
Sep 22, 2018
This is going to sound a little bit crazy to you, especially if you don't know anything about the concept that I'm going to talk about. Also this is a serious thread. I'm not trolling, I swear, it's just that I thought about this right now and it seems to me that it could actually work in spite of the lack of evidence. It's an experiment that you can try if you want at your own risk.

There is a community on reddit of people who claim that they can split their consciousness through meditating, therefore create another person living inside their subconscious mind, like an alter. Now it's not exactly it, but it's very similar to dissociative identity disorder. They call them tulpas instead of alters, and it also seems that those identities they create are unable to control the body of their host, unless the host trains himself and his tulpa to do it (switching), he can even train himself to see the tulpa in real life as a permanent hallucination (imposition) and most of the time they turn out to be benevolent instead of destructive like the alters that a person affected by DID has as they claim. Now how do I know those people actually do self-induce some kind of beneficial DID and they're not just lying or whatever? Because I experienced it myself. I tried to create one of those tulpas as a coping mechanism for my social anxiety disorder years ago, and after a month of daily tulpaforcing I started having this voice inside my head communicating with me. It wasn't literally a voice, it was like having thoughts outside of your mind.

Watch this video to better understand what a tulpa is

So what is this all about?
Here's where I'm going. If you can train your brain to split the "I" (whatever the hell "I/consciousness" even is) into many other Is or consciousnesses, practically just by convincing yourself everyday for one or two hours that there is another person inside your head (because this is how they do it. They close their eyes, meditate, then they visualize their imaginary friend and talk to it like it was a real person. And after months that concept becomes a living sentient thing, no joke), and my educated guess is that this happens due to neuroplasticity, but I could be wrong (There aren't many scientific papers on tulpas as far as I'm concerned, or if there are, I've never heard of them). Then either you could train your brain to believe that you don't exist, and dissipate while another identity takes your place or you could create a tulpa and practice switching with that entity until It becomes the dominant personality. And because tulpas can be dissipated if you stop giving them attention, you could ask the entity to do exactly that. So you would die, and another person would take control of your body.

Now this is just an idea, I don't know if it could actually work. If you want to try it, you do it at your own risk, and maybe you really shouldn't after all. You could really fuck up your psyche and get a mental illness, and you don't want that. I read on a forum that a guy actually did this (but did that really happen? I don't know). He made a tulpa, switched and let his tulpa take permanent control over his body and was dissipated afterwards.

They talk about this here
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Aug 8, 2018
I'm curious about researching into this as I used to research about did and know a alter can technically kill themselves.
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Aug 8, 2018
I believe I read that did is possible to develope by power of suggestion like if your told you might have it that you start to believe you do have it until you do. Not sure how accurate it is but think I read it years ago when I dated a girl that pretended to have did I did shit loads of research on the subject.


Sep 22, 2018
I believe I read that did is possible to develope by power of suggestion like if your told you might have it that you start to believe you do have it until you do. Not sure how accurate it is but think I read it years ago when I dated a girl that pretended to have did I did shit loads of research on the subject.
I wonder if one can self induce a coma, by practicing switching but without having a tulpa. Imagine doing that and waking up after years that would pass like a second assuming you wouldn't die. The human mind is a very weird thing. Now I've heard that some tibetan buddhists could meditate for days that would pass like a few minutes or hours to them, so maybe that's what they did. Just guessing.
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Aug 8, 2018
I wonder if one can self induce a coma, by practicing switching but without having a tulpa. Imagine doing that and waking up after years that would pass like a second assuming you wouldn't die. The human mind is a very weird thing. Now I've heard that some tibetan buddhists could meditate for days that would pass like a few minutes or hours to them, so maybe that's what they did. Just guessing.
Yes the human mind is. ehh I hate thinking about switching my ex years ago put me through insanity with switching. Was a nightmare not knowing what to expect.


