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Jul 1, 2024
I am a muslim having faith in Islam as a religion. In islam, it seems to have been said: "Suicide is prohibited by Islam. It is haram—forbidden. The logic behind the prohibition is that it is an act that manipulates something, in this case life itself, which is meant to be only God's concern. Furthermore, it indicates lack of trust in God who is capable of making things better.
Suicide is a major sin , and the one who does that is faced with a warning of eternity in the Fire of Hell, where Allah will punish him with the means that he used to commit suicide."

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever throws himself down from a mountain and kills himself will be throwing himself down in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever. Whoever drinks poison and kills himself will be sipping it in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever. Whoever kills himself with a piece of iron will have that iron in his hand, thrusting it into his belly in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever." (Narrated by al-Bukhari (5442) and Muslim (109)

Jundub ibn 'Abd-Allah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "A man among those who came before you was wounded. He panicked and took a knife and cut his hand, and the bleeding did not stop until he died. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, said: 'My slave hastened his death; I have forbidden Paradise to him." (Narrated by al-Bukhari (3276) and Muslim.

Islam clearly forbids suicide as a verse in the Quran instructs: "And do not kill yourselves, surely God is most Merciful to you." — Quran 4:29.

I personally feel that even if I am eternally in Hell Fire after dying by suicide, that is better that each passing day now where every moment is worse than hell. So, I don't mind going to hell, although I would like to land in heaven sometime. I thought of not trying suicide because of the fear of hell fire a while back, but things are just not improving. So, I need to sacrifice after-life's peace for reducing current life's pain.

What are the thought of others, especially muslims, in SaSu about facing this punishment for suicide?
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Im out
Jun 29, 2024
very merciful of allah
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To begin again, you have to let go
May 6, 2024
As an ex-muslim, I cant help but wonder, how can you believe in Islam? Mohammed raped a 9 year old, had sex-slaves, was a warlord, and a lot more awful stuff... Promises of an endless penis and virgins with big boobs in heaven is also quite funny to me. There are hadiths of this, and since you quoted hadiths I assume you are Sunni
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Apr 5, 2024
If god created you without your consent to suffer and denies you a way out then he is not merciful and surely not worthy of worship.

Please take a step back and look at religion from an unbiased perspective, if you found your way to this forum then I'm sure you're not too devout and can still change your mind about it.

Take your time and do some research, it's going to be better for you whether you choose to live or die.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
This is my opinion and everyone is free to believe whatever they want.

If an almighty, all-forgiving, all-merciful god creates a creature to make their life such a hell that this creature sees no other way than suicide to be relieved from agony and pain and then god punishes that creature forever in hell then is truly a sadistic god.

Why does god not create humans exactly the way he wants them to be and a perfect world? That's not a big deal for an almighty being.

It's also not logic to place an apple tree in a garden when god already knows that humans won't be able to resist eating the apple just to kick them out. Why? Does he enjoy punishing his creatures?
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Nov 12, 2021
Religious brainwashing. Just to get the masses to follow the script and not rebel.

To stop people from going within and asking these difficult questions about this place
- Why am I here?
-What actually am I? (You are not the human body)
-Who created this place?
-How does this place operate?
-Is this place fair and just? (HINT ABSOLUTELY NOT)

What religion does to people is give them a form of comfort. So they don't have to ask those difficult questions.

You place the authority of what you are outside of yourself. This means that instead of following your inner self you begin to follow something else that controls you.

Gods plan is for us to not ask questions. Accept the absolute horse shit that is religion. So that we continue playing it's silly game of human existence.

You honestly believe there is some loving merciful deity that has your best interests in heart?

The human body for one is a joke, disease, disability, mental illness,

Unfair genetics some people are born genetically gifted - strong, athletic, or very intelligent, Attractive. Some people are born crippled, low iq or just not attractive. How is that supposed to be fair or just?

Human nature is disgusting, look at history. War, greed, racism, s3x predators, pedos, violent criminals, bullying. Our species is absolutely vile.

So the holy god designed all of these disgusting aspects of human nature?

Look at animals in nature, predators ripping prey limb from limb just to survive another day in this world.

If it isn't clear to you by now, this place is not for your own good. You are here to suffer needlessly and you will indeed suffer.

