

Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I think I may have my bus ticket without having to suicide. Working it out in this post.

Back in late January or early February, I got sinusitis which went into an upper respiratory infection. This is normal for me, happens every couple of years. Sometimes I don't get over the infection and go into walking pneumonia, and it seemed to happen this time as well.

But this illness has not played out exactly like others. No meds seemed to bring relief or eventual recovery like in the past.

From the start of this, I've only visited the doctors at pharmacies because I have a deep distrust of doctors and hospitals for good reasons, not going to go into why. Seeing these doctors was convenient and as much as I was willing to do. None suggested testing for COVID, which is just as well, because I wouldn't have wanted to be pressured into seeing a regular doctor or going to the hospital.

I know I've been vocally skeptical of COVID and I still am. I don't doubt that it exists, but there's just too much hinkiness around it -- how it came about, how it's tested and reported, news coverage, all the social engineering with regard to distancing, isolating, masks, travel restrictions, fearmongering and hype, etc.

Still, if the official information that's disseminated about it can be believed, it seems that there's a good chance that's what I got, because of everything that's happened since I got sick.

I didn't respond to normal treatments. When it became clear to me that I had walking pneumonia, I got a nebulizer and was prescribed breathing medicines, steroids, and eventually a course of antibiotics. I actually started the steroids when it was bronchitis, and stayed on them for several months because I also had a shoulder injury and they helped with the pain while recovering.

I put on a lot of weight, and my stomach started swelling. Then a month ago I started having edema in my lower extremeties, so I went off the steroids and most of the nebulizer meds. Fortunately the shoulder pain didn't return. The edema went down. I had cut way down on smoking and tried to quit, but my breathing issues actually got worse, so I maintained smoking a quarter pack or so a day. All these months, I've coughed up phlegm but the cough wouldn't stop, and my breathing has been restricted for months. At least since I got off the bulk of the meds, I've been able to exhale better, but not completely. The exhaling issue started around the time my stomach started swelling.

I force myself to walk places and clean the apartment, but breathing is difficult, my calves burn after walking a short distance, and because I live in an area with high heat and humidity, I tend to get really hot and, the past couple of months, I sweat excessively. I quit exercising and have become quite sedentary since the breathing problems got worse with the bronchitis, but lately have been trying to make myself do more as my mid and upper back hurt often and I know my lungs need the exercise. Only now I don't think the back issues have to do with my lungs, I think it's my heart.

The past several days, I've been getting rashes with fluid-filled bumps that go away, which is not heart-related but a symptom of COVID.

The past week, I've been having pain in the center of my chest, sometimes my heart and breath and stomach do a weird fluttering thing, and the edema came back, not only in my legs but also my arms and hands, my cheeks flush like a mild sunburn, and my knees and knuckles have been sore. This morning when I woke up, in addition to the rash, there were purple blood-filled bumps on both forearms, but especially my left arm. This indicates thrombosis and ischemia, and is also common with COVID.

After researching, it seems I am experiencing the symptoms of a middle stage of heart failure. When I saw the doctor to get antibiotics, my heart sounded fine and the pulse oximeter showed normal oxygen levels, but ischemia can be silent. Since I had edema, I also took diuretics, which helped the edema for awhile, but then it returned, and can be indicative of thrombosis and ischemia.

I've thought about what to do. At first, I was trying to get better so that I could take SN without suffocating, but I don't think I'm going to get better. I could go to a real doctor or a hospital, but what would be the point? There is no reliable treatment for COVID, I don't want any life-saving measures, and I don't want to be trapped in a hospital, at the mercy and under the authority of doctors. I don't want to go on a ventilator if it comes to that, and at this stage of ischemia and potential heart failure, if that's what I have, then I can take medications like blood thinners but I'm never going to recover full function. If I were to recover in a hospital, all of my savings would go to that and I could potentially owe even more, and for all I know I could get kicked out of the country after I was released and I have nowhere to go in the US. I've already done transitional housing, fuck that. I have no life worth pursuing, I'm very isolated and already suffer every day from the external issues I don't talk about, and was going to suicide anyway, in fact have already attempted multiple times with partial hanging, the ReBreather, and CO. When I tested my SN and got some in my system and experienced the breathing symptoms, it was after I'd gotten sick.

