bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021

The article is in Spanish and is somewhat long. Basically it says that Spain is the first country in the world in consumption of tranquilizers per inhabitant.
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Dec 11, 2018
By tranquilizers they mean benzodiazepines?
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Jan 22, 2020
so it seems
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
Maybe it's correlated with the rate of unemployment?
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Maybe it's correlated with the rate of unemployment?
Unemployment, precarious employment, poverty. It is the type of poverty that is not seen, that of being without money on the 15th of each month. I know people who appear on social media as if they were in a fairy tale and then feed off the charity of some organizations. I'm starting to prioritize the idea that I'm a slave and if I can't live as a free citizen (Ancient Roman concept) better CTB. I would like a slave rebellion like that of Spartacus, but that will not happen in Spain
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Dec 11, 2018
It's surprising that Spain is leading in this. I would expect the US or UK to be on top.
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Jan 22, 2020
Unemployment, precarious employment, poverty. It is the type of poverty that is not seen, that of being without money on the 15th of each month. I know people who appear on social media as if they were in a fairy tale and then feed off the charity of some organizations. I'm starting to prioritize the idea that I'm a slave and if I can't live as a free citizen (Ancient Roman concept) better CTB. I would like a slave rebellion like that of Spartacus, but that will not happen in Spain
This and more, like quarantine, political tension, bad gestion of covid, shit media, bad politicians, etc etc.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
It's surprising that Spain is leading in this. I would expect the US or UK to be on top.
I think they are not far from the ranking but I think they are more aware of the risk of dependency than here. I am an example of this. I've been drinking for 20 years.
This and more, like quarantine, political tension, bad gestion of covid, shit media, bad politicians, etc etc.
That's how it is. A shitty country
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Mar 17, 2020
¿Quizás esté correlacionado con la tasa de desempleo?
Sure, I'm a product of that unemployment and now I'm taking the most poweful tranquilizer of my collection because I Can't stand being a shit anymore
Desempleo, empleo precario, pobreza. Es el tipo de pobreza que no se ve, la de estar sin dinero el día 15 de cada mes. Conozco personas que aparecen en las redes sociales como en un cuento de hadas y luego se alimentan de la caridad de algunas organizaciones. Estoy empezando a priorizar la idea de que soy un esclavo y si no puedo vivir como un ciudadano libre (concepto romano antiguo) mejor CTB. Me gustaría una rebelión de esclavos como la de Espartaco, pero eso no pasará en España
I think the same, but we haven't place in this system, so CTB
Creo que no están lejos del ranking pero creo que son más conscientes del riesgo de dependencia que aquí. Yo soy un ejemplo de esto. He estado bebiendo durante 20 años.

Así es como es. Un país de mierda
A country of slaves, now, I Am a neet, but When I was slave (for ten Years) I wanted ctb too
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Unemployment, also youth. I remember in 2007, before the crisis, they said that young people neither worked nor studied. Some did not study, others had already finished their studies and went from temporary work to temporary work. They did not work, they said, what work was there? shortly after the unemployment rate reached 6 million unemployed (probably more) and there were riots, and very angry people, then Germany gave us a loan that condemned Spain to pay the debt with Europe before any other state need ( it was published in the constitution behind closed doors). Then the exodus of 3 million Spaniards, the minijobs, and now, I don't know what will happen.
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Dec 29, 2020
Many of thoose are in silence.
They dont talk about the use of tranquilizers.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Some time ago I heard from a doctor that if those who were taking some psychotropic medication such as benzos, antipsychotics or antidepressants were prohibited from driving, more than half of the drivers would not be able to drive. It was a kind of pact that the health services wanted to make with the DGT (General Directorate of Traffic) In fact, in the insurance it comes that they are not responsible for accidents caused in case of drunkenness or taking psychotropics
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Sure, I'm a product of that unemployment and now I'm taking the most poweful tranquilizer of my collection because I Can't stand being a shit anymore

I think the same, but we haven't place in this system, so CTB

A country of slaves, now, I Am a neet, but When I was slave (for ten Years) I wanted ctb too
I for 15 years. I have done everything and I have graduated. For what? To work in minijobs. Now, around 40, I have lost my strength.
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