 3, 2018
Could not agree more.
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Oct 17, 2018
I've wondered if they traced the call and sent the police...
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
There's some truth to that post, unfortunately.
There is semi local one and they are just assholes and I mean assholes, I'd they are in a bad mood they will send police to your place and make up a bogus story. On a forum one person said the police showed up about a Christmas hamper and Christmas was over a month earlier.
Some operators are obviously caring people but there's exceptions and if you need them it can come in handy, as long as a swat team doesn't show up
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Nov 12, 2018
At the very least, they're completely useless when it comes to actually helping you feel better.

"Life is worthless and the planet is dying. Every day I think about how much better everyone around me would be if I were gone. I want to rip my fucking skin off."
"Hm, yeah, that must be really hard for you."

No shit?
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Oct 30, 2018
I wanna call them right before I ctb.
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Sep 19, 2018
These salesman want to convince us that life is a positive imposition and that we should buy into it. I wish they had a pro-choice hotline. "Press 1 for suicide prevention. Press 2 for our pro-choice option".
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Apr 8, 2018
I found this thread on reddit which was linked from this thread in TTG's subreddit, which discusses about how suicide hotlines are just money traps and how they make people's lives more miserable. There are many quality posts in regards people's experiences with the hotline and how the hotlines don't care about the person, they just don't want liability or blood on their hands.Oh and to make matters even more fun (for those sick fucks), they want to play hot potato by kicking around responsibility, interchange words and verbiage, then assume we don't get it. We know your antics, we know your bullshit, you aren't fooling us you fucktards.

Of course, there are also some pro-lifers and other bullshit posts out there, condoning and defending the suicide prevention hotline, which is quite disgusting. These shitty hotlines not only take advantage of the suicidal's vulnerability, but to add insult to injury, they lie about confidentiality (which is a joke really), use threats of force or even force (siccing the police/cops on the suicidal after tracing calls and location), and then the hospital (which is the result of the involuntarily commitment or locked up against one's own will) has the audacity to bill the suicidal for shit that the suicidal never even asked for! Fuck these shitbags for exploiting the vulnerable like that (the hospitals, mental healthcare industry, and healthcare system at all).

If there is anything to take from those threads is that pro-lifers can't be reasoned with, they defy logic and reasoning, aren't rational, and they just resort to guilt and shame, threats of involuntarily commitment, coercion, and other emotionally manipulative tactics to stop others. In addition to that, they even go as far to play 'hero' or get the cops to save someone who doesn't want to be saved. Absolute filth, garbage, the lot of fuckers they are (pro-lifers). I have nothing but disdain, scorn, and contempt for these fuckers. I assume that most of you all on here share my sentiments and already know how evil suicide prevention hotlines are, but what are your guys thoughts on this?

Suicide prevention has a lot of lying scapegoating in it. Ie if you are suicide it's the lack of this specific chemical-even though the head of the Harvard researcher department proved antidepressants do not work much better than placebos and The lack of x theory is nonsense. Or you just can't cope becuase life is actually always worth it you are just confused etc. The thought was maybe even though lying to patients about what is causing their "condition" etc is atleast mostly untrue maybe it greatly strengthens the placebo justify the means. However study show being honest with people works just as well with the bonus that they can actually trust you. Ie how am I suppose to trust a doctor that is either lying or so misinformed he would tell me cigs are good for you 50 years ago or opiates are never addictive ten years ago etc.

It depends on the hotline. I don't know of any American hotlines that are not barbaric. Ie they assume because you are calling you always want to be saved with the audacity of believing things like suicide is just a result of being unable to uncope-overran by temp feelings. They don't even see that culture and them intentionally mislead you on this-regardless of what you say with their own goal is to "save you," but they don't bother telling you, going so far as to not pick up if you are using a VPN or anything similar that makes it hard to track your location.