I guess I'm at a point where I'm writing about this to externalize and work out what I'm feeling and thinking. It's quite a shift to go from working myself up to suicide with a method I was dreading to realizing, whoa, my bodily functions are severely compromised and it looks like I can die naturally. I'm not one to get melodramatic about symptoms and assume the worst. I've researched this as best I can, and I know I'm not a doctor, but I do know my body. If online information from "reliable" sources about COVID is to be believed, this abnormal recovery from normal illnesses, along with the progressive worsening of multiple systems as evidenced by the rashes, abdominal swelling, and lung and heart issues, are all evidence that my body is going down. Kind of hooray. It's just weird.

I'll keep posting on this thread as things either change or progress, or both. Hopefully I can die without having to suicide, which I admit is a relief because even though I have no contact with my family and am glad for it, I still didn't want them to have to deal with my suicide. If the symptoms get bad enough that I can't ride them out, I still have SN, and I can leave a note that says I was dying of COVID and wanted to stop the suffering, which would be true. An autopsy will prove it. And fuck it, I'll smoke cigarettes to help the process along.

Till the day I die -- which hopefully will be soon -- I call bullshit on COVID being a natural pandemic. This shit is a plandemic. I'm never grateful to abusers, but I am grateful for the easier out from this shitshow of a world. I'm grateful to not have to worry about the remote possibility of karmic negative consequences for ending my life, rational though it is to do so. If I can leave life with a clear conscience that I didn't harm my family or harm my soul, if there is such a thing, I'll take it. Now it's a matter of shifting my perspective. Everyone dies anyway, and those who reach an advanced age and get ill have to face their mortality. I'd already faced it from the perspective of suicide and it being by my own hand, now I can face it from the perspective of it being out of my hands. It's not nearly as shocking or difficult to adjust to than it would have been if I were enjoying my life and was diagnosed with a terminal illness.
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I tried
Feb 29, 2020
Thank you for sharing this. I'll be following the rest of your journey. I wish you a peaceful outcome.
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
I really appreciate you taking the time to share this. I agree with everything you said about covid, your words literally could have been pulled from my head. Is it weird that I envy you? I wish I could die "naturally" without having to do it myself..a plane flew over my house super low a few nights ago, and I found myself praying for the first time in years - begging whatever gods may be to let that plane smash into my living room and kill me. I'd love to be a covid statistic rather than a suicide stat.

I hope that you find what you're looking for. I enjoy your posts, you're a no-bullshit type and that's refreshing. Whatever happens, I hope you find the peace you deserve.
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Jan 23, 2020
Thanks for sharing this very in-depth and interesting analysis ! I can relate to how you feel, since I am in a slightly similar situation, but I am not sure I will come to the same conclusion, since right now I have not quite worked out whether to be happy or not that a "natural" cause of death might get me before I can go through with my's different for me also in the sense that it's my health issues that make me want to ctb in the first place - I am neither depressed, have no recognized mental pathologies (I am sort of crazy, but I don't think that would count and it's certainly not enough for the psych ward !), I love my work, in which I am quite successful and so I have a lot of money, and even though I am single (recently divorced) that kind of suits me since I have a large circle of friends, a decent social life, some people who I am close to and to whom I can talk about virtually everything. So if it wasn't for 2 rare genetic diseases for which there is no treatment, no cure, and only some medication to slightly alleviate symptoms (slightly is an understatement - if I did not complement the prescription meds with some illegal drugs I would not even be able to get out of bed anymore) - suicide would not be something I'd consider at all at this stage !

