
Dec 17, 2021
does anyone else want to die because of climate change? even in my best-case scenario where all my problems get fixed and illnesses go away, we're still hotboxing ourselves to death.

what's frustrating is that I feel like Ive done everything I can. I donate, I volunteer sometimes, I make so many lifestyle changes to lower my footprint. I dont even own a car. and yet it means fuck-all. there's been so many scary weather events this past week, and it's far too warm here than it should be for this time of year.

I see no way we can fix things. the people in charge are going to keep on squabbling and holding summits while still doing nothing substantial. and nobody's going to care until it's far too late. it's already almost too late. I mostly want to ctb because I don't want to see how much worse things gets.
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death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
Same, maybe its just my depression, but the world is changing for the worse and we are boiling in the hot water already.. as long as money is equal to power and we live in this capitalist world, cooperations and politicans will continue to fuck up this planet.
On top all the govs trying to control everyone and spying bcuz of TeRoRisTs lmao, the amount of deaths by terrorists vs who die by car incidents or diabetic, etc is just hilarious.. most politicans seem to just want money, its sad. Theres just so much wrong in this world,.. if i could change anything i would have tried, but i see no way, i would rather ctb than trying anything.. it all feels pointless..
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Dec 15, 2021
Those are interesting thoughts. However, from what I have heard, global warming would occur even without human intervention, and it has also happened before. By that logic, we are in a perpetual cycle of global warming and cooling, Actually, I do believe that that is the correct interpetation of what we would call "climate change", so I neiter believe that the human race constributes much to global warming in the long rung, nor that we have any way of preventing it. However, we would do good in minimizing our littering of the world's ground and oceans with plastics and oil, and such.

Having said that, there is a multitude of things to be worried about, if one is so inclined, depending on what one believes in. For example, any if these situations could occur before climate change has any chance of causing us any harm:

1. World War 3 might break out.

2. The gender war between women and men continues unabated, which results in no future generations being born.

3. "The Great Reset" might come into effect, though no one can be exactly sure what it will mean for our way of life. The political elites may be less than samaritans, but if "The Great Reset" will be detrimental to our way of life, it will surely be sold to as in some positive way.
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Nov 10, 2021
This may sound terrible but it makes me feel a little better about my own life when I think about how the world is going to shit. If everyone else was doing great and I was the only miserable fuck up, I would feel I am totally to blame. But in the case of climate change, you can blame and be mad at the people causing it, and feel solidarity and commiseration with those who are most impacted by it or are trying to stop it. Of course I will probably change my tune when a natural disaster directly impacts me. Guess it helps that I'm approaching middle age and have no dreams anymore too, probably more depressing if you are younger.
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New Member
Dec 18, 2021
The problem with climate change is not so much the absolute temperature change, but the speed with which it's happening. That means plants and animals (and us) don't have time to adapt. That said, the amount of attention paid to climate change has increased by a huge amount in the last decade alone. It'll be an expensive and destructive disaster, but not world-ending. Unless you live in the Maldives, then you're screwed.

So I would bet that the world 50 years from now will still be a world worth living in.
The problem with climate change is not so much the absolute temperature change, but the speed with which it's happening. That means plants and animals (and us) don't have time to adapt. That said, the amount of attention paid to climate change has increased by a huge amount in the last decade alone. It'll be an expensive and destructive disaster, but not world-ending. Unless you live in the Maldives, then you're screwed.

So I would bet that the world 50 years from now will still be a world worth living in.
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Dec 17, 2021
Guess it helps that I'm approaching middle age and have no dreams anymore too, probably more depressing if you are younger.
Yes, I am younger. Millennial/Gen Z cusp. seeing the trajectory of where we're headed makes me think there won't be much life worth living after I turn 30 or 40.
The problem with climate change is not so much the absolute temperature change, but the speed with which it's happening. That means plants and animals (and us) don't have time to adapt. That said, the amount of attention paid to climate change has increased by a huge amount in the last decade alone.
So I would bet that the world 50 years from now will still be a world worth living in.
I agree with you to an extent. I try not to be a complete doomist. I know rationally that many people care a lot, and solutions are being tested and proposed every day. The problem is that nobody wants to put on their grown-up pants and actually put any legislation behind it.


Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
People won't take things seriously until millions of lives are lost, and by then it will be too late. I feel bad for the people who did nothing to deserve this, most of this climate change acceleration has been enabled by corporations and the ultra wealthy elite who have no concerns for being environmentally friendly no matter what act they may put on. There have already been thousands of things that could have been done, but those who had the power to implement these things actively worked against their implementation because it would hurt their bottom line. And the average citizen a lot of the time does not really get to make the choice to be environmentally friendly if society doesn't provide these options in a cost effective manner. But it is easy for the elite to point the fingers at a random in a restaurant for using a disposable straw than to stop taking 60 trips a month in their private jets. Hmm, I wonder which makes more of an impact?

Every action has consequences and those consequences will be felt eventually. The planet has gone through much worse and will survive this, it's humans that won't.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
The situation is the ultimate test of humanity, as what is at stake is not merely a single historical civilisation that can fail without wider consequences, but the first ever mass extinction event caused by a single species of purportedly high intelligence.

How well do our 'democratic' political and media institutions serve the wellbeing of the people in practice?
How informed, educated, engaged, effective and compassionate is the common person?
How many people care about others outside of their circle, not to mention the plant and animal kingdoms?
How many people are grown-up enough to take a reasonable amount of personal responsibility towards global issues?

I see a sad irony that suicidal people with nothing to lose are among those who care the most. Personally, I have taken all sorts of action in my life (solar power, minimal car use, minimal consumerism, no meat, etc.) but this only makes me a weirdo in the eyes of others.

The mainstream attitude here either involves becoming a wannabe Mad Max, business-as-usual apathy or passionately supporting the fossil-fuel-activist narrative pushed by the all-pervasive right-wing media. I have no way to not be cynical regarding this matter, even though I will always care for the innocent people and animals who must suffer.
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Sep 16, 2020
This life is a simulation and all most humans are are slaves and our suffering is the life force of the creators.
Its evil.
People won't take things seriously until millions of lives are lost, and by then it will be too late. I feel bad for the people who did nothing to deserve this, most of this climate change acceleration has been enabled by corporations and the ultra wealthy elite who have no concerns for being environmentally friendly no matter what act they may put on. There have already been thousands of things that could have been done, but those who had the power to implement these things actively worked against their implementation because it would hurt their bottom line. And the average citizen a lot of the time does not really get to make the choice to be environmentally friendly if society doesn't provide these options in a cost effective manner. But it is easy for the elite to point the fingers at a random in a restaurant for using a disposable straw than to stop taking 60 trips a month in their private jets. Hmm, I wonder which makes more of an impact?

Every action has consequences and those consequences will be felt eventually. The planet has gone through much worse and will survive this, it's humans that won't.
"The planet is fine, the people are fucked, compared to the people the planet is doing great!" "the planet isnt going anywhere... WE ARE! "
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Dec 20, 2020
It's a big thing for me because I have inside info on what going on in climate policy in my country. None of it is good.

I think I still would want to CTB even if co2 ppm magically dropped to pre industrial tomorrow

People who think it can be stopped are very naive. It's my sincere belief the powers that be know it's too late to fix
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Dec 10, 2021
I don't wanna die because of it, but it makes me angry that it got to this point. Contributes x1000 to my "it doesn't matter" mentality
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Some of us can only hope that things get bad enough with the environment that CTB becomes encouraged by governments as a way of lowering overall carbon footprint. It's a small factor in my suicide for sure because as long as I am alive I refuse to actually go through any of the extra steps required to care about climate change or whatever and even if I do manage to get my life together and prosper, I would then simply continue to mindlessly consume and devour until the world burns around me but I don't deny that any climate change is happening so I think it's better for the world if I just off myself before it's too late because I can not and will not make any choices to make any sustainable efforts so I need to die.

