
New Member
Sep 18, 2020
Plz understand that I am not good at English, so I am typing in Korean.

한국에 20대 청년입니다.
이 포럼을 알게 되었고, 많은 정보와 배움을 얻었습니다.
많은 이야기들을 보며 공감했고, 이번에는 제 이야기를 드려보고자 이렇게 글을 적게되었습니다.

저는 오랜 시간 극심한 우울증에 시달리고 있고, 아래와 같은 자살 시도를 했습니다.

- 손목 긋기
- 불완전의사
- 약물과다 복용
- 번개탄/연탄

첫번째 "손목 긋기" 는 일종의 사회에 저를 표현하고자 취했던 행동 같습니다.
그렇다하여 찔끔찔끔 면도칼로 긋거나 하진 않았습니다. 당시에 술과 어머니가 치료 받은 약들을 한움쿰 털어내고 그어버리니 얼굴에 피가 살짝 튈 정도였고, 고통보다는 몸이 저릿하고 짤린 부분이 이상하게 간지럽게 느껴졌습니다. 처음한 시도였기에 무서웠고 신고를 했습니다. 그리고 정신이드니 응급실이었고 양팔에는 철심같은게 박혀있고 상태가 심하다는 의사 말정도가 있었습니다. 당시에 기억 상 왼팔만 그었는데 오른쪽이 그어져있다는게 놀랐습니다. 다행히라 표현해야할지 모르겠지만 오른쪽은 상대적으로 왼속에 비하면 아주 약하게 그은편이었습니다. 혈관을 건드리지는 않았으니까요.

두번째 "불완전의사" 첫번째 자살 시도가 있고 꽤 시간이 지난 뒤 행한 자살 시도였습니다.
첫번째 자살시도는 어릴때 어머님을 통해 학습했다면, 이번에는 인터넷을 통해 혼자 학습했습니다.
누구나 그렇듯 고통없는, 확실한 자살 방법을 찾던 중 "불완전의사", 그냥 "목맴" 입니다.
천장과 같은 곳에 밧줄을 매달고하는게 아닌, 문고리 또는 낮은 지형물을 활용해 앉아있으면 끝나는 아주 확실하고 간단한 방법이 었습니다. 저는 당시에 스카프를 활용하여 목을 맸고 그 상태로 주저 앉았습니다.
20초 - 30초쯤 지났을까요, 얼굴이 터질 것 같은데 본인이 기절할 것 같은 느낌은 들지 않았습니다. 그때서야 뭔가 잘못되었음을 느끼고, 어릴때한 기절 놀이를 생각했습니다.
그때서야 목 동맥을 제대로 차단하지 않아 애매하게 산소가 공급되고 있음을깨달았습니다.
그리고는 스카프를 재 정비한 후, 다시 그대로 주저 앉았습니다.
5초 - 7초 시야가 점점 흐려집니다 정확히는 눈을 뜨고 있으면 모든 것들이 흑백으로 보입니다.
그리고 어떤 기억들이 반복적으로 재생되는걸 느꼈습니다. 그 상태로 더 버티면 죽을 수 있다는 확신이 들었습니다.
하지만 저 무릎이 무의식적으로 근육 경련과 같은 행동을 취하고 그로 인해 마지막 시점까지 갈 수 없었습니다.
망할 다리를 원망하고 스카프를 하나 더 꺼내서 저 무릎을 묶고 재차 시도를 했습니다. 하지만 성공하지 못했습니다.
제가 시도한 자살 중 정말 죽음을 가까이서 본 방법인건 확실합니다.
본인도 느낍니다. 2초 - 4초 아주 짧은 시간만 버티면 정신을 잃고 나라는 존재도 없고 아무것도 없는 죽음이라는 걸요. 심장이 미칠 듯이 빨리 뜨고 엄청난 불안함에 휩싸입니다. 저는 약하기 때문에 절대 맨 정신으로 자살 행위를 시도하지 않습니다. 그렇게 술과 약을 마셔도 저 죽음이 느껴지면 확깹니다. 그리고 담배 하나 피면서 다음에는 진짜 할 수 있다고 다짐하지만 정작 결과는 다르지 않습니다. 시도해 본 분들은 제 말이 무슨말인줄 아실겁니다. 목맴이 고통이 없다는 분들도 있는데, 여타 다른 방법중에서 상대적으로 고통이 덜한 것 같습니다. 결국엔 동맥을 잘 차단 시키면 빠른 시간에 기절에 이를 수 있습니다만 제가 말한 마지막 한 텀, 그 텀을 버티냐 못 버티냐 이 차이입니다.