In the last three weeks there have ben two occasions where I sincerely thought that I was dying. Normal people would have dialed the emergencies. I did not, since I have been planning to ctb to get out of this misery for over a year now. The mental prep to get rid of the SI for suicide helped me to stay calm and relaxed when I though I was leaving for good....I was actually quite disappointed when in the end my body kind of pulled itself together and survived. But this whole new experience has put a doubt in me - on the one hand, I'd prefer to ctb since it makes me feel I am in control of my destiny, it's one last act of affirming your status a free, rational individual, taking your life and your death into your own hands, not waiting around for something to happen or not. On the other hand, since I know the time when I will not wake up after an incident like the two experienced recently is very close, I am wondering why bother with ctb? I'm done with life anyway, so I am not afraid, and if it comes to a point that "natural" dying feels very awful (both times actually it was not that bad, I felt some discomfort but it was bearabl), I can always very quickly pull out my gun (shooting myself being my chosen method, which I have well researched and prepared so am ready to go ahead whenever I want !) and just take a shortcut before too much suffering takes place.

As I said, I have not quite worked this out in my head yet. GoodPersonEffed, you seem to be sure that the "natural" way to die is preferable, but I am not so sure, more for philosophical than practical reasons. I wonder if there are some more people on this forum who are struggling with this question, or maybe they are not since they have chosen on or the other option. I'd be very grateful if those people who are in a similar situation would share their thoughts with me. Thank you !
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Is it weird that I envy you? I wish I could die "naturally" without having to do it myself..a plane flew over my house super low a few nights ago, and I found myself praying for the first time in years - begging whatever gods may be to let that plane smash into my living room and kill me.

No, it's not weird.

It's kind of funny, if I die from COVID some folks on here may say in the most genuinely well-meaning way, "It couldn't be happier for her. She deserved it." :pfff:

Your story about the plane reminded me that when there are strong storms, I'll sometimes stand close to the open window and hope the lighting comes in and kills me. I've never heard of that happening to anyone, though. And when I do it I'm scared because some people survive lightning strikes and it's really painful and can cause lifelong issues.
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Jun 30, 2020
I can see how it would be relieving for death to come to you instead of the other way around, but I hope that this way isn't too uncertain. Especially without being able to get a diagnosis and all that, your death date this way is unknown with the only clue possibly being your symptoms worsening, if you die at all. I bet a lot of people here would be disheartened if you suddenly vanished. Hopefully you can get some more certainty on all of this, but all's said, if you can go this way without having to worry about planning and committing suicide, then that's great. Perhaps uncertainty is even a plus; since you don't have a set in stone date when you're going to die, there's less to fear. I guess even terminal illnesses can be a gift to the right person.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
@GoodPersonEffed, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I'll have to be honest though, I do not envy you at all, neither do I wish this course for you. Dying from disease is not a natural death in any way and I've never understood why it's classified as such. My great grandma died naturally from old age a few years back. Basically her body shut down and she drifted into an eternal sleep. No visible suffering, she fell unconscious and died. If that's what you meant by natural death I'd envy you, but not Covid.

I've had the displeasure of seeing how people die from Covid. It is neither pretty, natural or peaceful. Slowly choking to death while soiling yourself is not a fate I'd wish on anybody. Not even my worst enemy. I hate to be that guy but if you do have Covid, don't wait until it gets to that point. It's a nasty way to go. All the same, I'm truly sorry for your pain and suffering.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I've had the displeasure of seeing how people die from Covid.

I appreciate that you wish positive things for me. Maybe I'll get lucky and have a fatal heart attack. The breathing thing for me is better some days, worse on others. It actually has improved since I went on the antibiotics, but it never fully cleared.

I'm curious, how were you in the position to see people die from COVID? How many?


Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
I'm curious, how were you in the position to see people die from COVID? How many?
I work in IT. We were doing CCTV installations and other repairs at a hospital in one of the cities in my country. We were working on the maternity wing. My country is yet to be swamped by Covid so there were less than a hundred patients in the special wing.