You have very little control over aspects of your life:

You didn't choose the location you were born
Your families economic position
Your parents
Your genetics
Your appearance
Any mental illness or disease/ disability you may or may not be born with

Why doesn't this loving god ever put a stop to the immense suffering that humans, animals, plants, insects, fish and many more go through day after day???

Because that's how it wants it to be...
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I am a muslim having faith in Islam as a religion. In islam, it seems to have been said: "Suicide is prohibited by Islam. It is haram—forbidden. The logic behind the prohibition is that it is an act that manipulates something, in this case life itself, which is meant to be only God's concern. Furthermore, it indicates lack of trust in God who is capable of making things better.
Suicide is a major sin , and the one who does that is faced with a warning of eternity in the Fire of Hell, where Allah will punish him with the means that he used to commit suicide."

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever throws himself down from a mountain and kills himself will be throwing himself down in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever. Whoever drinks poison and kills himself will be sipping it in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever. Whoever kills himself with a piece of iron will have that iron in his hand, thrusting it into his belly in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever." (Narrated by al-Bukhari (5442) and Muslim (109)

Jundub ibn 'Abd-Allah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "A man among those who came before you was wounded. He panicked and took a knife and cut his hand, and the bleeding did not stop until he died. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, said: 'My slave hastened his death; I have forbidden Paradise to him." (Narrated by al-Bukhari (3276) and Muslim.

Islam clearly forbids suicide as a verse in the Quran instructs: "And do not kill yourselves, surely God is most Merciful to you." — Quran 4:29.

I personally feel that even if I am eternally in Hell Fire after dying by suicide, that is better that each passing day now where every moment is worse than hell. So, I don't mind going to hell, although I would like to land in heaven sometime. I thought of not trying suicide because of the fear of hell fire a while back, but things are just not improving. So, I need to sacrifice after-life's peace for reducing current life's pain.

What are the thought of others, especially muslims, in SaSu about facing this punishment for suicide?
Have you ever considered the possibility that all of that is fiction, that all religions are fiction?

There is no god, no hell, no afterlife , no soul, no reincarnation, none of that nothing

A human is just another animal, a brain, just cells, a machine

Where is this god and souls ghosts ? Why are they hiding?

How could a god see and control the thoughts of 8 billion humans at the same time? It's not possible . There is no reason to.

So there's a big monkey somewhere called god that's so intelligent so powerful that it's worried about what another monkey/ human is thinking and doing? I don't see how people could believe any of this or any religion without any evidence and it's so ridiculous

Nothing matters except avoiding extreme pain and extreme suffering
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May 6, 2024
As an ex-muslim, I cant help but wonder, how can you believe in Islam? Mohammed raped a 9 year old, had sex-slaves, was a warlord, and a lot more awful stuff... Promises of an endless penis and virgins with big boobs in heaven is also quite funny to me. There are hadiths of this, and since you quoted hadiths I assume you are Sunni
And the bible is full of violence and rape is okay if you marry the victim. Something of that is very much alive in conservative America. Slavery was also referenced, and not in a oh that's a bad, bad thing, as this was common practice. Responses that attack other people's faith, all the while never even address what the person is getting at, is at best unhelpful. I say that as an atheist.
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I’ll miss the winter, a world of fragile things
Feb 8, 2023
Salaam I am also Muslim. Hellfire is the biggest reason I don't commit suicide but I have attempted still when things get so unbearable. I don't want to suffer forever just because I tried escaping this suffering. It's horrible but I guess pray for death. An opportunity to die saving someone else who wants to live would be the best way to go imo. That's what I pray for.
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May 6, 2024
I personally feel that even if I am eternally in Hell Fire after dying by suicide, that is better that each passing day now where every moment is worse than hell. So, I don't mind going to hell, although I would like to land in heaven sometime. I thought of not trying suicide because of the fear of hell fire a while back, but things are just not improving. So, I need to sacrifice after-life's peace for reducing current life's pain.

What are the thought of others, especially muslims, in SaSu about facing this punishment for suicide?

I am an atheist but come from a family that believes in god. If you truly believe in god, there is nothing anyone can say that will help other than to try and convince you that there is no god or judgement.

I will share that most people who are born into a faith, never truly conscientiously accept that faith. It is something passed down from generation to generation and absorbed to varying degrees. You could have been born into a christian family, a hindu family, a jewish one or one that doesn't really ever go to church or one that is ultra orthodox. One could ask why would god add this additional hurdle of being born into a non-believer family? Which is not so small if you think about it. Of course that would be one of many questions, if you are willing to ponder, some of which others alluded to in their posts.