그리고 "약물과다 복용", 저는 참 약물과다 복용을 좋아했습니다.
3번은 넘게했으니까요, 대한민국은 그래도 의료 시스템이 매우 잘되어있습니다. 푹 주무시고 위세척 한번하고 나오시는 겁니다. 치사량을 정확히 계산한 방법이라면 얘기는 다릅니다. 저 처럼 처방 받은 약 이래저래 모든 약들 싹 긁어 모아서 술이랑 함께 털어내면 뇌랑 위에만 손상 옵니다.

마지막 번개탄/연탄은 성공하신 분들 정말 대단한 집념이라고 말씀드릴 수 있을 것 같습니다.
화장실문 테이프로 빈틈 없이 막고, 번개탄/연탄에 불피우기전에 마지막으로 담배하나 안에서 피웠습니다.
벌써 눈이 맵습니다. 그 담배하나에요. 근데 뭐 그 정도야 번개탄/연탄 피울 사람한테 별거겠습니까 ? 담배 하나 피우고, 약이랑 술을 또 시원하게 들이켰습니다.
그리고 번개탄/연탄에 불을 피웠습니다. 제가 아직 군대를 가지 않아서 화생방이 어떤 느낌인지는 모르겠습니다만
제가 시도한 방법 중 최고에 고통이라 자부할 수 있습니다.
일단 눈은 포기하셔야하구요. 그 상태로 숨만 들이키면 되는데, 결국에 원리는 산소를 방해하여 질식에 이르는건데 공기중 산소가 많은가 봅니다 아주 멀쩡합니다. 오히려 약과 술에 의존까지 했는데 저거 피우니 정신이 더 맑아지는 느낌입니다. 번개탄/연탄으로 삶을 뒤로한 이들을 생각하며 존경스러운 마음까지 생깁니다.
"아니, 시x 이걸 참으라고... ?" 이런 생각이 들고 어디서부터 잘 못된건지 생각해봅니다.
포기한 눈깔을 뜨면 일단 연기가 자욱합니다 그 자욱한 틈 사이로 청색 테이프로 떡칠한 문이 보입니다.
본인은 이미 알고있습니다. 실패한걸 최소 40초라는 시간을 보낸 것 같은데, 도통 언제 기절할지 의문이 생기고
그 의문이 확신으로 들어서자 거의 문 박살 내듯 열고 나갔습니다. 그리고 눈을 뜨니 아침이더군요. 화장실 옆에 바로 코x이 공기 청정기가 있었는데 얘가 이렇게 성능 좋은 놈인지 몰랐습니다. 두통이 너무 심해 하루는 그냥 집에 있었던 것 같네요.

이제는 정말 마지막이 다가온 것 같습니다.
N2 를 준비했고, 저는 ⛺️텐트에서 수면제를 복용하고 타이머를 실행시킬 계획입니다.

고통은 없습니다.
두려움만 남았습니다. 79254E68 5DB9 4922 A001 A256466FD044
A6A1E1AD 8571 4FDB 99E1 3AB076204DE0
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
He starts by explaining his cuts on the wrist, I used google translate. I wish it was in English.
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Sep 14, 2020
Anyone Korean here who can translate? Don't think Google Translate will do any of his writings a service.
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Sep 15, 2020
(I will start to translate his post thanks to some tools on internet.)

"I am a young man in his 20s in Korea.
I got to know this forum and got a lot of information and learning.
I sympathized by seeing a lot of stories, and this time I wrote less to tell my story.

I have been suffering from extreme depression for a long time and have attempted suicide as follows.

-Cutting my wrist
-Incomplete doctor
-Drug overdose
-Lightning bullets/briquettes

The first "wrist cut" seems to be a kind of action I took to express myself in society.
That said, I didn't do anything with a razor. At that time, the alcohol and the medicines that my mother had been cured were brushed off and cut off, so blood splattered a little on my face. It was my first attempt, so I was scared and I reported it. And it was the emergency room, and there was a doctor who said that both arms had iron cores and the condition was severe. At the time, I remembered that only the left arm was drawn, but I was surprised that the right side was drawn. Fortunately, I don't know how to express it, but the right side was relatively weak compared to the left side. Because it didn't touch the blood vessels.