As these things go, we got curious. One of the nurses showed us a video of the patients in the wing. This kind of thing happens, I'm sure you've seen leaked videos too. I wish I hadn't seen it, it made me understand why the practitioners always had this shell shocked look on their faces and were irritable all the time. She described the soiling bit, I hadn't heard about that one before. In the struggle to breathe, some of the patients lose control of their bowels. Needless to say we couldn't wait to finish that damn job and get out of that place.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I work in IT. We were doing CCTV installations and other repairs at a hospital in one of the cities in my country. We were working on the maternity wing. My country is yet to be swamped by Covid so there were led than a hundred patients in the special wing.

As these things go, we got curious. One of the nurses showed us a video of the patients in the wing. This kind of thing happens, I'm sure you've seen leaked videos too. I wish I hadn't seen it, it made me understand why the practitioners always had this shell shocked look on their faces and were irritable all the time. She described the soiling bit, I hadn't heard about that one before. In the struggle to breathe, some of the patients lose control of their bowels. Needless to say we couldn't wait to finish that damn job and get out of that place.

Thank you for sharing. No, I haven't seen the leaked videos. Many people lose control of their bowels when they are in the end stages of a terminal illness, it's not pretty.


Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
Thank you for sharing. No, I haven't seen the leaked videos. Many people lose control of their bowels when they are in the end stages of a terminal illness, it's not pretty.
We weren't allowed into the Covid wing, neither did we want to go there. The only patients we saw were the deceased ones being taken to burial sites in the evenings by men in the those hazmat suits. I heard about the shitting your pants thing as I was researching full suspension. I think I'll have to fast for a few days before I ctb when the time comes. Please keep us updated on your progress, you're one of the good ones.
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Zappfe lover

Zappfe lover

Jun 24, 2020
As @CarbonMonoxide said, death by covid isn't exactly beautiful. I get the advantages of not dying by your own hand, but I would hate to see you go through so much pain.
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Ave Satanas
Jun 28, 2020
I think I may have my bus ticket without having to suicide. Working it out in this post.

Back in late January or early February, I got sinusitis which went into an upper respiratory infection. This is normal for me, happens every couple of years. Sometimes I don't get over the infection and go into walking pneumonia, and it seemed to happen this time as well.

But this illness has not played out exactly like others. No meds seemed to bring relief or eventual recovery like in the past.

From the start of this, I've only visited the doctors at pharmacies because I have a deep distrust of doctors and hospitals for good reasons, not going to go into why. Seeing these doctors was convenient and as much as I was willing to do. None suggested testing for COVID, which is just as well, because I wouldn't have wanted to be pressured into seeing a regular doctor or going to the hospital.

I know I've been vocally skeptical of COVID and I still am. I don't doubt that it exists, but there's just too much hinkiness around it -- how it came about, how it's tested and reported, news coverage, all the social engineering with regard to distancing, isolating, masks, travel restrictions, fearmongering and hype, etc.

Still, if the official information that's disseminated about it can be believed, it seems that there's a good chance that's what I got, because of everything that's happened since I got sick.

I didn't respond to normal treatments. When it became clear to me that I had walking pneumonia, I got a nebulizer and was prescribed breathing medicines, steroids, and eventually a course of antibiotics. I actually started the steroids when it was bronchitis, and stayed on them for several months because I also had a shoulder injury and they helped with the pain while recovering.

I put on a lot of weight, and my stomach started swelling. Then a month ago I started having edema in my lower extremeties, so I went off the steroids and most of the nebulizer meds. Fortunately the shoulder pain didn't return. The edema went down. I had cut way down on smoking and tried to quit, but my breathing issues actually got worse, so I maintained smoking a quarter pack or so a day. All these months, I've coughed up phlegm but the cough wouldn't stop, and my breathing has been restricted for months. At least since I got off the bulk of the meds, I've been able to exhale better, but not completely. The exhaling issue started around the time my stomach started swelling.