Some idiot
May 11, 2018
I have DID. Even if none of my alters were angry or suicidal etc. I'd still force myself (the host or whatever replaced the old host of myself, cause she's basically dead) to kill myself cause DID fucking blows shit.
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Sep 22, 2018
I have DID. Even if none of my alters were angry or suicidal etc. I'd still force myself (the host or whatever replaced the old host of myself, cause she's basically dead) to kill myself cause DID fucking blows shit.
Your host switched and died? If so how did she do that? Are you one of her alters? Did you take the memories of your host and permanent control over her body? Tulpas usually are believed to be sentient independent beings. Do you consider yourself to be that or just another aspect of your host?
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Some idiot
May 11, 2018
Honestly, I'm not 100% sure, but I just remember a night where an alter wanted me to OD on some antipsychotic. I passed out and of course I survived, but I felt like the person I once was completely gone. Had different mannerisms, likes and dislikes etc. I even told people that never personally knew me of to call me by a different name but cause of how weird the legal system is with name changes sometimes it's hard to go through with it. We just deal with her original name cause ultimately there's not much we can do about it, especially if some of us are wanting to die anyways.
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Jul 12, 2018
As someone who doesn't suffer from DID I would like to say I think people purposely trying to induce a state you see as similar may be extremely different from people who have a diagnosis and suffer negative effects from their "disorder".

Normalising something is great but I'm not sure how I feel about people intentionally tying to induce dissociation to the point of multiple identities. Sorry if I sound condescending on something I know little about. Ill fully admit I'm a skeptical person and find it hard to connect with some ideas that go against my logic but no disrespect.
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
I already have this so yeah whatever
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Sep 22, 2018
As someone who doesn't suffer from DID I would like to say I think people purposely trying to induce a state you see as similar may be extremely different from people who have a diagnosis and suffer negative effects from their "disorder".

Normalising something is great but I'm not sure how I feel about people intentionally tying to induce dissociation to the point of multiple identities. Sorry if I sound condescending on something I know little about. Ill fully admit I'm a skeptical person and find it hard to connect with some ideas that go against my logic but no disrespect.

The negative effects of DID have nothing to do with the plurality of the host (the presence of two or more units of consciousness in the same brain), that's why I asked those questions. The DID analogy was just to show that there is a scientific basis for this, and that I'm not making it up. To show that such a state does indeed exist. I didn't mean to offend people that suffer from that illness. You can find many anecdotes of people who have had tulpas for many years and didn't develop the negative effects of DID. Occult Magicians and Tibetan Buddhists practiced this for centuries. As I stated this is just an idea based on these assumptions: 1. Everyone can create a tulpa 2. A tulpa is an entity capable of independent processing/self aware 3. There is no difference between the host and the tulpa, therefore if those switch the host will become the tulpa and the tulpa will become the host which means that you'll be able to live in a permanent state of unconsciousness as your body will be controlled by your tulpa.
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Jul 12, 2018
The negative effects of DID have nothing to do with the plurality of the host (the presence of two or more units of consciousness in the same brain), that's why I asked those questions. The DID analogy was just to show that there is a scientific basis for this, and that I'm not making it up. To show that such a state does indeed exist. I didn't mean to offend people that suffer from that illness. You can find many anecdotes of people who have had tulpas for many years and didn't develop the negative effects of DID. Occult Magicians and Tibetan Buddhists practiced this for centuries. As I stated this is just an idea based on these assumptions: 1. Everyone can create a tulpa 2. A tulpa is an entity capable of independent processing/self aware 3. There is no difference between the host and the tulpa, therefore if those switch the host will become the tulpa and the tulpa will become the host which means that you'll be able to live in a permanent state of unconsciousness as your body will be controlled by your tulpa.
I guess I'd rather just kill myself the easy way.
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Mar 17, 2018
The negative effects of DID have nothing to do with the plurality of the host (the presence of two or more units of consciousness in the same brain), that's why I asked those questions. The DID analogy was just to show that there is a scientific basis for this, and that I'm not making it up. To show that such a state does indeed exist. I didn't mean to offend people that suffer from that illness. You can find many anecdotes of people who have had tulpas for many years and didn't develop the negative effects of DID. Occult Magicians and Tibetan Buddhists practiced this for centuries. As I stated this is just an idea based on these assumptions: 1. Everyone can create a tulpa 2. A tulpa is an entity capable of independent processing/self aware 3. There is no difference between the host and the tulpa, therefore if those switch the host will become the tulpa and the tulpa will become the host which means that you'll be able to live in a permanent state of unconsciousness as your body will be controlled by your tulpa.

"Permanent state of unconsciousness"... so like forever living in the dreamworld, yes?

You have my attention.
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
I've been hearing voices again recently from my subconsciousness saying I will kill you


Aug 16, 2018
I'm already in twilight zone I'm not sure about this
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A hopeless hope junkie
Sep 17, 2018
Wow. I can't imagine wanting to induce another personality. Then again I have DID through no choice. I'd rather just straight up try to ctb a normal way. Interesting concept though.
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