The second "incomplete doctor" was a suicide attempt made quite a while after the first suicide attempt.
The first suicide attempt was learned through my mother when I was young, but this time I learned it by myself through the Internet.
Like everyone, I am "imperfect doctor" or just "hanging" while searching for a painless, reliable way to kill myself.
Rather than hanging a rope on a ceiling or something, it was a very simple and sure way to end up sitting by using a doorknob or low terrain. I used a scarf at the time to squeeze my neck and sit back in that state.
It would have been 20-30 seconds, and my face seemed to burst, but I didn't feel like I was fainting. It was only then that I felt something was wrong, and I thought about fainting when I was a child."
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Sep 15, 2020
"It was only then that I realized that the arteries of the neck were not properly blocked and oxygen was being supplied vaguely. Then, after refurbishing the scarf, I sat back. 5-7 seconds Your field of vision becomes increasingly blurred. To be precise, everything looks black and white when you open your eyes. And I felt some memories replay repeatedly. I was convinced that if I stayed in that state I could die. But that knee subconsciously took on a muscle cramp-like action, and it prevented me from reaching the last point. I blamed the damn leg, took out another scarf, tied that knee and tried again. But it didn't succeed. It's clear that one of the suicides I've attempted is really a close look at death.

I also felt it. 2 seconds-4 seconds If you endure a very short time, you lose your mind, and I am dead with no existence... nothing. My heart rised so fast and I was engulfed in tremendous anxiety. Because I am weak, I never attempt suicide with my bare mind. Even if I drink alcohol and medicine like that, I wake up when I feel that death. And while smoking a cigarette, I promise that I can really do it next time, but the results are not different. Those who have tried it will know what I mean. Some people don't have the pain to hang around, but it seems to be relatively less painful among other methods. In the end, if you block the artery well, you can pass out in a short time, but this is the difference between the last term I said, whether you can withstand that term.

And "drug overdose", I really liked overdose.
Because I did more than three times, Korea still has a very good medical system. Sleep well and wash your stomach once. The story is different when it comes to accurately calculating lethal dose. Like me, if you scrape all the medicines from the prescribed medicine and then shake it off with alcohol, it will damage only the brain pit.

I think I can tell you that the last lightning bullet/briquette is a really great commitment to successful people.
I closed it tightly with toilet door tape, and I smoked it in a cigarette for the last time before I lit it with lightning/briquettes.
My eyes were already hot. That one cigarette. But what's that much? Would it be great for someone who smokes lightning/briquettes? I smoked a cigarette, and took medicine and alcohol again.
And I made a fire to a lightning bullet/briquette. I'm not yet in the army, so I don't know what the Hwasaengbang (army training) feels like.
I can be proud of it as the most painful method I have ever tried.

First, you have to breathe in that state, but in the end the principle is that it interferes with oxygen and leads to suffocation. It seems that there is a lot of oxygen in the air. Rather, I even depended on drugs and alcohol, but smoking it makes me feel clearer. Thinking of those who left their lives with lightning/briquettes, even a respectable heart is created.
"No, shit, am I really doing this...?" I have this kind of thought and I think about where I went wrong.

When you open your abandoned eyes, you will see a smoky door through the thick gaps covered with blue tape.
I already know. I think I spent at least 40 seconds on failing, but I wonder when to pass out
When the question was convinced, I almost opened the door and went out. And when I opened my eyes, it was morning. There was a coxi air purifier right next to the bathroom, but I didn't know this was such a good guy. My headache was so severe that I was just at home one day.

Now it seems that the end is really coming.
I have the N2 ready, I plan to take a sleeping pill from the ⛺Tent and run a timer.

There is no pain.
Only fear remains."

안녕하세요, 간다siba!

한국어를 할 수 없어서 통역을하겠습니다. 그래서 어떤 문장이 이상하면 죄송합니다.

