

Jan 29, 2021
Good afternoon everyone

As the title says i want to talk about the difference between those two categories..

As a suicidal person, i wasn't born like that, but a series of event from childhood and up has lead me to being like that, the psychological damage is just too deep, but lo and behold there is a positive side !

It allowed me to understand pain and much more, my heart is big, i can feel empathy and sympathy for all humans whoever they might be or do, i can find and excuse for them, i know they are just a by product of some events that lead them to being like that at the end.

There is no free choice, we are just merely conscious of the things that control us, very rare people have the ability to scan their deepest motives and desires and see where they come from....at the end...humans are a by product of there environment , a positive one give a positive healthy human and a negative one gives an ill human.

We barley in our daily life think about who we are, where we came from, where are going after all that ends, the daily life light is just so blinding that it keeps us from asking this deep questions and keep chasing happiness, or what we think will give us happiness, at the end we just want a rush of this happiness hormones to feel good right?

Some of us follow an ethical path, which means in the quest of his/her happiness he try to not harm someone else, and others don't care.

We all just trying to feel good, nothing changed from ancestors from thousands of years ago, they wanted food and security etc... now we got them and started looking for something else, only few people have breakthrough the veil and started asking the real question and search for the truth, which seems absurd in this world blinded by daily life.

It just look stupid to say I'm a truth seeker in this world, and yes it is indeed, i didn't choose this path, it chooses me, otherwise I'll be like everyone else, trying to be happy and have the maximum of things that make me happy, it's the pain, the loneliness and all that, pushed me to this path.

I realized and found many divine truths, which just made it worse, the life seemed like a joke and completely stupid and nonsense.

I'm now trapped, between normal daily life and truth life !

and can't be in anyone of them.

The first time i found Sanctioned Suicide forum i felt a bad feeling and depressed from all the people and subjects being discussed here, now..i feel like it is my home, for the first time in my life Iam feeling a relief when i know I'm going to die and all that will end, yesterday i felt an incredible feeling of relaxation i didn't feel from long time ago when i imagined my self dead and in another world, mind you, yes there is another world, i know some of you here are atheists or something, but my research also lead me to know about things in the other side, and it's beautiful.

Now i can understand everyone, suicidal and regular people both, i understand why the feel like that and why they do what they do, and why regular ones see suicidal ones sometimes as something undesirable and even hate them.

We are all in this universal Enigma and no one understand anything and is just interpreting thing from his / her personal point of view and see others as stupids or enemies when they are not agreeing with him.

In reality, all those points of view are just small parts from the all whole truth.

My appologises about my grammar, i wrote this quickly.
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Mar 22, 2020
I can kinda relate.
I think the main difference between normal people and me is that I'm just not "programmed to live" the way they seem to be.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I know what you mean. I question my existence all the time and I guess the one advantage of this is that I see things more clearly. Thinking about death all the time comforts me as it reminds me my problems are all temporary really and there is another side to all of this.
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