If you power through it will it eventually go away?
i believe powering through it helps you to get you to a point, where the urge and feeling of you're suicidal ideation won't be as strong as it is now. a point where the good and happiness in life outweighs any negativity you feel, in relation to you're suicidal ideation.
unfortunately, getting to that point in life, where we have what we want, were happy, etc; is just so hard :/. it's a journey, and a road i don't even know if i wanna go down. but powering through it, and actually getting to that point would feel amazing. think of it as this; everything thats bothering you right now in life, anything that you've wanted, you have it all plus more, you're finally happy. i feel like if i had the things i've hoped to have and accomplished, making me happy, my suicidal urges would easily have gone away and/or wouldnt be as strong as they are now. unfortunately, not all of us are lucky enough to have things that we desire and wish to have.