나는 당신의 전체 메시지를 읽었고 당신이 겪은 모든 고통과 고통에 대해 너무 슬프다. 이 포럼을 통해 귀하와 닮은 사람들에게 다가 가고 그들이 아는 것을 도와 줄 수있어 기쁩니다. 질문이 있거나 자신의 감정이나 삶에 대해 이야기하고 싶다면 주저하지 마십시오. 내가 읽은 내용에서 한국은 젊은이들에게 힘들어 보인다 ... 죄책감을 느끼지 마라. 당신 잘못이 아닙니다! 당신을 사랑합니다
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Wow that's quite an interesting read. I didn't get the part about smoking. He's been through a lot. My heart goes out to him.
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life is pain
Jul 14, 2020
I can perfectly understand how you feel, I also want to leave forever, living sucks.
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Jun 28, 2020
"It was only then that I realized that the arteries of the neck were not properly blocked and oxygen was being supplied vaguely. Then, after refurbishing the scarf, I sat back. 5-7 seconds Your field of vision becomes increasingly blurred. To be precise, everything looks black and white when you open your eyes. And I felt some memories replay repeatedly. I was convinced that if I stayed in that state I could die. But that knee subconsciously took on a muscle cramp-like action, and it prevented me from reaching the last point. I blamed the damn leg, took out another scarf, tied that knee and tried again. But it didn't succeed. It's clear that one of the suicides I've attempted is really a close look at death.

I also felt it. 2 seconds-4 seconds If you endure a very short time, you lose your mind, and I am dead with no existence... nothing. My heart rised so fast and I was engulfed in tremendous anxiety. Because I am weak, I never attempt suicide with my bare mind. Even if I drink alcohol and medicine like that, I wake up when I feel that death. And while smoking a cigarette, I promise that I can really do it next time, but the results are not different. Those who have tried it will know what I mean. Some people don't have the pain to hang around, but it seems to be relatively less painful among other methods. In the end, if you block the artery well, you can pass out in a short time, but this is the difference between the last term I said, whether you can withstand that term.

And "drug overdose", I really liked overdose.
Because I did more than three times, Korea still has a very good medical system. Sleep well and wash your stomach once. The story is different when it comes to accurately calculating lethal dose. Like me, if you scrape all the medicines from the prescribed medicine and then shake it off with alcohol, it will damage only the brain pit.

I think I can tell you that the last lightning bullet/briquette is a really great commitment to successful people.
I closed it tightly with toilet door tape, and I smoked it in a cigarette for the last time before I lit it with lightning/briquettes.
My eyes were already hot. That one cigarette. But what's that much? Would it be great for someone who smokes lightning/briquettes? I smoked a cigarette, and took medicine and alcohol again.
And I made a fire to a lightning bullet/briquette. I'm not yet in the army, so I don't know what the Hwasaengbang (army training) feels like.
I can be proud of it as the most painful method I have ever tried.

First, you have to breathe in that state, but in the end the principle is that it interferes with oxygen and leads to suffocation. It seems that there is a lot of oxygen in the air. Rather, I even depended on drugs and alcohol, but smoking it makes me feel clearer. Thinking of those who left their lives with lightning/briquettes, even a respectable heart is created.
"No, shit, am I really doing this...?" I have this kind of thought and I think about where I went wrong.

When you open your abandoned eyes, you will see a smoky door through the thick gaps covered with blue tape.
I already know. I think I spent at least 40 seconds on failing, but I wonder when to pass out
When the question was convinced, I almost opened the door and went out. And when I opened my eyes, it was morning. There was a coxi air purifier right next to the bathroom, but I didn't know this was such a good guy. My headache was so severe that I was just at home one day.

Now it seems that the end is really coming.
I have the N2 ready, I plan to take a sleeping pill from the ⛺Tent and run a timer.

There is no pain.
Only fear remains."

안녕하세요, 간다siba!

한국어를 할 수 없어서 통역을하겠습니다. 그래서 어떤 문장이 이상하면 죄송합니다.

나는 당신의 전체 메시지를 읽었고 당신이 겪은 모든 고통과 고통에 대해 너무 슬프다. 이 포럼을 통해 귀하와 닮은 사람들에게 다가 가고 그들이 아는 것을 도와 줄 수있어 기쁩니다. 질문이 있거나 자신의 감정이나 삶에 대해 이야기하고 싶다면 주저하지 마십시오. 내가 읽은 내용에서 한국은 젊은이들에게 힘들어 보인다 ... 죄책감을 느끼지 마라. 당신 잘못이 아닙니다! 당신을 사랑합니다
Thank you for translating OP's posting.
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