Also even if let's say the US and EU all gather together and go green: China, India, and even parts of South America and Africa are going to want the extravagant luxuries we once had and I know for a fact that many Chinese people believe global warming was invented by the West to dissuade China from expanding their infrastructure so of course they're only going to double down and make things worse from here but some small-minded westerners want to ignore that argument entirely and call it racist or whatever. Take it from a Chinese man myself, we will never give a rat's ass about the environment unless there is a way to make the costs and effort feel outweighed by the benefits which is laughable to imagine in this century at least.
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Dec 20, 2020
Some of us can only hope that things get bad enough with the environment that CTB becomes encouraged by governments as a way of lowering overall carbon footprint. It's a small factor in my suicide for sure because as long as I am alive I refuse to actually go through any of the extra steps required to care about climate change or whatever and even if I do manage to get my life together and prosper, I would then simply continue to mindlessly consume and devour until the world burns around me but I don't deny that any climate change is happening so I think it's better for the world if I just off myself before it's too late because I can not and will not make any choices to make any sustainable efforts so I need to die.

Also even if let's say the US and EU all gather together and go green: China, India, and even parts of South America and Africa are going to want the extravagant luxuries we once had and I know for a fact that many Chinese people believe global warming was invented by the West to dissuade China from expanding their infrastructure so of course they're only going to double down and make things worse from here but some small-minded westerners want to ignore that argument entirely and call it racist or whatever. Take it from a Chinese man myself, we will never give a rat's ass about the environment unless there is a way to make the costs and effort feel outweighed by the benefits which is laughable to imagine in this century at least.
I'm not sacrificing one gallon of gasoline until soros and klaus Schwab agree to live in poverty
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Better Never to Have Been: 2006, David Benatar
Oct 11, 2021
Those are interesting thoughts. However, from what I have heard, global warming would occur even without human intervention, and it has also happened before. By that logic, we are in a perpetual cycle of global warming and cooling, Actually, I do believe that that is the correct interpetation of what we would call "climate change", so I neiter believe that the human race constributes much to global warming in the long rung, nor that we have any way of preventing it. However, we would do good in minimizing our littering of the world's ground and oceans with plastics and oil, and such.

Having said that, there is a multitude of things to be worried about, if one is so inclined, depending on what one believes in. For example, any if these situations could occur before climate change has any chance of causing us any harm:

1. World War 3 might break out.

2. The gender war between women and men continues unabated, which results in no future generations being born.

3. "The Great Reset" might come into effect, though no one can be exactly sure what it will mean for our way of life. The political elites may be less than samaritans, but if "The Great Reset" will be detrimental to our way of life, it will surely be sold to as in some positive way.
I would love to see no future generations being born. Pain exists alongside with life, why inflict it to other being just so that you and your government can live off their future labor? Human/all life extinction is for the better.
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Dec 17, 2021
I think I still would want to CTB even if co2 ppm magically dropped to pre industrial tomorrow
Yeah. that's the thing. even if we went carbon negative tomorrow, temps would continue to rise before the planet figures itself out and cools down again. we're fucked
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Dec 15, 2021
You are hearing the wrong things dude

I respect your input :wink:

I'm not sacrificing one gallon of gasoline until soros and klaus Schwab agree to live in poverty

...but remember - we will own nothing, and we will be happy.

I would love to see no future generations being born. Pain exists alongside with life, why inflict it to other being just so that you and your government can live off their future labor? Human/all life extinction is for the better.

Indeed - I see your point. It's hard to decide what's correct. On the one hand, some people get children because they genuienly want them, and they believe that the world can become a better place because of them, and the parents themselves might also do it not to feel alone - and on the other hand, those babies who are born might suffer throughout the lives, instead of prospering the way their parents expected. My conclusion is that we, as a society, is creating our own misery.
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Dec 20, 2020
Yeah. that's the thing. even if we went carbon negative tomorrow, temps would continue to rise before the planet figures itself out and cools down again. we're fucked

If sulfate aerosols fall out we will see a rise as well.