One aspect that seems to get absorbed is fear. If you don't do the right things, then punishment awaits. As a child, this aspect tends to seep in and stick around. Whether you want to cbt or not, that fear is something you will have to reconcile with. I can only say what others have said, that all religion is of antiquity, and that even if you do believe in a higher power, that times then are not the times now. You will have to decide how literal your belief is. It's hard to believe that even a judgmental god would see fit to keep a soul in a forever limbo of pain, which to me seems pointless, meaningless for someone with so much power. Humans, sure. Humans come up with horrible things and actually put them into practice. but an omnipotent being that has control over this entire universe and multiverse? I dunno, it doesn't make sense 'to me'.

All that said, why do you want to cbt if you don't mind me asking?
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Jul 1, 2024
Salaam I am also Muslim. Hellfire is the biggest reason I don't commit suicide but I have attempted still when things get so unbearable. I don't want to suffer forever just because I tried escaping this suffering. It's horrible but I guess pray for death. An opportunity to die saving someone else who wants to live would be the best way to go imo. That's what I pray for.
Salaam. How can you find such an opportunity to die saving someone else who wants to live? What do you mean by this? Will you donate your organs so you die but they live? How would that work?
I am an atheist but come from a family that believes in god. If you truly believe in god, there is nothing anyone can say that will help other than to try and convince you that there is no god or judgement.

I will share that most people who are born into a faith, never truly conscientiously accept that faith. It is something passed down from generation to generation and absorbed to varying degrees. You could have been born into a christian family, a hindu family, a jewish one or one that doesn't really ever go to church or one that is ultra orthodox. One could ask why would god add this additional hurdle of being born into a non-believer family? Which is not so small if you think about it. Of course that would be one of many questions, if you are willing to ponder, some of which others alluded to in their posts.

One aspect that seems to get absorbed is fear. If you don't do the right things, then punishment awaits. As a child, this aspect tends to seep in and stick around. Whether you want to cbt or not, that fear is something you will have to reconcile with. I can only say what others have said, that all religion is of antiquity, and that even if you do believe in a higher power, that times then are not the times now. You will have to decide how literal your belief is. It's hard to believe that even a judgmental god would see fit to keep a soul in a forever limbo of pain, which to me seems pointless, meaningless for someone with so much power. Humans, sure. Humans come up with horrible things and actually put them into practice. but an omnipotent being that has control over this entire universe and multiverse? I dunno, it doesn't make sense 'to me'.

All that said, why do you want to cbt if you don't mind me asking?
My family members say in islam, diseases are examinations by Allah of His servants. So, maybe the pain we suffer on earth is due to Allah's examination. But, even then if the pain is unbearable, it makes sense to me to CTB. Just like it makes sense for most of the people to fail a really really hard examination.

As for why I want to CTB because each and every single moment feels like hell to me now. I have not been able to do what I should have done in my life so far. This gives me immense shame. Thus, I do not feel comfortable talking to anyone now or socializing. My friends and classmates have progressed in their lives in all aspects personal and professional but I have not. My family members are also aware of my hopelessness and helplessness, and I feel very ashamed talking to them. They give me false "hope" like things will get better, etc, but things have not gotten any better– my feelings have only gotten worse. Thus, CTB is important to me on an urgent basis, as it will solve all these issues, and liberate me. I lack the skills, experience, connections and qualities needed to do better than my friends, relatives and classmates at this point. Waiting for the future is harder as every moment that I am facing feels like hell. I simply cannot tolerate the reality now. So waiting and not rushing to CTB is not an option for me. Through CTB I will hopefully get liberated from this life which is hurting me almost each and every moment.
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May 31, 2024
Sometimes haddits are complete BS . the only thing you need is quran
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Jun 11, 2024
If God doesn't want people to commit suicide then why doesn't he just fix peoples problems? He literally has the ability to.
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New Member
Jan 18, 2021
I am a muslim having faith in Islam as a religion. In islam, it seems to have been said: "Suicide is prohibited by Islam. It is haram—forbidden. The logic behind the prohibition is that it is an act that manipulates something, in this case life itself, which is meant to be only God's concern. Furthermore, it indicates lack of trust in God who is capable of making things better.
Suicide is a major sin , and the one who does that is faced with a warning of eternity in the Fire of Hell, where Allah will punish him with the means that he used to commit suicide."

