
Aug 4, 2023
Somatic experiencing and similar more neurological, physiology-based therapy that are originally based on the deep knowledge how nervous system works seems to be something that is quite silently causing a big shift in terms how much is possible to help people with all sorts of mental suffering by creating much more complex model and understanding of human body-mind and presenting its path to its resolution and seems to be that "missing piece" and at the same time an explanation why classic therapies can help only so much or none in many cases, at least for me.
I just wanned to make this note since I was not able to look something similar up here and it could be maybe relevant for somebody still searching for some hope. I am not trying to sell anything, since I am at the point of my life that even an possible "resolution" might be too late for. I am just giving some for me over a decade hardly gained experience, realization and knowledge out there and I just wished to bump into something like this many many years ago at least for an inspiration (the true is I actually did, but failed in finding therapist back then in the moment that was probably crucial).
So maybe somebody else will also find some sense in it or not or present own views or experience on this.
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"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
I'm here because I was suffering with debilitating chronic pain, so bad that I made multiple ctb attempts. I've managed to reduce it greatly due to discovering mind body medicine. It's frustrating because I suffered for years and this was out there evading me, eventually I stumbled on it and it was like a miracle cure. It's difficult to explain to people because it sounds like you are saying that their pain is in their head which is totally not it. Somatic tracking is one of the techniques I've seen people using and similar to what I've been doing.
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