I'm very confident it's going to be proven some day that governments worldwide know this situation is f*cked and just about every aspect of our modern societies are a distraction apparatus
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A boring person.
Oct 27, 2021
The planet will be okay, it has dealt with way worse shit than a bunch of two-legged retards in the past. The whole climate change debate is an outlet for people's panic about the well-being of future generations and the denial of our kind NOT being some special eternally-lasting species. I hate climate change because we don't have snow in winter anymore over here, but as I see it the general public takes it way too far. It's the belief that we will eventually invent a laws-of-nature-breaking spaceship and be able to establish a perfect, conflictless society on another planet that gets me, like how fucking delusional is that lmao
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Dec 15, 2021
The planet will be okay, it has dealt with way worse shit than a bunch of two-legged retards in the past. The whole climate change debate is an outlet for people's panic about the well-being of future generations and the denial of our kind NOT being some special eternally-lasting species. I hate climate change because we don't have snow in winter anymore over here, but as I see it the general public takes it way too far.

This is an interesting input. I really do believe that we humans view our own existence from a very narcisstic viewpoint - meaning that we will always be the best species, which knows the most.

It's the belief that we will eventually invent a laws-of-nature-breaking spaceship and be able to establish a perfect, conflictless society on another planet that gets me, like how fucking delusional is that lmao

Ha ha! The mere thought that a human society would result in anything else than we already have here, is laughable - I could almost die of laughter :smiling:
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A dream inside a locked room
Sep 6, 2021
Those are interesting thoughts. However, from what I have heard, global warming would occur even without human intervention, and it has also happened before. By that logic, we are in a perpetual cycle of global warming and cooling, Actually, I do believe that that is the correct interpetation of what we would call "climate change", so I neiter believe that the human race constributes much to global warming in the long rung, nor that we have any way of preventing it. However, we would do good in minimizing our littering of the world's ground and oceans with plastics and oil, and such.

Having said that, there is a multitude of things to be worried about, if one is so inclined, depending on what one believes in. For example, any if these situations could occur before climate change has any chance of causing us any harm:

1. World War 3 might break out.

2. The gender war between women and men continues unabated, which results in no future generations being born.

3. "The Great Reset" might come into effect, though no one can be exactly sure what it will mean for our way of life. The political elites may be less than samaritans, but if "The Great Reset" will be detrimental to our way of life, it will surely be sold to as in some positive way.
What are your sources for human intervention not being the driving cause? Someone said this to me once and I called bullshit on it.


Dec 15, 2021
What are your sources for human intervention not being the driving cause? Someone said this to me once and I called bullshit on it.

I don't have any sources at hand, but what I'm basing this on is that our planet apparently has been through several global warming and cooling periods before, which in that case means that human beings are not the main cause of global warming. This is not to say that humans have no impact on the global temperatures, but rather to underline that whatever the planet is ripe for, will happen.
little helpers

little helpers

did I tie the tourniquet on my arm or on my neck?
Dec 14, 2021
does anyone else want to die because of climate change? even in my best-case scenario where all my problems get fixed and illnesses go away, we're still hotboxing ourselves to death.

what's frustrating is that I feel like Ive done everything I can. I donate, I volunteer sometimes, I make so many lifestyle changes to lower my footprint. I dont even own a car. and yet it means fuck-all. there's been so many scary weather events this past week, and it's far too warm here than it should be for this time of year.

