

想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Muscle spasms in my feet and legs. Godawful headaches. I don't need even more on my plate. I'm barely hanging on. I would not be able to withstand the harsh steroid treatments for MS and I don't think I can have another MRI without getting triggered and having a breakdown.

However it is looking more and more likely that I am developing some other shitty illness because of these involuntary movements I've been experiencing on top of all my usual torture like bone crushing fatigue and nerve pain.

Have you ever felt like you've just had ENOUGH? As if life can't throw even more horrible bullshit your way? 21 years on this spinning rock and I'd like to be ejected off it please, before I experience many novel ways of suffering that I'd never dreamed possible. If you told me I'd be spending the golden youth of my life in crippling pain I would have thought you were joking.
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Nov 15, 2020
I'm sorry you're suffering. MS can suck. Wont even go into some of the symptoms I've had.

I can tell you that although I'm not there yet and there's still so much more work to do, I had ms, years later I got horrific depression, I almost wonder if the universe wasn't trying to get my attention.

in coming out of the depression, it's a process, lots of things bubble up, I did some mediations. As crazy as it might sound, some of my ms symptoms starting getting better.

some people say the root illness is repressed emotional content. Who knows. Shouldnt hurt to try.
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Dec 29, 2020
I don't have MS, but you aren't kidding about steroid treatments being rough.

I react so poorly to steroids, I'd rather die from whatever disease they're trying to treat.

I'd like to be ejected off it please, before I experience many novel ways of suffering that I'd never dreamed possible.
Tell me about it. Chronic health issues are like a constant torturer that never goes away.

That's something rarely ever mentioned in the assisted suicide narrative.

People are expected to shoulder very lengthy prison sentences they can't escape from.

I mean I understand to an extent. I don't recommend you or anybody else take their life. That we should all try to find ways to adapt and improve our situations if possible.

I just wish there was a compassionate way to stop all this suffering. Selfish of me I know.

Sit in a machine, push a button, fall asleep.

I hope your symptoms decrease friend. I hope you can live a long and peaceful life.
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Nov 20, 2020
I can offer nothing but sympathy. I'm so sorry for what you're experiencing. May we all find peace in death.
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Computer Blue

Jan 19, 2021
Ugh! I am so sorry! Yes, may we all finally find peace one day in this life or the next. One would think that shouldn't be too much to ask.
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Dec 29, 2020
I'm sorry you're suffering. MS can suck. Wont even go into some of the symptoms I've had.

I can tell you that although I'm not there yet and there's still so much more work to do, I had ms, years later I got horrific depression, I almost wonder if the universe wasn't trying to get my attention.

in coming out of the depression, it's a process, lots of things bubble up, I did some mediations. As crazy as it might sound, some of my ms symptoms starting getting better.

some people say the root illness is repressed emotional content. Who knows. Shouldnt hurt to try.
I've heard it said many people who develop autoimmune problems do so after a period of great stress.
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Apr 5, 2018
I think Magnesium supplements helped me with muscle twitches, cramps and spasms. Because when my supply was exhausted for several weeks, I was getting the unpleasant symptoms back. Not saying that "it helped me, therefore it must help you", but who knows?
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I've heard it said many people who develop autoimmune problems do so after a period of great stress.
My bloodline has a lot of autoimmune antibodies in it, and I know a family member developed autoimmunity after a stressful period of suffering from another illness. But up till this point, I've just had unexplained chronic pain, IBS and chronic fatigue. Many blood tests in the past showed nothing and because I have no inflammation in my bloodwork or in the joints I guess I don't have autoimmune diseases yet.

But I wouldn't be surprised if I go on to develop one because of living for years with ptsd and a lifetime of abuse, having autism and expending an already low energy reverse to try and mask when it's pretty much futile.

I've tried every mental treatment on the market, over 17 drugs, 10+ years of therapists and coping techniques, psychedelic drugs, and I think at this point I'm just damaged beyond repair. My body is too broken to go on. How could one even cope with mental stress when your physical pain is too great?

I can't take pain medicine either. It knocks me out. Opioids, lyrica, can't tolerate any of them. I think my body is too stressed from a lifetime of being continually abused, mentally, physically, and sexually.
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Mar 22, 2020
I'm not a believer but I'll send you positive karma hoping that things get better.
Sorry you're suffering so much, dear.

You're one of my fav people around. You're such a sweet and understanding girl. I wish there were more people like you in this world!
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I thought I had MS 5:years ago and so did my doctors but all of my lab results came out with nothing. I ended up being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which they give you when they don't know what's wrong with you pretty much.

It wouldn't surprise me at all to get a autoimmune disorder or other health issue. I've had health issues since forever and fibro plus carpal have made my non-existent quality of life even worse. What's left of my dysfunctional nervous system will only get worse and it's a reminder that I need to die. I'm also sure I have CFS and TMJ but haven't gone to get diagnosed as I hate dealing with doctors
I think Magnesium supplements helped me with muscle twitches, cramps and spasms. Because when my supply was exhausted for several weeks, I was getting the unpleasant symptoms back. Not saying that "it helped me, therefore it must help you", but who knows?
Magnesium bis/glycinate for a calming feeling and to avoid that unwanted side effect. I took it a while as a supplement for my Fibromyalgia but stopped due to depression; it was the one supplement that did help though.
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Jul 27, 2020
I would not be able to withstand the harsh steroid treatments for MS

I hope I don't offend with this question, but are you diagnosed by a professional with MS? Or are you worried you might have it because you are currently experiencing symptoms associated with the disease?