I force myself to walk places and clean the apartment, but breathing is difficult, my calves burn after walking a short distance, and because I live in an area with high heat and humidity, I tend to get really hot and, the past couple of months, I sweat excessively. I quit exercising and have become quite sedentary since the breathing problems got worse with the bronchitis, but lately have been trying to make myself do more as my mid and upper back hurt often and I know my lungs need the exercise. Only now I don't think the back issues have to do with my lungs, I think it's my heart.

The past several days, I've been getting rashes with fluid-filled bumps that go away, which is not heart-related but a symptom of COVID.

The past week, I've been having pain in the center of my chest, sometimes my heart and breath and stomach do a weird fluttering thing, and the edema came back, not only in my legs but also my arms and hands, my cheeks flush like a mild sunburn, and my knees and knuckles have been sore. This morning when I woke up, in addition to the rash, there were purple blood-filled bumps on both forearms, but especially my left arm. This indicates thrombosis and ischemia, and is also common with COVID.

After researching, it seems I am experiencing the symptoms of a middle stage of heart failure. When I saw the doctor to get antibiotics, my heart sounded fine and the pulse oximeter showed normal oxygen levels, but ischemia can be silent. Since I had edema, I also took diuretics, which helped the edema for awhile, but then it returned, and can be indicative of thrombosis and ischemia.

I've thought about what to do. At first, I was trying to get better so that I could take SN without suffocating, but I don't think I'm going to get better. I could go to a real doctor or a hospital, but what would be the point? There is no reliable treatment for COVID, I don't want any life-saving measures, and I don't want to be trapped in a hospital, at the mercy and under the authority of doctors. I don't want to go on a ventilator if it comes to that, and at this stage of ischemia and potential heart failure, if that's what I have, then I can take medications like blood thinners but I'm never going to recover full function. If I were to recover in a hospital, all of my savings would go to that and I could potentially owe even more, and for all I know I could get kicked out of the country after I was released and I have nowhere to go in the US. I've already done transitional housing, fuck that. I have no life worth pursuing, I'm very isolated and already suffer every day from the external issues I don't talk about, and was going to suicide anyway, in fact have already attempted multiple times with partial hanging, the ReBreather, and CO. When I tested my SN and got some in my system and experienced the breathing symptoms, it was after I'd gotten sick.

I guess I'm at a point where I'm writing about this to externalize and work out what I'm feeling and thinking. It's quite a shift to go from working myself up to suicide with a method I was dreading to realizing, whoa, my bodily functions are severely compromised and it looks like I can die naturally. I'm not one to get melodramatic about symptoms and assume the worst. I've researched this as best I can, and I know I'm not a doctor, but I do know my body. If online information from "reliable" sources about COVID is to be believed, this abnormal recovery from normal illnesses, along with the progressive worsening of multiple systems as evidenced by the rashes, abdominal swelling, and lung and heart issues, are all evidence that my body is going down. Kind of hooray. It's just weird.

I'll keep posting on this thread as things either change or progress, or both. Hopefully I can die without having to suicide, which I admit is a relief because even though I have no contact with my family and am glad for it, I still didn't want them to have to deal with my suicide. If the symptoms get bad enough that I can't ride them out, I still have SN, and I can leave a note that says I was dying of COVID and wanted to stop the suffering, which would be true. An autopsy will prove it. And fuck it, I'll smoke cigarettes to help the process along.

Till the day I die -- which hopefully will be soon -- I call bullshit on COVID being a natural pandemic. This shit is a plandemic. I'm never grateful to abusers, but I am grateful for the easier out from this shitshow of a world. I'm grateful to not have to worry about the remote possibility of karmic negative consequences for ending my life, rational though it is to do so. If I can leave life with a clear conscience that I didn't harm my family or harm my soul, if there is such a thing, I'll take it. Now it's a matter of shifting my perspective. Everyone dies anyway, and those who reach an advanced age and get ill have to face their mortality. I'd already faced it from the perspective of suicide and it being by my own hand, now I can face it from the perspective of it being out of my hands. It's not nearly as shocking or difficult to adjust to than it would have been if I were enjoying my life and was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