I see no way we can fix things. the people in charge are going to keep on squabbling and holding summits while still doing nothing substantial. and nobody's going to care until it's far too late. it's already almost too late. I mostly want to ctb because I don't want to see how much worse things gets.

not until capitalism is gone, baby… over-production ruins us all.
Those are interesting thoughts. However, from what I have heard, global warming would occur even without human intervention, and it has also happened before. By that logic, we are in a perpetual cycle of global warming and cooling, Actually, I do believe that that is the correct interpetation of what we would call "climate change", so I neiter believe that the human race constributes much to global warming in the long rung, nor that we have any way of preventing it. However, we would do good in minimizing our littering of the world's ground and oceans with plastics and oil, and such.

well, I'm no geology majors but from the things I've read, trends in global warming has been, for centuries, highly reflective of industrial production. natural changes are periodical and takes infinity long (long for a human time frame) to happen. this shit didn't.

what the earth couldn't accomplish in 400 years, we made the same leap in just 40.

I forgot what they used to gauge industrial production levels, economy-related stuff or urbanization maybe. data for global warming was extracted through analyzing carbon isotope ratios in arctic ice samples.

and come on, man, what is the "gender war"? is White-supramacist attacks on BIPOC people a "race conflict"?

becomes one when we resist, aye?

then us here must be pushing pro-choice "agendas" onto society. nobody is wrong, nothing is perfect, everyone has "opinions"…to hurt others through patriarchy??

but yeah, people will resist harder once climate doom crashes down on us. although I can assure you that it'll still be us who pays the heaviest price if we don't. BIPOC, poor, women/queer and trans, disabled people. we'd be the first to go cuz our lives are dispensable to the society at large.
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Dec 15, 2021
well, I'm no geology majors but from the things I've read, trends in global warming has been, for centuries, highly reflective of industrial production. natural changes are periodical and takes infinity long (long for a human time frame) to happen. this shit didn't.

I forgot what they used to gauge industrial production levels, economy-related stuff or urbanization maybe. data for global warming was extracted through analyzing carbon isotope ratios in arctic ice samples.

but yeah, people will resist harder once climate doom crashes down on us. although I can assure you that it'll still be us who pays the heaviest price if we don't. BIPOC, poor, women/queer and trans, disabled people. we'd be the first to go cuz our lives are dispensable to the society at large.

I think it's difficult to sort out the truths and lies, since the climate science debate in scientific circles is not settled yet - just look at what happened with Climategate a few years ago.

and come on, man, what is the "gender war"? is White-supramacist attacks on BIPOC people a "race conflict"?

becomes one when we resist, aye?

then us here must be pushing pro-choice "agendas" onto society. nobody is wrong, nothing is perfect, everyone has "opinions"…to hurt others through patriarchy??

I don't know what you are trying to say here.


I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
Lower your footprint? Are you the CEO of Amazon?

Carbon footprint sounds like air from a pop star's concert. Medical and scientific establishments were bent over a long time ago.

Are "sleep disorder" and "compulsive gambling" real as well...
little helpers

little helpers

did I tie the tourniquet on my arm or on my neck?
Dec 14, 2021
I think it's difficult to sort out the truths and lies, since the climate science debate in scientific circles is not settled yet - just look at what happened with Climategate a few years ago.

I don't know what you are trying to say here.

humans debate about science, science don't. it's a shame. — little helpers. /s

I'm not gonna debate cuz I don't know everything. but it's not like debaters (necessarily) know that well either. and those who do know very well, they don't (necessarily) have the level of influence as others. "science" is practically an opinion now. cuz the epistemology of it resembles fucking scientology. discourse is afforded through power, but science may be found on a barely-visited paper.

and becuz we're steadily on our way to climate catastrophes anyways. whoever caused it, people suffers. interventions *will* be made - on saving and dumping whom - and that's what I meant by the second half of things you quoted.
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Dec 15, 2021
humans debate about science, science don't. it's a shame. — little helpers. /s

I'm not gonna debate cuz I don't know everything. but it's not like debaters (necessarily) know that well either. and becuz we're steadily on our way to climate catastrophes anyways. whoever caused it, people suffers. interventions will be made - on saving and dumping whom - and that's what I meant by the second half of things you quoted.

I agree :wink:
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