
Aug 18, 2020
Even in western societies suicide is a taboo. The stigmatization of suicidal people how the ft26 people want it increases the pain a lot. In asian countries they have very strict anti-suicide laws. And the people who ctb (and their families) get shamed. This is for me a big evidence that we have to talk more openly about suicide. Moreover the suicide rate in Asia is way higher. This is what you get if you discriminate suicidal people ft26.
I really hope we become more progressive in terms of assisted suicide. In other deeply religious countries this problem is even way worse.
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Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
Anti-Suicide laws? They put you in jail for suicide?
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Aug 18, 2020
There is a thread of someone from South Korea. I can only recommend it.


Aug 18, 2020
Anti-Suicide laws? They put you in jail for suicide?
They shame the people left behind which leads to more depression and posibly loss of jobs and businesses. At the very least an entire family will lose their social standing. This is a fear through control method to keep people paying taxes, not complaining about their "rulers", and "being good citizens". The church does the same thing.

"God loves a good worker but dont worry about all the wars that your taxes pay for."
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Jul 7, 2019
I think train companies in japan can charge the family of the person who committed suicide up to 2 million dollars. Don't know if it's a law, but still.
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Aug 18, 2020
What's sad is that it doesn't matter what method of "prevention or punishment" is given because that person who takes their life will not have to care once they are gone. If someone told me my family would be in debt because I CTB I would say "Who cares I'm out!".
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Mar 21, 2021
I think train companies in japan can charge the family of the person who committed suicide up to 2 million dollars. Don't know if it's a law, but still.
In Belgium the train companies charge the families for the costs of delays.
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
Anti-Suicide laws? They put you in jail for suicide?
Where I live, only last year did the powers that be decriminalise suicide. Before that, attempted suicide was deemed a crime by law. To quote the Section 309 of the Penal Code,
Whoever attempts to commit suicide, and does any act towards the commission of such offence, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I hear the Taliban punish people who try to ctb by executing them for insulting Allah with their suicide attempt
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
From what I understand, suicide is still shameful in the East but just in a different way because they see it as a necessity for ending whatever life they consider to be shameful or dishonorable. If you fail your family, country, or culture, then you must commit suicide and you have no say in the matter. It would be like if anybody who got canceled on Twitter was expected by society to commit suicide and if they didn't, then they're even more of a disgrace. It's also considered disgraceful for the parents whether or not the person actually commits suicide. They also probably think it doesn't even count if you used a peaceful method. You have to go in a painful way or you did it wrong in their eyes.

Of course, again this is just my understanding. I'm heavily Americanized and I'm sure my extended family back in Taiwan has been modernized enough to the point where they'd still feel some grief if I committed suicide but that doesn't phase me.
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Mar 18, 2021
In Japan, it doesn't carry the same shame as in most nonwestern countries.
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Apr 5, 2020
My heart really goes out to the pro-choice souls who had the misfortune of being born in a country which forbids suicide. I'm talking mainly about the Middle East but there are other areas as well. It's bad enough in the West, but elsewhere you could be imprisoned or worse because suicide is 'blasphemous'. Absolute clowns, these people.
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Sep 16, 2020
Ftw26 scum
Don't go after the politicians or celebrities that have been proved to have caused suicides...
They target who they think is weakest like the cowards they are.


Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
In asian countries they have very strict anti-suicide laws.
Laws like that and a lack of freedom is scary, what happens if they catch you on a failed attempt or see you on a site like this?
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Aug 18, 2020
Laws like that and a lack of freedom is scary, what happens if they catch you on a failed attempt or see you on a site like this?
I think in China they use a "social credit system" if you do bad things online like order porn or go against the norm you lose privileges. Its not financial but it cuts people off from "fun" and "social happiness". Facebook is the start of this for other countries. Covid pass will also take freedoms away.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
In the 18th century in Europe, if you died by suicide, people attached your dead body to a horse and let the horse walk for days.
People could do whatever they wanted with your cadaver. Throwing rocks, pissing, whatever they wanted. And you weren't buried.
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