想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I hope I don't offend with this question, but are you diagnosed by a professional with MS? Or are you worried you might have it because you are currently experiencing symptoms associated with the disease?
Not offensive at all, dw. I do not have an official diagnosis, I'm just experiencing odd symptoms that haven't appeared before and I'm at high risk of developing MS so its likely I may get it at some point in my lifetime. I've been diagnosed with some "throwaway" things before and told they don't know what's wrong. But it is very hard for me to even speak to a doctor now cause of my ptsd, so I wonder if I'll just have to live with this forever.
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Jul 27, 2020
Not offensive at all, dw. I do not have an official diagnosis, I'm just experiencing odd symptoms that haven't appeared before and I'm at high risk of developing MS so its likely I may get it at some point in my lifetime. I've been diagnosed with some "throwaway" things before and told they don't know what's wrong. But it is very hard for me to even speak to a doctor now cause of my ptsd, so I wonder if I'll just have to live with this forever.

I've been someone who has battled health anxiety for a long time and have recently started to come out on the other end with a better grasp on things.

First of all, the genetic predisposition for MS only increases your chances of getting it by 2-3% over a "normal" person. The genetic links are tenuous at best and any decent expert would say the findings are almost negligible in favor of it's genetic inheritance. I know because I believed I had MS and I have no genetic predisposition and I did a bunch of research on it while I was battling my HA.

Secondly, almost everything is a symptom of MS according to almost every medical text, from Dr. Google and webMD to research journals. Anything from elbow pain to bleeding from the eyes can be googled right now (seriously, test it yourself) with MS and something will show up showing it as a symptom.

The chances of you having multiple symptoms of something like MS without needing serious, recurring hospitalization is slim to none. Seriously. Most people who get midlife MS diagnoses have one major thing that creeps in and is seriously disruptive. The nature of MS means that if it is affecting multiple systems in your body, you would not just be able to be sitting around thinking about all of your MS symptoms. Even if you had mild relapsing-recurring MS by the time it was responsible for more than a handful of things you would already know.

So, if you are having a lot of symptoms of stuff, it's probably not MS, in fact, I would bet my life it's not.
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Oct 4, 2020
What exactly is MS?
I've google searched it but idk.

Last week I woke up after sleeping on my right side. My entire right side of my face/ cheek/ ear/ mouth and lips went numb/ cold.
I can't hardly talk, and it feels like my mouth droops (idk lol)
Walked the the shop once since it occurred and shopkeeper told me to contact 999, saying it could be a stroke. Which I doubted since I'm youngish (24)
Also whilst walking to shop my balance was randomly off. Kept falling over.

It's still somewhat the same today.

Idk if it's ms, i cba with hospital
shits been like this for a week now
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
Get it checked out immediately. Sounds like something is wrong and just because you're young doesn't mean anything.
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Nov 15, 2020
What exactly is MS?
I've google searched it but idk.

Last week I woke up after sleeping on my right side. My entire right side of my face/ cheek/ ear/ mouth and lips went numb/ cold.
I can't hardly talk, and it feels like my mouth droops (idk lol)
Walked the the shop once since it occurred and shopkeeper told me to contact 999, saying it could be a stroke. Which I doubted since I'm youngish (24)
Also whilst walking to shop my balance was randomly off. Kept falling over.

It's still somewhat the same today.

Idk if it's ms, i cba with hospital
shits been like this for a week now
A person's immune system attacked the covering of their nerves. Unilateral facial drop happened to me the first time I had symptoms.

it can be a terrible illness but some people have mild cases and the medication is improving so don't freak out.
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Feb 27, 2021
Hey, I'm dealing with with persistent neuroborreliosis and some of my symptoms are similiar so I really, really sympathize with you. Spent last 4 months mostly in bed because of constant dizziness, vertigo and weird feeling of losing the balance of the body. Anyway, It made me suicidial, constantly thinking if nothing helps, I'm done. Wishing you all the best and I hope the symptoms will go in a recession! :hug:
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Dec 11, 2018
I know how you feel. Every day that passes by is extra torture.
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Nov 4, 2019
I'm sorry. I know it'ss a harrowing disease. I hope your medicines will help you and slow down the process.

Have you ever felt like you've just had ENOUGH?

Yes, now. I thought things were about to get better and then a new problem appeared.
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Mar 18, 2021
I have read your story, so I know that you also have the same illness as I do, ME/CFS, which causes a broad range of neuro symptoms including muscle spasms, so it's highly unlikely that you have MS on top of that (probably close to impossible)
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I have read your story, so I know that you also have the same illness as I do, ME/CFS, which causes a broad range of neuro symptoms including muscle spasms, so it's highly unlikely that you have MS on top of that (probably close to impossible)
Yep, I think that my CFS was just giving me worse symptoms for a couple weeks. I am not having tremors anymore but I have noticed that Magnesium helps somewhat if I start to feel jerky.

I think our bodies are just so weak and ravaged by this illness that we start having all these bizarre symptoms due to Mitochondrial dysfunction/some other disorder at a cellular level that disrupts proper energy production.

At least that's what I've gathered from all the research papers I've read thus far. We seem to be no closer to treating this illness than we were 10 or 20 years ago. I feel your pain, so vividly and viscerally, I really do.
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