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever throws himself down from a mountain and kills himself will be throwing himself down in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever. Whoever drinks poison and kills himself will be sipping it in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever. Whoever kills himself with a piece of iron will have that iron in his hand, thrusting it into his belly in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever." (Narrated by al-Bukhari (5442) and Muslim (109)

Jundub ibn 'Abd-Allah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "A man among those who came before you was wounded. He panicked and took a knife and cut his hand, and the bleeding did not stop until he died. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, said: 'My slave hastened his death; I have forbidden Paradise to him." (Narrated by al-Bukhari (3276) and Muslim.

Islam clearly forbids suicide as a verse in the Quran instructs: "And do not kill yourselves, surely God is most Merciful to you." — Quran 4:29.

I personally feel that even if I am eternally in Hell Fire after dying by suicide, that is better that each passing day now where every moment is worse than hell. So, I don't mind going to hell, although I would like to land in heaven sometime. I thought of not trying suicide because of the fear of hell fire a while back, but things are just not improving. So, I need to sacrifice after-life's peace for reducing current life's pain.

What are the thought of others, especially muslims, in SaSu about facing this punishment for suicide?
If someone wishes suicide, I think it's absolutely necessary to forget any religions or what god(s) say, otherwise bad feelings will be in mind until he gives up or ctb. Basically they all condemn suicide because no God would support this decision, it's not okay, death is a complex point in sacred books, especially when we talk about Islam and Christianity. There's no tolerance for suicide.
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Jun 21, 2023
I was born into a muslim household and as I grew up I realized that people around the world have different beliefs and everyone claims that their religion and ideology are the truth. To me religion seems to be made up by people. It's a way of providing an explanation to things that they don't know of, e.g., what comes after death. I believe that there's nothing after death. You're just dead organic matter. You brain dies and that's it.
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Jul 1, 2024
If someone wishes suicide, I think it's absolutely necessary to forget any religions or what god(s) say, otherwise bad feelings will be in mind until he gives up or ctb. Basically they all condemn suicide because no God would support this decision, it's not okay, death is a complex point in sacred books, especially when we talk about Islam and Christianity. There's no tolerance for suicide.
I have been an obedient Muslim so it's just hard for me to forget Allah. I just pray He forgives me.
Not A Fan

Not A Fan

don't avoid the void
Jun 22, 2024
Why is suicide so sternly forbidden in these traditions? If life is such a great gift, why do they go through such great lengths to discourage suicide? It's almost as if there is a tacit awareness that people would rationally kill themselves en masse, unless stories of hellfire and brimstone were invoked to discourage them from escaping their miserable lives.
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Little bundles of futile hope we are
Apr 18, 2020
If god , or allah, or whatever he's called in every other religion exists ( they can't even agree on what to call him) I say he's got a lousy track record. Does not your religion refer to every non muslim as an infidel? My understanding is that all infidels are not only to be lied to but are all going to hell. First, what kind of god would condone this?! Secondly, so most of humanity is going to hell? ! I told one of my Christian friends that I thought god had a poor track record. He asked what I meant. I asked him so god created every one and everything, correct? He said yes. I asked him so every one who isn't a Christian is going to hell? He said yes. I asked so all muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, native Americans , agnostics and atheists and believers in any other religion are going to hell and he said yes. I said so gods got a really shitty track record because he's torturing most of his creation. He had no answer. As long as you continue to subscribe to the belief that any religion makes sense you're going to be gaslighted into staying right where you are. You've been brainwashed since you were a small child. It's going to be hard to overcome your conditioning I'm sorry to say but it's possible. One way to start is to leave your family and friends behind. I'm in touch with only one or two of my older family and have completely distanced myself from the rest and I'm ok with that. As long as you're surrounded by them you're going to be under the control of a pervasive superstition. I've yet to find anyone I've met of any belief system that can explain this fucked up world to me. I think if there's a hell we're literally in it and CTB is the way out. If you were in hell and you could get out just by checking out wouldn't they try to tell you how bad suicide is? Of course they would. It's the ultimate gaslighting! I wish you luck in either solving your life or finding an escape like I am. Here's a quote for you from a smart guy long dead to support my point.

The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he's in prison.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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