On the other hand the Samaritan hotline(uk but anyone can call) at least will never contact the authorities unless you want them to and will actually let you talk to them as you die. I hear it's a miss or hit with them whether or not they are actually worth calling.
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
Suicide hotlines are only good for people who had a momentary breakdown (most if not all very young people with for example exam issues at school) their calls skyrocket during exam periods at schools (at least here in europe)

When parents seperate or the subject is being severely bullied that's already on a more difficult level.

These people are not trained to help people like us. You can't talk a person out of suicide over the phone who's been suicidal for 15 years or something like that. You can't talk people out of a shitty life. You can't talk people out of being poor,ugly,mentally ill and so on and so fort. Buy you can talk people out of a temporary breakdown for what we would experience as a minor reason.

So i'm not going to say these hotlines are bogus .. but they simply can't handle what goes on in the minds of most people here on the forum.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I wanna call them right before I ctb.

That's not a good idea at all. If you back out for whatever reason (SI, second thoughts, doubts, etc.) or if you fail, then you increase the chances of getting saved and possibly living life as a vegetable (depending on method).

These salesman want to convince us that life is a positive imposition and that we should buy into it. I wish they had a pro-choice hotline. "Press 1 for suicide prevention. Press 2 for our pro-choice option".

Yes, this is what's needed. Sadly, with our pro-life majority in the US, that would never happen.

It depends on the hotline. I don't know of any American hotlines that are not barbaric. Ie they assume because you are calling you always want to be saved with the audacity of believing things like suicide is just a result of being unable to uncope-overran by temp feelings. They don't even see that culture and them intentionally mislead you on this-regardless of what you say with their own goal is to "save you," but they don't bother telling you, going so far as to not pick up if you are using a VPN or anything similar that makes it hard to track your location.

On the other hand the Samaritan hotline(uk but anyone can call) at least will never contact the authorities unless you want them to and will actually let you talk to them as you die. I hear it's a miss or hit with them whether or not they are actually worth calling.

This is the essential problem with suicide prevention hotlines in NA (US and Canada). They have this mentality that you want to be saved and that death is always bad life is always good bullshit. Until they change that mentality and most importantly, do AWAY with involuntary commitments or sending law enforcement to the caller's location, I will not be calling them.

In regards to the Samaritans hotline, well I never used it and assuming that what you said is true, then they would be a better hotline to call if anyone wishes to. I personally still wouldn't because I've already made up my mind on ctb'ing.

Suicide hotlines are only good for people who had a momentary breakdown (most if not all very young people with for example exam issues at school) their calls skyrocket during exam periods at schools (at least here in europe)

When parents seperate or the subject is being severely bullied that's already on a more difficult level.

These people are not trained to help people like us. You can't talk a person out of suicide over the phone who's been suicidal for 15 years or something like that. You can't talk people out of a shitty life. You can't talk people out of being poor,ugly,mentally ill and so on and so fort. Buy you can talk people out of a temporary breakdown for what we would experience as a minor reason.

So i'm not going to say these hotlines are bogus .. but they simply can't handle what goes on in the minds of most people here on the forum.

I could see some people benefiting from them. Some examples that come to mind are teenagers who had like some rough patch in life (generally they want to live and aren't really suicidal) or people who just had a bad event but otherwise most of their life seems intact. As for people like us, yes they're pretty useless and counterproductive to what we are trying to achieve (ctb'ing).
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Oct 5, 2018
There needs to be a suicide assistance hotline.
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I've wondered if they traced the call and sent the police...
Yup! They sure do. Ironically, being Baker Acted was my only ride in the back of the police car. I wasn't hamdcuffed there though because my friend talked with the officer and basically pleaded with him not to make things worse with that. Fortunately, the pig was dumb enough to leave me with my purse in his backseat. I megadosed on clonazepam drinking water from a bottle in my purse. The pig either didn't care or didn't notice. Oh...and I've been arrested for twice for criminal offenses. Zero rides in police cars for those. Nor did they force me to ride in a police car when they broke down my front and bedroom door--the cops and EMT's--when my parents called them for a wellness check. I left on a stretcher in an ambulance that times. Makes zero sense.
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  • Aww..
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