Bumping this thread - because of these comments, I ended up signing up for HTML / CSS course on a whim on Coursera, as well as opening up accounts on GitHub, StackOverflow, and FreeCodeCamp. Finished course and ended up loving it. My main task now is to learn and become comfortable with Javascript. Maybe try out NodeJs, SQL from there if I'm not too dumb for this lol. So thanks for all the helpful advice!
FreeCodeCamp is good for practice but not as a learning reference imo. I'd recommend people here check out some youtube tutorials by TraversyMedia, mmtuts, Web Dev Simplified, and WhatsDev. I've also heard some good things about Colt Steel's Udemy course on Javascript. There's also plenty of good online tutorial websites that explain basics of programming (some more clearly than others): tutorialspoint.io, MDN (mozilla developers network), W3Schools, etc.