I swear I literally went through the same shit around November and kept telling my docs that I think I'm dying. They did a stress test and EKG, came back normal but since heart issues run in my family, it may just not be apparent right now on a machine. I thought my rashes were from Lamictal, I was taking and not taking it, which causes a necrotic rash that can kill you. They kept doing labs on me constantly checking white blood cells, so I kept asking what were they looking for, made some cancer jokes and never got an answer? I believe I had COVID though, any movement really or bending over during the day made me feel like I had one lung working and had tunnel vision a lot. Sleeping was pretty scary, felt like my lungs were underwater, I'd eventually violently wake up multiple times gasping for air (slept propped up on the wall afterward) trying to find my inhaler. Idk it was a weird time, my wooden chest feeling of drowning in mucous made me feel kinda high and like "not all there" but at night, I felt like I was just fighting to stay alive. Also, my mucous was SUPER thick and stringy, very difficult to get out but the puking helped clear them out.

People thought I was crazy as no tests said much of anything that fit my symptoms... but then the news said "oh back in the later part of 2019, people could've gotten it" and magically everyone "also had it too" lol
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May 14, 2020
Happy for you I guess though sure your wisdom will eventually be missed
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May 27, 2020
Another well-written post @GoodPersonEffed, as always!

Reading what you have said makes me feel relieved for you. It's awesome that you may finally have an escape route; though from what you have said about health issues like infections and such: it sounds like a pretty painful and uncomfortable way to go to be honest. I hope for your own benefit that in the very near future you will have the option to leave in a way that is the least painful... Should you still wish to CTB of course. Given that, from your past posts, it's clear to see that you have already been through so much suffering you shouldn't have to endure any more. However in the end it is still your choice.

Good luck with whatever path you choose.
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so tired or manic

so tired or manic

Jun 12, 2020
Your story about the plane reminded me that when there are strong storms, I'll sometimes stand close to the open window and hope the lighting comes in and kills me. I've never heard of that happening to anyone, though.

short story time. when corded phones were regular I knew someone who had just hung up the phone during a storm at the phone got struck. so electronics help.

I guess congrats on getting sick? hope it all works out how you want.


Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I'm sorry to hear about your health and it sucks that in this world, it's either go broke while getting treatment (with no guarantee that it will work) or suffering until death or indefinitely. I hope you are able to have as much comfort as you can in the interim and that you will find peace down the road. :hug:
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
I'm so sorry you're in this situation...I'll keep on following this post, and really hope you're not being or going into a lot of pain.

Sending you my love:heart:
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Sep 21, 2019
Imagine taking SN cures your COVID that would be be a bummer lol


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I've been researching today and it turns out long haul COVID is just now being recognized as a thing, including not needing hospitalization with the initial onset. Man, I've had so many nights over the past months where it was like breathing through a big straw. I really thought it was pneumonia. It wasn't until the recent symptoms started that I had a clue about what's been going on.

If recovery is even possible, my lungs and heart have been damaged. So it's just a matter of time before this shit kills me, maybe by a heart attack, or I get fed up and decide the condition is worse than SN, but I'm reeeeally not into suffocating and I know I will experience that. I can only hope that because my systems have been compromised that it will knock me out and kill me faster. So strange to me, though, that when my breathing was at its most restricted, the pulse oximeter reading was in the normal range. I also have something like 17 g of propanolol stockpiled (it's OTC and super cheap in Mexico), but when I tried one when I had the bronchitis symptoms, I experienced restricted breathing like a mild to moderate asthma attack, so it's still going to suck when I add it to the SN, but again, I'm looking for a more rapid loss of consciousness.

I wish I could get a portable oxygen tank but last time I checked the local hospitals had bought them all, maybe I'll check again. I could use it right now and I'm going into another wave of sinus infection symptoms with drainage, sore throat, coughing, headache and low fever. And I've developed sleep apnea since the abdominal swelling began and it's been bad the past couple of nights, I wake up with sore throats.
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